■ citizen_winston_smith│sss@example_de vdf2rj$2ch32$4@dont-email.me Klaus_Schadenfreude│klaus_schadenfreude_Zwergentöter_@gmail_com 249mfjlb4mbk266lrmg6i2i18oe24sga9f@Rudy.Canoza.is.a.forging.cocksucking.dwarf.com T│T@invalid_invalid vdfrj8$2e575$6@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Oct.1--5.37pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman lm3rbgF22lmU4@mid.individual.net IransFinest vdl61f$12gpg$1@solani.org Jeff-Relf.Me@Oct.2--10.38pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (11) Bad; 53.5 Minutes, Gecko➤Thunder, Solani.ORG, Oct 2 { 9:19pm, 2024 }:59^(-5) 七馉蝯 "processed" (cooked) cabbage & sausages. IransFinest: why don't you [rBowman] describe your diet. Like any German, rBowman eats "processed" (cooked) cabbage & sausages. "Processed" (cooked) rice stew, &| rice with kebab, are popular in Iran. ■ Huntzinger vdf28c$2c3hr$1@dont-email.me citizen_winston_smith│sss@example_de vdf2rj$2ch32$4@dont-email.me Klaus_Schadenfreude│klaus_schadenfreude_Zwergentöter_@gmail_com 249mfjlb4mbk266lrmg6i2i18oe24sga9f@Rudy.Canoza.is.a.forging.cocksucking.dwarf.com T│T@invalid_invalid vdfrj8$2e575$6@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Oct.1--5.37pm.Seattle.2024 DetroitsFinest pan$61d45$df14e8e6$4772ce1f$6af128ec@gnu.rocks Jeff-Relf.Me@Oct.2--8.17am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 1 (96) Bad; 1.8 Hours, BadRig, Usenetexpress.COM, Oct 2 { 5:36am, 2024 }:36^(0) 七馇乔 What would the gentleman be drinking tonight ? You(DetroitsFinest)Replied(to me): > > A 1 lb pack of Hot Dogs costs 1.54 $ at WalMart, > > A fucking degenerate like you should be housed in a dog pen > and fed dog food -- dog food mixed with sawdust. What would the gentleman be drinking tonight ? Nothing "processed", I hope. ■ lord ■ Klaus_Schadenfreude│klaus_schadenfreude_Zwergentöter_@gmail_com 249mfjlb4mbk266lrmg6i2i18oe24sga9f@Rudy.Canoza.is.a.forging.cocksucking.dwarf.com T│T@invalid_invalid vdfrj8$2e575$6@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Oct.1--5.37pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman lm3rbgF22lmU4@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Oct.1--9.11pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman lm48luF41eoU2@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Oct.2--7.52am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (257) Top; 7.6 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Oct 1 { 11:48pm, 2024 }:30 七馆亾 Anything that isn't processed to death ? Re: Does the pulled pork come in a can, or is it fresh ? rBowman: [supper] was a piece of raw meat that I put in a dutch oven. Do you ever eat anything that isn't processed to death like that ? ■ Huntzinger vdf28c$2c3hr$1@dont-email.me citizen_winston_smith│sss@example_de vdf2rj$2ch32$4@dont-email.me Klaus_Schadenfreude│klaus_schadenfreude_Zwergentöter_@gmail_com 249mfjlb4mbk266lrmg6i2i18oe24sga9f@Rudy.Canoza.is.a.forging.cocksucking.dwarf.com T│T@invalid_invalid vdfrj8$2e575$6@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Oct.1--5.37pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman lm3rbgF22lmU4@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Oct.1--9.11pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 3 (253) Top; 39.3 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Oct 1 { 8:01pm, 2024 }: 4 七馅歰 Does it come in a can, or is it fresh ? rBowman: My supper was pulled pork, 4.29 $/lb. I'm doubting that price, 4.29 $/lb; Walmart wants double that. Does it come in a can, or is it fresh ? ■ Huntzinger vdf28c$2c3hr$1@dont-email.me citizen_winston_smith│sss@example_de vdf2rj$2ch32$4@dont-email.me Klaus_Schadenfreude│klaus_schadenfreude_Zwergentöter_@gmail_com 249mfjlb4mbk266lrmg6i2i18oe24sga9f@Rudy.Canoza.is.a.forging.cocksucking.dwarf.com T│T@invalid_invalid vdfrj8$2e575$6@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Oct.1--5.37pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman lm3rbgF22lmU4@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Oct.1--9.01pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 3 (253) Top; 39.3 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Oct 1 { 8:01pm, 2024 }: 4 七馅歰 Nothing could be more American. Processed foods ( flour, sugar, white/pink slime ) are cheap & delicious. Nothing could be more American. ■ Baxter│bax02_spamblock@baxcode_com vdedjd$29778$3@dont-email.me Klaus_Schadenfreude│klaus_schadenfreude_Zwergent�ter_@gmail_com 0omlfjl7o0v2s63c8r8k42ocdn7rmq79c4@Rudy.Canoza.is.a.forging.cocksucking.dwarf.com Huntzinger vdf28c$2c3hr$1@dont-email.me citizen_winston_smith│sss@example_de vdf2rj$2ch32$4@dont-email.me Klaus_Schadenfreude│klaus_schadenfreude_Zwergentöter_@gmail_com 249mfjlb4mbk266lrmg6i2i18oe24sga9f@Rudy.Canoza.is.a.forging.cocksucking.dwarf.com T│T@invalid_invalid vdfrj8$2e575$6@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Oct.1--5.37pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 2 (6) ify; 19.6 Hours, Gecko➤Thunder, Eternal-September.ORG, Sep 30 { 8:51pm, 2024 }: 4^(-7) 七馁涨 A 1 lb pack of Hot Dogs costs 1.54 $ at WalMart. T│T: A steak is 15 $. A semi decent, thickish steak is 30+ $. A 1 lb pack of Hot Dogs costs 1.54 $ at WalMart, 2.39 $ at Amazon Fresh, 55 % more (2.39/1.54). Ten days ago, American Sherrol Reid said it's "Delicious", 5 out of 5 stars: Very versatile. Not just good on a bun but cooked up with fresh seasoning and accompanied by rice. I like 'em plain, nothing added. ■ Uncle_Matuch DtaKO.33954$rIH3.27511@fx40.iad RonB vdc5gg$1qkcp$8@dont-email.me Uncle_Matuch xpmKO.62575$UZH4.8303@fx44.iad RonB vddifd$24oap$6@dont-email.me Uncle_Matuch fDxKO.186188$1m96.30165@fx15.iad RonB vdg8ca$2l4oq$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Oct.1--4.46pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (134) OK; 16 Hours, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Oct 1 { 0:29am, 2024 }:14 七馂今 "evidence-based science" is a gun pointing at your head. "evidence-based science" is a gun pointing at your head. ■ me_too│not@kamala_dunce vddela$14gjp$1@news.mixmin.net T│T@invalid_invalid vddo52$1u779$4@dont-email.me Baxter│bax02_spamblock@baxcode_com vdedjd$29778$3@dont-email.me Klaus_Schadenfreude│klaus_schadenfreude_Zwergent�ter_@gmail_com 0omlfjl7o0v2s63c8r8k42ocdn7rmq79c4@Rudy.Canoza.is.a.forging.cocksucking.dwarf.com IceBerg(%) yICdnf26J80cQGf7nZ2dnZfqnPadnZ2d@giganews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.30--11.21am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (258) OK; 30.1 Minutes, Gecko➤Jan_2010➤WinX, Giganews.COM, Sep 30 { 10:18am, 2024 }:57^(-7) 七饿綁 I can't afford rent. Re: Kamala's "Tax The Billionaires!". IceBerg(%): native canadians don't pay taxes I paid 2.14 $ in sales tax for the 21 $, 20" box fan I bought today. Last 30 years, the government gave me far more than I gave them, Net Net. But I can't afford rent here in the University District, Seattle. ■ Uncle_Matuch CraKO.33953$rIH3.8782@fx40.iad Huntzinger vdbp1a$1p5ng$2@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.29--8.45am.Seattle.2024 Uncle_Matuch fIeKO.210411$kxD8.182246@fx11.iad RonB vdc5ap$1qkcp$7@dont-email.me Uncle_Matuch nemKO.70044$7OO5.15608@fx43.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.29--6.58pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (44) Bad; 39.9 Minutes, Betterbird, Usenet-News.NET, Sep 29 { 5:25pm, 2024 }:53^(-4) 七饼蘑 Thank you Putin, keep sending us your best. RonB: How the American people are on the hook to fund this "leveraged buyout" to benefit BlackRock, Vanguard and other Rothschild-controlled entities is another question that Relf should answer. The dominant military has the dominant currency. We're rich for a reason, and it's not because we virtue signal all the time. I like Jews, I like Buddhists, I like Japanese culture, I like North Koreans, I like Vietnamese & Germans, Catholics & Mormons too; Yet I'm an atheist. Slavic mothers are welcome anywhere in the world, including the White House. Thank you Putin, keep sending us your best. ■ Uncle_Matuch AbSJO.387576$_o_3.360111@fx17.iad RonB vdb1gn$1m5b6$2@dont-email.me Uncle_Matuch CraKO.33953$rIH3.8782@fx40.iad Huntzinger vdbp1a$1p5ng$2@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.29--8.45am.Seattle.2024 Uncle_Matuch fIeKO.210411$kxD8.182246@fx11.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.29--9.13am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (35) Bad; 9.1 Minutes, Betterbird, Usenet-News.NET, Sep 29 { 8:51am, 2024 }:39^(-4) 七饻律 Slavic mothers are welcome anywhere in the world, including the White House. Me: > The fact that [Putin] taken over a third of > agricultural land there is already well known. Let him keep it. Slavic mothers are welcome anywhere in the world, including the White House. ■ Henry_Bodkin│X@Y_com vdbpju$1pcoc$7@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.29--8.52am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (2) ify; 2.3 Minutes, Xnews, Eternal-September.ORG, Sep 29 { 7:52am, 2024 }:46 七饻冾 Harris is a climate alarmist who has negative pressure between her ears. Bodkin: Trump is a weak and stupid old fool. Harris is a climate alarmist who has negative pressure between her ears. ■ Uncle_Matuch 1TxJO.220448$FzW1.43865@fx14.iad RonB vd7f24$tcgq$5@dont-email.me Uncle_Matuch AbSJO.387576$_o_3.360111@fx17.iad RonB vdb1gn$1m5b6$2@dont-email.me Uncle_Matuch CraKO.33953$rIH3.8782@fx40.iad Huntzinger vdbp1a$1p5ng$2@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.29--8.45am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (186) OK; 12.3 Minutes, Gecko➤Thunder, Eternal-September.ORG, Sep 29 { 7:42am, 2024 }:49^(-4) 七饻佩 Putin is that schoolyard bully who thinks he's "winning". Huntzinger mentioned Russia's neighbors: > laying low to avoid being invaded by Russia again. Putin is that schoolyard bully who thinks he's "winning" because he steals the most lunch money. "Paleo conservatives" think he's like Christ, Sent by God to destroy America's atheism/Marxism. ■ Stéphane_CARPENTIER│sc@fiat-linux_fr 66f87c6e$0$3581$426a74cc@news.free.fr JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.28--3.08pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman llrs5fFpsk3U2@mid.individual.net DetroitsFinest pan$c2d71$d3d418d8$76edd625$fa43220@linux.rocks Stéphane_CARPENTIER│sc@fiat-linux_fr 66f952af$0$3253$426a74cc@news.free.fr DetroitsFinest pan$1973f$e5918326$489e0353$1135424d@linux.rocks Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.29--8.27am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (90) Bad; 1.7 Minutes, BadRig, Usenetexpress.COM, Sep 29 { 7:53am, 2024 }:21^(0) 七饻凡 Neither rBowman nor Carpentier know what "Turing Completeness" means. You(DetroitsFinest)Replied(to Carpentier): > > So, [as] rbowman says: > > "one is a Turing Complete programming language, and the other is not". > > Blowman, like you, is a total idiot. Neither rBowman nor Carpentier know what "Turing Completeness" means. %PDF-1.2 44 0 obj << /E 2248 /H [ 957 193 ] /L 57656 /Linearized 1 >> endobj ■ DetroitsFinest pan$e391b$126e35d3$7f461ca3$d003bb02@linux.rocks Stéphane_CARPENTIER│sc@fiat-linux_fr 66f8325b$0$3591$426a74cc@news.free.fr DetroitsFinest pan$cb770$eac578$384654b0$d72da3cb@linux.rocks Stéphane_CARPENTIER│sc@fiat-linux_fr 66f87c6e$0$3581$426a74cc@news.free.fr JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.28--3.08pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman llrs5fFpsk3U2@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.29--4.01am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 3 (235) Top; 7.9 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Sep 28 { 7:25pm, 2024 }:51 七饸颯 Interchange PostScript. You(rBowman)Replied(to me): > > .PDF files are PostScript. Open one in a text editor, you'll see. > > Open a pdf with vim and tell me what you see past the header info. "past the header info" ?! There is no "header". %PDF-1.2 44 0 obj << /E 2248 /H [ 957 193 ] /L 57656 /Linearized 1 >> endobj No need to "see past" anything, this is the 1992 proprietary version of "Interchange PostScript" ( the OPEN standard, ISO 32000, came in 2008 ). Quote: Based on the PostScript language, each PDF file encapsulates . . . Quote: Development of PDF began in 1991 when Adobe's co-founder John Warnock wrote a paper for a project then code-named Camelot, in which he proposed the creation of a simplified version of Adobe's PostScript format called Interchange PostScript (IPS). Unlike traditional PostScript, which was tightly focused on rendering print jobs to output devices, IPS would be optimized for displaying pages to any screen and any platform. ■ DetroitsFinest pan$e391b$126e35d3$7f461ca3$d003bb02@linux.rocks Stéphane_CARPENTIER│sc@fiat-linux_fr 66f8325b$0$3591$426a74cc@news.free.fr DetroitsFinest pan$cb770$eac578$384654b0$d72da3cb@linux.rocks Stéphane_CARPENTIER│sc@fiat-linux_fr 66f87c6e$0$3581$426a74cc@news.free.fr Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.28--3.08pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (34) OK; 26 Secs, slrn➤Linux, Proxad.NET,, Sep 28 { 3:00pm, 2024 }:14 七饸婮 .PDF files are PostScript. DetroitsFinest: In GNU/Linux, all printing is done via PostScript. Carpentier: No. CUPS was using PostScript to print documents in the past. Not anymore. Now it's using PDF internally. So if the printer doesn't understand PostScript, it's never used. ..PDF files are PostScript. Open one in a text editor, you'll see. ■ Crump aphdfjht82s2tp79e7ahqembjgqeg3uqca@4ax.com me4guns vd6si6$qu83$13@dont-email.me Swilly li2efjln9s4odngkhth65vhjivs8piqt40@4ax.com Ahlstrom vd7god$tqp5$1@dont-email.me Charlie_Glock│Charlie_Glock@localhost_com 66f74fe9$0$3620705$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com zZombie(%) ehCdnX11U9pxxGr7nZ2dnZfqnPUAAAAA@giganews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.28--5.52am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (244) OK; 11.1 Hours, Gecko➤Jan_2010➤WinX, Giganews.COM, Sep 27 { 6:20pm, 2024 }:43^(-7) 七饴翫 King Charles. zZombie(%): we use an outhouse until it gets too cold That must be tough when King Charles visits. I weigh ~240 lbs; I drink ~1 gallon of water per day; also, I piss ~1 gallon/day. ■ rBowman lllpdnFs5pcU1@mid.individual.net zZombie(%) N8OcnSFZsO2QL2j7nZ2dnZfqnPcAAAAA@giganews.com rBowman lllst7Fsv5jU1@mid.individual.net zZombie(%) ijmdnSBQb5-CI2j7nZ2dnZfqnPQAAAAA@giganews.com rBowman llm2kfFtnrfU1@mid.individual.net zZombie(%) SsqdndwNrbyxS2j7nZ2dnZfqnPqdnZ2d@giganews.com . Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.26--3.18pm.Seattle.2024 Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.27--3.44pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (216) OK; 7.9 Minutes, Gecko➤Jan_2010➤WinX, Giganews.COM, Sep 26 { 2:46pm, 2024 }:13^(-7) 七饯阥 zZombie(%) can float to Vancouver BC. zZombie(%): Berg Lake, Canadian Rockies You can float to Vancouver BC, just jump in the Fraser River. Getting back would be tougher. ■ Snit│brock_mcnuggets@gmail_com 66f5f848$2$3234619$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com zZombie(%) JISdnXntSMBhYGj7nZ2dnZfqnPoAAAAA@giganews.com Snit│brock_mcnuggets@gmail_com 66f6017a$1$2759$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com zZombie(%) O8WcnX2f6IMIm2v7nZ2dnZfqn_gAAAAA@giganews.com Snit│brock_mcnuggets@gmail_com 66f61691$1$3068685$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com zZombie(%) soicnTJsZ9sUvGv7nZ2dnZfqn_WdnZ2d@giganews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.27--8.50am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 3 (229) OK; 12.2 Hours, Gecko➤Jan_2010➤WinX, Giganews.COM, Sep 26 { 8:07pm, 2024 }:51^(-7) 七饰辇 What's wrong with RedMond ? zZombie(%) & Snit: > > > i saw a post today that said i am wittier than you > > > > Check again tomorrow. > > no way i'm never going there again Why ? What's wrong with RedMond ? ■ rBowman lllst7Fsv5jU1@mid.individual.net zZombie(%) ijmdnSBQb5-CI2j7nZ2dnZfqnPQAAAAA@giganews.com rBowman llm2kfFtnrfU1@mid.individual.net zZombie(%) SsqdndwNrbyxS2j7nZ2dnZfqnPqdnZ2d@giganews.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.26--3.18pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman llmglfF18kdU2@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.27--6.27am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 7 (221) Top; 10.4 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Sep 26 { 6:38pm, 2024 }:55 七饰窯 Ukrainian mothers can/do live anywhere they want. Relf: Ukrainians in Edmonton. rBowman: Hutterites ? No, they speak Ukrainian, not Dutch. 1891, Ukrainians got free land in Edmonton, AB. Quote: With THE COLLAPSE OF THE SOVIET UNION, a new wave of immigration from Ukraine and other countries of the former Communist bloc began to immigrate to Edmonton and area. As a result of THE WAR IN THE FORMER YUGOSLAVIA there was an urgent need to help Ukrainians who were in refugee camps. Ukrainian mothers can/do live anywhere they want. ■ Timothy_R_Millage_Chief_Financial_Officer_Treasurer_&_VP│tim_millage@lee_net 8c1730ff5f3bd49193c02624299eb8eb@dizum.com Swilly 8ct7fjp6skrvh3c3pp8aahe5okht1b68e5@4ax.com Ubiquitous│weberm@polaris_net 20240925-120728.709.0@news.giganews.com . atropos-E75137.10135025092024@news.giganews.com x-on│x-off@usa_com vd2r38$caoi$1@news.mixmin.net Kevin_Riley│X@Y_com vd4jek$cgom$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.26--3.23pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (1) ify; 29.5 Minutes, Xnews, Eternal-September.ORG, Sep 26 { 2:24pm, 2024 }:36 七饯鄔 In Trump's World, Haitians are eating our pets. Kevin_Riley: > Why isn't everybody voting for Trump? > Is there something wrong with him? In Trump's World, Haitians are eating our pets. ■ rBowman lllpdnFs5pcU1@mid.individual.net zZombie(%) N8OcnSFZsO2QL2j7nZ2dnZfqnPcAAAAA@giganews.com rBowman lllst7Fsv5jU1@mid.individual.net zZombie(%) ijmdnSBQb5-CI2j7nZ2dnZfqnPQAAAAA@giganews.com rBowman llm2kfFtnrfU1@mid.individual.net zZombie(%) SsqdndwNrbyxS2j7nZ2dnZfqnPqdnZ2d@giganews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.26--3.18pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (216) OK; 7.9 Minutes, Gecko➤Jan_2010➤WinX, Giganews.COM, Sep 26 { 2:46pm, 2024 }:13^(-7) 七饯阥 Edmonton, New Kyiv. zZombie(%): Berg Lake, Canadian Rockies Jasper National Park is closer to Edmonton (Alberta) than Vancouver BC. Lots of Ukrainians there, I hear. They should rename it: New Kyiv. ■ Nuts =3D?U=3D?UTF-8?Q?T?=3DF-8?Q?=3DF0=3D9F=3D8C=3DBA?=3DkAoOBFB8Wcw8gQ$@ zZombie(%) dZ6dnf6A7dIiP2j7nZ2dnZfqn_cAAAAA@giganews.com Nuts =3D?U=3D?UTF-8?Q?T?=3DF-8?Q?=3DF0=3D9F=3D8C=3DBA?=3DcFrAkZ27DP22Z3$@ Skeeter 66f5b62d$0$212405$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Nuts =3D?U=3D?UTF-8?Q?T?=3DF-8?Q?=3DF0=3D9F=3D8C=3DBA?=3DaJuECHcQMlkj8x1@ zZombie(%) Ir2dnaLk6JZ4Xmj7nZ2dnZfqn_sAAAAA@giganews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.26--2.48pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (214) OK; 45.7 Minutes, Gecko➤Jan_2010➤WinX, Giganews.COM, Sep 26 { 1:28pm, 2024 }:20^(-7) 七饯菤 American women won't have/raise kids. Speaking of deadbeat dads/moms... Illegal immigrant kids, along with with their mothers, get free housing & food; they can be seen driving nice cars. American women won't have/raise kids, so that's one way to do it. ■ rBowman lljpvbFj5kqU1@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom vd3fc1$504j$8@dont-email.me rBowman lllpdnFs5pcU1@mid.individual.net zZombie(%) N8OcnSFZsO2QL2j7nZ2dnZfqnPcAAAAA@giganews.com rBowman lllst7Fsv5jU1@mid.individual.net zZombie(%) ijmdnSBQb5-CI2j7nZ2dnZfqnPQAAAAA@giganews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.26--2.22pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (211) OK; 10 Minutes, Gecko➤Jan_2010➤WinX, Giganews.COM, Sep 26 { 1:03pm, 2024 }:43^(-7) 七饯縟 Lewis & Clark's dream. zZombie(%): try living in the rockies rBowman lives 3,200 feet up in the Rocky Mountains, on the continental divide where a river flows both to the Pacific Ocean & the Gulf of Mexico, Lewis & Clark's dream. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.24--9.36am.Seattle.2024 rBowman llgaovF2sq0U1@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.24--11.02am.Seattle.2024 rBowman llgugcF5rlhU1@mid.individual.net RonB vd0ffg$3jsju$2@dont-email.me Huntzinger vd2fls$3lhbk$5@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.25--11.47pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (165) Bad; 4.1 Hours, Gecko➤Thunder, Eternal-September.ORG, Sep 25 { 7:07pm, 2024 }:56^(-4) 七饬矼 RonB's schizophrenia. Putin is worse than Hitler, RonB. Zelenskyy is our hero. Huntzinger: Ukraine hasn't actually enacted a draft for their men ages 18-25. The constraint on them at present is that they can't leave the country: Amazing, I didn't know that. In RonB's little world, Zelenskyy has "at least two huge yachts"; in reality, Putin is the one with the yachts, not Zelenskyy, & he can go anywhere he wants, so long as it's near Turkey. ■ kohlmann│kohlmann@usaa_org vct9a1$bb6$1@toxic.dizum.net Trump_-_Inmate_Number_P01135809│X@Y_com vcta1u$329to$3@dont-email.me Mittens_Romney│robberbaron@invalid_ut vcuidg$37v1g$12@dont-email.me GRU│X@Y_com vcupac$38vgm$1@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.24--9.36am.Seattle.2024 rBowman llgaovF2sq0U1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.24--11.02am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (192) Top; 18.8 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Sep 24 { 10:21am, 2024 }:35 七饦霟 Lying for money and power. rBowman, "Zelenskyy's lying ass" might look bad if you could show us someone who isn't "Lying for money and power". > [ His flying ] around the country to campaign for Harris and Walz > must be a violation of some some election law. So long as he's NOT campaigning for Trump, he won't be prosecuted. Meanwhile, Putin has done nothing to win the minds & hearts of Ukrainians. ■ John_Smyth│smythlejon2@hotmail_com d60uejpdkb4eihbgl3v0725d534ngn4qbj@4ax.com David_Brooks│David@nomail_afraid_org llcpmuFh0asU1@mid.individual.net kohlmann│kohlmann@usaa_org vct9a1$bb6$1@toxic.dizum.net Trump_-_Inmate_Number_P01135809│X@Y_com vcta1u$329to$3@dont-email.me Mittens_Romney│robberbaron@invalid_ut vcuidg$37v1g$12@dont-email.me GRU│X@Y_com vcupac$38vgm$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.24--9.36am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (1) ify; 2.5 Minutes, Xnews, Eternal-September.ORG, Sep 24 { 9:27am, 2024 }:57 七饦認 Foolish "winnings". You(Gru)Replied(to Romney): > > we share a our space program with the damned Russians. > > That's why Putin and Trump are friends Trump would flatter Putin to death, Kamala would insult him to death; either way, Putin retains his foolish "winnings". ■ DetroitsFinest pan$96411$d204da43$cc34bb91$1fe98651@linux.rocks Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.24--4.11am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ (?) -Dropped; 2.9 Days, Dangling_Disk_News, Usenetexpress.COM, Sep 21 { 5:03am, 2024 }: 2^(0) 七饙臶 Too many "svg" elements presume your background is white, never black. DetroitsFinest: > I've got to install that entire Rust monstrosity > just to build a single fucking program: librsvg. Too many "svg" elements presume your background is white, never black. And it assumes that its container is approximately line height, or something reasonable like that, never anything else. ■ Snit│brock_mcnuggets@gmail_com 66f03898$2$2761$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Swilly oa41fjd46c5ko85t4jmbmgnasd57ua5ge4@4ax.com Snit│brock_mcnuggets@gmail_com 66f097c6$1$1427989$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Siri_Cruise│chine_bleu@www_yahoo_com vcqih4$2ht0b$1@dont-email.me Snit│brock_mcnuggets@gmail_com 66f0d5f5$0$2385545$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com zZombie(%) c2idnZD3AYW0R237nZ2dnZfqn_WdnZ2d@giganews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.23--3.32am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (135) OK; 4.3 Hours, Gecko➤Jan_2010➤WinX, Giganews.COM, Sep 22 { 8:02pm, 2024 }: 1^(-7) 七饠栩 Foolish "winnings". Trump would flatter Putin to death, Kamala would insult him to death; either way, Putin retains his foolish "winnings". ■ John_Smyth│smythlejon2@hotmail_com d60uejpdkb4eihbgl3v0725d534ngn4qbj@4ax.com No_Jan_6_insurrection_never_was_│invalid@dont-email_me 55ef3825c79d895d13ec0981a97f76e8@dizum.com Snit│brock_mcnuggets@gmail_com 66ef6763$0$3068677$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com zZombie(%) maCdnXhkB4n18HL7nZ2dnZfqn_cAAAAA@giganews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.23--3.08am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 11 (135) OK; 1.3 Days, Gecko➤Jan_2010➤WinX, Giganews.COM, Sep 21 { 6:05pm, 2024 }:43^(-7) 七饛镧 POTUS wannabes. zZombie(%)'s minder said: POTUS wannabes renege on their promises. I doubt they can REMEMBER their promises, much less keep them. "They're eating our pets" -- Donald Trump, 2024 ■ John_Smyth│smythlejon2@hotmail_com jdduejdb4cj5rlitrnrgigp71pg4gpla2u@4ax.com zZombie(%) zHWdnc7QDLQep3L7nZ2dnZfqnPqdnZ2d@giganews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.23--2.52am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 12 (135) OK; 1.4 Days, Gecko➤Jan_2010➤WinX, Giganews.COM, Sep 21 { 2:28pm, 2024 }:34^(-7) 七饛抂 The families of the fallen. You(zZombie(%))Replied(to Smyth): > > Harris won't even call the families of the fallen. > > did you call them I did . . . none of them were interested in selling their house. ■ DetroitsFinest pan$2d7c7$6bbe7257$a3424ceb$3da5d5c0@gnu.rocks DistroMan llb0n0F8ep2U2@mid.individual.net DetroitsFinest pan$def33$a213bc3c$8c953fcc$4965f138@gnu.rocks Stéphane_CARPENTIER│sc@fiat-linux_fr 66f06abb$0$1291$426a34cc@news.free.fr DetroitsFinest pan$94d41$141fa781$36c5a29$1edd2d1b@gnu.rocks Stéphane_CARPENTIER│sc@fiat-linux_fr 66f086c7$0$3278$426a74cc@news.free.fr Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.23--2.44am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (25) OK; 10.3 Hours, slrn➤Linux, Proxad.NET,, Sep 22 { 2:06pm, 2024 }:15 七饟曇 Detroit's finest. You(Carpentier)Replied(to Thorpe): > > YOU do nothing except feebly attack > > your undisputed superiors, such as myself. > > Either you are a bot or you are faking your stupidity, He's Detroit's finest. ■ RonB vc0o2l$o9tb$1@dont-email.me rBowman lkjm1gFke5jU8@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom vc2dlp$12bsc$2@dont-email.me rBowman lkk9i4FmrseU6@mid.individual.net Crump 6pmhejtpf35pvr6dbl3s322dm3i57vn5ag@4ax.com rBowman lks77jFtfkU5@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.16--8.49pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 1 (165) Top; 6 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Sep 16 { 7:18pm, 2024 }:28 七饇直 Enjoy it. rBowman: I don't suppose it matters whose ass is in the White House as we march off to Armageddon. We're all swishing off to hell in a handbasket, the trick is to enjoy it. I like Team Zelenskyy, you like Team Putin. rBowman: I'm going to make myself a big bowl of popcorn with real Kerrygold butter, sit back and watch. Jalapeno & Cheddar Smoked Sausage here + Mini "Mounds" bars. ■ DFS vc7stn$2ekdn$4@dont-email.me rBowman lkpihrFjg8qU3@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.16--6.15am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 4 (157) Top; 10 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Sep 15 { 7:13pm, 2024 }:15 七饃氻 Apple did it first. rBowman: It only takes seconds to put the taskbar icons back on the left where they belong but what idiot moved them to the center by default? Apple did it first, MicroSoft copied them. