/* I'm "Jeff-Relf.Me", in Seattle 2024, born in Seattle, 1960. To Skin Windows 11, see: "Jeff-Relf.Me/Win11.REG.TXT". To Skin FireFox (empty), see: "Jeff-Relf.Me/userChrome.CSS.TXT". Walmart @ WinZoom 200 %, Max-Width is 1910 px, after scroll bar; 3840 x 2160 => 1920 x 1080. FireFox Developer Edition v90; Since v94, "Search Bar History" fails. https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1747531 Downgrade FireFox, keep profile: uninstall Firefox, Reboot, install, Reboot, "-p --allow-downgrade" upon _initial_ launch. C:/__/EXEs/Gimp/Share/Gimp/2.0/Themes/System/gtkRC font_name = "Comic Code 12" Run: "location" "about:support" lists "Add-ons". Max-Width: 1698px !important; box-sizing: unset !important; "Dad > Kid" Kid is 1 level down from Dad. "Dad Kid" Kid is down from Dad, any number of levels. "Sib1 + Sib2": Sib2 immediately follows Sib1. "Sib1 ~ Sib2": Sib2 follows Sib1. Div:nth-of-type(2) Second Div ( child ). :nth-Child(n+1) ~= :nth-Child(1) == :First-Child, :nth-Last-Child(-n+1) ~= :nth-Last-Child(1) == :Last-Child */ Body > Img:First-Child { Width: 1910px !important; Margin: 0 !important; Position: Static !important; Text-Align: Left !important; } :is( [Checked], [Aria-Checked], [type=checkbox], [type=radio], [Type=submit] ) { Background: RGB( 88, 0, 9 ) !important; } :not(#▲):not(#▲):is( [Checked="true"], [Aria-Checked="true"] ) { Background: RGB( 0, 88, 9 ) !important; } :not(#▲) { scrollbar-width: thin !important; } ::-Moz-Selection { Color: RGB( 255, 144, 198 ) !important; BackGround-Color: RGB( 0, 0, 128 ) !important; } BlockQuote { Color: RGB( 255, 99, 144 ) !important; } Body:not(#▲), Body > :not(#▲), P:not(#▲) { BackGround-image: none !important; } Cite:not(#▲):not(#▲):not(#▲), Cite :not(#▲):not(#▲):not(#▲) { Margin-Left: 1em !important; Color: RGB( 0, 255, 255 ) !important; } Script:not(#▲):not(#▲):not(#▲), Style:not(#▲):not(#▲):not(#▲), #viewsource [ID]::Before { Display: None !important; } :Link:not(#▲):not(#▲), :Link :not(#▲):not(#▲) { Color: RGB( 155, 155, 155 ) !important; } :Visited:not(#▲):not(#▲), :Visited :not(#▲):not(#▲) { Color: RGB( 188, 122, 0 ) !important; } P:not(#▲):not(#▲) { Margin: 1em 1em 0 1em !important; Max-Width: 44em !important; } /* top, right; bottom, left */ @-moz-document domain(mozilla.org) { /* "serviceworkers" ?! */ body, body > :not(#▲) { Display: inline !important; } } @-moz-document url-prefix(https://jeff-relf.me:2083) { /* Jeff-Relf.Me/cpanel */ :not(#▲):not(#▲) { Width: Auto !important; Height: Auto !important; Min-Width: 1px !important; Min-Height: 1px !important; Max-Height: None !important; } } @-moz-document domain(microsoft.com) { #left-container, #ux-header, .header-holder, .footerContainer, #sidebar, #leftNav, #uhf-header-wrapper, #topicNotInScope, #ux-footer { Display: None !important; } } @-moz-document domain(dictionary.com), domain(thesaurus.com) { .css-17dkd7s::Before { Content: "Audio" !important; Color: RGB( 111, 111, 111 ) !important; } [ data-testid = "grammar-coach-ad" ], #quizzes, header, aside { Display: None !important; } } @-moz-document domain(wikipedia.org), domain(wikiquote.org) { body > :not(.mw-page-container):not(#content), .mw-footer-container, .vector-column-start > :not(.vector-sticky-pinned-container), /* #vector-main-menu-pinned-container vector-main-menu-container */ .mw-page-container-inner > :not(.vector-column-start):not(.mw-content-container), .mw-content-container > main > :not(#bodyContent), ::Before, ::Marker, ::After { Display: None !important; } } @-moz-document domain(mail.google.com) { :not(#▲) { Border: UnSet !important; } b, span { Width: Auto !important; Height: Auto !important; } textarea.mi:not(#▲) { Width: 1910px !important; } #gbar, .ft { Display: None !important; } } @-moz-document regexp("^https://www.google.com/search.*tbm=isch.*$") { .ndYZfc, #lb, [ role="banner" ] { Display: None !important; } } /* ^((?!microsof).)*$ qBit is case insensitive */ @-moz-document regexp("^https://www.google.com/search((?!tbm=isch).)*$") { /* .ULSxyf + ? = calculator results and search images */ /* */ #searchform form, #appbar, #tads, [role="navigation"] { Display: None !important; } } @-moz-document url-prefix(https://www.google.com/imgres?) { :not(#▲) { Position: static !important; Transform: None !important; Margin: 0 !important; Padding: 0 !important; box-sizing: unset !important; Float: none !important; White-Space: normal !important; Vertical-Align: Top !important; Width: Auto !important; Height: Auto !important; Text-Align: Left !important; Overflow: Visible !important; Min-Width: 1px !important; Min-Height: 1px !important; Max-Height: None !important; } .EVPn8e { Display: inline-Block !important; } :not(#▲) { margin-left: 1em !important; Border: UnSet !important; Max-Height: 500px !important; } .irc_hd .Af3fH, g-dialog, .i30053, .irc_ft:not(#▲), .irc_c:not([ style ~= "0;" ]):not(#▲) { Display: None !important; } } @-moz-document domain(accuweather.com) { /* quality */ #cityRadar-container, .template-root, .two-column-page-content { Display: inline-Block !important; } canvas { Filter: Invert(1) !important; } :not(#▲) { Border: UnSet !important; } .responsive-img:not(#▲):not(#▲) { Width: 800px !important; Max-Width: None !important; Max-Height: None !important; Filter: Invert(1) !important; } .hourly-list-wrapper, .cur-con-weather-card, [ data-qa = tomorrowWeatherCard ] { Width: 1500px !important; } .hour, .cta-title, .non-ad, .content-module, .two-column-page-content { Display: inline-Block !important; Margin-Right: 1em !important; } .card-header, .card-content, .hour *, .duration * { Display: inline-block !important; Margin-Right: 1em !important; } .hourly-card-nfl-header :not(#▲):not(#▲) { Text-Align: right !important; } .hourly-card-nfl-header > :not(#▲):not(#▲) { Width: 8em !important; } .hourly-card-nfl-header > .precip:not(#▲):not(#▲) { Text-Align: left !important; } .hourly-card-nfl-header > .phrase:not(#▲):not(#▲) { Margin-Left: 1em !important; Width: 12em !important; Text-Align: left !important; } .temp:not(#▲):not(#▲), .value:not(#▲):not(#▲) { Margin-Left: 1em !important; Color: RGB( 188, 188, 255 ) !important; } .weather-icon:not(#▲):not(#▲), .icon-weather:not(#▲):not(#▲) { Margin-Left: 1em !important; Width: 2em !important; Height: 2em !important; } .minutecast-banner__phrase:not(#▲) { Color: RGB( 255, 88, 88 ) !important; } /* .health-activities__title .health-activities.health-activities-free */ .health-activities__title, .health-activities__title ~ :not(#▲), .cta-container, iFrame:not(#▲):not(#▲), .GoogleActiveViewElement, .minutecast-banner h3, .sunrise-sunset .panel.right, .hourly-card-nfl-content, .real-feel, .air-quality-card, .air-quality-card + *, .covid-banner, .page-column-1 > :not(.top-alert-banner):not(.three-day-panel):not(.content-module):not(.hourly-wrapper), .ad, .zone-centerWell2, .page-column-2, Body > .template-root > [class]:not(.two-column-page-content), .current-conditions-card .details-card > .list, .hourly-forecast-header + svg:not(#▲), .hourly-forecast-card-content > .panel.left > :not(:nth-Child(2)), .hourly-forecast-card-content > .panel:not(.left) > :not(:nth-Child(1)) { Display: None !important; } } @-moz-document domain(gocomics.com) { * { Transform: None !important; Margin: 0 !important; Padding: 0 !important; Width: Auto !important; } picture img { Height: 730px !important; } .js-previous-comic::Before { Content: "Previous " !important; White-Space: PRE !important; } .fa-caret-right.sm::Before { Content: " Next" !important; White-Space: PRE !important; } .fa-calendar::Before { Content: "Date: " !important; } .amu-container-global:not(#▲):not(#▲) { align-items: center !important; } .gc-site-header, #monetate_lightbox, .h6, footer, .navbar, .row, [ Class *= "-ad" ], [ Class *= "more" ], [ Class *= "buy" ], [ Class *= "sidebar" ], [ Class *= "interactions" ], [ Class $= "alert" ], [ ID ^= recommendations ] { Display: None !important; } } @-moz-document domain(1337x.to) { Tr * { Display: inline !important; } Table * { Overflow: Visible !important; Line-Height: normal !important; Position: static !important; Transform: None !important; Margin: 0 !important; Padding: 0 !important; Float: None !important; Width: Auto !important; Height: Auto !important; Max-Width: 1910px !important; Min-Width: 1px !important; Min-Height: 1px !important; Max-Height: None !important; } Table, .row { Min-Width: 1910px !important; } #vpnvpn3, .ui-helper-hidden-accessible, ::Before, ::after, aside, in-page-message, .top-bar, footer, header, [ href ^= "/anoy" ], .manage-box ~ :not(Div), .dropdown, .dropdown ~ *, [ ID $= bbb9d901af ] { Display: None !important; } } @-moz-document domain(torrentgalaxy.to) { /* TorrentGalaxy */ [href *= "hotdeal"], [ name = "sitefriends" ] ~ *, iframe, nav, .col-lg-2, #intblockslide, footer { Display: None !important; } } @-moz-document domain(trafficimage.club) { Body > :not(#image-viewer) { Display: None !important; } } @-moz-document domain(thepiratebay.org), domain(thepiratebay10.org) { #tableHead::Before { Content: " -- " !important; Color: RGB( 155, 155, 155 ) !important; } Pre:not(#▲):not(#▲) { White-Space: PRE-Wrap !important; } [ href ^= magnet ] :not(#▲):not(#▲) { Display: inline-Block !important; } td[ Align = right ]:not(#▲):not(#▲), dd:not(#▲):not(#▲) { Margin-Left: 1em !important; Color: RGB( 88, 222, 222 ) !important; } #main-content:not(#▲) { Margin-Left: .5em !important; } #tableHead :not(#▲), .detName, tD, #content:not(#▲):not(#▲), dL :not(#▲) { Display: inline-Block !important; } .item-type, Body > * > #searchResult, [ Style = "float:left" ], [ Title $= Type ]:not(#▲):not(#▲):not(#▲), [ Title $= Name ]:not(#▲):not(#▲):not(#▲), [ title ]:not(#▲)::Before, .download + [style="clear:both;"], #sky-banner, #sky-right, form, .vertTh, img:not(#▲):not(#▲), #foot:not(#▲), Div.download > :not(:First-Child), iFrame, #header, .viewswitch:not(#▲):not(#▲), .comment Br, #artistDetails, h2, #social:not(#▲), #sponsoredLinks, [ Src ^= "http://static" ]:not(#▲):not(#▲), #details > .download + :not(#▲), #details dt { Display: None !important; } } @-moz-document domain(myactivity.google.com) { /* */ * { Transform: None !important; Margin: 0 !important; Padding: 0 !important; Width: Auto !important; Height: Auto !important; Position: static !important; opacity: 1 !important ; Min-Width: 1px !important; Min-Height: 1px !important; Max-Height: None !important; Vertical-Align: Top !important; } .iXL6O img:not(#▲):not(#▲) { Max-Height: 3em !important; } .k2bP7e Div { Display: inline-Block !important; } .k2bP7e Div:not(#▲):not(#▲) { Margin-Left: 1em !important; } .QTGV3c:not(#▲):not(#▲) { Border: 1px solid RGB( 0, 255, 0 ) !important; White-Space: PRE !important; } Body > :Not(c-wiz):not(#▲), .jkOv3d > :Not(c-wiz):not(#▲), .ztN3hd:not(#▲), .WFTFcf:not(#▲), .RDsffd:not(#▲) { Display: None !important; } } @-moz-document domain(youtube.com) { #menu:not(#▲), #video-title:not(#▲), #grid-container *, .text-wrapper *, yt-formatted-string, .yt-formatted-string, #description-text { Line-Height: normal !important; Position: static !important; Transform: None !important; Margin: 0 !important; Margin-Right: 2em !important; Padding: 0 !important; -webkit-line-clamp: None !important; Float: None !important; Width: Auto !important; Height: Auto !important; Max-Width: 1910px !important; Min-Width: 1px !important; 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} } @-moz-document url-prefix(https://voip.ms/signin/) { * { Transform: None !important; Margin: 0 !important; Padding: 0 !important; Width: Auto !important; Height: Auto !important; Position: static !important; Min-Width: 1px !important; Min-Height: 1px !important; Max-Height: None !important; } .main-left { Display: None !important; } } @-moz-document url-prefix(https://voip.ms/) { #DeleteDialog { BackGround-Color: Blue !important; } header, header * { Position: Static !important; BackGround-Color: Blue !important; } #phonebook_container span { White-Space: PRE !important; } #phonebook_container tr { Display: inline-Block !important; } .voip18 > #xxHelpDisplayxx, #phonebook_container .sorting_1, center > img, footer { Display: None !important; } } @-moz-document url-prefix(https://voip.ms/m/communications.php) { #chatinput:not(#▲) { Width: 66em !important; Overflow-Y: scroll !important; Height: 