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 ; Revert to Win10's context menu. ; ReGain "Administrators" ownership (kids too) / Add_FullControl, Merge&ReBoot. [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{86ca1aa0-34aa-4e8b-a509-50c905bae2a2}] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{86ca1aa0-34aa-4e8b-a509-50c905bae2a2}] @="File Explorer Context Menu" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{86ca1aa0-34aa-4e8b-a509-50c905bae2a2}\InProcServer32] @="" ■ John_Smyth│smythlejon2@hotmail_com 53bcej9lspkb0iss2mee9tk7uqff1d3jd9@4ax.com pothead│pothead@snakebite_com vc6nmr$26dqh$2@dont-email.me zZombie(%) g9ecnZfu-Ih1rHr7nZ2dnZfqnPWdnZ2d@giganews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.15--7.51pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 7 (103) OK; 6.7 Hours, Gecko➤Jan_2010➤WinX, Giganews.COM, Sep 15 { 0:13pm, 2024 }:43^(-7) 七饂寧 Amidst Kamala's virtue signaling, she made housing unaffordable. Re: "Turn the page" -- Kamala PotHead: Kamala's day one began 4 years ago and the Biden/Harris admin- istration have screwed up everything they have gotten involved in. zZombie: [ Snit & I prefer Kamala ] Amidst Kamala's virtue signaling, she made housing unaffordable & issued horrific tariffs. For an example of where/when tariffs worked well, see: The Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act, 1930. The alternative to tariffs: affordable housing and high production quality. ■ John_Smyth│smythlejon2@hotmail_com bm9cejptv32sfto91culdss1r7ehuuq7j8@4ax.com pothead│pothead@snakebite_com vc6nf2$26dqh$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.15--7.34pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ (?) -Dropped; 12.9 Hours, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Sep 15 { 6:29am, 2024 }: 6 七饁崢 The alternative to tariffs. PotHead: If negotiating fair trade practices with China fails then the solution is to put tariffs on these cars wherever they are being produced. But ■ Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.13--5.19pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy Ohio is overrun with geese. Ohio is overrun with geese, especially Springfield. ■ Crump 7f49ejtb1ikk40qpccqat1thn7afdrrveq@4ax.com zZombie(%) esCcnbt_2oHHD3n7nZ2dnZfqn_EAAAAA@giganews.com Crump 6759ej94tkqrpalspcduem8scnocnno531@4ax.com zZombie(%) zTWdnRspnaIQBXn7nZ2dnZfqn_udnZ2d@giganews.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.13--4.29pm.Seattle.2024 zZombie(%) I3udnYZiapxwUHn7nZ2dnZfqnPsAAAAA@giganews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.13--5.07pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (78) OK; 12 Minutes, Gecko➤Jan_2010➤WinX, Giganews.COM, Sep 13 { 4:42pm, 2024 }:36^(-7) 七餺蟬 The high incidence of type 2 diabetes for Natives. You(zZombie)Replied(to Crump): > > Why did you start taking oxy ? > > neuropathy Quote: The most common type of peripheral neuropathy is diabetic neuropathy, caused by a high sugar level and resulting in nerve fiber damage in your legs and feet. Quote: While a multitude of factors contribute to the high incidence of type 2 diabetes for Natives, the alarming statistics can be traced back to the change from pre-reservation traditional diets and lifestyles to more westernized sedentary lifestyles and foods. ■ RonB vc0oja$o9tb$4@dont-email.me rBowman lkjgs9Fke5jU2@mid.individual.net Crump 7f49ejtb1ikk40qpccqat1thn7afdrrveq@4ax.com zZombie(%) esCcnbt_2oHHD3n7nZ2dnZfqn_EAAAAA@giganews.com Crump 6759ej94tkqrpalspcduem8scnocnno531@4ax.com zZombie(%) zTWdnRspnaIQBXn7nZ2dnZfqn_udnZ2d@giganews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.13--4.29pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 5 (76) OK; 3.1 Hours, Gecko➤Jan_2010➤WinX, Giganews.COM, Sep 13 { 0:54pm, 2024 }:53^(-7) 七餺劍 Oxy You(zZombie)Replied(to Crump): > > > i'm just starting to feel my afternoon dose of oxy > > > > Be careful, man, opioids are addictive and deadly. > > But at least it's not fentanyl, I guess. > > its prescribed and i'm already addicted > and i'll be dead soon, what do i care Why did you start taking it ? ■ Crump 4o22ej14m5hvgpe3848c1k92016sslkvn0@4ax.com rBowman lkcnraFjeelU1@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.10--11.11pm.Seattle.2024 DFS vc0e34$mb9v$3@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.12--10.54pm.Seattle.2024 Crump 4vl7ejhdefqma488qua6pqjch60njfpnv4@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.12--11.29pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (192) Bad; 8.6 Minutes, F_Agent, Eternal-September.ORG, Sep 12 { 11:13pm, 2024 }:46^(-4) 七餷蠚 Win11's "Voice Access" does most of the work. Crump: you type with your fucking mouse ? I use a custom designed virtual keyboard, Win11's "Voice Access" does most of the work. Voice Access is fast, accurate, customizable, offline, free. I've a 4k, 32" monitor swinging on an arm, a massively customized browser, a hyper customized 39 button mouse, no physical keyboard ( boots to BIOS ), super fast NVMe M.2 terabyte SSD, half terabyte USB stick & full control of everything. ■ DFS vbqu59$3cnfk$5@dont-email.me rBowman lkcfb5Fib9tU1@mid.individual.net Crump 4o22ej14m5hvgpe3848c1k92016sslkvn0@4ax.com rBowman lkcnraFjeelU1@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.10--11.11pm.Seattle.2024 DFS vc0e34$mb9v$3@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.12--10.54pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 5 (53) OK; 1.5 Hours, Betterbird, Eternal-September.ORG, Sep 12 { 9:12pm, 2024 }:26^(-4) 七餷殪 Going strong ( mentally, not physically ). DFS: Do you do all your computing lying in bed typing on a touchscreen ? No touchscreen; see: Jeff-Relf.Me/MouseKeyboardLayout.PNG "Words per Minute" measures sexytaries, not me. > start exercising before you die. Charlie Munger Was going strong ( mentally, not physically ) up until the age of 99. ■ rBowman lkeoriFsrusU1@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.11--5.50pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman lkf47nFug7qU1@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom vbueah$6gt7$2@dont-email.me ChrisV upp6ejdtqgms05mpigvko55uieedo2bc2h@4ax.com rBowman lkh9tvFa6gnU2@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.12--5.10pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (115) Top; 57 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Sep 12 { 3:57pm, 2024 }: 3 七餶玿 "Housing" ( a.k.a. "indoor plumbing" ). rBowman: Theoretically I lean toward anarchy. Then I look around me and realize it will never happen on any scale above a village. Missoula is East Seattle, i90. All 9 of its sawmills were shut down, one this year, because "housing" ( a.k.a. "indoor plumbing" ) is unaffordable. ■ Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid vbrgo0$3fqkc$1@dont-email.me rBowman lke7ipFqgraU1@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.11--4.00pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman lkeoriFsrusU1@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.11--5.50pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman lkf47nFug7qU1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.11--9.04pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (109) Top; 43.4 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Sep 11 { 8:07pm, 2024 }:36 七餳勸 WinTel tower PC With a mouse & a large monitor. You(rBowman)Replied(to me): > > I don't see what a "big" PC (compared to a "smart" phone) > > has to do with bigger bullets. > > a tool should be selected for the job at hand, not because it is BIGGER. Ever since 1983, I've enjoyed a WinTel tower PC With a mouse & a large monitor. ■ Crump 4o22ej14m5hvgpe3848c1k92016sslkvn0@4ax.com rBowman lkcnraFjeelU1@mid.individual.net Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid vbrgo0$3fqkc$1@dont-email.me rBowman lke7ipFqgraU1@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.11--4.00pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman lkeoriFsrusU1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.11--5.50pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ (?) +Top; 50.6 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Sep 11 { 4:53pm, 2024 }:23 七餲睳 A "big" PC (compared to a "smart" phone). You(rBowman)Replied(to me): > > Give me BIGGER, more customized gear. > > rBowman: [ Half inch, 12.7 mm, caliber bullets ] I don't see what a "big" PC (compared to a "smart" phone) has to do with bigger bullets. ■ DFS vbqu59$3cnfk$5@dont-email.me rBowman lkcfb5Fib9tU1@mid.individual.net Crump 4o22ej14m5hvgpe3848c1k92016sslkvn0@4ax.com rBowman lkcnraFjeelU1@mid.individual.net Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid vbrgo0$3fqkc$1@dont-email.me rBowman lke7ipFqgraU1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.11--4.00pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 3 (105) Top; 3.9 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Sep 11 { 11:58am, 2024 }:33 七餱葙 Give me BIGGER, more customized gear. rBowman: For many people the OS becomes irrelevant. I'm not "many people". Give me BIGGER, more customized gear. ■ DFS vbhlk5$1d0lu$1@dont-email.me Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid vbiln6$1j26j$4@dont-email.me DFS vbqu59$3cnfk$5@dont-email.me rBowman lkcfb5Fib9tU1@mid.individual.net Crump 4o22ej14m5hvgpe3848c1k92016sslkvn0@4ax.com rBowman lkcnraFjeelU1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.10--11.11pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (102) Top; 18.3 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Sep 10 { 10:23pm, 2024 }:54 七餯楪 Win11 running "Voice Access" ( fast, accurate, customizable, offline, free ). rBowman: IBM's model was always big iron with dumb terminals, thin clients, or whatever you want to call it. Pretty much the entire Chromebook design is the same. Desktops are getting to be the same. Win11 running "Voice Access" ( fast, accurate, customizable, offline, free ) on a 4k, 32" monitor swinging on an arm, a massively customized browser, a hyper customized 39 button mouse, no physical keyboard ( boots to BIOS ), super fast NVMe M.2 terabyte SSD, half terabyte USB stick & full control of everything is best. You can't get that on a kiosk, especially not big, "hyper customized" stuff. ■ Snit│brock_mcnuggets@gmail_com 66df4678$4$3068694$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com zZombie(%) ybedna0OeM5B10L7nZ2dnZfqnPudnZ2d@giganews.com Snit│brock_mcnuggets@gmail_com 66df51fb$11$1785$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com zZombie(%) kB2cndlV8vsqw0L7nZ2dnZfqnPSdnZ2d@giganews.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.9--2.15pm.Seattle.2024 zZombie(%) x5ydnbDCVPxM-0L7nZ2dnZfqn_QAAAAA@giganews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.9--2.50pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (53) OK; 20.6 Minutes, Gecko➤Jan_2010➤WinX, Giganews.COM, Sep 9 { 2:21pm, 2024 }:21^(-7) 七餩鋑 zZombie is UnAlive. You(zZombie)Replied(to me): > > Pico Pecker. > > there is no one named zZombie in this post Right, you're unalive, Pico Pecker. ■ zZombie(%) usScncmG66_WpkL7nZ2dnZfqnPsAAAAA@giganews.com Snit│brock_mcnuggets@gmail_com 66df4678$4$3068694$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com zZombie(%) ybedna0OeM5B10L7nZ2dnZfqnPudnZ2d@giganews.com Snit│brock_mcnuggets@gmail_com 66df51fb$11$1785$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com zZombie(%) kB2cndlV8vsqw0L7nZ2dnZfqnPSdnZ2d@giganews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.9--2.15pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (50) OK; 12.3 Minutes, Gecko➤Jan_2010➤WinX, Giganews.COM, Sep 9 { 1:46pm, 2024 }:46^(-7) 七餩誶 Toothless Pico Pecker. zZombie to Snit: you flap in the wind when you walk Snit: As a chicken, I cannot help it, I don't give a cluck. zZombie: what a pecker Toothless pico pecker ( tomato, onion & peppers ). ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.7--1.42am.Seattle.2024 Crump 0r7pdjdirrolc3iuadsi5vktqfm166e9op@4ax.com zZombie(%) guudnTAHeJsiNEH7nZ2dnZfqnPednZ2d@giganews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.7--1.10pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (29) OK; 26.6 Minutes, Gecko➤Jan_2010➤WinX, Giganews.COM, Sep 7 { 0:30pm, 2024 }: 5^(-7) 七餡施 Win11's "Voice Access" is FAR superior to Win10's "Speech Recognition". DiskSpace is irrelevant; Crump doesn't have the _HeadSpace_ for Windows 11. Re: I upgraded to Win11 to try "Voice Access". So far, So good. Win11's "Voice Access" is FAR superior to Win10's "Speech Recognition". Pinning apps to Win11's taskbar is working well for me. ■ Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.7--1.42am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy I upgraded to Win11 to try "Voice Access". I upgraded to Win11 to try "Voice Access". Win10's "Windows Speech Recognition" is free & trainable but too random. Sadly, my "VoiceTyper" trial period ended; it's now 11 $/month. "PCHealthCheck" says my PC is 8 years old ( I bought it new 5 Years ago ). I managed to enable the required "TPM 2.0" (TPM.MSC) in BIOS. To upgrade my BIOS, I put "\7B17vAD0\E7B17IMS.AD0" in my USB thumb drive; it must be named _EXACTLY_ so, otherwise it fails miserably. See: Aug 9, 2024, MPG Z390 GAMING -- Edge AC, AMI BIOS, E7B17IMS .AD0 -- 7B17vAD0 MSI.COM/Motherboard/MPG-Z390-GAMING-Edge-AC/support#driver The "AC" stands for "WiFi AC" ( now "WiFi 5" ), which allows you to control your Air Conditioner via your phone ( Whoopty Woo ! ). Before installing Win11, BIOS must be set to "UEFI" boot. To switch from "Legacy" to "UEFI", switch C:'s "Partition Table" from MBR to GPT ( GUID Partition Table ) thusly: MBR2GPT /validate /disk:0 /allowFullOS MBR2GPT /convert /disk:0 /allowFullOS REM Oddly, "MBR2GPT.EXE" couldn't be run from "C:\Windows\System32"; REM so copied it to my home directory. Now PCHealthCheck says: "This PC meets Windows 11 requirements". I'm currently running Win11 & testing "Voice Access". ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.3--10.37am.Seattle.2024 pothead│pothead@snakebite_com vb7pul$3f2u6$3@dont-email.me RonB vb7rag$3fags$1@dont-email.me pothead│pothead@snakebite_com vb814f$3g35u$5@dont-email.me rBowman ljpmpcFitqcU1@mid.individual.net RonB vb8rd0$3n7c1$2@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.4--10.09am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (51) OK; 11.2 Hours, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Sep 3 { 10:32pm, 2024 }:16 七餒章 Putin is diddling his Ukrainian step kids. RonB: For those wishing that Putin be removed from office, be careful what you wish for. In other words: Putin is diddling his Ukrainian step kids but we shouldn't do anything about it because he's "the devil we know". ■ rBowman ljngclF8t2kU1@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.3--10.37am.Seattle.2024 pothead│pothead@snakebite_com vb7pul$3f2u6$3@dont-email.me RonB vb7rag$3fags$1@dont-email.me pothead│pothead@snakebite_com vb814f$3g35u$5@dont-email.me RonB vb8qve$3n7c1$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.4--9.56am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 3 (51) OK; 11.3 Hours, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Sep 3 { 10:25pm, 2024 }: 3 七餒礯 Putin is fucking his Ukrainian step kids. 1. No one is about to carpet bomb Mexico. 2. Putin is fucking his Ukrainian step kids. ■ rBowman ljngclF8t2kU1@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.3--10.37am.Seattle.2024 pothead│pothead@snakebite_com vb7pul$3f2u6$3@dont-email.me RonB vb7rag$3fags$1@dont-email.me pothead│pothead@snakebite_com vb814f$3g35u$5@dont-email.me rBowman ljpmpcFitqcU1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.3--5.53pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (90) Top; 32.1 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Sep 3 { 5:09pm, 2024 }:17 七餑脭 Mexico is no Warsaw. rBowman: missiles in Poland are in case Iran decides to attack Warsaw You meant to say "Russia", not "Iran", I presume. Mexico is no Warsaw; no one is about to carpet bomb them, RonB. ■ Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.3--0.02pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy I installed "VoiceTyper" on my PC. I installed "VoiceTyper" on my PC, no charge; it's a VoiceToText app, it only works when online. One may NOT train it, 66 languages; it's "Ask AI" command uses "Bing Chat"; it's far faster than I can type . . . & more accurate. "Settings -> Advanced -> Live Corrections" is fun, "animated". The owner, Phillip Sawyer, born Apr 2001, basically wrote it using the Bing Chat API, November 2023. "VoiceTyper™ == Eridis Inc." is a ~2 man, garage startup, 3919 149 Street, Edmonton Alberta T6r 1j7, Canada. In some GenZ card game, "Eridis" is the "God of the Void". ■ Ahlstrom vb4766$2qbvk$4@dont-email.me rBowman ljmaaeF3datU1@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom vb5a9q$303ls$4@dont-email.me RonB vb5esr$30otp$4@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.2--6.17pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman ljngclF8t2kU1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.3--10.37am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 3 (85) Top; 10.8 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Sep 2 { 9:07pm, 2024 }:49 七餎嶕 Ukraine is that 6'5" kid who no longer takes bulshit from his dad. Relf: Best to not make a deal with the Devil. China knows that Putin won't stop carpet bombing. rBowman: [ Britain carpet bombed ] Yes; it could, so it did. Ukraine is that 6'5" kid who no longer takes bulshit from his dad. ■ RonB vb33vf$1mdp7$2@dont-email.me rBowman ljkp94Fqi63U1@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom vb4766$2qbvk$4@dont-email.me rBowman ljmaaeF3datU1@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom vb5a9q$303ls$4@dont-email.me RonB vb5esr$30otp$4@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.2--6.17pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (42) OK; 2.3 Hours, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Sep 2 { 3:40pm, 2024 }:27 七餍招 China knows that Putin won't stop carpet bombing. Best to not make a deal with the Devil. China knows that Putin won't stop carpet bombing. ■ RonB vb2dam$1j7sd$1@dont-email.me rBowman ljk9dgFod9iU1@mid.individual.net RonB vb33vf$1mdp7$2@dont-email.me rBowman ljkp94Fqi63U1@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom vb4766$2qbvk$4@dont-email.me rBowman ljmaaeF3datU1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.2--10.48am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (76) Top; 13.1 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Sep 2 { 10:18am, 2024 }: 6 七餌楎 Who's going to carpet bomb Moscow when the time comes, China ? You(rBowman)Replied(to Ahlstrom): > > Didn't Putin [ carpet bomb Ukraine ] ? > > You are thinking of Victoria Nuland. Who's going to carpet bomb Moscow when the time comes, China ? ■ rBowman ljigo5Ffv22U1@mid.individual.net RonB vb2dam$1j7sd$1@dont-email.me rBowman ljk9dgFod9iU1@mid.individual.net RonB vb33vf$1mdp7$2@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.1--10.15pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman ljl8t4Fsrk1U1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.2--8.29am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 1 (75) Top; 6.3 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Sep 2 { 0:47am, 2024 }:48 七養螤 Afghanistan & Ukraine are where russkies go to die. You(rBowman)Replied(to me): > > Russia will join NATO, sooner or later. > > Other than destroying Yugoslavia, [ NATO . . . ] Quote: Religious differences between Orthodox Serbs and Macedonians, Catholic Croats and Slovenes, and Muslim Bosniaks and Albanians alongside the rise of nationalism contributed to the collapse of Yugoslavia in 1991. Quote: From 1941 to 1945, the Croatian Ustaše regime persecuted and murdered around 300,000 Serbs, along with at least 30,000 Jews and Roma; hundreds of thousands of Serbs were also expelled and another 200,000-300,000 were forced to convert to Catholicism. The Chetniks also persecuted and killed Muslims and Croats, with an estimated 50,000-68,000 victims (of which 41,000 were civilians). > NATO has no reason for existence except Russia > and should have been disbanded adter the fall of the USSR. You're forgetting Tibet, Taiwan, North Korea, China, Turkey, Georgia etc. > . . . killing some civilians in Helmand province, > and helping to destabilize Libya it hasn't been particularly effective. Afghanistan & Ukraine is where rich countries go to die, R.I.P. USSR. ■ rBowman ljh3s6F9br9U1@mid.individual.net RonB vb0q66$1cg6j$1@dont-email.me rBowman ljigo5Ffv22U1@mid.individual.net RonB vb2dam$1j7sd$1@dont-email.me rBowman ljk9dgFod9iU1@mid.individual.net RonB vb33vf$1mdp7$2@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.1--10.15pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (37) OK; 1.6 Hours, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Sep 1 { 6:21pm, 2024 }:51 七餉缯 Russia will join NATO, sooner or later. Russia will join NATO, sooner or later. ■ RonB vav9rv$11tgi$1@dont-email.me rBowman ljh3s6F9br9U1@mid.individual.net RonB vb0q66$1cg6j$1@dont-email.me rBowman ljigo5Ffv22U1@mid.individual.net IransFinest vb2p98$21fj7$2@solani.org rBowman ljkaecFod9iU2@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.1--4.52pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (71) Top; 15.5 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Sep 1 { 4:07pm, 2024 }:56 七餉忌 Rioters should be subdued with mountains of soap & water. Rioters should be subdued with mountains of soap & water. ■ RonB vav9rv$11tgi$1@dont-email.me rBowman ljh3s6F9br9U1@mid.individual.net RonB vb0q66$1cg6j$1@dont-email.me rBowman ljigo5Ffv22U1@mid.individual.net RonB vb2dam$1j7sd$1@dont-email.me rBowman ljk9dgFod9iU1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.1--4.39pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 3 (71) Top; 33.1 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Sep 1 { 3:50pm, 2024 }:24 七餉宰 Rainbow Colored Dildos. rBowman: Mutual destruction would be good since that's the only feasible path to 'peace in the mid-East'. I'd love to see Anti-American protesters shipped to Gaza armed with rainbow colored dildos. ■ John_Smyth│smythlejon2@hotmail_com 79m9djtl5mq9ungojpsm7eaobdi2bpgn7n@4ax.com Snit│brock_mcnuggets@gmail_com 66d4dc96$0$3620718$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.1--3.10pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy, Alt.Computer.Workshop ╳ (?) --Robot; 33 Minutes, Usenapp_for_MacOS, Blocknews.NET, Sep 1 { 2:28pm, 2024 }:54 七餈骖 The climate cult pays well, better than most. Re: Why are climate alarmists so wrong all the time ?! Snit: Cult members tend to be more enthusiastic. Yes the climate cult pays well, better than most. ■ rBowman lja32iF7i45U3@mid.individual.net RonB vaosqr$3r9ts$1@dont-email.me rBowman ljbtr6Fg4hiU1@mid.individual.net RonB var66f$6eq3$5@dont-email.me rBowman ljcp3pFk0qdU1@mid.individual.net RonB vaspta$i5k9$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.30--9.26am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (31) OK; 12.6 Minutes, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Aug 30 { 8:53am, 2024 }:14 七飿諪 "Residual eXergy" (potential entropy) fuels both "life" (games) & gravity. As the cosmos goes from infinitely hot/dense to infinitely cold/sparse, "residual eXergy" (potential entropy) fuels both "life" (games) & gravity. ■ RonB vamet6$3c97m$4@dont-email.me rBowman lja32iF7i45U3@mid.individual.net RonB vaosqr$3r9ts$1@dont-email.me rBowman ljbtr6Fg4hiU1@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom vaqkck$37v9$11@dont-email.me RonB var71o$6eq3$7@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.29--6.45pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ (?) +-; 14.4 Minutes, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Aug 29 { 6:25pm, 2024 }:12 七飽捸 Pick the one that pays best. RonB: Operate under the assumption that truth is objective (not subjective) There's an infinite number of wildly divergent, "objective" truths. Pick the one that