12em !important; } .tb-user-chat-text-in:not(#▲) { White-Space: PRE-Wrap !important; } .tb-user-chat-text-in img:not(#▲) { Max-Width: 44em !important; } /* T R B L */ .tb-user-chat-text-in [ data-title = image ]:not(#▲) { Max-Width: 44em !important; padding: 1em 0 0 1em !important; } #maincontainer ~ *, #maincontainer ~ * * { BackGround-Color: Blue !important; } body, body > #maincontainer, body > #maincontainer * { Font-Family: "Comic Code", "Font Awesome 5 Free" !important; Transform: None !important; Margin: 0 !important; Padding: 0 !important; Width: Auto !important; Height: Auto !important; Position: static !important; Min-Width: 1px !important; Min-Height: 1px !important; Max-Height: None !important; } .numbercontact:not(#▲):not(#▲), [ ID ^= mtime_ ]:not(#▲), [ ID ^= msg_ ]:not(#▲) { Margin-Left: 1em !important; Color: RGB( 255, 144, 198 ) !important; Display: inline-Block !important; } .shadow_left:not(#▲):not(#▲) { Color: RGB( 111, 155, 255 ) !important; } [ ID ^= mdate_ ]:not(#▲):not(#▲) { Margin-Left: 1em !important; Color: RGB( 99, 66, 111 ) !important; Display: inline-Block !important; } .form-control:not(#▲):not(#▲) { BackGround-Color: Black !important; } #contaniner_side > :not(#▲), #maincontainer:not(#▲), #maincontainer > .row:not(#▲), .col-sm-9 > :not(#▲), #maincontainer > .row > :not(#▲) { Display: Block !important; Position: Static !important; } #div_chatcontroller, #div_chatcontroller :not(#btn_loader), #chatbox > :First-Child *, UL:not(#▲):not(#▲), UL :not(#▲):not(#▲) { Display: inline-Block !important; Position: Static !important; } #btn_serach, #group_range, #group_range *, #daterange, #new_fromdid, #container_item_1, .a_info *, #chatinput, .sendFromArea :not(.magicsearch-box), .tb-user-chat-text-in { Display: inline-Block !important; Position: Static !important; } #new_fromdid2:not(#▲) { Margin-Left: 1em !important; Width: 12em !important; } .selectize-dropdown-content :not(#▲):not(#▲) { Margin-Left: 1em !important; Width: 22em !important; Display: inline-Block !important; } .control-group *, .magicsearch-box { Position: Static !important; } .magicsearch-arrow:not(#▲) { Min-Width: 1em !important; Min-Height: 1em !important; Vertical-Align: Top !important; Background: RGB( 99, 255, 99 ) !important; } .tb-user-chat-text-in * { Position: Static !important; } .tb-user-chat-text-in * { Overflow: Hidden !important; } .tb-user-chat-text-seting li:First-Child A:not(#▲):not(#▲):not(#▲) { Visibility: Visible !important; Max-Width: 33em !important; Margin-Left: -8.5em !important; } .tb-user-chat-text-in.shadow_left .tb-user-chat-text-seting Li A:not(#▲)::Before { Content: Attr(data-content) !important; White-Space: NoWrap !important; } .tb-user-chat-text-in.shadow_left .tb-user-chat-text-seting:not(#▲) { opacity: 1 !important ; } .tb-user-chat-text-seting li:not(:First-Child):not(#▲):not(#▲), .tb-user-chat-text-in BR:not(#▲):not(#▲), #lightbox, #lightboxOverlay, .input-group > .magicsearch-wrapper, .td_special, [ ID ^= btn_arrow ]:not(#▲):not(#▲), #group_timezone, .maxNumbersLabel, .sendFromArea .containerIcon, [ ID ^= msendfrom_ ]:not(#▲):not(#▲), [ ID ^= mrecibedon_ ]:not(#▲):not(#▲), .textinfo:not(#▲):not(#▲), Li:not(#▲):not(#▲)::After, .capital_content:not(#▲):not(#▲), #dropmenudiv, #feedbackdiv, body > .header-mask, #layout-header, body > .voip18, #layout-footer { Display: None !important; } } @-moz-document domain(yahoo.com) { UL, LI, main, #Page, *:Hover, #atomic, #atomic * { Display: inline-Block !important; } header, #Navigation, #masterNav, #skip-nav, .native-ad-item:not(#▲):not(#▲) { Display: None !important; } } @-moz-document domain(investopedia.com) { #header_1-0, #search-results_1-0 > :not(#search-results__results_1-0) { Display: None !important; } } @-moz-document domain(imgur.com) { .App { Display: Block !important; } .imageContainer > img:not(#▲):not(#▲), video:not(#▲):not(#▲), .Post-item-media > img:not(#▲):not(#▲), .Post-item-title-wrap:not(#▲):not(#▲) { Width: 15em !important; } * { BackGround-image: none !important; } .Grid-column > :not(#▲):not(#▲) { Height: 15em !important; } .image-placeholder, .Accolade { Display: None !important; } } @-moz-document domain(quora.com) { [data-nosnippet], Div:not(ID):not(Class) > .q-flex.qu-borderColor--raised.qu-borderBottomLeftRadius--small.qu-borderBottom.qu-borderLeft.qu-borderRight.qu-bg--raised { Display: None !important; } } @-moz-document domain(babepedia.com) { #content *, .thumbshot, .thumbshot * { Width: Auto !important; Height: Auto !important; Margin: 0 !important; Margin-right: 2em !important; } main:not(#▲), .parent:not(#▲), .sidebar:not(#▲), .right_side:not(#▲) { Transform: None !important; Padding: 0 !important; Width: 1910px !important; } #socialicons, [ style *= absolute ]:not(#▲), .message:not(#▲):not(#▲), .hint:not(#▲):not(#▲), header:not(#▲), .left_side:not(#▲) { Display: None !important; } } @-moz-document domain(wikihow.com) { .altblock, .altblock ~ *, .pdf_link_steps { Position: static !important; Transform: None !important; Margin: 0 !important; Padding: 0 !important; Width: Auto !important; Height: Auto !important; Min-Height: 1px !important; Max-Height: None !important; } [ Role = navigation ], .wh_ad_inner, #header_top_watch, #footer, #footer ~ * { Display: None !important; } } @-moz-document domain(pornhub.com) { * { Position: static !important; Transform: None !important; Margin: 0 !important; Padding: 0 !important; Float: left !important; Width: Auto !important; Height: Auto !important; Overflow: Visible !important; Line-Height: normal !important; Min-Width: 1px !important; Min-Height: 1px !important; Max-Height: None !important; } /* socialText .socialsColumn *, */ .model-details { Width: 960px !important; Display: inline-block !important; } ul, ul * { Display: inline-block !important; } Li, Li img, Li video { Width: 360px !important; Margin-Right: 1em !important; } [ Class $= wrapper ] *, [ data-label = Category ] { Margin-Right: 1em !important; } #searchBarContainer { Height: 1em !important; } .votesDown:not(#▲)::Before { Content: " 👎: " !important; Display: inline !important; } #pornstarsSearchResult { Display: Block !important; } #pornstarsSearchResult > Li:not(#▲), #pornstarsSearchResult > Li :not(#▲) { Display: inline-Block !important; Margin-Left: 1em !important; } #pornstarsSearchResult img:not(#▲), .nf-categories img:not(#▲):not(#▲) { float: right !important; } .instagramIcon, UL#videoCategory > :First-Child:not(Li), .pagination_arrow_left:not(#▲), .pagination_arrow_right:not(#▲), .display-none:not(#▲), #videoSearchResult > :not(Li):not(#▲), .userCardLi + :not(#▲):not(#▲), #btnSearch, ::Before, ::Marker, ::After, .gridWrapper > Nav, .alpha, #js-networkBar, Nav *, aside, .coverImage > :not(img), .pornstarsNavButtons, .rankingInfo, .subscribe-to-pornstar-icon:not(#▲):not(#▲), #pornstarsSearchResult > :not(Li):not(#▲), #headerMenuContainer, #hd-rightColVideoPage, #player, .sniperModeEngaged:not(#▲), .abovePlayer, .abAlertShown, Body > .wrapper ~ *, #categoriesStraight, #videoSearchResult ~ *, #welcome { Display: None !important; } } @-moz-document url(about:config) { * { Position: static !important; Transform: None !important; Margin: 0 !important; Padding: 0 !important; --in-content-text-color: RGB( 255, 144, 198 ) !important; Min-Width: 1px !important; Min-Height: 1px !important; Max-Height: None !important; } } @-moz-document url-prefix(about:addons) { * { Min-Width: 1px !important; Min-Height: 1px !important; Max-Height: None !important; } /* iFrame of "Options" of and extension: */ browser:not(#▲):not(#▲):not(#▲) { Height: 77em !important; } .card > .content-container { Display: inline !important; } .status-container, .advancedinfo-container, .description-outer-container, .card-heading-image, .relnotes-container, .privateBrowsing-notice-container, .alert-container, .warning, .detail-privateBrowsing { Display: None !important; } } @-moz-document url(about:preferences) { img { Max-Height: 1em !important; } .dialogBox:not(#▲):not(#▲) { width: 70em !important; Height: 800px !important; } } @-moz-document url-prefix(about:), url-prefix(chrome:) { :not(#▲) { Font-Family: "Comic Code" !important; } } /* The visible part of an extension, No matter if it's a (Chrome) toolbar drop-down menu and/or its Options dialogue. */ @-moz-document url-prefix(moz-extension://) { :not(#▲) { Position: static !important; Transform: None !important; Margin: 0 !important; Padding: 0 !important; Font-Family: "Comic Code" !important; Color: RGB( 255, 144, 198 ) !important; White-Space: Normal !important; Width: Auto !important; Height: Auto !important; Float: none !important; Min-Width: 1px !important; Min-Height: 1px !important; Max-Height: None !important; } /* Classical Search Bar See: C:\__\FF\Search@Bar\options\options.html \popup\popup.html */ /* title="Classical Search Bar 2.2.0" https://6905b838-e843-4ee3-9df0-b4c79673b21c.invalid */ /* url-prefix(moz-extension://6905b838-e843-4ee3-9df0-b4c79673b21c/popup/popup.html) */ #spdetail input[type="text"]:not(#▲) { width: 55em !important; BackGround-Color: RGB( 0, 11, 22 ) !important; } .spitem :not(#▲) { Display: inline !important; } #menu { Margin: 1em !important; } #menu .menuitem:not(#▲) { Min-width: 9em !important; Display: inline-block !important; } #menu .menuitem :not(#▲) { Margin-Left: .5em !important; Display: inline !important; } } /* NoScript "b5cbc727..." came from NoScript's "right-click options". C:\__\FF\storage\default\moz-extension+++b5cbc727-0b97-4487-8c76-0aa0fb99f1b7^userContextId=4294967295\iDB\*SQL */ @-moz-document url(moz-extension://b5cbc727-0b97-4487-8c76-0aa0fb99f1b7/ui/popup.html) { input:not(#▲) { Width: 1em !important; Height: 1em !important; } span { Margin-Right: .6em !important; } .sites tr * { Display: inline-block !important; } #top { direction: rtl !important; } .url > :not(.full-address), .full-address > :not(.domain), .options:not(#▲), tBody:not(#▲), ::After, .hider:not(#▲), .protocol:not(#▲), #close, #reload, #enforce-tab, #options, #hider, .spacer, #highContrast-opt, .https-only:not(#▲), .customizer:not(#▲) { Display: None !important; } } /* Foxy Gestures Options. User Scripts. URL Bar */ @-moz-document url(moz-extension://1e97bb1d-5b3b-4cb7-9c0a-a056963b74df/options/options.html) { .col-md-12, .col-md-12 * { Display: inline-block !important; } TextArea[wrap] { Overflow-Y: scroll !important; Width: 55em !important; Height: 11em !important; } } @-moz-document url-prefix(about:devtools-toolbox) { * { BackGround-Color: RGB( 0, 0, 99 ) !important; } .devtools-tabbar-button:First-Child { Min-Width: 3em !important; Border: 1px solid RGB( 155, 155, 155 ) !important; } .devtools-tabbar-button.checked { BackGround-Color: Blue !important; } } /* Copy "C:\__\FF\Chrome\userChrome.CSS" to "C:\__\FF\chrome_debugger_profile\Chrome\". C:\Program Files\Firefox Developer Edition\Browser\Omni.JA C:\__\EXEs\Chrome\DevTools\Modules\DevTools\Client\Themes\Common.CSS C:\__\EXEs\Chrome\DevTools\Modules\DevTools\Client\Themes\Variables.CSS C:\__\EXEs\Chrome\DevTools\Content\Inspector\Index.xHTML C:\__\EXEs\Chrome\DevTools\Skin\Dark-Theme.CSS C:\__\EXEs\Chrome\DevTools\Skin\Computed.CSS "chrome://devtools". Only "C:\__\FF\Chrome\userChrome.CSS" can skin "chrome://browser/content/browser.xhtml". */ @-moz-document url-prefix(chrome://devtools) { /* #computed-property-container > .computed-property-view #computed-property-container > .computed-property-content #computed-property-container > ::Before { Content: "#" Attr(id) "." Attr(class) ", " !important; White-Space: NoWrap !important; Color: RGB( 99, 66, 111 ) !important; } */ .computed-property-content { Margin: 2em !important; } .computed-property-content :not(#▲) { BackGround: RGB( 0, 0, 99 ) !important; } .computed-expandable:not(#▲) { Width: 1em !important; Height: 1em !important; Color: transparent !important; BackGround: Blue !important; } * { overflow-wrap: anywhere !important; } #inspector-breadcrumbs-toolbar, #inspector-breadcrumbs-toolbar *, #computed-property-container * { Width: Auto !important; Height: Auto !important; White-Space: NoWrap !important; } #inspector-breadcrumbs-toolbar, #inspector-breadcrumbs-toolbar * { Display: inline-Block !important; } .theme-body, .theme-sidebar, .theme-toolbar, #computed-toolbar ~ * * { BackGround-Color: Black !important; } #computed-toolbar { Display: Flex !important; flex-direction: row-reverse !important; z-index: 99 !important; Max-Height: 1em !important; BackGround-Color: Black !important; } .theme-selected ~ * { Border: 1px solid RGB( 0, 255, 0 ) !important; } .theme-selected ~ * * { Color: RGB( 255, 144, 198 ) !important; BackGround-Color: Black !important; } #browser-style-checkbox { Filter: Invert(1) !important; } } @-moz-document domain(zumper.com) { /* 4547 */ .css-1anef49 * { Transform: None !important; Margin: 0 !important; Padding: 0 !important; White-Space: Normal !important; Margin-Right: 1em !important; Width: Auto !important; Height: Auto !important; Position: static !important; opacity: 1 !important ; Min-Width: 1px !important; Min-Height: 1px !important; Max-Height: None !important; Vertical-Align: Top !important; } .css-1lmtkgl *, .css-f8n5zr * { Margin-right: 2em !important; Display: inline !important; } .css-1anef49 { Margin-bottom: 2em !important; Display: Block !important; } .css-1azotaz, .css-j94tvt, [ class ^= HeaderSocial ] { Display: None !important; } } @-moz-document domain(nypost.com) { #nypost-membership-background-slider, header, aside, footer, #masthead, [data-component = billboardOverlay ], #div-gpt-ad-inline, #page ~ * { Display: None !important; } } @-moz-document domain(rargb.to) { * { Transform: None !important; Margin: 0 !important; Padding: 0 !important; Width: Auto !important; Height: Auto !important; Position: static !important; Min-Width: 1px !important; Min-Height: 1px !important; Max-Height: None !important; } /* */ .lista2 td.lista[ width = "150px" ] { Max-Height: 22px !important; Max-Width: 10em !important; Overflow: Hidden !important; } .lista2 td.lista:not([width]) { Max-Height: 22px !important; Max-Width: 80em !important; } [ Src *= "/threat_captcha" ] { Display: Block !important; Width: 360px !important; } #solve_string { Display: Block !important; } [ action = "/threat_defence.php" ]:not(#▲), [ action = "/threat_defence.php" ] [width]:not(#▲) { Display: Block !important; } #files .lista:not(#▲), Font:not(#▲):not(#▲) { Color: RGB( 111, 222, 55 ) !important; } :not(#▲):not(#▲) { Padding-Right: .5em !important; } #description > A > img:not(#▲):not(#▲) { Width: 9em !important; } .header6 { Display: inline-Block !important; } #pager_links, { Display: Block !important; } #files, .lista2 td.lista[ Align = Center ] { Display: inline-Block !important; } .lista[ Align = Right ]:not(#▲):not(#▲)::Before, .lista[ align = center ]:not(#▲):not(#▲)::Before { Content: ", " !important; Color: RGB( 155, 155, 155 ) !important; } .lista2 td.lista:Last-Child, [ style^="color:#000" ], #description > img, ::Before, ::After, .lista[width="48"], Form, Table[width="100%"]:Not([Class]), td[colspan="2"][align=center] > h1, .lista-rounded tD.block > B, Br, tr[style$="important"], #overlib, Body > :Not([Style]), Body > [Style] > tBody > tR > [align], .lista[align=left]:not([width]) > :not(:First-Child), [ href ^= "/vpn" ], Table.lista td[ Style="height:38px" ], tD[valign=top] > Div[align=center]:First-Child, .rater, iFrame:not(#▲) { Display: None !important; } } @-moz-document domain(craigslist.org) { *, ::Before, ::Marker, ::After { Position: static !important; Transform: None !important; Margin: 0 !important; Padding: 0 !important; box-sizing: unset !important; Float: none !important; White-Space: normal !important; Vertical-Align: Top !important; Width: Auto !important; Height: Auto !important; Text-Align: Left !important; Overflow: Visible !important; Min-Width: 1px !important; Min-Height: 1px !important; Max-Height: None !important; } /* .gallery picture, 8051 st 20th Ave NE 98105 */ form Div:not(#▲), .mapAndAttrs *, .global-header.wide * { Display: inline-Block !important; } .swipe, .swipe-wrap, .result-row:not(#▲), #PostingBody:not(#▲), .userbody { Max-Width: 1715px !important; Min-Width: 1715px !important; } [ class ^= slider ]:not(#▲):not(#▲), #postingbody Br, .print-qrcode-container:not(#▲), svg, .nearby-separator, .nearby-separator ~ *, #printme, footer, .postinginfos, .avoid-scams, .notices, .mapAndAttrs