pays best. ■ rBowman lja4f5F7i45U4@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom vaph3c$3tqmm$6@dont-email.me rBowman ljc13rFg4hiU5@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom vaqkr6$37v9$12@dont-email.me Crump o8m1djl7209vhi2m838h1nmmdvhq4abidl@4ax.com rBowman ljciopFj65gU1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.29--6.28pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 3 (64) Top; 29.5 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Aug 29 { 5:40pm, 2024 }:57 七飽夙 The "Crump V. Trump" RumpBump. You (rBowman) replied ( to Crump ): > > [ Trump winning would ] lead to civil war. > > Bring it on. I need some amusement in my old age. The revolution will be monetized, not televised. It'll kickoff with the "Crump V. Trump" RumpBump (on TikTok). ■ DetroitsFinest 17f03d4b483b52e7$499$1796078$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.29--1.37pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ (?) -Dropped; 4.4 Hours, BadRig, Usenetexpress.COM, Aug 29 { 8:40am, 2024 }:50^(0) 七飻纂 Caffeine-induced insanity. DetroitsFinest informs us: > I haven't slept more than 40 minutes per day in 10 fucking years! > When the girls come over and see my highly potent GNU/Linux system > they rush to take off their clothes and spread. You've caffeine-induced insanity, same as Joel Crump. ■ rBowman lj6ggoFlrvkU1@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom vals7o$365dj$5@dont-email.me rBowman lj7regFrnh2U1@mid.individual.net RonB vamet6$3c97m$4@dont-email.me rBowman lja32iF7i45U3@mid.individual.net RonB vaosqr$3r9ts$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.29--0.50pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (23) ify; 15 Hours, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Aug 28 { 9:18pm, 2024 }:35 七飹芛 Who can survive without lying to himself ? RonB: I don't believe in "reality tunnels" (plural). Who can survive without lying to himself ? Fundamentally, I'm a silly twit; every cult clings to a (fake) "apocalypse". Climate alarmists are dirty wh*res; they lie for money, sex & power. -- Affordable housing, not tariffs. Trump sucks Putin's dick. ■ Ahlstrom vals7o$365dj$5@dont-email.me rBowman lj7regFrnh2U1@mid.individual.net RonB vamet6$3c97m$4@dont-email.me rBowman lja32iF7i45U3@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.29--5.43am.Seattle.2024 rBowman ljbu9lFg4hiU2@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.29--0.25pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (54) Top; 24.6 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Aug 29 { 11:51am, 2024 }:33 七飼夵 Hank Green's ring. You (rBowman) replied ( to me ): > > SciShow host Hank Green (in Missoula) isn't that bad. > > Unteresting. Never heard of him. A prophet in his home country? Many YouTubers rely on Hank Green's "Patreon" to survive; kiss his ring or suffer the consequences. ■ Ahlstrom vakoiv$313dk$3@dont-email.me rBowman lj6ggoFlrvkU1@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom vals7o$365dj$5@dont-email.me rBowman lj7regFrnh2U1@mid.individual.net RonB vamet6$3c97m$4@dont-email.me rBowman lja32iF7i45U3@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.29--5.43am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 3 (52) Top; 9.6 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Aug 28 { 7:00pm, 2024 }:51 七飹打 Climate alarmists are dirty wh*res. Re: reality tunnels. Climate alarmists are dirty wh*res; they lie for sex, power & money. SciShow host Hank Green (in Missoula) isn't that bad. ■ Crump 481vcjd4f64jjjjit6mgdplc4c0su2kuuk@4ax.com rBowman lja1l4F7i45U2@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.29--4.58am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 4 (52) Top; 10 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Aug 28 { 6:36pm, 2024 }:37 七飹岥 DOS consoles, Windows Explorer, mouse settings etc. DOS consoles, Windows Explorer, mouse settings etc. can't be zoomed in&out using the mouse wheel. It's just too damn hard to implement, apparently. ■ unknown│novalidemail@toss_net MPG.41319de4cc31d545989799@news.giganews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.27--3.14am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy, Alt.Fan.Rush-Limbaugh ╱ 2 (3) ify; 8.9 Hours, MicroPlanet, Giganews.COM, Aug 26 { 5:39pm, 2024 }:55^(-4) 七飰蹛 Trump licks Putin's dick. Trump says he'll: > Strengthen and modernize our military, making it, without > question, the strongest and most powerful in the world. Trump licks Putin's dick & asks if he wants anything more. > Keep the U.S. dollar as the world's reserve currency. The US $ (!Gold) remains the LeastWorst currency. > Fight for and protect social security and medicare with no > cuts, including no changes to the retirement age. My SS retirement check doesn't cover rent, much less utilities. Affordable housing is the best policy. > Cancel the electric vehicle mandate Amen brother, right on. Climate alarmists should be locked away in padded cells, cut off from the rest of the world. ■ DistroMan lj0no6Fog2bU1@mid.individual.net rBowman lj1b5uFr72mU4@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom vahqg3$2e0r0$12@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.26--11.33am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 3 (34) ify; 6.2 Hours, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Aug 26 { 4:55am, 2024 }:47^(-4) 七飮罃 MetaZen: Pursue sadness and you'll find happiness. Zen: You'll feel better once you've given up hope. MetaZen: Pursue sadness and you'll find happiness. Hunger is the best seasoning. Affordable housing is the best policy. ■ rBowman livg7dFilcoU1@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom vaf3eg$1rv5i$4@dont-email.me RonB vafc1k$1t3m2$3@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.25--8.16am.Seattle.2024 rBowman lj1aglFr72mU2@mid.individual.net DistroMan lj1ddhFog2bU5@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.25--0.35pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (9) ify; 15.7 Minutes, Pan➤Linux, Individual.NET, Aug 25 { 0:02pm, 2024 }: 9 七飫螱 Slava Ukraini. DistroMan: I find it astonishing that the MAGAhats would be backing Russia. Unlike the West, Russia prefers Christ over Karl Marx. > Fucking unAmerican commies. Harris is a price-fixing communist, AntiAmerican, & AntiIsraelie, like Venezuela & Iran. & the greens are the nuttiest people on the planet. That said . . . Glory to Ukraine, Glory to the heroes. ■ RonB vafctd$1t3m2$4@dont-email.me rBowman lj1d59Fr72mU5@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.25--0.11pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (28) ify; 2.3 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Aug 25 { 11:57am, 2024 }:46 七飫蚪 SawMills know trees are banana shaped . . . & cut accordingly. Re: Crooked trees. SawMills know trees are banana shaped . . . & cut accordingly. ■ rBowman liupplFffojU1@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom vadq3d$1io5q$4@dont-email.me RonB vae3mm$1nobf$1@dont-email.me rBowman livra7Fka65U1@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom vaf3p7$1rv5i$5@dont-email.me rBowman lj1ao2Fr72mU3@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.25--11.57am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (26) ify; 5.5 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Aug 25 { 11:16am, 2024 }:34 七飫紂 Turkey has the most affordable housing in the world. You (rBowman) replied ( to Ahlstrom ): > > we have one of the lowest inflation rates in the developing world. > > A lower inflation than third world shitholes like Turkey. Well, goody. Turkey has the most affordable housing in the world. So have a relaxing hammam & a hookah after your kumpir ! ■ rBowman livg7dFilcoU1@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom vaf3eg$1rv5i$4@dont-email.me RonB vafc1k$1t3m2$3@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.25--8.16am.Seattle.2024 rBowman lj1aglFr72mU2@mid.individual.net RonB vafsdr$21os1$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.25--11.41am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (10) ify; 5.6 Minutes, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Aug 25 { 11:16am, 2024 }:28 七飫糼 If NATO can defeat Putin then pois e. If NATO can defeat Putin then pois é. NATO's largest air field is in Romania, f16s. P.S. MainstreamMedia died long ago. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.24--7.26am.Seattle.2024 rBowman liupplFffojU1@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom vadq3d$1io5q$4@dont-email.me rBowman livg7dFilcoU1@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom vaf3eg$1rv5i$4@dont-email.me RonB vafc1k$1t3m2$3@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.25--8.16am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (589) Bad; 1.5 Hours, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Aug 25 { 6:36am, 2024 }:52 七飪赴 No agreement with Putin would be worth the paper it was written on. RonB: a war that could have been solved within a month had we allowed Zelensky to sign a peace agreement ? No agreement with Putin would be worth the paper it was written on. ■ DistroMan lh9pugF6q3tU24@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.24--7.26am.Seattle.2024 rBowman liupplFffojU1@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom vadq3d$1io5q$4@dont-email.me RonB vae3mm$1nobf$1@dont-email.me rBowman livra7Fka65U1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.24--11.57pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 5 (734) OK; 1.1 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Aug 24 { 9:47pm, 2024 }: 3 七飩捇 Missoula has higher highs & lower lows. rBowman: a 70 degree day after 90d put me in the mood for [JägerKohl]. Missoula has higher highs & lower lows. Come the end of August, a week from now, Missoula returns to 89°/49° & sunny. Wednesday's low will be 42°. September 1st, Seattle will see 82°/58° & sunny. Wednesday's low will be 52°. ■ John_Smyth│smythlejon2@hotmail_com vs1vaj5f0nfo9n8ao5npnvi476866915le@4ax.com DistroMan lh9pugF6q3tU24@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.24--7.26am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 49 (233) OK; 2.8 Weeks, Pan➤Linux, Individual.NET, Aug 4 { 9:52am, 2024 }:32 七颔韐 The pussy-grabbing felon has the best energy policy. The pussy-grabbing felon has the best energy policy. ■ DFS v9qrio$20p6v$1@dont-email.me Crump b7t1cj5pfbpgaod5kij20spoevhggf6p1r@4ax.com Ahlstrom v9smv5$2bv04$9@dont-email.me ChrisV kqu3cjhtnjg05mgkaaae183615qktsitkq@4ax.com DistroMan liln65Fomf5U5@mid.individual.net rBowman limvcgFa70gU1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.24--7.19am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ (?) +-; 2.7 Days, Pan, Individual.NET, Aug 21 { 1:01pm, 2024 }:20 七飛澐 Unlike Seth Macfarlane, Stewie Griffin is gay. rBowman: I didn't even know one of my nephews was gay until my cousin clued me in. ~10 years passed before I realized that Boy George was gay. Ditto George Michael. "Nothing gay about Elton John", I once thought. Unlike Seth Macfarlane, Stewie Griffin is gay. ■ DFS va5s8h$1i4j$3@dont-email.me rBowman linoj0Fdn7rU2@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.21--10.58pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman lipcu0Fl0edU2@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.22--1.53pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman liqfpjFprmmU4@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.22--10.53pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 5 (765) OK; 41.6 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Aug 22 { 8:59pm, 2024 }:47 七飠霳 Montana is far from Kaczynski, Putin & the Ayatollah. rBowman: When I moved here in '89 it was 48,430 [1990]; now it's [78,876]. It's harder to hide 30,000 extra people in a city constrained by rivers and mountains. Missoula grew 63 % ( 78876 / 48430 ) 1990 to 2024 Seattle grew 66 % ( 797700 / 516259 ) America grew 39 % ( 345426571 / 248709873 ) rBowman: I'm thinking the problem may be self curing when the music stops. I doubt it, Montana is far from Kaczynski, Putin & the Ayatollah. ■ rBowman liib5oFisdnU3@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.21--1.33pm.Seattle.2024 DFS va5s8h$1i4j$3@dont-email.me rBowman linoj0Fdn7rU2@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.21--10.58pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman lipcu0Fl0edU2@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.22--1.53pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 9 (778) OK; 1.6 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Aug 22 { 11:04am, 2024 }:48 七食巀 Seattle has the fastest population growth ( 2.4 %/Year ). Seattle 2pm: cloudy, 68°F, calm. Over the past two decades, Seattle’s population has grown from 572,587 in 2005 to 797,700 in 2024, representing an increase of over 225,000 residents, or more than 39 %. Among the 50 largest U.S. cities, Seattle has the fastest population growth ( 2.4 %/Year ). ■ ChrisV qdb7cjpr173u30o274eupi7rtlsdkeqq6v@4ax.com rBowman lihs6uFgjuvU12@mid.individual.net IransFinest va373n$3hs1n$2@dont-email.me rBowman likqh0F2igU1@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.21--11.26pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman lipbmuFl0edU1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.22--1.31pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 10 (778) OK; 1.9 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Aug 22 { 10:43am, 2024 }:59 七食壟 Sans affordable housing, Montana withers away. Pyramid's official statement ( MissoulaCurrent.COM/Pyramid-Lumber-Closes ): labor shortages, lack of housing, unprecedented rising costs, plummeting lumber prices, and the cost of living in Western Montana have crippled Pyramid’s ability to operate. Sans affordable housing, Montana withers away. ■ RonB va0o47$32sof$2@dont-email.me rBowman liib5oFisdnU3@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.21--1.33pm.Seattle.2024 DFS va5s8h$1i4j$3@dont-email.me Crump i6tccjp39mr7djn3ahf8dcesnk6de5e0ls@4ax.com DFS va7odv$gate$4@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.22--9.38am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 79 (434) OK; 6.8 Minutes, Betterbird, Eternal-September.ORG, Aug 22 { 9:19am, 2024 }:14^(-4) 七飞霂 Crump's exercise tips. You (DFS) replied ( to Jesus(tm) ): > > Diet Pepsi keeps my body healthy. > > any cardio or weights? He twerks while getting plowed. ■ rBowman liib5oFisdnU3@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.21--1.33pm.Seattle.2024 DFS va5s8h$1i4j$3@dont-email.me rBowman linoj0Fdn7rU2@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.21--10.58pm.Seattle.2024 DFS va7nq8$gate$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.22--9.30am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 80 (434) OK; 17.3 Minutes, Betterbird, Eternal-September.ORG, Aug 22 { 9:08am, 2024 }:43^(-4) 七飞钋 My silly life. You (DFS) replied ( to me ): > > Silly exercise doesn't interest me, Sorry DFS. > > Then you'll die a silly death. Thus ending my silly life. ■ ChrisV 6oh6cj558k9srrgqhtnelc0u61317588q0@4ax.com rBowman lihnr7FgjuvU3@mid.individual.net ChrisV qdb7cjpr173u30o274eupi7rtlsdkeqq6v@4ax.com rBowman lihs6uFgjuvU12@mid.individual.net IransFinest va373n$3hs1n$2@dont-email.me rBowman likqh0F2igU1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.21--11.26pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 19 (772) OK; 1.2 Days, Pan, Individual.NET, Aug 20 { 5:26pm, 2024 }: 8 七飘删 Swimming in it like Scrooge McDuck. rBowman: The mills are gone. The last one shut down this spring. Yes, because they couldn't pay their employees enough to rent a drafty shack. Meanwhile, those who already own homes are swimming in it like Scrooge McDuck. ■ rBowman lihs6uFgjuvU12@mid.individual.net RonB va0o47$32sof$2@dont-email.me rBowman liib5oFisdnU3@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.21--1.33pm.Seattle.2024 DFS va5s8h$1i4j$3@dont-email.me rBowman linoj0Fdn7rU2@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.21--10.58pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 18 (768) OK; 2.2 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Aug 21 { 8:11pm, 2024 }:29 七飜艡 Silly exercise doesn't interest me. rBowman: 80°F, mostly sunny, and 35% humidity. This ain't Georgia and I don't need to grow gills. Silly exercise doesn't interest me, Sorry DFS. 62°F, 10:30pm, calm, occasional light rain. No one can tell you what "humidity" is, here in Seattle. P.S. I found a token amount of brisket ( pectoral muscle, pecs ) at the bottom of my 2 lb tub of beans . . . Yum ! ■ Uncle_Matuch UyqwO.77092$1Gdb.35406@fx04.iad rBowman lifcilF5rvpU1@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom v9vc3t$2r7p4$10@dont-email.me rBowman lihjkmFfpdlU1@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom va206b$3bv9k$9@dont-email.me rBowman lik5ebFrgqtU1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.21--2.01pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 16 (765) OK; 1.1 Days, Pan, Individual.NET, Aug 20 { 11:26am, 2024 }:20 七飗俌 Istanbul baked potatos (kumpir) & a Turkish bath (Hammam). I regret not starting a hookah bar, complete with fully reclining, vibrating chairs, Istanbul baked potatos (kumpir) & a Turkish bath (Hammam). ■ ChrisV 6oh6cj558k9srrgqhtnelc0u61317588q0@4ax.com rBowman lihnr7FgjuvU3@mid.individual.net ChrisV qdb7cjpr173u30o274eupi7rtlsdkeqq6v@4ax.com rBowman lihs6uFgjuvU12@mid.individual.net RonB va0o47$32sof$2@dont-email.me rBowman liib5oFisdnU3@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.21--1.33pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 12 (759) OK; 1.8 Days, Pan, Individual.NET, Aug 19 { 6:51pm, 2024 }:53 七飔岹 Walmart's "Baked Beans with Brisket". RonB: Even Harris admitted that the price of groceries have gone up 50%. At the moment I am eating Walmart's "Baked Beans with Brisket", 32 oz tub (Refrigerated), 8 $. Three months ago it contained brisket chunks; today, it's just a flavoring. It's still good but quite sweet. ■ Uncle_Matuch uK1wO.38357$vu%c.35527@fx08.iad rBowman liccphFmbg1U4@mid.individual.net Uncle_Matuch rz9wO.352011$7Lh9.16574@fx12.iad rBowman lico10Fo47eU4@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.17--7.32pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman lidbk3Fqs36U2@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.17--10.48pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 3 (717) OK; 57.3 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Aug 17 { 9:28pm, 2024 }:51 七飌溃 I'll force everyone to use email. rBowman: VOIP wouldn't work for me. I've never liked phones qua phones and still don't. Once I'm king of the world ( given Joel Crump's permission ), I'll force everyone to use email. It's insane how I can't make and receive desktop calls via my cell phone number; absolutely insane. And, no, I'm not talking about those apps that force you to register people before you can communicate with them. ■ Uncle_Matuch y51wO.122744$COA2.78425@fx46.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.17--6.23am.Seattle.2024 Uncle_Matuch uK1wO.38357$vu%c.35527@fx08.iad rBowman liccphFmbg1U4@mid.individual.net Uncle_Matuch rz9wO.352011$7Lh9.16574@fx12.iad rBowman lico10Fo47eU4@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.17--7.32pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 7 (714) OK; 2.2 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Aug 17 { 3:54pm, 2024 }:24 七飋爠 (wired) "VoIP.MS" costs ~30 $/YEAR. rBowman: [ The Mint plan is ] 5 GB per month but I average less than than 2.5 The 15 $/Month you spend on Mint tells spammers that you have money. If you don't talk for endless hours ( 2 Thousand Minutes/Month, like me ) (wired) "VoIP.MS" costs ~30 $/YEAR. ■ rBowman lhn9r8Fgf7nU1@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.16--5.45am.Seattle.2024 ChrisV 7gnvbjlvicpir4uvdmsh7dt7c83eiq7ib4@4ax.com Uncle_Matuch PnTvO.29577$8UD7.19656@fx01.iad rBowman liaknaFee5vU3@mid.individual.net Uncle_Matuch y51wO.122744$COA2.78425@fx46.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.17--6.23am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 117 (973) OK; 16.1 Minutes, Betterbird, Usenet-News.NET, Aug 17 { 5:55am, 2024 }:58^(-4) 七飉觞 How much did your phone cost ? Uncle_Matuch: > Blackberry used to produce their phones in North America, but then the > iPhone showed the world what could be and Johnny Dipshit decided that he > needed to spend his entire life [savings] on a phone. How much did your phone cost ? ■ Ahlstrom v9l4te$1004s$4@dont-email.me Ahlstrom v9m0du$ejg$1@toxic.dizum.net Swilly 3lbtbjhfdif38hfvoo7n4pi8gjcmmfv3de@4ax.com Ahlstrom v9ncr3$1dkqg$4@dont-email.me Ulysses│jyaearthfaltter410o@proton_me XnsB1D0A6C76615Cjyaearthfaltter410op@ Ahlstrom v9ofmb$1ijbh$4@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.17--3.13am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy, Alt.Fan.Rush-Limbaugh, Talk.Politics.Guns ╱ 8 (500) OK; 11.8 Hours, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Aug 16 { 2:18pm, 2024 }: 2^(-4) 七飇刊 How I score YouAll. Re: How I score YouAll. I'm the top Nym, always. After my blacklist is applied, I sort Nyms based on who replies to who. After the best 19 Nyms, I mark every Nyms' posts "ReddIt". Recently, I silenced 100+ Nyms this way. Jeff-Relf.Me/Cola_Regs.HTM Jeff-Relf.Me/Posts.TXT ■ Uncle_Matuch hn9sO.51196$gJuc.14994@fx10.iad RonB v8rn3c$15j6e$1@dont-email.me rBowman lhdcpgFs6sU1@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom v8t04g$1i0cs$5@dont-email.me rBowman lhfd4mFa1p9U1@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom v8vkln$2nroj$6@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.17--1.41am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 68 (500) OK; 1.4 Weeks, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Aug 7 { 4:09am, 2024 }:42^(-4) 七颠揶 Hunger is the best seasoning. Ahlstrom: [Society] is a mixed bag. And if you're kind of sick of it, you might live up in the mountains of Montana, like rBowman. Re: You will never know hunger. Pity. Hunger is the best seasoning. ■ Ahlstrom v9ffpd$3rr6c$2@dont-email.me rBowman li1sa3F3ikqU5@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom v9j4si$j3mg$6@dont-email.me rBowman li59c7Fjs2hU7@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.16--10.37pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman liaujhFfr57U1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.16--11.46pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (711) OK; 1.2 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Aug 16 { 11:34pm, 2024 }:25 七飈艱 My macros. rBowman: What does this do? > #define CREATE_FMT_STR_DECL(obj) char *create_##obj##_fmt_str (fmt_strf_map_t *fmt) CREATE_FMT_STR_DECL(int) // can also be written: char *create_int_fmt_str( fmt_strf_map_t *fmt ) > > My macros would make him cry. > > So where is the macro? From "z1.CPP" in "Jeff-Relf.Me/z1.ZIP": #define g( Top, Rtn ) { while( --p##Top > Top && !*p##Top ); if ( F = p##Top + 1, p##Top <= Top ) Rtn ; \ LOOP { Cnt = SumCols = SumHrs = zCol = 0 ; \ while ( --F >= Top + 3 && ( *F && (Cnt++, SumCols += *F, SumHrs += ToHr( *F ) ) || F[-1] || F[-2] || F[-3] ) ); \ if ( F = p##Top--, Cnt >= 2 || p##Top <= Top ) break ; } if ( !Cnt ) Rtn ; \ p##Top -= rn( Trim*_DaysInCycle ), zCol = SumCols/Cnt, zHr = SumHrs/Cnt, ##Top##Pnt = { 0, 0, Color, zCol, zHr }; } ■ rBowman lhn9r8Fgf7nU1@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.16--5.45am.Seattle.2024 ChrisV 7gnvbjlvicpir4uvdmsh7dt7c83eiq7ib4@4ax.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.16--7.10pm.Seattle.2024 DistroMan lianvsFet2qU1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.16--10.45pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 40 (257) OK; 58.5 Minutes, Pan➤Linux, Individual.NET, Aug 16 { 9:41pm, 2024 }:32 七飈柼 China hates Americans. You (DistroMan) replied ( to me ): > > China isn't my enemy; we should mimic them. > > Authoritarian regimes with little regard for human rights > are not my cup of tea. > If you like the place so much, why not immigrate ? China hates Americans. I'm too old to learn Chinese. The pandemic destroyed me. ■ Ahlstrom v9crn0$38vc4$3@dont-email.me rBowman lhv208Fll3rU1@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom v9ffpd$3rr6c$2@dont-email.me rBowman li1sa3F3ikqU5@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom v9j4si$j3mg$6@dont-email.me rBowman li59c7Fjs2hU7@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.16--10.37pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 20 (712) OK; 2.1 Days, Pan, Individual.NET, Aug 14 { 8:01pm, 2024 }:27 七颿辇 My macros would make him cry. a ? b : c ? d : e ? f : g ? h : i // can also be written: a ? b : ( c ? d : ( e ? f : ( g ? h : i ) ) a ? b ? c ? d ? e : f : g : h : i // can also be written: a ? ( b ? ( c ? ( d ? e : f ) : g ) : h ) : i a ? a += 5, b ? b += 5, c ? c += 5, d ? d += 5, e : f : g : h : i // can also be written: a ? ( a += 5, b ? ( b += 5, c += 5, c ? ( d ? d += 5, e : f ) : g ) : h ) : i rBowman: [He] constructed macros that would make K&R cry. My macros would make him cry. ■ rBowman lhn9r8Fgf7nU1@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.16--5.45am.Seattle.2024 ChrisV 7gnvbjlvicpir4uvdmsh7dt7c83eiq7ib4@4ax.com Uncle_Matuch PnTvO.29577$8UD7.19656@fx01.iad rBowman liaknaFee5vU3@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.16--9.22pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 36 (710) OK; 7.8 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Aug 16 { 8:45pm, 2024 }:47 七飈嫫 The best seasoning is hunger. rBowman: If Walamrt couldn't sell cheap Chinese goods a sizable portion of the population would be running around naked and hungry. As wonderful as that sounds, I still don't believe in tariffs. The best seasoning is hunger. ■ Ahlstrom v9ffpd$3rr6c$2@dont-email.me rBowman li1sa3F3ikqU5@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.16--6.06am.Seattle.2024 rBowman li9mk0F9tvsU4@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.16--6.43pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman liak4mFee5vU2@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.16--9.05pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 37 (710) OK; 17.8 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Aug 16 { 8:35pm, 2024 }:51 七飈増 I've never received a dime of unemployment. You (rBowman) replied ( to me ): > > You'all would be mad (at my source code), But I'd be smiling. > > All the way to the unemployment office... I've never received a dime of unemployment. The pandemic destroyed me but, before that, I had the best jobs. Harris Vows To NC Voters That She Will "Fight" For People Being "Exploited In The Housing Market" -- YTt5e159vVk ■ rBowman lhn9r8Fgf7nU1@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.16--5.45am.Seattle.2024 ChrisV 7gnvbjlvicpir4uvdmsh7dt7c83eiq7ib4@4ax.com Uncle_Matuch PnTvO.29577$8UD7.19656@fx01.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.16--7.26pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 113 (974) OK; 20.4 Minutes, Betterbird, Usenet-News.NET, Aug 16 { 6:52pm, 2024 }:44^(-4) 七飇鉬 The global economy fell into the hot chamber pot. Re: 200 % tariffs on Chinese EVs. The global economy fell into the hot chamber pot when Trump said, "We don't need Chiiina" & China replied, "We don't need America.". We'd do well to mimic them (China). ■ rBowman lhn9r8Fgf7nU1@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.16--5.45am.Seattle.2024 ChrisV 7gnvbjlvicpir4uvdmsh7dt7c83eiq7ib4@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.16--7.10pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 43 (387) OK; 1.8 Hours, F_Agent, Fastusenet.ORG, Aug 16 { 4:19pm, 2024 }:20^(-5) 七飇湸 Mimic China. You (ChrisV) replied ( to me ): > > China's hegemony in the global EV market boils down to: Affordable housing. > > Affordale [bad] health care. Affordable (lax) environmental protections. > There's just no way the US can compete with them on price. > I'm usually against tariffs, but not when it comes to our enemy, China. They're not my enemy; we should mimic them. ■ rBowman lhn9r8Fgf7nU1@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.16--5.45am.Seattle.2024 rBowman li9msfF9tvsU5@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.16--7.05pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 35 (707) OK; 5.9 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Aug 16 { 0:16pm, 2024 }:32 七飆螐 Amazing what slave labor can do, e.g. pyramids. You (rBowman) replied ( to me ): > > China's hegemony in the global EV market boils down to: Affordable housing. > > Housing in corporate barracks? Company housing was a thing in the US. > Lose your job, lose your hovel. I assume it works the same in China. Probably so. > It is true China owns the Latin American EV market and would completely > devastate the US market. Funny how the government can effectively build > 'walls' depending on whose ox is getting gored. I haven't seen it like this since the VW Beetle. Amazing what slave labor can do, e.g. pyramids. ■ Ahlstrom v9crn0$38vc4$3@dont-email.me rBowman lhv208Fll3rU1@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom v9ffpd$3rr6c$2@dont-email.me rBowman li1sa3F3ikqU5@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.16--6.06am.Seattle.2024 rBowman li9mk0F9tvsU4@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.16--6.43pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 36 (707) OK; 5.9 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Aug 16 { 0:12pm, 2024 }: 0 七飆蚀 I'd be smiling. You (rBowman) replied ( to me ): > > From "z1.CPP" in "Jeff-Relf.Me/z1.ZIP": // "Comic Code" cost me 35 $ > > !Font( FixedWFont, L"Comic Code" ) && Font( FixedWFont, L"Consolas" ), Font( Symbols, L"Segoe UI Symbol" ); > > Introducing something like that into the code base > might be good for more than a figurative beating. You'all would be mad, But I'd be smiling. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.16--1.21am.Seattle.2024 Just_Wondering│JW@jw_com CpNvO.445814$89y.114499@fx18.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.16--6.15pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy, Alt.Fan.Rush-Limbaugh, Talk.Politics.Guns ╳ (3) ify; 6.1 Hours, Gecko➤Jan_2010➤WinX, Usenet-News.NET, Aug 16 { 0:05pm, 2024 }: 7^(-6) 七飆蓣 China's hegemony in the global EV market boils down to: Affordable housing. You (Wondering) replied ( to me ): > > Affordable housing should be a health issue, not a way to get filthy rich. > > If someone found a way to get filthy rich by providing affordable > housing, what would be wrong with that? Nothing, that'd be the ideal scenario, in fact. China's hegemony in the global EV market boils down to: Affordable housing. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.16--1.21am.Seattle.2024 George│georg@yahoo_com v9ni2c$19qfl$3@solani.org Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.16--6.12am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy, Alt.Fan.Rush-Limbaugh, Talk.Politics.Guns ╱ 1 (1) ify; 16.1 Minutes, Xnews, Solani.ORG, Aug 16 { 5:52am, 2024 }:28 七飅羌 China's hegemony in the global EV market boils down to: Affordable housing. You (George) replied ( to me ): > > Affordable housing should be a health issue, not a way to get filthy rich. > > Only socialists believe that housing should be affordable. Maybe so but: China's hegemony in the global EV market boils down to: Affordable housing. ■ Ahlstrom v9a74o$28eri$2@dont-email.me rBowman lhsapnF999oU1@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom v9crn0$38vc4$3@dont-email.me rBowman lhv208Fll3rU1@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom v9ffpd$3rr6c$2@dont-email.me rBowman li1sa3F3ikqU5@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.16--6.06am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 28 (707) OK; 2.7 Days, Pan, Individual.NET, Aug 13 { 1:00pm, 2024 }: 4 七颺畄 "Comic Code" cost me 35 $ Re: if (foo == bar) baz = 1; baz = foo == bar ; rBowman: We let most personal quirks slide but people who insisted on putting multiple statements on one line tended to get "beaten up" in meetings. From "z1.CPP" in "Jeff-Relf.Me/z1.ZIP": // "Comic Code" cost me 35 $ CharH = 0, CharW = WinW/ScrColumns ; Font( FixedWFont, L"Comic Code" ), !FixedWFont.Draw && Font( FixedWFont, L"Consolas" ), Font( Symbols, L"Segoe UI Symbol" ); Font( SegoeUI, L"Segoe UI" ), Font( YaHei, L"Microsoft YaHei" ); iCharH = CharH, FontCacheW = WinW, IncCache, WinR = rn( WinH / iCharH ) - RowsTop ; float cw, _CharW = CharW, _CharH = CharH ; MarioWinW = ( WinW < WinH ? WinW : WinW / 2 ), cw = MarioWinW / 80 ; ChessLeft = MonplyLeft = MarioLeft = cw, MarioWinW -= 2*MarioLeft, ScaMonply = MarioWinW / 2500 ; CharW = cw, Font( MonoplyFont, L"Segoe Print" ), gCharW = CharW, MonopCharH = GlyphH * 1.5 ; CharW = cw * 2.2, Font( SolitaireFont, L"Segoe Print" ), CharW_Sol = CharW, CharH_Sol = GlyphH * 1.5 ; CharW = cw * 4.5, Font( ChessFont, L"Segoe UI Symbol" ), CharW_Chess = 1.7 * CharW, CharH_Chess = GlyphH ; CharW = .9*_CharW, Font( Emoji, L"Segoe UI Emoji" ); ■ rBowman lhn9r8Fgf7nU1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.16--5.45am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 38 (707) OK; 6.7 Days, Pan, Individual.NET, Aug 9 { 0:43pm, 2024 }:36 七颩鵨 China's hegemony in the global EV market boils down to: Affordable housing. rBowman: Can't let that world hegemony slip away... China's hegemony in the global EV market boils down to: Affordable housing. ■ Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.16--1.21am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy, Alt.Fan.Rush-Limbaugh, Talk.Politics.Guns Affordable housing should be a health issue, not a way to get filthy rich. Affordable housing should be a health issue, not a way to get filthy rich. ■ Mitchell_Holman│noemail@aol_com XnsB1C1D95326C72629555@ Chips_Loral│loralandclinton@invalid_co v8j5sq$2u6qo$42@dont-email.me Huntzinger 1771075820.744319405.136058.recscuba_google-huntzinger.com@news.eternal-september.org Chips_Loral│loralandclinton@invalid_co v8jde5$2vs8c$4@dont-email.me ChrisV k4fqaj1650tjq9qd86r1dpkfamngbd9210@4ax.com Huntzinger 1051045334.744364627.997729.recscuba_google-huntzinger.com@news.eternal-september.org Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.3--8.16pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 8 (163) OK; 18.4 Hours, NewsTap➤iPad, Eternal-September.ORG, Aug 3 { 1:02am, 2024 }:45^(1) 七颏搥 Crook exploited Police/SecretService flaws. Crook exploited Police/SecretService flaws. Lucky for us, The Department of Motor Vehicles is run better. ■ Uncle_Matuch y4yqO.8270$89y.4978@fx18.iad Huntzinger 1892189126.744187823.911301.recscuba_google-huntzinger.com@news.eternal-september.org Jeff-Relf.Me@Aug.1--7.02pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 6 (151) OK; 17.8 Hours, NewsTap➤iPad, Eternal-September.ORG, Jul 31 { 11:54pm, 2024 }:56^(1) 七领鍀 The warm summer rain was a gift from God herself. Re: Lesbian DJ trying to portray Olympic Jesus. She didn't impress me one way or another. I loved the masked torch bearer(s) at the opening ceremony; no other opening ceremony has been anywhere near as good. The warm summer rain was a gift from God herself. ■ Chips_Loral│loralandclinton@invalid_co v88t1l$kl88$1@dont-email.me Huntzinger 177375833.743977048.341097.recscuba_google-huntzinger.com@news.eternal-september.org Chips_Loral│loralandclinton@invalid_co v89162$lain$1@dont-email.me Huntzinger 1089021879.744015464.796529.recscuba_google-huntzinger.com@news.eternal-september.org Chips_Loral│loralandclinton@invalid_co v8b4o7$141ej$1@dont-email.me Huntzinger 605878061.744065829.032890.recscuba_google-huntzinger.com@news.eternal-september.org Jeff-Relf.Me@Jul.31--0.45pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy, Alt.Fan.Rush-Limbaugh, Alt.Checkmate, Alt.Idiots ╱ 5 (144) OK; 22.2 Hours, NewsTap➤iPad, Eternal-September.ORG, Jul 30 { 2:25pm, 2024 }:29^(1) 七颁噉 Huntzinger has plenty of good insurance, apparently. Huntzinger: lastweek’s PCE report is that it’s back down to ~2.5%: reuters.com/markets/us/us-inflation-rises-moderately-june-2024-07-26/ And wages increased by an equal amount, which means workers aren’t “falling behind”. Huntzinger has plenty of good hurricane/fire insurance, apparently. Everyone should have affordable housing/medical, like Singapore, no exceptions. ■ Jeff-Relf.Me@Jul.31--0.24pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy Death to PutinJongUn & his Iranian freaks. Death to PutinJongUn & his Iranian freaks. Everyone should have affordable housing/medical, like Singapore, no exceptions. ■ Uncle_Matuch Ko6oO.71569$BYv6.48571@fx09.iad Crump h5t4ajl1sd96kvlepn8c003ljgnho8tesb@4ax.com Uncle_Matuch s0AoO.120405$q2da.31321@fx18.iad Crump 2cj5aj1ni2u76tim9ec547hgs76884ectb@4ax.com Uncle_Matuch FUCoO.168855$sE%9.2591@fx14.iad Huntzinger 339312937.743724423.698940.recscuba_google-huntzinger.com@news.eternal-september.org Jeff-Relf.Me@Jul.28--0.32pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 5 (128) OK; 1.8 Days, NewsTap➤iPad, Eternal-September.ORG, Jul 26 { 3:18pm, 2024 }:13^(-4) 七顰躥 Save the tech bros, please. Huntzinger: US poverty rates have exploded from 33% to 11% today. Housing affordability, including insurance, should be, but isn't, thee debate . . . not stagflation per se. Seattle passed i135 so that "tech bros" (i.e. "households") earning less than 121 thousand $/year ( in 2022 Dollars ) won't have to spend more than 30 % of their _GROSS_ income on rent. Save the tech bros, please, anything helps. ■ Ahlstrom v7rhqp$1rskj$1@dont-email.me ChrisV rso2ajt8o36t3qt45a22jo3cnm9gjh18dv@4ax.com Huntzinger v7s9i6$1soad$1@dont-email.me Ahlstrom v7tbbi$28evk$3@dont-email.me RonB v7tqmq$2b8m9$1@dont-email.me Huntzinger v7uvum$2ekpm$4@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Jul.28--0.15pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 16 (128) OK; 2.7 Days, Gecko➤Thunder, Eternal-September.ORG, Jul 25 { 6:59pm, 2024 }:50^(-4) 七顭朖 President Biden has Covid_19. Huntzinger: Severe COVID-19 that requires hospitalization or intensive care may result in cognitive deficits and other brain damage that are equivalent to 20 years of aging. & President Biden has Covid_19. Huntzinger: 2021 CoVid death rates (being 20x influenza) would result in 20x more VAERS reports. "Excess Deaths" can't be reported anymore, it's Top Secret. ■ Ahem_A_Rivets_Shot│steveo@eircom_net 20240726181801.0cafb11465ab1a84f8fb8957@eircom.net D│nospam@example_net fa592bbe-8712-2953-653d-134fb59cce96@example.net Ahlstrom v814k3$30lpf$3@dont-email.me The_Natural_Philosopher│tnp@invalid_invalid v81luu$371sf$5@dont-email.me Uncle_Matuch IZ4pO.202226$z2Mf.85865@fx16.iad The_Natural_Philosopher│tnp@invalid_invalid v82s1e$3d632$2@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Jul.28--11.44am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy, Comp.OS.Linux.Misc, Alt.Folklore.Computers ╱ 17 (40) OK; 1.2 Days, Gecko➤Thunder, Eternal-September.ORG, Jul 27 { 6:17am, 2024 }:34^(1) 七顳歮 President Biden has Covid_19. Philosopher: I've had all the vaxxes to date, and they haven't killed me. Yet President Biden has Covid_19. ■ D│nospam@example_net 97c38cdf-b2b7-653f-9fcd-ceb802e44d94@example.net Uncle_Matuch waAoO.71606$xYQc.31761@fx12.iad Crump bgk5ajpje71muposih62a6098ltdmea7sl@4ax.com D│nospam@example_net 40d299e1-1e00-fb43-58df-e21214c51b50@example.net Ahem_A_Rivets_Shot│steveo@eircom_net 20240726103751.569fba858dab3cd1fb937688@eircom.net D│nospam@example_net 660d2b28-3226-5f4d-b94f-4fc6b25d129e@example.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Jul.28--3.39am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy, Comp.OS.Linux.Misc, Alt.Folklore.Computers ╱ 29 (39) OK; 1.7 Days, BadRig, I2pn2.ORG, Jul 26 { 9:38am, 2024 }:37^(2) 七顯鄍 Vivian Wilson, Musk’s 20-year-old transgender "daughter". Even if "your" child is 100% bought & paid for ( i.e. you bought an egg & paid someone to carry it to term ) you can still be "tricked"* into allowing "gender-affirming treatment". [ *: Elon Musk's word, spoken recently, Re: Vivian Wilson, Musk’s 20-year-old transgender "daughter" ] ■ Jeff-Relf.Me@Jul.28--3.10am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy Save the tech bros. Housing affordability, including insurance, should be, but isn't, thee debate . . . not stagflation per se. Seattle passed i135 so that "tech bros" (i.e. "households") earning less than 121 thousand $/year ( in 2022 Dollars ) won't have to spend more than 30 % of their _GROSS_ income on rent. Save the tech bros, please, anything helps. ■ me4guns v6p5lh$2ij60$29@dont-email.me Klaus_Schadenfreude│klaus_schadenfreude_Zwergentöter_@gmail_com 1q909jtn479l1c002iu9plo9ihfhnp6n5i@Rudy.Canoza.is.a.forging.cocksucking.dwarf.com Crump 8qd09jlc40gj9o8mugb5fhi5ij7d1e09nr@4ax.com Klaus_Schadenfreude│klaus_schadenfreude_Zwergentöter_@gmail_com 5sj09j9j1tijn1i2au3p5ufe7uki5d1f55@Rudy.Canoza.is.a.forging.cocksucking.dwarf.com Crump crm09jt1ihj1vfvattj1ic9ki4i8kkf4vn@4ax.com DFS 669fc58a$0$3068689$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Jul.23--8.47am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (506) OK; 15.2 Minutes, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Jul 23 { 8:00am, 2024 }:26^(-4) 七顣嶊 Try an "AstraWeb.COM" "Block Account". DFS: I can't get through more than 10 posts without it dropping the connection and refusing to reconnect Try an "AstraWeb.COM" "Block Account". Singapore headquarters, US Server. UsenetReviewz.COM/astraweb-review/ ■ DFS 669fc45f$0$3068695$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Jul.23--8.39am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (506) OK; 20.2 Minutes, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Jul 23 { 7:55am, 2024 }:27^(-4) 七顣屟 DFS has plenty of good insurance, apparently. The "Jewish jab" didn't help Joe Biden any; Covid_19 destroyed his immoral dictatorship. DFS would make UkraineLoving Mitt Romney president, apparently. He's not worried about losing his house to a hurricane/fire; he's got plenty of good insurance, apparently. ■ Crump 6ept9j1onv5f71vaed9ghe8ncsm1cblc3p@4ax.com Uncle_Matuch eMCnO.9375$Bg2c.5138@fx01.iad Crump km0u9j9n7g7ffi0n59h2n0gro7bqdeol2l@4ax.com Uncle_Matuch UDDnO.10375$iptd.2857@fx36.iad Crump tq1u9j5uh737pacernieql67s86jn1ggs2@4ax.com DFS 669f25db$0$3068679$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Jul.23--2.33am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (503) OK; 4.1 Hours, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Jul 22 { 10:10pm, 2024 }:58^(-4) 七顡睢 So there's no inflation, assuming you don't need housing. DFS tosses his vote away & he can't tell us who he prefers. We know he doesn't like crotch grabbers who cheat at golf, but that's it. Max Headroom for President, 2024. 2021 Missoula, the price of homes increased by 28.6 %, year over year; In 2022, they increased 15.5 %; 5.8 % in 2023. So there's no inflation, assuming you don't need housing. Last year, Seattle passed i135 so that "tech bros" (i.e. "households") earning 121 thousand $/year or less ( in 2022 Dollars ) won't have to spend more than 30 % of their income on rent. ■ G│X@Y_com v7ke1k$evcd$3@dont-email.me Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid v7kicj$fnrh$1@dont-email.me RonB v7mdos$pb5l$12@dont-email.me rBowman lg829tFt04dU6@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Jul.22--3.29pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 1 (727) OK; 2.3 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Jul 22 { 2:46pm, 2024 }:37 七顠愽 There's no inflation, assuming you don't need housing. Max Headroom for President, 2024. 2021 Missoula, the price of homes increased by 28.6 %, year over year; In 2022, it was 15.5 %; 5.8 % in 2023. So there's no inflation, assuming you don't need housing. Last year, Seattle passed i135 so that "tech bros" (i.e. "households") earning 121 thousand $/year or less ( in 2022 Dollars ) won't have to spend more than 30 % of their income on rent. ■ Crump moon9jhj57up1k5kn5gl6mtpjjegvm2b0h@4ax.com DFS 669c0538$0$3620711$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Crump t24o9jla2uc8qg6tog1nsbhuvueos3m55b@4ax.com DFS v7hgrc$3o9rs$2@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jul.21--11.31pm.Seattle.2024 DFS 669e656e$0$1895509$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Jul.22--9.01am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 10 (500) OK; 1.3 Hours, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Jul 22 { 6:58am, 2024 }: 9^(-4) 七類靱 CrowdStrike is a CloudFlare wannabe. Me: CrowdStrike SelfIdentifies as a software company, don't believe them. DFS: What are they? CrowdStrike is a CloudFlare wannabe. Me: I reject Win11 & Win11 rejects my Aug 2019 PC. DFS: What's your mobo? "MSI MPG z390 Gaming Edge AC" Motherboard. Aug 2019 I paid 178 $. Today it costs: 430 $. My Logitech g600 mouse, with the gShift ring finger button, cost 34 $ back then. I think S. Dotty paid 200 $ for the same mouse but Linux doesn't/can't use the gShift button like I do: Jeff-Relf.Me/MouseKeyboardLayout.PNG Amazon.COM & Logitech.COM just confuse the issue. Jun 1, 2020: 350 $, Curved 31.5", 15 lb Philips-328e1ca, VA (~IPS) panel, 178 ° Viewing angle, 60 Hz UHD, _SmartContrast, _MinBright, _MinBlue, Latency, Response Time (GTG): 4ms. 49 Watts, 140 dpi ( 146 % = 140/96 ), zoomed 225%, HDMI v2, DisplayPort 1.2, !FreeSync, 100mm VESA mount. AliExpress.US/item/3256801367151235.html 124 $, AmazonBasics monitor arm, Max( 25 lbs, <= 32" ), ( Tilt: 5° Dwn, 70° Up ? ), 360° Pole, 25" Reach, 13" Height Range. Aug 6, 2019: 80 $, ddr4 RAM, 3 GigaHz ( gaming mode ), 16 gigs, Corsair Vengeance LPX. 296 $, 14nm i7-8700, 4.25+ GigaHz ( gaming mode ), LGA 1151. 34 $, CPU Fan, 4 copper, water-in-a-vacuum HeatPipes, DeepCool GamMaxx GT BK. 80 $, ATX Mid-Tower Chassis, Front USB TypeA, v2, v2, v3.1; Back( v2, v2, v3.1, 3.1, v3.1, v3.1 TypeC ), (delicate) Wi-Fi antennas. Aug 11, 2019: 130 $, 512 gig, USB v3.1 "Corsair Flash Voyager GTX" thumb drive. 228 $, 1 TeraByte, M.2 NVMe, "Samsung 970 EVO Plus"; Reads/Writes 3.5/3.3 GigaBytes/Sec. 80 $, Corsair CX Series 650 Watt Bronze Power Supply, 80% ( vs 87% ) efficiency. Jul 26, 2019: 6g gdrr6 150 $, 12nm "MSI GeForce GTX 1650 AERO ITX 4g gdrr5", 4K at 60 Hz, HDMI 2.0B ■ G│X@Y_com v7ke1k$evcd$3@dont-email.me Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid v7kicj$fnrh$1@dont-email.me DistroMan lg6256Fg7gnU15@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Jul.22--2.26am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (248) OK; 4.5 Hours, Pan➤Linux, Individual.NET, Jul 21 { 8:31pm, 2024 }:50 七顝嚦 You can't pick _our_ president. Re: America, the constitutional federal republic. DistroMan: _Democratic_ republic. You're free to pick _your_ distro but you can't pick _our_ president. P.S. Bill i135 Seattle, passed in 2023: -- creates a new social housing development authority to oversee the construction and management of affordable housing units. ■ Crump ppnn9jhgelothfsc9735e9nf5dnt8t9ohj@4ax.com DFS 669be0c7$0$3620721$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Crump moon9jhj57up1k5kn5gl6mtpjjegvm2b0h@4ax.com DFS 669c0538$0$3620711$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Crump t24o9jla2uc8qg6tog1nsbhuvueos3m55b@4ax.com DFS v7hgrc$3o9rs$2@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Jul.21--11.31pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 16 (491) OK; 1.3 Days, Betterbird, Eternal-September.ORG, Jul 20 { 4:22pm, 2024 }:22^(-4) 七願撮 CrowdStrike SelfIdentifies as a software company. DFS: Relf is still on Win10 I believe. Yes, I reject Win11 & Win11 rejects my Aug 2019 PC. P.S. CrowdStrike SelfIdentifies as a software company, don't believe them. ■ Jeff-Relf.Me@Jul.19--1.09am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy No room for the poor in Missoula. No room for the poor in Missoula: YouTube.COM/watch?v=xz3M2zt8dtc Everyone needs a place to stay, a place to sh*t, yet the official CPI underweights it, as if it doesn't matter. ■ RonB v416ud$2hs3a$1@dont-email.me DFS 66645419$0$1412889$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com DistroMan v41njn$2jq21$2@dont-email.me Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid v5dsuh$1f91n$1@dont-email.me CandyMan slrnv7ndgb.21cs.candycanearter07@candydeb.host.invalid Jeff-Relf.Me@Jul.17--6.23am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 57 (280) OK; 3 Weeks, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Jun 25 { 11:40pm, 2024 }: 3 七韲臃 (OT) Windows 10 won't back up to an internal HD? DistroMan: script this to run rsync(*) ... CandyMan: there's WinSCP, IDK if it's scriptable. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\_Bac] @="> Backup" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\_Bac\command] @="C:\\__\\EXEs\\WinSCP\\WinSCP.EXE Me /command \"put \"\"%1\"\" /Bac/\" \"exit\"" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\_Filter] @="> Filter" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\_Filter\command] @="C:\\__\\EXEs\\WinSCP\\WinSCP.EXE Me /command \"put C:\\__\\X\\filter.yaml /.cpanel/\" \"exit\"" ■ Huntzinger v6rkua$33f3e$2@dont-email.me max_headroom│maximusheadroom@gmx_com v6t1po$3euvk$2@dont-email.me Swilly jd359jhnmcn9obn694t4e2br3bs3gegpgn@4ax.com max_headroom│maximusheadroom@gmx_com v72bjr$ingk$3@dont-email.me Huntzinger v75ok1$18dic$1@dont-email.me C_V│c_v@invalid_net v769ga$1b6pq$42@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Jul.17--6.02am.Seattle.2024 Alt.Fan.Rush-Limbaugh, Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy, Talk.Politics.Guns ╱ 2 (13) ify; 19.7 Hours, Gecko➤Thunder, Eternal-September.ORG, Jul 16 { 10:09am, 2024 }:31^(-6) 七顆譋 Death to PutinJongUn. Death to PutinJongUn. ■ rBowman lfiq9lFl1raU5@mid.individual.net RonB v71pa5$c0sb$3@dont-email.me Uncle_Matuch 8EalO.36160$xYQc.23777@fx12.iad Huntzinger v760p2$19kko$1@dont-email.me DFS 6696fd25$8$7053$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Huntzinger v7700p$1buif$6@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Jul.17--5.45am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (68) OK; 12.5 Hours, Gecko➤Thunder, Eternal-September.ORG, Jul 16 { 4:33pm, 2024 }:45^(-4) 七顇鍙 Death to PutinJongUn. Crook was discovered climbing to the roof with his rifle 30 minutes before he killed the Trump supporter; imagine if it was a Slow Joe supporter in his sites ! Such things matter. Death to PutinJongUn. ■ Crump 153b9jhm3pq82rr41nf6c5lvn8lo2mtlsn@4ax.com Ahlstrom v75kth$1876d$2@dont-email.me ChrisV 3kmc9jlp3p2kh1h5jpc5h73bj6o25q0p0s@4ax.com Ahlstrom v75pf7$18vud$1@dont-email.me ChrisV dk7e9j10qnok4aainn3ojcfuacs17116ng@4ax.com rBowman lfouugFjm96U2@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Jul.17--5.31am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 4 (700) OK; 7.7 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Jul 16 { 9:17pm, 2024 }:20 七顈菐 53 % of it goes to Japan, 40 % goes to South Korea. rBowman: When I have to sit at a crossing and watch a seemingly endless coal train heading west I contemplate where all the coal is going. 