Br, .global-header.wide Br, A.result-image.gallery, .result-tags:not(#▲), .result-tags ~:not(#▲), .screen-reader-text:not(#▲), .banished:not(#▲), #qrcode, #map, .star, #fmtsel { Display: None !important; } } @-moz-document domain(fedex.com) { trk-shared-shipment-status-details * { BackGround-Color: RGB( 0, 0, 33 ) !important; } section.fdx-o-grid__row, trk-shared-fdm-banner, .travel-history-link, .shipment-info-additional-details, ::Before, ::Marker, ::After, trk-shared-shop-runner-app-banner, trk-shared-my-shipments, app-root ~ :not(#▲), app-tracking-title-bar, .fdx-simplified-header { Display: None !important; } } @-moz-document domain(ventusky.com) { :not(#▲) { Font-Size: 12px !important; Font-Family: "Comic Code" !important; } /* #u, */ #i, .bb.x.xx, #p > .o, #p > .t:not(.f), a[title^="Zoom"], .bb.z.xx, #x, #s, #z, #k, #d, [ class="hv h bb" ], [ class="q f" ], [ class="z x" ], [ class="z b" ], menu, #header { Display: None !important; } } @-moz-document domain(x.com) { /* */ [ data-testid = inlinePrompt ]:not(#▲), [ class = "css-1dbjc4n r-1adg3ll r-1ny4l3l" ]:not(#▲), [role=heading]:not(#▲), ::before, ::after, ::marker, [ aria-labelledby = "accessible-list-2" ]:not(#▲), Nav:not(#▲), [ href ^= "/i/topics" ]:not(#▲), [ href ^= "/i/connect_people" ]:not(#▲), header:not(#▲), footer:not(#▲), [ aria-label = "Home timeline" ] > :not(#▲):First-Child, [ data-testid = sidebarColumn ] { Display: None !important; } } @-moz-document domain(walmart.com) { /* */ Body, .lh-copy Span, .gray { Color: RGB( 255, 128, 192 ) !important; Font-Family: "Comic Code" !important; } .f2-m, .w_Dx .word-normal { Color: RGB( 255, 128, 255 ) !important; } [data-testid="subscription-options"] > [aria-label="Purchase options"] > section > :not([data-testid$="one-time"]), section > [class="ma3 ma4-m mt1-m"]:First-Child > [class="mb3 f1"]:First-Child ~ [class="flex undefined flex-column h-100"], div[ ID = "1" ][data-stack-index][tabindex], nav > * > [ Class = "pl3 pl4-m pt3-m pr4 pb2 pt4" ]:First-Child, [data-ad-type]:not(#▲), [ ID *= DisplayAd ], [ ID *= DisplayAd ] ~ *, [ link-identifier ^= walmartLogo ], [ link-identifier ^= Departments ], [ link-identifier ^= Services ], [ link-identifier ^= Reorder ], [ link-identifier ^= Departments ] ~ *, [ link-identifier ^= Services ] ~ *, .w_v.w_z, .w_Dw svg, .noprint, .js-footer, .MarketingBanner, #js-global-header-wrapper { Display: None !important; } } @-moz-document domain(amazon.com) { #crReviewRow *, #line-items * { Position: static !important; Transform: None !important; Margin: 0 !important; Padding: 0 !important; box-sizing: unset !important; Float: none !important; Width: Auto !important; Height: Auto !important; Min-Width: 1px !important; White-Space: Normal !important; Min-Height: 1px !important; Max-Height: None !important; } .s-desktop-width-max { Display: inline !important; } #ufpo-od-header-section, #ufpo-od-main-section { Max-Width: 1910px !important; } /* */ [ tabular-attribute-name = "Sold by" ] :not(#▲), Span.a-text-bold:not(#▲), #oasisLabel_feature_div, .sc-snap-ebt-eligibility:not(#▲) { Color: RGB( 99, 255, 99 ) !important; } #crReviewRow * { Display: inline !important; } #map-widget-container { Margin-Left: 500px !important; Width: 200px !important; Height: 400px !important; } /* */ #prime_div, #important-information, #storeDisclaimer_feature_div, #phone-number-collection, #complete-the-recipe, [ Class ^= "sg-col-20-of-24 s-result-item sg-col-0-of-12 sg-col-16-of-20 s-widget sg-col s-flex-geom" ], [ data-video-type ]:not(#▲), #promoPriceBlockMessage_feature_div, #issuancePriceblockAmabot_feature_div, #dietary-shopping-title, iframe:not(#▲), #sellYoursHere_feature_div, #sellYoursHere_feature_div ~ *, #nav-main, #buyNow, #nav-progressive-subnav, #deliveryBlockContainer, #detailPageGifting_feature_div, #snsAccordionRowMiddle, #ufpo-od-footer-section, #map-widget-container [style^="user-select"], #navFooter, #rhf, .AdHolder:not(#▲), #important-information > h2, #important-information > :Last-Child { Display: None !important; } } /* @-moz-document domain(messages.google.com) { { Display: None !important; } } */