53 % of it goes to Japan, 40 % goes to South Korea. ■ Uncle_Matuch 8EalO.36160$xYQc.23777@fx12.iad Huntzinger v760p2$19kko$1@dont-email.me ChrisV 4n3d9jl7tip3rqfdfv8imun9k490qvjqkk@4ax.com rBowman lfntooFekoeU4@mid.individual.net Huntzinger v76vb3$1buif$4@dont-email.me rBowman lfon2qFimcoU1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Jul.17--5.20am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 12 (700) OK; 10 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Jul 16 { 7:03pm, 2024 }: 6 七顈摚 _You_ might not want to kill Russians but . . . Crook was discovered climbing to the roof with his rifle 30 minutes before he killed the Trump supporter. If Slow Joe had supporters, they might be in trouble too. _You_ might not want to kill Russians but Ukrainians have a different opinion. ■ Uncle_Matuch kLFkO.39895$BYv6.8965@fx09.iad RonB v6vfdd$3vi0q$1@dont-email.me Ahlstrom v70fh2$4m13$3@dont-email.me RonB v70m2a$5u0e$1@dont-email.me Ahlstrom v737ih$mu3f$4@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Jul.16--2.35am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 6 (426) OK; 19.8 Hours, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Jul 15 { 6:18am, 2024 }: 9^(-4) 七顁鶑 Put Trump in a bull's-eye. Ahlstrom: Perhaps this incident will calm down Trump's violent rhetoric somewhat. Sleepy Joe Biden's "irresponsible, violent, inflammatory rhetoric": it's time to put Trump in a bull's-eye. The Secret Service doesn't discriminate against the blind. Walking along the roof, staring down Trump: Tommy Crooks to the SS: You were here first, You go first. SS: No, Take your time, we can wait. ■ CrudeSausage│crude@sausa_ge kLFkO.39895$BYv6.8965@fx09.iad DFS 6693314a$0$2422112$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Jul.16--0.21am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 15 (446) OK; 2.2 Days, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Jul 13 { 7:00pm, 2024 }:44^(-4) 七頻饌 DFS' "irresponsible, inflammatory rhetoric"AllAny DFS' & Sleepy Joe Biden's "irresponsible, inflammatory rhetoric": We're done talking about the debate; it's time to put Trump in a bull's-eye. The Secret Service doesn't discriminate against the blind. Walking along the roofs, staring down Trump: Tommy Crooks to the SS: You were here first, You go first. SS: No, Take your time, we can wait. DFS: The lifelong criminal, adulterer and fraud Trump is FAR filthier than any left-wing US politician I've ever seen. You forgot "crotch grabber" and "golf cheat"; Oh . . . the humanity ! ■ DFS 66951839$0$1895504$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com rBowman lfl6ahF24hnU3@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Jul.15--11.13pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 4 (677) OK; 10.5 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Jul 15 { 10:58am, 2024 }:41 七顂赑 The Secret Service welcomes the blind. Forbes: Microsoft-marks-10-years-of-DEI-data-with-latest-report The Secret Service welcomes the blind. P.S. (Trump's VP) " JD Vance Discusses The Russia-Ukraine War " YouTube.COM/watch?v=4ea7vVZT-H8 [4 hours long] ■ CrudeSausage│crude@sausa_ge kLFkO.39895$BYv6.8965@fx09.iad Crump 5oe79jlvhbudev09k3sa0fv134mml8qhik@4ax.com rBowman lfiq9lFl1raU5@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Jul.15--10.39pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 13 (677) OK; 1.3 Days, Pan, Individual.NET, Jul 14 { 1:21pm, 2024 }:10 七頿匶 We can wait. rBowman: the Secret Service dropped the ball very badly. A roof with a clear 150 yard shot and there wasn't an overwatch on it ? Walking along the roofs, staring down Trump: Tommy Crooks to the SS: You were here first, You go first. SS: No, Take your time, we can wait. ■ CrudeSausage│crude@sausa_ge kLFkO.39895$BYv6.8965@fx09.iad John_McCue│jmccue@hairball_jmcunx_com v71069$7l4a$1@dont-email.me rBowman lfiq3bFl1raU4@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Jul.15--10.26pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 14 (677) OK; 1.3 Days, Pan, Individual.NET, Jul 14 { 1:17pm, 2024 }:47 七頿剫 We get down to the root of it. McCue: the kid who shot trump was a registered republican. rBowman: [I'll] fill out the Democratic primary ballot to screw with them. I'm a registered member of the NPA ( Nose Pickers of America ); we get down to the root of it. ■ rBowman lek8v3F2m4vU2@mid.individual.net RonB v65lnv$2md1n$1@dont-email.me rBowman leo4jrFke4lU3@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom v68n84$39b0e$1@dont-email.me RonB v69a4c$3cd90$1@dont-email.me Ahlstrom v6bcdk$3q6od$2@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Jul.6--8.12pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 9 (448) OK; 14.3 Hours, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Jul 6 { 5:13am, 2024 }:40^(-4) 七頜諴 Is there no room for plumbers ?! Today's Inquisition tortures those don't believe in Fauci ( a.k.a. BigPharma, a.k.a."Science"(tm) ). Why should everyone be both a rocket scientist & a brain surgeon ?! Is there no room for plumbers ?! ■ John_Smyth│smythlejon2@hotmail_com c9kd7jdhi52kp88asjf9cbpd7l8dudsu9u@4ax.com Mitchell_Holman│noemail@aol_com XnsB1995964D32BB629555@ Blue_Lives_Matter│Iron_White@Systemic_Patrriotism_KMA b50e7jti1n0eeccfco6hro7k4jjipu556u@4ax.com P_Coonan│nospam@ix_netcom_com XnsB199815833617002CE8@ Mitchell_Holman│noemail@aol_com XnsB199D3B62D0EF629555@ Jeff-Relf.Me@Jul.3--10.04pm.Seattle.2024 Alt.Fan.Rush-Limbaugh, Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy, Talk.Politics.Guns ╱ 9 (17) OK; 1.6 Weeks, Xnews, Uzoreto.COM, Jun 22 { 6:52pm, 2024 }:17^(0) 七韥珑 Kamala is nice. Holman: Trump donated to Kamala's campaigns. Why ? Oh, she is a black hooker, and Trump will throw money at any hooker. Kamala is nice, Nothing wrong with her. Trump stopped grabbing crotches long ago. No matter who becomes president, they will fail badly. ■ ChrisV p66m7j5cvcrq9g0nlo6q267ld2n5comgms@4ax.com RonB v5fnbv$1pj51$4@dont-email.me ChrisV cfkn7j1he0bafj0gjibgepsgfuuebjtqpk@4ax.com RonB v5hda7$26q5q$5@dont-email.me rBowman le2ujsFd873U2@mid.individual.net ChrisV bumo7jtidhdhcefrrfndnldeqjjqh1p87i@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Jul.2--7.54pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 13 (213) OK; 6.3 Days, F_Agent, Fastusenet.ORG, Jun 26 { 11:21am, 2024 }:46^(-5) 七韴舺 RonB doesn't need to be Darwinian. RonB doesn't need to be Darwinian. Flat earthers don't need to be Einsteins; Einstein said he should've been a plumber. ■ Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid v5q347$4pv6$1@dont-email.me Ahlstrom v5q7a1$5ga7$4@dont-email.me rBowman lec4dcFq2v1U3@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.30--9.36am.Seattle.2024 Uncle_Matuch 98wgO.30221$6bh5.12467@fx47.iad RonB v5uaq6$136g2$4@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Jul.2--1.54pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (515) Bad; 1.3 Days, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Jul 1 { 6:26am, 2024 }:30 七須沆 By 2011, ~24 of Warren Jeffs' 78 "wives" were 16 or younger. By 2011, ~24 of Warren Jeffs' 78 "wives" were 16 or younger. His kids are now orphans living in the buildings that Utah confiscated & redistributed in 2005 ( mostly in Hildale UT ). When His "accessory to rape" conviction was overturned in Utah, 2007, he was extradited to Texas ( where the laws are stricter ). ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.29--2.57pm.Seattle.2024 Crump a4118jplolvr26g5kge0mmvvcr4de7ddu3@4ax.com Marika│marika5000@gmail_com EFjgO.185882$7NFd.113779@fx16.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.30--3.21pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman leees4F6hr5U1@mid.individual.net RonB v5t22r$sm7p$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.30--8.09pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (503) Bad; 10.7 Minutes, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Jun 30 { 6:51pm, 2024 }:23 七順涛 Tariffs make everyone equally poor. Relf(me): "America First" started the Great Depression, Hoovervilles & World War II. RonB: The idea of the American govenment giving priority to American citizens. What an odd concept. Tariffs make everyone equally poor. The dominant currency, the US dollar, requires a dominant army. The official exchange rate ( pay 1 $ to get 86 Rubles ) is fake news. The black market rate ( pay 200 Rubles to get 1 $ ) is reality. Tariffs make everyone equally poor. ■ RonB v5past$3vo5v$2@dont-email.me Ahlstrom v5pjae$1mr2$3@dont-email.me RonB v5q2lj$49u8$3@dont-email.me Ahlstrom v5q7qq$5ga7$6@dont-email.me RonB v5qu92$cq71$2@dont-email.me rBowman ledo5hF3a1fU2@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.30--3.42pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 5 (633) OK; 3.2 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Jun 30 { 11:57am, 2024 }:53 七項庱 First you feed Hammas, then you bomb the f*ck out of them. RonB: We're pouring in the supplies while pretending to oppose Israeli genocide. Israel isn't about to surrender unconditionally; so it's up to Hammas to end their "fun times" war; likewise, only PutinJongUn, the Arsonist, can abate his "fun" war on Ukraine. rBowman: It was in the news this morning that the US will resume sending bombs to Israel. First you feed Hammas, then you bomb the f*ck out of them. ■ RonB v48fa3$rmod$7@dont-email.me rBowman lcq2l5F6su7U5@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom v49feu$11kek$5@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.29--2.57pm.Seattle.2024 Crump a4118jplolvr26g5kge0mmvvcr4de7ddu3@4ax.com Marika│marika5000@gmail_com EFjgO.185882$7NFd.113779@fx16.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.30--3.21pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy, Alt.Usenet.Legends.Lester-Mosley ╱ 2 (4) ify; 1.2 Hours, NewsTap➤iPad, Easynews.COM, Jun 30 { 1:58pm, 2024 }:12 七項竤 Sit back, pick your side, grab the popcorn & enjoy the show. Marika: Trump is gonna blow up the entire country, one way or another Nothing to do now but wait and watch how bad it will get. Yes, sit back, pick your side, grab the popcorn & enjoy the show. "America First" started the Great Depression, Hoovervilles & World War II. ■ Crump d6du7jtada1e2r0lquri3khi9u62o2uo11@4ax.com Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid v5ni85$3ilq3$1@dont-email.me Crump iegv7jdubbv0eldped61nh6lf0g1p179ml@4ax.com Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid v5q347$4pv6$1@dont-email.me Ahlstrom v5q7a1$5ga7$4@dont-email.me rBowman lec4dcFq2v1U3@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.30--9.36am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 5 (628) OK; 10.8 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Jun 29 { 9:14pm, 2024 }:38 七頂薮 ~20 % of brides are children. rBowman: if you're not a priest you're shut out of all the temple stuff. In "Yearning for Zion Ranch", El Dorado, Texas, authorities found the temple bed Warren Jeffs used to consummate his marriage with 12-year-old Merrianne Jessop, 2006. Only Texas. If you're younger than 16, in Texas, you must have a court order granting permission to marry. Worldwide, ~20 % of brides are children. ■ CandyMan slrnv7ndk8.21pl.candycanearter07@candydeb.host.invalid rBowman le2v4hFd873U4@mid.individual.net Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid v5j5nn$2ks7o$6@dont-email.me rBowman le5sfiFrkjbU2@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom v5kjb8$2te1q$4@dont-email.me rBowman le6gvrFda6U1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.30--8.15am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 20 (628) OK; 2.6 Days, Pan, Individual.NET, Jun 27 { 6:12pm, 2024 }:28 七韹駼 The dominant currency, the US dollar, requires a dominant army. rBowman: I'm not sure the interstate system is a net positive. I'm damn sure a huge standing army is not. The dominant currency, the US dollar, requires a dominant army. ■ Tyrone│none@none_none kEidnXi8eMvAHej7nZ2dnZfqnPWdnZ2d@supernews.com Huntzinger v569e9$3ndta$1@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.29--1.53pm.Seattle.2024 Ahlstrom v5q7dk$5ga7$5@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.29--5.17pm.Seattle.2024 Ahlstrom v5rh33$gdhb$4@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.30--5.28am.Seattle.2024 Alt.Computer.Workshop, Alt.Fan.Rush-Limbaugh, Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy, Talk.Politics ╱ 40 (432) OK; 14.1 Minutes, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Jun 30 { 4:55am, 2024 }:14^(-4) 七頃龢 You can pick your nose but not your president. You (Ahlstrom) replied ( to me ): > > Joe Biden recently put 100% tariffs on electric vehicles from China, for example. > > Don't tax me, tax Chiiina. > > "Biden’s car tariffs are largely symbolic because Chinese EVs were virtually > locked out of the US by tariffs imposed by Donald Trump during his presidency." You can pick your nose but not your president. NPR: May 14, 2024 — President Biden has quadrupled tariffs on electric vehicles from China — from 25% to an eye-watering 100%. Senate.GOV: Ignoring the experts, Hoover signed the tariff [Smoot-Hawley] on June 17, 1930. As the economists predicted, the high tariff proved to be a disaster. Even before its enactment, U.S. trading partners began retaliating by raising their tariff rates, which froze international trade. ■ Uncle_Matuch %jzeO.125458$7NFd.43488@fx16.iad RonB v5fnrs$1pj51$6@dont-email.me rBowman le1l08F77bmU2@mid.individual.net RonB v5hcvu$26q5q$2@dont-email.me Ahlstrom v5hlo7$28vb2$4@dont-email.me rBowman le3mouFgptpU1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.30--4.39am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 39 (628) OK; 3.5 Days, Pan, Individual.NET, Jun 26 { 4:32pm, 2024 }:46 七韵礞 Cosmology is schizo. Re: "The cosmos is everything that is, was, and ever will be." -- Carl Sagan Again, Cosmology is schizo. SAMHSA - Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (.GOV): Schizophrenia usually involves delusions (false beliefs), hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that don't exist), unusual physical behavior, and disorganized thinking and speech. It is common for people with schizophrenia to have paranoid thoughts or hear voices. ■ Uncle_Matuch %jzeO.125458$7NFd.43488@fx16.iad RonB v5fnrs$1pj51$6@dont-email.me rBowman le1l08F77bmU2@mid.individual.net RonB v5hcvu$26q5q$2@dont-email.me Ahlstrom v5hlo7$28vb2$4@dont-email.me rBowman le3mouFgptpU1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.30--4.28am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 39 (628) OK; 3.5 Days, Pan, Individual.NET, Jun 26 { 4:32pm, 2024 }:46 七韵礞 Your "everything" is someone else's "nothing" and vice versa. rBowman: Heidegger asked the real question. Why is there something rather than nothing ? -- Your "everything" is someone else's "nothing" and vice versa. -- As the cosmos goes from infinitely hot/dense to infinitely cold/sparse, "residual eXergy" (potential entropy) fuels both "life" & gravity. ■ Uncle_Matuch c8xeO.13067$zMs3.416@fx48.iad Ahlstrom v5eb77$1hofv$1@dont-email.me RonB v5fn3u$1pj51$3@dont-email.me rBowman le1koaF77bmU1@mid.individual.net RonB v5haef$266pr$3@dont-email.me rBowman le2tp8Fd30jU1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.29--10.31pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 45 (627) OK; 3.5 Days, Pan, Individual.NET, Jun 26 { 9:26am, 2024 }:17 七韴朩 We can pick our nose but not our president. rBowman wrote: > Here we are and there must have been a reason > rather than a few billion years of a genetic drunkard's walk algorithm. We can pick our nose but not our president. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.29--2.48pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman lebj5rFnn5bU1@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom v5q6r9$5ga7$2@dont-email.me rBowman lec38mFq2v1U2@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.29--9.27pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman lec83uFqqruU2@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.29--10.26pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 46 (627) OK; 1.9 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Jun 29 { 10:17pm, 2024 }:51 七頂鑿 Pick your side, grab some popcorn, & enjoy. Relf(me): Biden recently put 100% tariffs on electric vehicles from China. rBowman: There were also tariff increases on lithium batteries, solar cells, semiconductors, rare earths, and other minerals. Let the trade wars begin. Pick your side, grab some popcorn, & enjoy. ■ ChrisV rdrj7jl5vqpp7ib5skbarragko43mb0700@4ax.com Uncle_Matuch QJmeO.13257$S_52.4415@fx08.iad Ahlstrom v5ebfn$1hofv$2@dont-email.me Uncle_Matuch %jzeO.125458$7NFd.43488@fx16.iad RonB v5fnrs$1pj51$6@dont-email.me rBowman le1l08F77bmU2@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.29--10.18pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 45 (625) OK; 4 Days, Pan, Individual.NET, Jun 25 { 9:50pm, 2024 }:16 七韲栈 REAL choices (Trump|Biden) don't exist. Different strokes for different folks. Not everyone needs to be both a brain surgeon _AND_ a rocket scientist; for some of us, sucking our thumbs is quite enough. "The garden of Eden" is simply one's childhood, Nothing more. Once you learn about sex ("the tree of the knowledge of good and evil"), go out and find your own "nest" (tent), if you can. We're all dying for other people's sins. We can pick our "knows" but REAL choices (Trump|Biden) don't exist. ■ Uncle_Matuch QJmeO.13257$S_52.4415@fx08.iad Crump 9huj7jdr39hoid0sm9hlj10f097m09e27p@4ax.com rBowman lduu97Fp27fU1@mid.individual.net Crump fvgk7jds60078om3pomb4q03b3872pk2ol@4ax.com Uncle_Matuch QOweO.104803$qgY9.38701@fx17.iad rBowman le0h6dF1qhiU2@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.29--9.55pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 52 (625) OK; 4.4 Days, Pan, Individual.NET, Jun 25 { 11:39am, 2024 }: 9 七韰糍 Cosmology is schizo. rBowman wrote: The Big Bang theory was proposed by Georges Lemaître, a Catholic priest. Einstein believed in a steady state universe and introduced a cosmological constant to make his math come out right. He ate some crow over that. Cosmology is schizo. SAMHSA - Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (.GOV): Schizophrenia usually involves delusions (false beliefs), hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that don't exist), unusual physical behavior, and disorganized thinking and speech. It is common for people with schizophrenia to have paranoid thoughts or hear voices. ■ ChrisV rdrj7jl5vqpp7ib5skbarragko43mb0700@4ax.com Uncle_Matuch QJmeO.13257$S_52.4415@fx08.iad Crump 9huj7jdr39hoid0sm9hlj10f097m09e27p@4ax.com rBowman lduu97Fp27fU1@mid.individual.net Crump fvgk7jds60078om3pomb4q03b3872pk2ol@4ax.com rBowman ldv8k5FqiavU3@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.29--9.42pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 54 (624) OK; 4.9 Days, Pan, Individual.NET, Jun 25 { 0:06am, 2024 }:45 七韮纅 Crump needs another can of Pepsi. Crump needs another can of Pepsi, & little more. He doesn't need to know if "you want fries with that?". Nor does he need to know anything about evolution . . . or entropy. ■ rBowman lcp072F1sv7U6@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom v47mem$jtkl$3@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.29--2.48pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman lebj5rFnn5bU1@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom v5q6r9$5ga7$2@dont-email.me rBowman lec38mFq2v1U2@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.29--9.27pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 53 (622) OK; 13.6 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Jun 29 { 8:55pm, 2024 }: 3 七頂脗 I can pick my "knows" if I want to. Ahlstrom: Trump is the Mt. St. Helens of lies and insults. rBowman: Biden is the Grand Canyon of depravity. How low can you go? I can pick my "knows" but REAL choices don't exist. Don't tax me, tax Chiiina. Joe Biden recently put 100% tariffs on electric vehicles from China. ■ Crump tln97jpksjv1or4ka15i8vqn2vguh04gaf@4ax.com Huntzinger v53rhv$35fmo$2@dont-email.me Tyrone│none@none_none kEidnXi8eMvAHej7nZ2dnZfqnPWdnZ2d@supernews.com Huntzinger v569e9$3ndta$1@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.29--1.53pm.Seattle.2024 Ahlstrom v5q7dk$5ga7$5@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.29--5.17pm.Seattle.2024 Alt.Computer.Workshop, Alt.Fan.Rush-Limbaugh, Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy, Talk.Politics ╱ 85 (427) OK; 10 Minutes, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Jun 29 { 5:04pm, 2024 }: 3^(-4) 七頁鳳 Joe Biden recently put 100% tariffs on electric vehicles from China. Relf (me): Tariffs are soaring GreatDepression/WWII style. Ahlstrom: Tariffs imposed by whom, on who? Joe Biden recently put 100% tariffs on electric vehicles from China, for example. Don't tax you, don't tax me, tax Chiiina. ■ DistroMan lcoe7rFsptfU7@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom v473dn$gfcp$2@dont-email.me rBowman lcp072F1sv7U6@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom v47mem$jtkl$3@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.29--2.48pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman lebj5rFnn5bU1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.29--4.42pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 58 (616) OK; 8.3 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Jun 29 { 4:20pm, 2024 }:28 七頁銼 Bully Tools. Bowman: Shoveling snow is bad enough; i don't need to be shoveling ash. I recently ordered this light weight plastic scoop: 42" Bully Tools, One-Piece Poly Scoop/Shovel with D-Grip Handle https://www.amazon.com/Bully-Tools-92801-D-Grip-Handle/dp/B07W4S5562 ■ rBowman lcp072F1sv7U6@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom v47mem$jtkl$3@dont-email.me rBowman lcpq6kF63p4U3@mid.individual.net RonB v48fa3$rmod$7@dont-email.me rBowman lcq2l5F6su7U5@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom v49feu$11kek$5@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.29--2.57pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 89 (421) OK; 2.6 Weeks, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Jun 11 { 5:20am, 2024 }:46^(-4) 七鞵锞 Don't tax you, don't tax me, tax Chiiina. Ahlstrom: Good luck defining "Trumpism" :-D Don't tax you, don't tax me, tax Chiiina. Tariffs are soaring WWII style. ■ Ahlstrom v46rhe$e0ac$5@dont-email.me Uncle_Matuch z4D9O.285$cULb.109@fx44.iad DistroMan lcoe7rFsptfU7@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom v473dn$gfcp$2@dont-email.me rBowman lcp072F1sv7U6@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom v47mem$jtkl$3@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.29--2.48pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 95 (421) OK; 2.7 Weeks, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Jun 10 { 1:07pm, 2024 }:50^(-4) 七鞳唖 Earth is cracked. Ahlstrom: Trump is cracked. Earth is cracked. ■ Anonymous│anon@anon_net v3ojll$3mhfo$2@news.mixmin.net Jeffrey_VanRensselaer│jeffy_boyo@gardner_shitbags_con DkU7O.48300$qQk3.24995@fx18.iad Anonymous│anon@anon_net v3qvvl$3tgoq$1@news.mixmin.net Huntzinger v53qao$35fmo$1@dont-email.me Ahlstrom v54je4$3a71c$1@dont-email.me Huntzinger v5njuv$3iok7$2@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.29--2.39pm.Seattle.2024 Alt.Fan.Rush-Limbaugh, Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy, Alt.Global-Warming ╱ 1 (45) OK; 20.3 Hours, Gecko➤Thunder, Eternal-September.ORG, Jun 28 { 5:19pm, 2024 }:43^(-4) 七韽霟 Fauci is closer to Satan himself. The primary difference between Fauci/BigPharma and BigCoal is: Fauci is closer to Satan himself. ■ Tyrone│none@none_none 2Pycnb3hoqmVR-n7nZ2dnZfqnPednZ2d@supernews.com Crump tln97jpksjv1or4ka15i8vqn2vguh04gaf@4ax.com Huntzinger v53rhv$35fmo$2@dont-email.me Ahlstrom v54jrf$3a71c$3@dont-email.me David_Brooks│DonQuixote@nomail_afraid_org ldm3k8Ff0a2U1@mid.individual.net Huntzinger v56ap9$3nhpf$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.29--1.57pm.Seattle.2024 Alt.Computer.Workshop, Alt.Fan.Rush-Limbaugh, Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy, Talk.Politics ╱ 7 (45) OK; 1.1 Weeks, Gecko➤Thunder, Eternal-September.ORG, Jun 22 { 3:58am, 2024 }:49^(-4) 七韢顩 Does Buffet's secretary's income cover her rent ? Mine doesn't. Does Buffet's secretary's income cover her rent ? Mine doesn't. ■ Crump naj97jt9v7k4cj02mresp14tage4hk3rgs@4ax.com Tyrone│none@none_none 2Pycnb3hoqmVR-n7nZ2dnZfqnPednZ2d@supernews.com Crump tln97jpksjv1or4ka15i8vqn2vguh04gaf@4ax.com Huntzinger v53rhv$35fmo$2@dont-email.me Tyrone│none@none_none kEidnXi8eMvAHej7nZ2dnZfqnPWdnZ2d@supernews.com Huntzinger v569e9$3ndta$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.29--1.53pm.Seattle.2024 Alt.Computer.Workshop, Alt.Fan.Rush-Limbaugh, Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy, Talk.Politics ╱ 8 (45) OK; 1.1 Weeks, Gecko➤Thunder, Eternal-September.ORG, Jun 22 { 3:35am, 2024 }:52^(-4) 七韢錈 Tariffs are soaring GreatDepression/WWII style. Tariffs are soaring GreatDepression/WWII style. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.18--0.45pm.Seattle.2024 Crump mlp37jdj64dd0pbjgg2n50mh8tk5jfv3eh@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.18--10.54pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 1 (619) Bad; 9.5 Hours, F_Agent, Blocknews.NET, Jun 18 { 0:59pm, 2024 }:17^(-4) 七韓鼕 Why must I choose either VoIP _OR_ mobile ? Why not both, same number ? Me [Relf]: I can't install Microsoft's "Phone Link", even if I could, why should I have to use Bluetooth instead of WiFi ? "Messages.Google.COM" uses WiFi to mirror texts between my PC & my Droid. You [Crump]: Let me warn you, that's a gimmick and a half, I almost destroyed my Galaxy S21's battery with the Link To Windows BS, fortunately it came back, but for a minute it was discharging rapidly after I tried that. I do have apps that run on both computer and phone that I can switch between, but fuck seeing the apps from the phone on the computer, it's a joke. Bluetooth sucks, apparently, because "Messages.Google.COM" works fine. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.18--0.45pm.Seattle.2024 DistroMan ldf2igFbstbU3@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.18--10.44pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 28 (274) OK; 1.7 Hours, Pan➤Linux, Individual.NET, Jun 18 { 8:45pm, 2024 }:20 七韕桐 Why must I choose either VoIP _OR_ mobile ? Why not both, same number ? Me [Relf]: Why must I choose either VoIP _OR_ mobile ? Why not both, same number ? You [DistroMan]: You can forward your phone to your Google [voice] number I don't want to add a 2nd phone number to the mix, especially not one that expires after 90 days of inactivity. You [DistroMan]: I thought we didn't have to talk about Microsoft in this 'froup. Theoretically, a distro might have the VoIP solution I'm looking for. ■ Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.18--0.45pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy Why must I choose either VoIP _OR_ mobile ? Why not both, same number ? Why must I choose either VoIP _OR_ mobile ? Why not both, same number ? "Messages.Google.COM" uses WiFi to mirror texts between my PC & my Droid. "Contacts.Google.COM" sets my Droid's contacts to my PC (C:\...\People.CSV). "Meet.Google.COM" for video conferencing. Yet none of them let me make an ordinary call, VoIP _OR_ mobile. I can't install Microsoft's "Phone Link", nor can I install Win11 ( my eight-year-old PC doesn't have the required hardware, apparently ); even if I could, why should I have to use Bluetooth instead of WiFi ? ■ Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.16--4.16am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy Hobos need shelter, landlords need cash... a match made in heaven. Hobos need shelter, landlords need cash... a match made in heaven.. FYI: If my free cell-service goes away, 12 months from now, I'll close the account, keep the free phone ( I'm allowed, I checked ), & open an "Obama phone" account with an authorized provider. ■ RonB v48fa3$rmod$7@dont-email.me Ahlstrom v49feu$11kek$5@dont-email.me rBowman lcrm6gFef9rU3@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.15--8.56am.Seattle.2024 zZombie(%) h5OcnaUCheLHJvD7nZ2dnZfqn_udnZ2d@giganews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.15--9.31am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (122) Bad; 25.2 Minutes, Gecko➤Jan_2010➤WinX, Giganews.COM, Jun 15 { 9:03am, 2024 }:37^(-7) 七韆鵙 No one, not even Trump, can be an isolationist when... Relf(me): No one, not even Trump, can be an isolationist when the planet is shrinking this fast. zZombie(%): yes they can No, we can't. ■ Ahlstrom v47mem$jtkl$3@dont-email.me rBowman lcpq6kF63p4U3@mid.individual.net RonB v48fa3$rmod$7@dont-email.me rBowman lcq2l5F6su7U5@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom v49feu$11kek$5@dont-email.me rBowman lcrm6gFef9rU3@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.15--8.56am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 17 (717) OK; 3.8 Days, Pan, Individual.NET, Jun 11 { 0:17pm, 2024 }:37 七鞷勑 No one, not even Trump, can be an isolationist when... No one, not even Trump, can be an isolationist when the planet is shrinking this fast. ■ Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.12--6.58am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy "Contacts.Google.COM" & "Messages.Google.COM". "Contacts.Google.COM" sets my Droid's contacts to my PC (C:\...\People.CSV). "Messages.Google.COM" mirrors sent/received texts between my PC & my Droid. I get free cell phone service ( ComCast, a 40 $/month value ), because I have "LifeLine" (subsidized) broadband. Also, I get a free "Moto g g5 2024" ( a 160 $ + 17 $ tax, 7 $/mo value ), because I ported my old number to the new phone. Combined, that's a 47 $/mo value for free. I doubt this offer is listed anywhere on the Internet; I simply called ComCast with my fingers crossed... hoping for the best. ■ DetroitsFinest 17d716103c089ab3$7951$675878$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com DFS 6664a63c$0$3738373$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com zZombie(%) kDOdnQsGrMNCNfn7nZ2dnZfqn_gAAAAA@giganews.com DFS 6664e197$1$2363151$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.8--6.16pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (529) OK; 2.1 Hours, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Jun 8 { 3:56pm, 2024 }:25^(-4) 七鞫榙 Too fat/drunk to move. DFS ( to DetroitsFinest ): If you were African you'd get the "Nosebone Award". zZombie(%): who cares. DFS: You a jigaboo, boy ? His ancestors built British Columbia's 1st nation; now they're too fat/drunk to move, I imagine. ■ rBowman lcgr3mFq0i5U1@mid.individual.net ChrisV 64i86jd0t5n9ui6urlhnuk199eulojisn2@4ax.com Crump qvi86j1tmh5g529k0f3dosv0gasl6prtrl@4ax.com rBowman lcjo87F896hU6@mid.individual.net zZombie(%) GEOdnYkBgtQ1MPn7nZ2dnZfqnPoAAAAA@giganews.com rBowman lck1lqF9n7aU3@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.8--3.26pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (708) OK; 9 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Jun 8 { 2:44pm, 2024 }:26 七鞫墺 Doggies. zZombie(%): they aren't white tails they're mule deer What difference does it make? They're both doggies. ■ RonB v416ud$2hs3a$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.8--7.56am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ (?) -Dropped; 5.5 Hours, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Jun 8 { 2:06am, 2024 }:21 七鞨鴍 Buy a TeraByte USB Thumb drive (A:). RonB: My wife's Windows 10 computer (Inspiron, not my choice) came with a 256GB SSD and a 1TB hard drive. Buy a TeraByte USB Thumb drive (A:), format it so it boots, & make it a Bootable Windows recovery drive. C:\__\Sys\AppData\Nuance\NS16\Users\Jeff Relf The following assumes "C:\__" is her home folder, uses ShadowSpawn & RoboCopy. "Save ( Mirror C to A ).BAT": C: CD C:\__ ShadowSpawn C:\__ R: RoboCopy R: A:\__ /B /XF Saved.TXT /XD Tmp Del *IE-Tmp *TileDataLayer *Packages *Recent /NDL /mir /J /NJH /NJS /NP /UNILOG:C:\__\Saved.TXT PAUSE REM help RoboCopy REM /L = ListOnly /B = Backing up, override permissions. /NDL = No Directory Listing. /NJH /NJS = No Header/Footer. /J = No Buffering. /NP = Don't log %done. "Restore ( Mirror A to C ).BAT": ECHO OFF A: REM CD "A:\__\Sys\AppData\Nuance\NS16\Users\Jeff Relf" REM RoboCopy . "C:\__\Sys\AppData\Nuance\NS16\Users\Jeff Relf" /R:0 /NDL /S /B /mir /J /NJH /NJS /NP /UNILOG:C:\__\Relf_Speak_Restored.TXT REM CD "A:\__\Sys\AppData\CounterPath Corporation\Bria\5.0\default_user" REM RoboCopy . "C:\__\Sys\AppData\CounterPath Corporation\Bria\5.0\default_user" /R:0 /NDL /S /B /mir /J /NJH /NJS /NP /UNILOG:C:\__\Bria_Restored.TXT REM CD "A:\__\FF\chrome_debugger_profile" REM RoboCopy . "C:\__\FF\chrome_debugger_profile" /R:0 /NDL /S /B /mir /J /NJH /NJS /NP /UNILOG:C:\__\FF_Debugger_Restored.TXT CD A:\__\FF RoboCopy . C:\__\FF /R:0 /NDL /S /B /mir /J /NJH /NJS /NP /UNILOG:C:\__\FF_Restored.TXT REM CD A:\__\Sys\AppData\Microsoft REM RoboCopy . C:\__\Sys\AppData\Microsoft /R:0 /NDL /S /B /mir /J /NJH /NJS /NP /UNILOG:C:\__\Microsoft_Restored.TXT REM CD A:\__\Sys\AppData\LGHUB REM RoboCopy . C:\__\Sys\AppData\LGHUB /R:0 /NDL /S /B /mir /J /NJH /NJS /NP /UNILOG:C:\__\LGHUB_Restored.TXT REM CD A:\__\EXEs\HotVirtualKeyboard REM RoboCopy . C:\__\EXEs\HotVirtualKeyboard /R:0 /NDL /S /B /mir /J /NJH /NJS /NP /UNILOG:C:\__\Keyboard_Restored.TXT exit REM help RoboCopy REM /L = ListOnly /R:0 = No Retries. /B = Backing up, override permissions. REM /S = Ignore Empty Folders. /NDL = No Directory Listing. /NJH /NJS = No Header/Footer. /J = No Buffering. /NP = Don't log %done. ■ rBowman lci2lcF116gU1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.8--4.03am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (701) OK; 5.3 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Jun 7 { 8:49pm, 2024 }: 1 七鞨劭 Apple, MicroSoft & me. Re: "Microsoft_Recall" now off-by-default. Apple uses AI to make girls look like cute bunnies. MicroSoft tried to use it to snitch. I like how it turns speech into text, learning my voice. ■ John_Smyth│smythlejon2@hotmail_com 0kvp5jph4l0nvbl4hljlnur5v6lk0nqbvp@4ax.com Byker│byker@do~rag_net Z_ednbFe5YE1UsD7nZ2dnZfqn_ednZ2d@earthlink.com pothead│pothead@snakebite_com v3ku1j$3vun9$2@dont-email.me super70s│super70s@super70s_invalid v3l26l$lrp$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.3--9.36pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy, Alt.Fan.Rush-Limbaugh, Alt.Global-Warming ╱ 3 (3) ify; 8 Hours, UnisonMacBin, Eternal-September.ORG, Jun 3 { 11:31am, 2024 }:49^(-5) 七鞖丕 ASMR Re: Fauci Admits He Made Up Tyrannical COVID Guidelines. Only the FDA can provide VACCINE SAFETY DATA & they HIDE it. Age-Standardized Mortality Rate (ASMR), United States: 2019: 715.2 deaths ( per 100,000 standard population ) 2022: 798.8 deaths. 2023, 2024: Forever redacted, too embarrassing. ■ zZombie(%) -JOcneM8i_uQm8D7nZ2dnZfqnPWdnZ2d@giganews.com Uncle_Matuch Y6i7O.8913$L7p2.8137@fx01.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.3--5.30am.Seattle.2024 rBowman lc6i02F24ctU3@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.3--1.44pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman lc78ejF5fobU1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.3--7.29pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 3 (727) OK; 58.4 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Jun 3 { 6:20pm, 2024 }:20 七鞗寔 Agreeing with Nazi Germany. rBowman: Patton was relieved of his command by Eisenhower for publicly stating the US had fought the wrong enemy and wanting to finish what Germany had started. Agreeing with Nazi Germany isn't popular today, especially in Moscow; better to pour gasoline on a George Floyd riot, like Biden does. ■ rBowman lc4c5rFm8leU2@mid.individual.net Crump 665d0515$0$1245634$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com zZombie(%) -JOcneM8i_uQm8D7nZ2dnZfqnPWdnZ2d@giganews.com Uncle_Matuch Y6i7O.8913$L7p2.8137@fx01.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.3--5.30am.Seattle.2024 rBowman lc6i02F24ctU3@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.3--1.44pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 5 (726) OK; 1.3 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Jun 3 { 11:57am, 2024 }: 6 七鞖吂 Stalin the Arsonist You (rBowman) replied ( to me ): > > America puts out the fires that Stalin, Putin_Jong_Un & Hamas started. > > America couldn't even put out a fire at a George Floyd riot. Biden poured gasoline on it; anything to appease Democrat spawn. > Stalin? FDR's pet? No one could stop "Stalin the Arsonist", not even FDR. ■ rBowman lc3rmoFk6ihU4@mid.individual.net Crump 665ce0f6$0$3747326$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com rBowman lc4c5rFm8leU2@mid.individual.net Crump 665d0515$0$1245634$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com zZombie(%) -JOcneM8i_uQm8D7nZ2dnZfqnPWdnZ2d@giganews.com Uncle_Matuch Y6i7O.8913$L7p2.8137@fx01.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.3--5.30am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (537) OK; 31 Minutes, Betterbird, Usenet-News.NET, Jun 3 { 4:51am, 2024 }:18^(-4) 七鞔鐶 America puts out the fires that Stalin, Putin_Jong_Un & Hamas started. America puts out the fires that Stalin, Putin_Jong_Un & Hamas started. ■ Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid v38jbu$1cb0u$3@dont-email.me CandyMan slrnv5folf.1fgt.candycanearter07@candydeb.host.invalid Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid v393hl$1ifsj$2@dont-email.me rBowman lbsb8qFgcp8U3@mid.individual.net Uncle_Matuch Qc76O.1472$nd%8.225@fx45.iad CandyMan slrnv5pg2r.12dl.candycanearter07@candydeb.host.invalid Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.2--0.33pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 3 (294) OK; 19.3 Minutes, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Jun 2 { 0:00pm, 2024 }: 3 七鞑鴳 I'd donate my *ss to Bill Gates before I'd allow automatic updates. You (CandyMan) replied ( to Uncle_Matuch ): > > I "love" when updates refuse to install whether you go through Windows > > Update or try to install them manually. It happened all the time in 10. > > Can you even install updates manually? I'd donate my *ss to Bill Gates before I'd allow automatic updates. Each & Every Win10 update is done MANUALLY. ■ Crump 665c6dc2$0$2363144$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com DFS 665c7d06$0$958$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.2--8.17am.Seattle.2024 DFS 665c9aea$0$1943517$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.2--9.59am.Seattle.2024 DFS 665ca9b7$0$7072$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.2--0.08pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (549) OK; 1.1 Hours, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Jun 2 { 10:19am, 2024 }:52^(-4) 七鞑薸 Crooked Joe says there's no stagflation. Me: Show me on the doll where Trump touched you. DFS: He wants to touch my wallet, but I refuse. Me: How did Trump take your money ? DFS: I never said he did. I see, you're mad because the FAKE billionaire gets REAL donations; CNN's contributions are countless/priceless, for example. Crooked Joe says there's no stagflation, yet: -- My rent goes up 10 %/year, every year. -- My Social Security check doesn't cover my rent. -- I lost my jobs. ■ Crump 665c69ac$0$7056$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com DFS 665c6c03$0$980$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Crump 665c6dc2$0$2363144$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com DFS 665c7d06$0$958$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.2--8.17am.Seattle.2024 DFS 665c9aea$0$1943517$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.2--9.59am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (548) OK; 32.2 Minutes, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Jun 2 { 9:16am, 2024 }:42^(-4) 七鞑盪 How did Trump take your money ? How did Trump take your money ? The economy has never been better, just ask Biden's sycophants. Under Biden: -- I lost my jobs. -- My Social Security check doesn't cover my rent. -- My rent goes up 10 %/year, every year. ■ Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid v3ghfn$31rjc$3@dont-email.me Uncle_Matuch XHY6O.9345$xPJ1.6421@fx09.iad Crump 665c69ac$0$7056$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com DFS 665c6c03$0$980$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Crump 665c6dc2$0$2363144$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com DFS 665c7d06$0$958$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Jun.2--8.17am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (549) OK; 1 Hours, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Jun 2 { 7:09am, 2024 }:10^(-4) 七鞑夆 Show me on the doll where he touched you. DFS: At least you don't support that filthy, deranged demon Donald Trump. "I will accept the results of this rigged election... if I win!" Show me on the doll where he touched you. ■ RonB v39n0l$1lnr7$1@dont-email.me Uncle_Matuch jB_5O.627$RsQ5.99@fx42.iad RonB v3bfka$22mfc$1@dont-email.me Uncle_Matuch Uth6O.3327$B%H7.2702@fx43.iad RonB v3cksh$28jem$2@dont-email.me Uncle_Matuch P5m6O.3719$zfC8.573@fx35.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@May.31--0.12pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 4 (490) OK; 1.7 Hours, Betterbird, Usenet-News.NET, May 31 { 8:34am, 2024 }: 7^(-4) 七鞉姯 Blame everyone but the arsonist ! Uncle_Matuch: I'm sure that Poles themselves saw a lot of themselves in Putin if they watched his interview with Carlson. I love the way Putin_Jong_Un & Hamas slaughter Sub_Human Jews & Ukrainians for fun & profit. Blame everyone but the arsonist ! Nationalists, Landlords & breeders ( like Trump ) are punished. Thugs & squatters are coddled. ■ DFS 6659051c$22$1943520$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.30--4.11pm.Seattle.2024 DFS v3b2gq$1t5p9$2@dont-email.me Crump 66590fe6$0$1245637$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com ChrisV t3gj5j91537niserm7r5hjqkpqejhpng13@4ax.com Uncle_Matuch KZl6O.15974$G7Za.6940@fx10.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@May.31--11.52am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 8 (490) OK; 1.9 Hours, Betterbird, Usenet-News.NET, May 31 { 8:25am, 2024 }:30^(-4) 七鞉埪 Nationalists, Landlords & breeders ( like Trump ) are punished. In the West ( Europe & America ), today & 100 years ago: Nationalists, Landlords & breeders ( like Trump ) are punished. Thugs & squatters are coddled. ■ DFS 6659051c$22$1943520$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.30--4.11pm.Seattle.2024 Uncle_Matuch gq86O.20254$fBCb.18202@fx11.iad Ahlstrom v3chic$27umk$2@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@May.31--6.27am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 3 (474) OK; 24.5 Minutes, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, May 31 { 5:58am, 2024 }:52^(-4) 七鞈螌 In the real world, Trump keeps winning. Trump's attackers look like they're masturbating; meanwhile, in the real world, Trump keeps winning. ■ DFS 6659051c$22$1943520$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.30--4.11pm.Seattle.2024 DFS v3b2gq$1t5p9$2@dont-email.me . Jeff-Relf.Me@May.30--8.26pm.Seattle.2024 Jeff-Relf.Me@May.30--10.10pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy Now, even felons will vote for Trump, especially NYC felons. Biden's attacks on Trump boost him ever higher in the polls. Now, even felons will vote for Trump, especially NYC felons. ■ Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid v3bflq$22mlu$2@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@May.30--8.51pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (432) OK; 10.2 Minutes, Pan, Eternal-September.ORG, May 30 { 8:20pm, 2024 }:26 七鞇出 Overpopulation alarmists have ruled the West for decades now. Re: American "theocracies" trying to reduce abortions. Overpopulation alarmists have ruled the West for decades now. ■ Uncle_Matuch F7L5O.4$B%H7.2@fx43.iad RonB v39n0l$1lnr7$1@dont-email.me Uncle_Matuch jB_5O.627$RsQ5.99@fx42.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.30--1.43pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman lbsqgpFikgbU2@mid.individual.net RonB v3bfso$22mfc$3@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@May.30--8.44pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (375) Bad; 6.5 Minutes, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, May 30 { 8:24pm, 2024 }: 8 七鞇勘 Hitler thought of Ukrainians as subhuman, I disagree. rBowman: And none of this has fuck all to do with the US except increasing the profits of the military-industrial complex. RonB: Yep. President Washington wanted the U.S. to stay out of "foreign entanglements". How do you feel about torturing puppies and filming it for all to see ? Hitler thought of Ukrainians as subhuman, I disagree. ■ Uncle_Matuch F7L5O.4$B%H7.2@fx43.iad RonB v39n0l$1lnr7$1@dont-email.me Uncle_Matuch jB_5O.627$RsQ5.99@fx42.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.30--1.43pm.Seattle.2024 Uncle_Matuch L676O.1470$nd%8.277@fx45.iad RonB v3bfnd$22mfc$2@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@May.30--8.37pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (375) Bad; 9.3 Minutes, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, May 30 { 8:21pm, 2024 }:17 七鞇刭 The arsonists. Uncle_Matuch: How the heck is Poland turning into Nazi Germany ? You said Poland wanted to take land from Ukraine, like Nazi Germany did with Poland. RonB: It's Banderists in Ukraine who are the wannabe Nazis. Early 1930s, millions of Ukrainians died in Stalin's "Holodomor" (famine). Starvation was weaponized/amplified against Ukrainians to punish them for their rejection of "the new serfdom" and to break their nationalism. You blame everyone but the arsonists: first Stalin, now Putin_Jong_Un & Hamas. ■ DFS 6659051c$22$1943520$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.30--4.11pm.Seattle.2024 DFS v3b2gq$1t5p9$2@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@May.30--8.26pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ (544) OK; 3 Hours, Betterbird, Eternal-September.ORG, May 30 { 4:36pm, 2024 }: 0^(-4) 七鞆潠 He said, She said. DFS: LOCK HIM UP ! Did Trump hurt DFS' feelings ? Too bad. He said, She said. Will an out-of-state appellate judge believe "the lying whore & the porn star" duo over Trump ? -- The economy has never been better, just ask Biden's sycophants. ■ DFS 6659051c$22$1943520$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@May.30--4.11pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (544) OK; 3.9 Minutes, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, May 30 { 4:00pm, 2024 }:50^(-4) 七鞆朢 When did Trump steal your lunch money ? When did Trump steal your lunch money ? I missed that post. The economy has never been better, just ask Biden and his cronies. ■ Crump thkf5jt9m8okgta1hh2d0ordi2vmqsc8f1@4ax.com rBowman lbq5jvF6ag4U4@mid.individual.net Uncle_Matuch zDY5O.1401$gn%7.1230@fx12.iad RonB v39oii$1lnr7$7@dont-email.me Crump 4brg5jpi62cp1656sls6f3t3o2mvdl3df2@4ax.com rBowman lbsd5vFgcp8U5@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@May.30--3.59pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (711) OK; 13 Secs, Pan, Individual.NET, May 30 { 3:33pm, 2024 }:36 七鞆惀 You blame everyone but the arsonists: first Stalin, now Putin_Jong_Un & Hamas. Re: biden-gives-ukraine-permission-to-strike-inside-russia-with-us-weapons/ israel-used-us-made-bombs-in-rafah-tent-camp-massacre/ You blame everyone but the arsonists: first Stalin, now Putin_Jong_Un & Hamas. ■ Jeff-Relf.Me@May.30--3.30pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy The economy has never been better. The economy has never been better, just ask Biden and his cronies. ■ Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid v36f0o$111db$1@dont-email.me Uncle_Matuch bPE5O.15788$ytC1.771@fx34.iad Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid v39693$1ird9$2@dont-email.me Uncle_Matuch 1OY5O.3643$zfC8.897@fx35.iad DFS 66588003$0$1245625$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Uncle_Matuch _o%5O.8279$61Y8.7404@fx15.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@May.30--3.15pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 4 (461) OK; 5.8 Hours, Betterbird, Usenet-News.NET, May 30 { 6:44am, 2024 }:25^(-4) 七鞄袹 "AstraWeb.COM" is flawless, try it. Uncle_Matuch wrote: > the news servers I use can't get their act together to produce a working server. "AstraWeb.COM" is flawless, try it. ■ DFS 6657ab3b$0$1245632$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Crump thkf5jt9m8okgta1hh2d0ordi2vmqsc8f1@4ax.com rBowman lbq5jvF6ag4U4@mid.individual.net Uncle_Matuch zDY5O.1401$gn%7.1230@fx12.iad RonB v39oii$1lnr7$7@dont-email.me Uncle_Matuch rJ_5O.632$RsQ5.48@fx42.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@May.30--3.06pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 10 (461) OK; 6.6 Hours, Betterbird, Usenet-News.NET, May 30 { 5:57am, 2024 }:59^(-4) 七鞄緗 Torturing puppies and filming it. Re: sending citizens to war How do you feel about torturing puppies and filming it for all to see ? Hitler thought of Ukrainians as subhuman, I disagree. Early 1930s, millions of Ukrainians died in Stalin's "Holodomor" (famine). Starvation was weaponized/amplified against Ukrainians to punish them for their rejection of "the new serfdom" and to break their nationalism. ■ RonB v36mg0$125tu$1@dont-email.me Uncle_Matuch 4VE5O.25834$4v08.18901@fx09.iad RonB v37gvs$16hr0$1@dont-email.me Uncle_Matuch QsK5O.1487$61Y8.516@fx15.iad RonB v39nd5$1lnr7$2@dont-email.me Uncle_Matuch pC_5O.628$RsQ5.460@fx42.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@May.30--2.59pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 13 (461) OK; 6.7 Hours, Betterbird, Usenet-News.NET, May 30 { 5:50am, 2024 }:28^(-4) 七鞄簔 Stalin's "Holodomor" (famine). Early 1930s, millions of Ukrainians died in Stalin's "Holodomor" (famine). Starvation was weaponized/amplified against Ukrainians to punish them for their rejection of "the new serfdom" and to break their nationalism. ■ Uncle_Matuch 4VE5O.25834$4v08.18901@fx09.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.29--9.17am.Seattle.2024 Uncle_Matuch F7L5O.4$B%H7.2@fx43.iad RonB v39n0l$1lnr7$1@dont-email.me Crump slpg5j58dscd1pqp77s2oaan3bh26qis1v@4ax.com rBowman lbs2bhFeto0U3@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@May.30--2.42pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (698) OK; 5.8 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, May 30 { 0:28pm, 2024 }:49 七鞅蝱 D.E.I. == Didn't Earn It. rBowman: Diversity is such a wonderful thing. D.E.I. == Didn't Earn It. Early 1930s, millions of Ukrainians died in Stalin's "Holodomor" (famine). Starvation was weaponized/amplified against Ukrainians to punish them for their rejection of "the new serfdom" and to break their nationalism. ■ Crump thkf5jt9m8okgta1hh2d0ordi2vmqsc8f1@4ax.com rBowman lbq5jvF6ag4U4@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.29--8.40pm.Seattle.2024 Uncle_Matuch nFY5O.1402$gn%7.688@fx12.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.30--7.52am.Seattle.2024 rBowman lbs1ddFeto0U1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@May.30--2.32pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 3 (698) OK; 21.9 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, May 30 { 0:12pm, 2024 }:46 七鞅莮 Stalin's "Holodomor" (famine). rBowman: Not much on history, are you ? Who died, making you Our Lord and Savior ? Crump ? > The USSR, of which the Ukrainian Soviet > Socialist Republic was a founding member, > did that to Poland, Germany, Hungary > and other countries as it grabbed half of Europe. Early 1930s, millions of Ukrainians died in Stalin's "Holodomor" (famine). Starvation was weaponized/amplified against Ukrainians to punish them for their rejection of "the new serfdom" and to break their nationalism. You may have forgotten it... but they sure as hell have not. You blame everyone but the arsonist: first Stalin, now Putin_Jong_Un. ■ Crump thkf5jt9m8okgta1hh2d0ordi2vmqsc8f1@4ax.com rBowman lbq5jvF6ag4U4@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.29--8.40pm.Seattle.2024 Uncle_Matuch nFY5O.1402$gn%7.688@fx12.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.30--7.52am.Seattle.2024 Uncle_Matuch Sp26O.14038$G7Za.9869@fx10.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@May.30--2.02pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 29 (461) OK; 2.4 Hours, Betterbird, Usenet-News.NET, May 30 { 10:10am, 2024 }: 9^(-4) 七鞅曱 Oppose RonB and Putin_Jong_Un and they will call you a Nazi. Oppose RonB and Putin_Jong_Un and they will call you a Nazi. ■ RonB v37gvs$16hr0$1@dont-email.me Uncle_Matuch QsK5O.1487$61Y8.516@fx15.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.29--0.19pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman lbq0imF5kedU2@mid.individual.net RonB v39nlc$1lnr7$3@dont-email.me Uncle_Matuch kD_5O.629$RsQ5.57@fx42.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@May.30--1.48pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 30 (461) OK; 6.7 Hours, Betterbird, Usenet-News.NET, May 30 { 5:51am, 2024 }:28^(-4) 七鞄籐 Putin_Jong_Un RonB blames everyone but the arsonist: Putin_Jong_Un. Russia doesn't ban YouTube, and there are plenty of English speaking YouTubers in Ukraine, and I believe them, not RonB nor Putin_Jong_Un. ■ RonB v36mg0$125tu$1@dont-email.me Uncle_Matuch 4VE5O.25834$4v08.18901@fx09.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.29--9.17am.Seattle.2024 Uncle_Matuch F7L5O.4$B%H7.2@fx43.iad RonB v39n0l$1lnr7$1@dont-email.me Uncle_Matuch jB_5O.627$RsQ5.99@fx42.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@May.30--1.43pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 31 (461) OK; 6.8 Hours, Betterbird, Usenet-News.NET, May 30 { 5:49am, 2024 }:18^(-4) 七鞄篎 Russia is morphing into North Korea. Uncle_Matuch: > I've heard that Poland now wants a chunk of Ukraine, as it was traditionally > Polish territory. It actually pains me to imagine this to be a fact. Poland is becoming NAZI Germany. Ukraine is devolving into Soviet Poland. Russia is morphing into North Korea. ■ RonB v36mg0$125tu$1@dont-email.me Uncle_Matuch 4VE5O.25834$4v08.18901@fx09.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.29--9.17am.Seattle.2024 Uncle_Matuch F7L5O.4$B%H7.2@fx43.iad RonB v39n0l$1lnr7$1@dont-email.me Crump slpg5j58dscd1pqp77s2oaan3bh26qis1v@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@May.30--1.32pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (564) Bad; 7.8 Hours, F_Agent, Blocknews.NET, May 30 { 4:45am, 2024 }:31^(-4) 七鞄泛 Practice makes perfect. Crump: Your talent at writing *fiction* is impressive, Ron. Practice makes perfect. ■ Uncle_Matuch 4VE5O.25834$4v08.18901@fx09.iad RonB v37gvs$16hr0$1@dont-email.me Uncle_Matuch QsK5O.1487$61Y8.516@fx15.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.29--0.19pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman lbq0imF5kedU2@mid.individual.net RonB v39nlc$1lnr7$3@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@May.30--1.30pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (374) Bad; 8.2 Hours, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, May 30 { 4:24am, 2024 }:28 七鞄柬 RonB blames everyone but the arsonist: Putin_Jong_Un. RonB blames everyone but the arsonist: Putin_Jong_Un. ■ Uncle_Matuch HHr5O.73885$vAv6.2143@fx18.iad DFS 6657ab3b$0$1245632$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Crump thkf5jt9m8okgta1hh2d0ordi2vmqsc8f1@4ax.com rBowman lbq5jvF6ag4U4@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.29--8.40pm.Seattle.2024 Uncle_Matuch nFY5O.1402$gn%7.688@fx12.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@May.30--7.52am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 29 (458) OK; 4.1 Hours, Betterbird, Usenet-News.NET, May 30 { 3:37am, 2024 }: 7^(-4) 七鞄峓 Stockholm Syndrome. You (Uncle_Matuch) replied ( to me ): > > Ukrainians are fine people, good neighbors, a joy to be around. > > Those Ukrainians killed 100,000 of us Poles during the Second World War. > Some of what they did included ripping babies out of pregnant women's > bellies. The first-hand accounts my own relatives had of how wonderful > those Ukrainians were paint a gruesome picture. Talk about Stockholm Syndrome. Russians did that to Poland, now Ukraine. ■ Crump q70c5j50iivknqk2pv1bvqa878cblce1sv@4ax.com DFS v350eg$m04s$1@dont-email.me Uncle_Matuch HHr5O.73885$vAv6.2143@fx18.iad DFS 6657ab3b$0$1245632$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Crump thkf5jt9m8okgta1hh2d0ordi2vmqsc8f1@4ax.com rBowman lbq5jvF6ag4U4@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@May.29--8.40pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (707) OK; 1.3 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, May 29 { 7:12pm, 2024 }:16 七鞂誀 How do you feel about torturing puppies ? rBowman: Out of idle curiosity why do you give a shit about the Ukraine ? Because they're fine people, good neighbors, a joy to be around. How do you feel about torturing puppies and filming it for all to see ? ■ RonB v34vci$lo6j$1@dont-email.me Uncle_Matuch 9tr5O.2752$1tf.1358@fx38.iad RonB v36mg0$125tu$1@dont-email.me Uncle_Matuch 4VE5O.25834$4v08.18901@fx09.iad RonB v37gvs$16hr0$1@dont-email.me Uncle_Matuch QsK5O.1487$61Y8.516@fx15.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@May.29--0.19pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (425) OK; 8.6 Minutes, Betterbird, Usenet-News.NET, May 29 { 11:28am, 2024 }: 0^(-4) 七鞁澰 Freedom isn't "Nothing". Uncle_Matuch wrote: > By continuing a war they cannot win with Russia, > there is absolutely nothing that can be gained by the Ukrainians. Freedom isn't "Nothing". ■ RonB v33s4q$fn80$2@dont-email.me Uncle_Matuch ZGm5O.46454$HBac.20880@fx15.iad RonB v34vci$lo6j$1@dont-email.me Uncle_Matuch 9tr5O.2752$1tf.1358@fx38.iad RonB v36mg0$125tu$1@dont-email.me Uncle_Matuch 4VE5O.25834$4v08.18901@fx09.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@May.29--9.17am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (420) OK; 3.7 Hours, Betterbird, Usenet-News.NET, May 29 { 5:08am, 2024 }:33^(-4) 七鞀棁 "give me liberty or give me death" -- Ukraine "give me liberty or give me death" -- Ukraine ■ DFS 66568211$2$8094$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com DistroMan v363kc$evg8$1@dont-email.me DFS v363no$viqs$1@dont-email.me DistroMan v366el$evg8$2@dont-email.me DFS 66569e4b$8$1258331$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com DistroMan v368kp$evg8$3@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@May.28--9.08pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (234) OK; 14.4 Minutes, Pan➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, May 28 { 8:49pm, 2024 }:45 七靾韙 What are you doing that requires 256 Giga_Bytes ? What are you doing that requires 256 Giga_Bytes of ECC memory and extraordinary cooling ? ■ Uncle_Matuch GJ95O.4679$Iwl2.3074@fx44.iad RonB v33s4q$fn80$2@dont-email.me Uncle_Matuch ZGm5O.46454$HBac.20880@fx15.iad RonB v34vci$lo6j$1@dont-email.me Uncle_Matuch 9tr5O.2752$1tf.1358@fx38.iad rBowman lbn7scF9occU1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@May.28--6.36pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (713) OK; 1.1 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, May 28 { 4:32pm, 2024 }:29 七靾宍 De facto, The West won. China, Russia & the West are all doing fine. Like The West technically lost VietNam to "communist" China/Russia... Russia may technically win Ukraine... and China Taiwan; de facto, The West won. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.28--11.05am.Seattle.2024 Crump q48c5jpn9tg6pd50hrs4rfkt12fnggo05j@4ax.com DFS 665662bb$0$950$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Crump 1fpc5j5ualu79gvg9hmivtkdlqqn2o25pe@4ax.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.28--5.12pm.Seattle.2024 Crump 4ctc5j52gfd4rna240h7j7q496uh9iagjp@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@May.28--6.00pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (532) Bad; 16.2 Minutes, F_Agent, Blocknews.NET, May 28 { 5:23pm, 2024 }:49^(-4) 七靾枕 I neither need nor want 24/7/365 connectivity. Crump: Can you take your PC with you in your pocket ? I neither need nor want 24/7/365 connectivity. ■ RonB v34j2l$jg5q$1@dont-email.me rBowman lbmjnrF6nmsU2@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.28--11.05am.Seattle.2024 Crump q48c5jpn9tg6pd50hrs4rfkt12fnggo05j@4ax.com DFS 665662bb$0$950$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Crump 1fpc5j5ualu79gvg9hmivtkdlqqn2o25pe@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@May.28--5.12pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (529) Bad; 18.9 Minutes, F_Agent, Blocknews.NET, May 28 { 4:19pm, 2024 }:49^(-4) 七靾墕 The 2021 Samsung Galaxy is useless. The 2021 Samsung Galaxy is useless; it doesn't have: -- "The gShift ring finger mouse button" that nearly doubles ( 20 to 39 ) the number of macros I can run: Amazon.COM/gp/product/B0086UK7IQ Jeff-Relf.Me/MouseKeyboardLayout.PNG -- Up_Mixed stereo to Surround_Sound. -- A 32" UHD Arm_Mounted monitor. -- A Tera_Byte m.2 NVMe SSD. -- A Tera_Byte USB thumb drive. -- Tera_Bytes/month down/up. -- Visual Studio C++ -- Jail_Free FOSS apps. -- Jeff-Relf.Me/Win10.REG.TXT -- FireFox Developer Edition v90: Jeff-Relf.Me/SearchBar.PNG Jeff-Relf.Me/userChrome.CSS.TXT Jeff-Relf.Me/userContent.CSS.TXT ■ Crump glj85jd7inv7u54deb3f47hkaihuakeg20@4ax.com rBowman lbjv41FoqbcU3@mid.individual.net Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid v33cb3$ddl1$6@dont-email.me DFS 66554252$0$6433$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Uncle_Matuch tQj5O.33581$9xU7.23579@fx17.iad rBowman lbmkp4F6nmsU3@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@May.28--11.25am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 3 (706) OK; 13 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, May 28 { 11:06am, 2024 }:29 七靽愥 My desktop is 100.000% black My desktop is 100.000% black; instead, I use folders. No "hot corners", nor anything like that. ■ CandyMan slrnv5a2va.8c8.candycanearter07@candydeb.host.invalid Uncle_Matuch D885O.48602$In22.5622@fx11.iad rBowman lbkqggFsr7jU1@mid.individual.net Uncle_Matuch fzj5O.46449$HBac.28782@fx15.iad RonB v34j2l$jg5q$1@dont-email.me rBowman lbmjnrF6nmsU2@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@May.28--11.05am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (703) OK; 6.3 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, May 28 { 10:48am, 2024 }:44 七靽峼 "dumb terminals" (smart phones). rBowman: the average thin client isn't completely dumb. Some of us thought "dumb terminals" (smart phones) wouldn't be popular. ■ DFS 6654a3f0$0$6449$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com rBowman lbk0b9Fp4tnU1@mid.individual.net RonB v338e3$92if$4@dont-email.me rBowman lbkue6Fsr7jU4@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.27--8.14pm.Seattle.2024 DistroMan v33iks$3scv5$5@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@May.27--8.40pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (236) OK; 13.4 Minutes, Pan➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, May 27 { 8:22pm, 2024 }: 4 七靺蟜 Joe "The OverPopulation Alarmist" is a kill joy. You (DistroMan) replied ( to me ): > > Re: Today's MisCon, LARPing elves, dwarfs, warriors & the LDS convention. > > Add Joe Biden to the mix, just to see how fast they'd scatter. > > Signal garbled, Captain Mouse! > Adjust your Galactic Transceiver and try again, please! Joe "The OverPopulation Alarmist" is a kill joy. ■ DetroitsFinest 17d2c9482bfb4888$956$2537179$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com Crump kk745jhee8m7n0nn4aheir71374tiofdff@4ax.com DFS 6654a3f0$0$6449$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com rBowman lbk0b9Fp4tnU1@mid.individual.net RonB v338e3$92if$4@dont-email.me rBowman lbkue6Fsr7jU4@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@May.27--8.14pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (709) OK; 25.4 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, May 27 { 7:39pm, 2024 }: 3 七靺緇 Add Joe Biden to the mix. Re: Today's MisCon, LARPing elves, dwarfs, warriors & the LDS convention. Add Joe Biden to the mix, just to see how fast they'd scatter. ■ Uncle_Matuch v2tmrv$327ft$1@dont-email.me Tyrone│none@none_none numcnZ2ADYFGGc_7nZ2dnZfqn_qdnZ2d@supernews.com DFS 66534c8c$0$6554$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.26--8.13am.Seattle.2024 Huntzinger v333rk$8h8r$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@May.27--4.38pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (107) OK; 11.6 Minutes, Gecko➤Thunder, Eternal-September.ORG, May 27 { 4:09pm, 2024 }:40^(-4) 七靹麴 EMPIRICAL BAYESIAN DATA MINING ANALYSES. You (Huntzinger) replied ( to me ): > > Only the FDA can provide VACCINE SAFETY DATA & they HIDE it; > > Just what is the FDA allegedly "hiding", Relf ? Be specific. Vaccine safety data, a.k.a. EMPIRICAL BAYESIAN DATA MINING ANALYSES Senators are complaining that it is 100 % redacted, NOT just patient names. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.27--9.15am.Seattle.2024 DFS 6654d419$2$2363146$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.27--0.25pm.Seattle.2024 Uncle_Matuch Zo65O.105547$EkJ4.70732@fx14.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.27--2.34pm.Seattle.2024 Uncle_Matuch 0b85O.48603$In22.18650@fx11.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@May.27--4.31pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 3 (389) OK; 26.4 Minutes, Betterbird, Usenet-News.NET, May 27 { 3:54pm, 2024 }:52^(-4) 七靹鬼 Another option: "AstraWeb.COM". You (Uncle_Matuch) replied ( to me ): > > Usenet-News has problems quite similar to Blocknews; > > when one fails, I switch to the other. > > Another option: "AstraWeb.COM". > > Why do you supposed that usenet-news.net has the same problems as > blocknews? It's really starting to feel as though someone is purposely > trying to kill off Usenet. Because they draw on the same source, in Texas, including same article numbers. Currently I'm using/testing "AstraWeb.COM" ( Singapore headquarters, US Server ) UsenetReviewz.COM/astraweb-review/ ■ DFS 66525db7$0$7162$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Uncle_Matuch v2u3i5$342k6$3@dont-email.me DFS 6654a2e7$0$6426$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Uncle_Matuch v328ol$3isi$3@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.27--9.15am.Seattle.2024 DFS 6654fbdb$0$8099$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@May.27--2.59pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (540) OK; 7.5 Minutes, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, May 27 { 2:32pm, 2024 }:13^(-4) 七靹蟝 The NNTP "Group" command tells me the TOP article number. You (DFS) replied ( to me ): > > Instead of relying on article numbers, > > my newsreader remembers the last 10 Message-ID's. > > If you don't use article number, > how do you know you've downloaded the last 200 cola posts ? The NNTP "Group" command tells me the TOP article number. Using a Message-ID "BookMark", I get the LOW article number. I repeatedly request up to 100 articles at a time via a block of 100 NNTP commands ( because one may NOT specify a range, from LOW to TOP ). ■ DFS 6654a2e7$0$6426$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Uncle_Matuch v328ol$3isi$3@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.27--9.15am.Seattle.2024 DFS 6654d419$2$2363146$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.27--0.25pm.Seattle.2024 Uncle_Matuch Zo65O.105547$EkJ4.70732@fx14.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@May.27--2.34pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (384) OK; 11.7 Minutes, Betterbird, Usenet-News.NET, May 27 { 1:53pm, 2024 }:13^(-4) 七靹纹 Another option: "AstraWeb.COM". You (Uncle_Matuch) replied ( to me ): > > What's wrong with "Usenet-News.NET" ? > > https://usenet-news.net/index1.php?url=get > > I just signed up with them. For $2, I don't mind paying for something > faster than what Eternal September has to offer. It's too bad that > Blocknews dropped the ball. Usenet-News has problems quite similar to Blocknews; when one fails, I switch to the other. Another option: "AstraWeb.COM". ■ DFS 66525db7$0$7162$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Uncle_Matuch v2u3i5$342k6$3@dont-email.me DFS 6654a2e7$0$6426$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Uncle_Matuch v328ol$3isi$3@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.27--9.15am.Seattle.2024 DFS 6654d419$2$2363146$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@May.27--0.25pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (540) OK; 7.8 Minutes, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, May 27 { 11:42am, 2024 }:34^(-4) 七靹怚 What's wrong with "Usenet-News.NET" ? DFS: ES is lesser because it[...] has shorter retention/fewer messages. Ditto. It's free for the same reason a worm dangling on a hook is free. I have no connection or speed problems that wouldn't be easily fixed by restarting the download ( with the same or a different server ). I switch servers on the fly. > Have you tried fastusenet ? No, I don't want a monthly/yearly payment plan. What's wrong with "Usenet-News.NET" ? https://usenet-news.net/index1.php?url=get > I have to restart the newsreader. I can't imagine that. ■ DFS 66525db7$0$7162$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Uncle_Matuch v2u3i5$342k6$3@dont-email.me DFS 6654a2e7$0$6426$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Uncle_Matuch v328ol$3isi$3@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@May.27--9.15am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 1 (385) OK; 7.2 Minutes, Betterbird, Eternal-September.ORG, May 27 { 8:27am, 2024 }:13^(-4) 七靸葑 Switching servers on the fly. My newsreader (Jeff-Relf.Me/z1.HTM) works fine with BlockNews because it remember the last 10 Message-ID's, instead of relying on article numbers. & This allows me to switch servers on the fly. When stepping down to a lesser server (e.g. to Eternal-September) it notifies me when the lesser server doesn't have one of the 10 Message-ID's. Also, it notifies me when a Message-ID got leapfrogged ( because BlockNews couldn't keep up ). See also: News.US.Usenet-News.NET ■ Uncle_Matuch v2tmrv$327ft$1@dont-email.me DFS 66535b29$0$6550$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.26--9.46am.Seattle.2024 DFS 66548e2b$0$7062$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Crump vq395j1linbijjejgheflucuf1v1fm9hnk@4ax.com DFS 6654a0c7$0$6425$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@May.27--8.40am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 5 (538) OK; 30.8 Minutes, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, May 27 { 8:03am, 2024 }:35^(-4) 七靸织 You trash your vote, I don't vote, Same thing. DFS: I'll have to write in my vote, for the 3rd consecutive time. You trash your vote, I don't vote, Same thing. ■ DetroitsFinest 17d356bebc7d5f25$92209$3832218$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com Jeff-Relf.Me@May.27--8.32am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy, Sci.Physics ╳ (?) -Dropped; 3.3 Hours, BadRig, Usenetexpress.COM, May 27 { 5:01am, 2024 }: 0^(0) 七靸叼 IransFinest's helicopter crashed into a mountain. DetroitsFinest: > Where's Physfitfreak [IransFinest] ? > That dude could recognize all the fucking assholes on this group. > We need more like him. Last I heard, IransFinest's helicopter crashed into a mountain. ■ DFS 66534360$0$6557$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com DistroMan v30103$3geq3$1@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.26--0.20pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman lbi7lvFgqelU2@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.27--7.06am.Seattle.2024 DFS 66549995$0$6435$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@May.27--8.17am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 3 (533) OK; 27.9 Minutes, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, May 27 { 7:32am, 2024 }:53^(-4) 七靸瞕 COLA makes me feel better. DFS asked me: Why are you here, in cola ? COLA makes me feel better, comparatively. Me in 2003 ( Bailo, COLA, "sci.physics" & "seattle.general" ): https://groups.google.com/search/conversations?q=Relf+Linux-Advocacy+BEFORE:2003/05/30&sortBy=DATE ■ Tyrone│none@none_none x9GdnREA8JPw9dP7nZ2dnZfqn_udnZ2d@supernews.com Uncle_Matuch qnbu4j1li5mgjm6gm0l5o3kvku94179t9u@4ax.com Tyrone│none@none_none QNWdnbsVQuRa29L7nZ2dnZfqn_adnZ2d@supernews.com Stéphane_CARPENTIER│sc@fiat-linux_fr 6652499e$0$8239$426a34cc@news.free.fr Tyrone│none@none_none 4W-dnblUdNTaS877nZ2dnZfqn_udnZ2d@supernews.com Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid v31bg3$3tudd$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@May.27--7.40am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 5 (410) OK; 6.3 Hours, Pan, Eternal-September.ORG, May 27 { 0:07am, 2024 }:48 七靷慄 You too could sponsor a Microsoft employee. Oliveiro: > When the price goes down, profits go down. > And when profits go down, investment in the product goes down. > You see where this is leading? You’ve seen it already, in Windows. For just one thousand $/day you too could sponsor a Microsoft employee ( so he doesn't have to live in a tent ). ■ Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid v2uocg$3ajrn$4@dont-email.me DFS 66534360$0$6557$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid v30g73$3lhel$4@dont-email.me rBowman lbi9f6Fhd3pU1@mid.individual.net DistroMan v30t17$3k86l$4@dont-email.me rBowman lbinqpFj5p4U2@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@May.27--7.31am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (703) OK; 6.9 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, May 26 { 11:34pm, 2024 }: 1 七靷奙 Workstations dedicated to snitching.. Re: Lenovo.COM/us/en/glossary/workstation-vs-desktop-business/ Creating CGI requires max compute, hence workstations. The latest Microsoft Surface Pro(tm) laptops, with their Copilot+ NPU's, might be considered workstations, if they weren't dedicated to snitching. ■ DFS 6652ae90$0$7183$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid v2uocg$3ajrn$4@dont-email.me DFS 66534360$0$6557$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com DistroMan v30103$3geq3$1@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.26--0.20pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman lbi7lvFgqelU2@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@May.27--7.06am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 5 (703) OK; 11.5 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, May 26 { 6:58pm, 2024 }:24 七靶櫀 I keep my left hand busy doing NonComputer things, Like smoking. Re: instructables.com/One-Handed-Chording-Keyboard/ I keep my left hand busy doing NonComputer things, Like smoking. Linux has no drivers for the devices I require. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.26--1.37pm.Seattle.2024 DistroMan v307tn$3geq3$7@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.26--2.58pm.Seattle.2024 DistroMan v30cd0$3k86l$1@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.26--3.44pm.Seattle.2024 DistroMan v30em3$3k86l$2@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@May.26--4.45pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (236) OK; 37.8 Minutes, Pan➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, May 26 { 3:56pm, 2024 }: 3 七靵鈃 You can't do it because you don't have the drivers. You (DistroMan) replied ( to me ): > > For me, button 20 is Ctrl; i.e. "g20 Wheel" Zooms. > > gShift g20 is double quote ("). > > You can't do this (above), you don't have the drivers. > > You're talking nonsense. Assuming you're right, and I'm wrong, you should be able to assign Ctrl to g20 and, at the same time, assign double quote (") to gShift g20. Nothing you wrote convinced me that you can do it; more concerning, you haven't done it. You can't do it because you don't have the drivers. You can't Up_Mix stereo to Surround_Sound because you don't have the drivers. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.26--1.01pm.Seattle.2024 DistroMan v3065d$3geq3$6@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.26--1.37pm.Seattle.2024 DistroMan v307tn$3geq3$7@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.26--2.58pm.Seattle.2024 DistroMan v30cd0$3k86l$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@May.26--3.44pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (235) OK; 10.2 Minutes, Pan➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, May 26 { 3:17pm, 2024 }: 5 七靵裡 For me, gShift b20 is double quote ("). Your gShift is Ctrl. For me, button 20 is Ctrl; i.e. "b20 Wheel" Zooms. gShift b20 is double quote ("). You can't do this (above), you don't have the drivers. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.26--0.20pm.Seattle.2024 DistroMan v30326$3geq3$4@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.26--1.01pm.Seattle.2024 DistroMan v3065d$3geq3$6@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.26--1.37pm.Seattle.2024 DistroMan v307tn$3geq3$7@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@May.26--2.58pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (234) OK; 15.9 Minutes, Pan➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, May 26 { 2:00pm, 2024 }:39 七靵盷 What happens when you press gShift !? DistroMan: "Up_Mixed to Surround_Sound" is an illusion. Enjoy ! No, it's quite real; I wouldn't be without it. You'll never know because you don't have the drivers. Re: Amazon.COM/dp/B00EE99KMM Apparently, you've got the g600 mouse, same as me... apparently. "The gShift ring finger button" nearly doubles ( 20 to 39 ) the number of actions you can perform: Amazon.COM/gp/product/B0086UK7IQ Jeff-Relf.Me/MouseKeyboardLayout.PNG What happens when you press it !? ■ DFS 66534360$0$6557$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com DistroMan v30103$3geq3$1@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.26--0.20pm.Seattle.2024 DistroMan v30326$3geq3$4@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.26--1.01pm.Seattle.2024 DistroMan v3065d$3geq3$6@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@May.26--1.37pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (233) OK; 0 Secs, Pan➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, May 26 { 1:30pm, 2024 }:36 七靵濬 Are you enjoying stereo movies/songs/games Up_Mixed to Surround_Sound ? You (DistroMan) replied ( to me ): > > > > So you'll never experience stereo movies/songs Up_Mixed to Surround_Sound, > > > > nor will you ever enjoy this 39 button gShift mouse: > > > > Jeff-Relf.Me/MouseKeyboardLayout.PNG > > > > You'll never see the drivers, DistroMan, so you'll never know. > > _What_ drivers? It's a USB device, and the X Window System maps > the mouse keypresses to events that can be assigned. > > IAW, I can bind them to actions in my games, or anywhere else. > It is no different than Windoze. Do you know what a "gShift" is ? Are you enjoying stereo movies/songs/games Up_Mixed to Surround_Sound ? Again: You'll never see the drivers, DistroMan. ■ Uncle_Matuch v2tmrv$327ft$1@dont-email.me DFS 66535b29$0$6550$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Uncle_Matuch v2vmv3$3fc8e$4@dont-email.me DistroMan v301su$3geq3$2@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.26--0.33pm.Seattle.2024 DistroMan v30358$3geq3$5@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@May.26--1.28pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (232) OK; 17.2 Minutes, Pan➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, May 26 { 0:39pm, 2024 }:21 七靵揩 "?Q?=" Should not be found anywhere in any header. You (DistroMan) replied ( to me ): > > Down_Score Unicode_Crap found in a header. > > Can you elaborate ? "Giganews.COM" says this is a valid Message-ID: =3D?U=3D?UTF-8?Q?T?=3DF-8?Q?=3DF0=3D9F=3D8C=3DBA?=3DidUSB6z4JORDoJh@ "?Q?=" Should not be found anywhere in any header, Down_Score it. In: "1jl35j9docc0glns78vp9utnks44e1sb13@4ax.com", Crump posts: Subject: Re: 🏳️‍🌈Audiophilia (was Re: Do Microsoft�s Copilot+ PCs Require Linux?)🏳️‍🌈 "�" Should not be found anywhere in any header, Down_Score it. ■ DFS 6652ae90$0$7183$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid v2uocg$3ajrn$4@dont-email.me DFS 66534360$0$6557$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com DistroMan v30103$3geq3$1@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.26--0.20pm.Seattle.2024 DistroMan v30326$3geq3$4@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@May.26--1.01pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (232) OK; 18.8 Minutes, Pan➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, May 26 { 0:37pm, 2024 }:42 七靵掆 You'll never see the drivers, DistroMan. You (DistroMan) replied ( to me ): > > So you'll never experience stereo movies/songs Up_Mixed to Surround_Sound, > > nor will you ever enjoy this 39 button gShift mouse: > > Jeff-Relf.Me/MouseKeyboardLayout.PNG > > I have a gaming mouse with G9-G20 buttons on the side. > What does that have to do with surround sound You'll never see the drivers, DistroMan, so you'll never know. ■ Uncle_Matuch v2tmrv$327ft$1@dont-email.me DFS 66535b29$0$6550$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Uncle_Matuch v2vmv3$3fc8e$4@dont-email.me DistroMan v301su$3geq3$2@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@May.26--0.33pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (229) OK; 3.5 Minutes, Pan➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, May 26 { 0:17pm, 2024 }:51 七靵廟 Spiritual Terrorism. DistroMan: [Catholic] Damnation doctrine is spiritual terrorism. Spiritual Terrorism: BIDEN has been a population alarmist since 1970. > Asking for a fix to gmime so I can crosspost in > the thread "Damnation doctrine is spiritual terrorism" in > alt.atheism and a half-dozen other newsgroups. Down_Score Unicode_Crap found in a header. ■ DFS 66524006$0$1258327$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid v2u28m$33nmn$13@dont-email.me DFS 6652ae90$0$7183$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid v2uocg$3ajrn$4@dont-email.me DFS 66534360$0$6557$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com DistroMan v30103$3geq3$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@May.26--0.20pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ (?) +-; 5.1 Minutes, Pan➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, May 26 { 0:02pm, 2024 }:27 七靵孃 This 39 button gShift mouse. You (DistroMan) replied ( to DFS ): > > Who sells a Linux-based 'workstation' ? > > system76.com/desktops/thelio-major So you'll never experience stereo movies/songs Up_Mixed to Surround_Sound, nor will you ever enjoy this 39 button gShift mouse: Jeff-Relf.Me/MouseKeyboardLayout.PNG ■ Uncle_Matuch v2tmrv$327ft$1@dont-email.me DFS 66535b29$0$6550$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@May.26--9.46am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (525) OK; 2.4 Minutes, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, May 26 { 8:54am, 2024 }:17^(-4) 七靴脩 Forever redacted, too embarrassing. Re: 30 year old PGA tour winner Grayson Murray's Suicide. Only the FDA can provide VACCINE SAFETY DATA & they HIDE it; i.e. Reality(tm) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of SWEET JOE BIDEN. "I, for one, am proud to be an unTested/UnTestable GMO" -- SWEET BIDEN. Age-Standardized Mortality Rate (ASMR), United States: 2019: 715.2 deaths ( per 100,000 standard population ) 2022: 798.8 deaths. 2023, 2024: Forever redacted, too embarrassing. BIDEN has been a population alarmist since 1970. ■ Uncle_Matuch v2tmrv$327ft$1@dont-email.me Tyrone│none@none_none numcnZ2ADYFGGc_7nZ2dnZfqn_qdnZ2d@supernews.com DFS 66534c8c$0$6554$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@May.26--8.13am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (523) OK; 15.2 Minutes, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, May 26 { 7:51am, 2024 }:59^(-4) 七靴犏 DFS & SWEET JOE BIDEN. DFS: > covid vaccine IDIOTS claim it was "the jab". > > And there are a lot of vaccine idiots around, including several on this > newsgroup. I see a lot of them in comment sections all across the > Internet. All of them are very willfully ignorant. Every day, the "IDIOT" epitaph becomes more apropos of you, DFS. Only the FDA can provide VACCINE SAFETY DATA & they HIDE it; i.e. Reality(tm) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of SWEET JOE BIDEN. "I, for one, am proud to be an unTested/UnTestable GMO" -- DFS. ■ Uncle_Matuch v2tmrv$327ft$1@dont-email.me RonB v2ve33$3drk2$8@dont-email.me DFS 6653442b$0$6545$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@May.26--7.56am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 5 (521) OK; 26.4 Minutes, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, May 26 { 7:16am, 2024 }:14^(-4) 七靴樮 Reality(tm) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Big Gov. You (DFS) replied ( to RonB ): > > We've never so many young athletes die like this in the past. > > [we've never had so many IDIOTS willfully disregard reality(tm)] Only the FDA can provide VACCINE SAFETY DATA & they HIDE it; i.e. Reality(tm) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of sweet Joe Biden. "I, for one, am proud to be an unTested/UnTestable GMO" -- Americans. ■ Uncle_Matuch v2tmrv$327ft$1@dont-email.me Stéphane_CARPENTIER│sc@fiat-linux_fr 6652f6b4$0$10519$426a74cc@news.free.fr Jeff-Relf.Me@May.26--7.37am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 4 (198) OK; 4.7 Hours, slrn➤Linux, Proxad.NET,, May 26 { 1:45am, 2024 }:40 七靳溴 The FDA REFUSED TO PROVIDE ANY OF ITS VACCINE SAFETY DATA. You (Carpentier) replied ( to Uncle_Matuch ): > > 30-year-old-pga-golfer-dies > > That's one of the stupidest arguments I've ever heard against the vaccine. The FDA REFUSED TO PROVIDE ANY OF ITS VACCINE SAFETY DATA. ONLY the FDA can provide this information. In other words: Big Gov, Big Pharma & Big Media have a monopoly on damn near everything, including "the truth". And why the f*ck are you so damn excited about having become an unTested/UnTestable GMO ? Is this the culmination of some lifelong "dream" of yours ? You must have some kind of financial incentive that we don't know about. ■ Uncle_Matuch v2tmrv$327ft$1@dont-email.me Stéphane_CARPENTIER│sc@fiat-linux_fr 6652f6b4$0$10519$426a74cc@news.free.fr Uncle_Matuch v2v6dv$3crlu$6@dont-email.me Ahlstrom v2vcl5$3dfd8$10@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@May.26--7.27am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (476) OK; 9.6 Minutes, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, May 26 { 6:15am, 2024 }:17^(-4) 七靴寥 Athletes dropping like flies. You (Ahlstrom) replied ( to Uncle_Matuch ): > > Before the "pandemic," [athletes dropping like flies] > > didn't happen so randomly and so quickly. > > Got stats? Big Gov, Big Pharma & Big Media have a monopoly on damn near everything, including "the truth". Senate.GOV: In March 2023, the senator's office requested FDA provide certain vaccine safety data—called: EMPIRICAL BAYESIAN DATA MINING ANALYSES ( ONLY the FDA can provide this information ). However, in June 2023, FDA finally responded to these requests and REFUSED TO PROVIDE ANY OF ITS VACCINE SAFETY DATA. And why the f*ck are you so damn excited about having become an unTested/UnTestable GMO ? Is this the culmination of some lifelong "dream" of yours ? Like Bill Gates, you must have some kind of financial incentive that we don't know about. ■ Uncle_Matuch v2tmrv$327ft$1@dont-email.me DFS 665261cb$0$7169$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@May.25--4.18pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (514) OK; 47.5 Minutes, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, May 25 { 3:10pm, 2024 }:20^(-4) 七靱緌 Do you own stock in big Pharma ? DFS: What turned you into a vaccine idiot and all-around conspiracy kook? Why did you become an untested GMO ? Do you own stock in big Pharma ? ■ RonB v2pdu5$27a5s$1@dont-email.me Uncle_Matuch v2pvo9$2ae8o$6@dont-email.me RonB v2r8se$2hodo$1@dont-email.me DistroMan v2rg11$2i2hv$6@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.24--8.34pm.Seattle.2024 ChrisV dd545j9s32ugnbptlsp0pd6anbpjlh9j0h@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@May.25--10.26am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (198) OK; 17 Minutes, F_Agent, Fastusenet.ORG, May 25 { 9:48am, 2024 }:33^(-5) 七靰葡 Sans Stereo_To_Surround_Sound Up_Mix, Movies & Songs sound like crap. You (ChrisV) replied ( to me ): > > You guys should try (Up_Mixed) Stereo_To_Surround_Sound someday; > > until then, you won't know what you're missing. > > Where do you find such recordings to try ? Any/Every song/movie can be Up_Mixed to 7.1 (8 Channel). > [ Surround_Sound drivers ] simulate surround-sound from stereo, > but I've never really played with it... Sans Stereo_To_Surround_Sound Up_Mix, Movies & Songs sound like crap. I use surroundsound headphones ( the Logitech g635 USB HeadSet ). ■ Jeff-Relf.Me@May.25--10.04am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy 250 $ Latte_Panda, a Pocket-Sized Win10 (PreInstalled) SBC. 250 $ Latte_Panda, 3Δ 864, a Pocket-Sized Win10 (PreInstalled) SBC. Intel Celeron N5105, 8GB RAM+64GB eMMC, Wi-Fi 6 (2.4G/5G). Dual M.2 Expansion and Dual 4K@60Hz Video Output. "After a few weeks of being powered by USB C, it caught on fire": Amazon.COM/LattePanda-Delta-864-Pocket-Sized-Computer/dp/B0BB7CY51B/#customerReviews Notice the desk fan at the top of this photo: https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/814CowClMHL.jpg ■ RonB v2oiao$1vg9l$1@dont-email.me Uncle_Matuch v2olmo$1vp5q$1@dont-email.me RonB v2pdu5$27a5s$1@dont-email.me Uncle_Matuch v2pvo9$2ae8o$6@dont-email.me RonB v2r8se$2hodo$1@dont-email.me DistroMan v2rg11$2i2hv$6@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@May.24--8.34pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 1 (221) OK; 1.4 Hours, Pan➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, May 24 { 6:48pm, 2024 }:18 七靮啢 (Up_Mixed) Stereo_To_Surround_Sound DistroMan, RonB, Uncle_Matuch, rBowman, Ahlstrom, DFS, ChrisV, Huntzinger & Crump, You guys should try (Up_Mixed) Stereo_To_Surround_Sound someday; until then, you won't know what you're missing. ■ Crump 5n025jdfg7uinjejvp6p4isc4rbti2a1cl@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@May.24--3.25pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ (?) -Dropped; 1.1 Hours, F_Agent, Blocknews.NET, May 24 { 2:14pm, 2024 }: 7^(-4) 七靭期 Visual Studio, Community Edition, is cost free. Crump: Sale on Visual Studio Pro from Bleeping Computer Visual Studio, Community Edition, is cost free. ■ DFS 664e3a5c$0$8475$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Matuch 27hs4j12p07oj2qeeuu7143uu8esq7mkkd@4ax.com DFS 664f51b9$0$1258348$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@May.23--9.48am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 4 (504) OK; 2.2 Hours, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, May 23 { 7:24am, 2024 }:58^(-4) 七靨侺 I, for one, welcome our new overlords. You (DFS) replied ( to Matuch ): > > This is clearly a much worse problem than Microsoft saving screenshots > > of everything you're doing every few seconds for three months! > > Windows does that? JHC. I wasn't aware. Only if you buy a "Copilot + PC" laptop, e.g. the surface Pro. I, for one, welcome our new overlords. It's _always_ been my dream that the FBI, the ATF, the IRS, Joe Biden, etc. could observe what was on my screen every minute... ...day after day, week after week, year after year. This way, I'll be properly punished for my thought crimes. ■ Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid v2k7km$12v2d$1@dont-email.me RonB v2kju0$15aci$1@dont-email.me CandyMan slrnv4s6st.1ii.candycanearter07@candydeb.host.invalid Crump 3n9s4j9ea99774g3hdmsgqosvlul96dhat@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@May.22--4.31pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ (?) -Dropped; 6.2 Hours, F_Agent, Blocknews.NET, May 22 { 10:10am, 2024 }:47^(-4) 七靤洗 Thank you Microsoft. Re: Microsoft Copilot + PC Crump: It's ghey, I hid the Copilot BS as soon as an update put it on, Thank you Microsoft, it's _always_ been my dream that the FBI, the ATF, the IRS, Joe Biden, etc. could observe what was on my screen every minute... day after day, week after week, year after year. This way, I'll be properly punished for my thought crimes. ■ Matuch 1rpj4j1rrr31oisr5nkisuos0jvsqtim4a@4ax.com Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid v2j5m1$pinq$4@dont-email.me Matuch 17fq4jpp5ecl4rrkjgl7psoi4fjabg2fkj@4ax.com ChrisV o4sr4jtr3sub5iman7sj63nlpp94cc7ibs@4ax.com rBowman lb6eggFmvcuU3@mid.individual.net Matuch 4r3s4jpm4f9mtjkll2vt5o0joi7h61ca64@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@May.22--8.49am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (281) OK; 16 Minutes, F_Agent, Blocknews.NET, May 22 { 8:30am, 2024 }:12^(-4) 七靤善 Why not use slrn ? Why not use slrn, Matuch ? ■ RonB v2bleg$324f9$2@dont-email.me Matuch s7rj4jd6g6ib86fp13uiltrh9079uingdh@4ax.com RonB v2ctgg$3cv59$2@dont-email.me Matuch 3hvj4j1b5s5m38700vioklbl079lqq6qch@4ax.com RonB v2cvm8$3dcg4$1@dont-email.me rBowman lav14jFjedmU3@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@May.19--0.52pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (642) OK; 9.1 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, May 19 { 0:10pm, 2024 }:12 七靘沔 "Dune" (Arrakis, Iraq). Baby Bush was bad but Al Gore was worse. Anyone who has ever read the "Dune" (Arrakis, Iraq) documentary would know better than to attack Iraq. ■ rBowman la2k4sF9u11U1@mid.individual.net DFS 6648c3e3$0$2422120$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Crump phkh4jtch981ukie6rqjrhfhhne2iii4m7@4ax.com CandyMan v2bk44$31t1f$2@dont-email.me Crump 65vj4jt2eu9iv148ivrj7imip1056bni4v@4ax.com rBowman lav0mdFjedmU2@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@May.19--0.39pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (642) OK; 16.7 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, May 19 { 0:02pm, 2024 }:38 七靘櫎 The almighty LLama has the final say. Re: winamp-is-NOT-going-open-source Free_LLama is Windows_Only & the almighty LLama has the final say. Mac, Android, and iOS editions are to remain proprietary. ■ DFS 66478094$0$2363147$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Matuch 664789c8$1$3369$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com RonB v2bfd1$30s59$3@dont-email.me DFS v2blof$321sk$1@dont-email.me Matuch krrj4j1tn582o1rsmtcs7a6eiuacskg3mu@4ax.com DFS 664a2f9e$0$2422123$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@May.19--10.18am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (493) OK; 16.4 Minutes, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, May 19 { 9:58am, 2024 }: 6^(-4) 七靗龞 DFS is an untested GMO (Genetically Modified Organism). DFS is an untested GMO (Genetically Modified Organism). ■ DFS 6647d64d$0$6425$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Matuch 6647f053$0$7070$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com DFS 6647f994$0$6437$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Matuch 664884af$0$8091$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com rBowman lasb5hF6vb9U2@mid.individual.net Matuch 6648fb96$2$7059$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@May.18--0.24pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 1 (242) OK; 1.5 Minutes, Pan, Blocknews.NET, May 18 { 0:03pm, 2024 }:50 七靔憖 People HAPPILY BECOME GMO's. People HAPPILY BECOME GMO's (Genetically Modified Organisms); fewer are willing to eat it. ■ Ahlstrom v0t64r$342a0$1@dont-email.me rBowman l9f3dpFbm0vU2@mid.individual.net Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid v0u8kn$3c1r5$2@dont-email.me DFS v0uj34$3e632$4@dont-email.me Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid v28jat$2cpc8$3@dont-email.me DFS v2acc9$2qevo$4@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@May.18--7.12am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 1 (482) OK; 39 Secs, Betterbird, Eternal-September.ORG, May 18 { 7:01am, 2024 }:47^(-4) 七靓泋 New Zealand doesn't need cars, they use Ma'ori rickshaws instead. New Zealand doesn't need cars, they use Māori rickshaws instead. ■ Jeff-Relf.Me@May.17--1.42pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy The "Housing Choice Voucher" ( formerly known as Section 8 ) program. The "King County Housing Authority" (KCHA, Seattle) runs the "Housing Choice Voucher" ( formerly known as Section 8 ) program. In King County, no landlord may reject an applicant simply because he uses a Housing Choice Voucher. With the voucher, only ~30 % of my SS check goes to rent & utilities; the federal government pays the difference. I'm on the waitlist to receive the voucher; it may take 3 years. Unlike women & kids, we elderly are NOT prioritized. ■ Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid v246fc$1d8oq$2@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.16--0.06am.Seattle.2024 rBowman lamt0qFcgq7U3@mid.individual.net Matuch 664649ed$0$1258324$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com RonB v26kgf$20265$15@dont-email.me DFS 664769cc$0$7163$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@May.17--8.34am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (470) OK; 50.2 Minutes, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, May 17 { 7:29am, 2024 }:37^(-4) 七靏槑 Seattle drivers are paid 26.40 $/hr, before tips. DFS: > McD is cheap around here, especially with their app. > $4 breakfast combo $5 combo lunch and dinner Seattle's minimum wage is 20 $/hr, the highest in the nation. Georgia's wage is 5.15 $/hr; but the federal wage is 7.25 $/hr. Seattle (food delivery) drivers are paid 26.40 $/hr, before tips. ■ Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid v1uc1l$3p35a$2@dont-email.me Matuch 6642b840$0$2422110$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Ahlstrom v1vlmp$5i38$4@dont-email.me rBowman lahp2iFihuvU1@mid.individual.net DFS v24ss7$1i5gp$2@dont-email.me DistroMan v26l1s$1vugl$3@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@May.17--3.14am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (186) OK; 6 Hours, Pan➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, May 16 { 9:05pm, 2024 }:16 七靍筼 "Anonymous" is the most popular server. Re: NetCraft.COM/blog/april-2024-web-server-survey/ "Anonymous" is the most popular server. ■ Crump kkl74jlvik19r23prq8bt66uua1a6us6qp@4ax.com Ted│ted_street@gmail_com PFY0O.21950$HJr3.4849@fx41.iad Crump bol94jpbgqgjde2v9niuof1hmj2tknb7le@4ax.com Ted│ted_street@gmail_com PYs1O.135$PQPa.80@fx11.iad Crump 6gpc4jhq3o9j3cggdrcn7k5apholehj4gi@4ax.com Skeeter 664669e3$0$6545$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@May.16--2.11pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ (?) -Dropped; 50.7 Minutes, MicroPlanet, Blocknews.NET, May 16 { 1:17pm, 2024 }:39^(-6) 七靌忣 We've reached the limits of what rectal probing can teach us. You (Skeeter) replied ( to Crump ): > > I haven't had sexual relations with any people in a long time. > > Tiny dick ? Or did you just piss everyone off ? Homer Simpson, pulling down his pants: May as well get this over with. Kang: Stop ! We've reached the limits of what rectal probing can teach us. Amen Kang. ■ Jeff-Relf.Me@May.16--1.23pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy Does Joe Biden ever apologize & change course ? Does Joe Biden ever apologize & change course ? ■ Sebastian│sebastian@here_com v21r7r$oul8$1@dont-email.me Ahlstrom v229kn$s47i$2@dont-email.me ChrisV 1oc94j9hcmsunsq1fhjatfoabaee38d4lc@4ax.com Matuch 6644fa6d$0$8475$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Ahlstrom v24rlt$1hqnf$1@dont-email.me rBowman lamss3Fcgq7U2@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@May.16--10.56am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (651) OK; 29.4 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, May 16 { 10:08am, 2024 }:20 七靋薄 What are your adafruit plans ? rBowman: > I haven't seen much [censorship] other than the local city's subreddit > but then r/adafruit, r/banjo, and r/MicroPython etc don't trigger [...] What are your adafruit plans ? ■ DFS 6645f4bc$1$2363138$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com rBowman lamsfeFcgq7U1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@May.16--10.47am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 3 (651) OK; 36.2 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, May 16 { 10:01am, 2024 }:35 七靋華 Sue me. Relf License: Sue me. ■ rBowman la5ie6FneglU1@mid.individual.net Sebastian│sebastian@here_com v21r7r$oul8$1@dont-email.me Ahlstrom v229kn$s47i$2@dont-email.me ChrisV 1oc94j9hcmsunsq1fhjatfoabaee38d4lc@4ax.com Matuch 6644fa6d$0$8475$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid v246fc$1d8oq$2@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@May.16--0.06am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 3 (319) OK; 1.2 Hours, Pan, Eternal-September.ORG, May 15 { 10:44pm, 2024 }:13 七靉褭 "let's go Brandon". Oliveiro wrote: > We all know leftists outnumber rightists the world over. Right, notice the massive "let's go Brandon" crowds that Joe Biden draws. ■ Crump 4m004jl045ae4v7qvf7tjtnccfakcosnbq@4ax.com CandyMan v1ug0j$3tlkd$13@dont-email.me DFS 6643f6ce$0$6558$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid v2112v$fljd$4@dont-email.me DFS 6644b2e2$1$3711204$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid v246cd$1d8oq$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@May.16--0.01am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 4 (319) OK; 1.2 Hours, Pan, Eternal-September.ORG, May 15 { 10:42pm, 2024 }:38 七靉裎 If only cost free solitaire apps existed... DFS & Oliveiro; > > soab... you were right! > > After a week with no ads, they came back late last night. > > This is why they say, Windows is a great OS -- if your time is worth nothing. If only cost free solitaire apps existed... ■ rBowman la4ipbFiti0U2@mid.individual.net DFS 663d19f1$1$3711195$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid v1jhph$t2ec$10@dont-email.me rBowman la5ie6FneglU1@mid.individual.net Sebastian│sebastian@here_com v21r7r$oul8$1@dont-email.me Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid v21t4f$pa2n$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@May.15--3.48am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (319) OK; 1.3 Hours, Pan, Eternal-September.ORG, May 15 { 1:52am, 2024 }:32 七靆姐 USENET isn't indexed. > reddit-calls-for-a-few-new-mods-after-axing-polarizing-some-of-its-best/ A select few moderators run Reddit; so it's only right that they pay for it. Likewise for WikiPedia. USENET isn't even indexed anymore, no one cares. ■ DistroMan v21119$fo3b$1@dont-email.me DistroMan v211c6$fscr$1@dont-email.me DFS 664422dc$21$1258319$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@May.15--3.10am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (470) OK; 6.6 Hours, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET,, May 14 { 7:50pm, 2024 }: 6^(-4) 七靅回 Avdiivka WAS a Ukrainian city. DFS: Avdiivka is a Ukrainian city Avdiivka WAS a Ukrainian city; Russia owns it now. Decades ago, Vietnam fell to "The Communists" (China/Russia); now, it's the most "capitalist" (Pro_American) country in the world. ■ Jolly_Roger│jollyroger@pobox_com lad0n1FqqtpU4@mid.individual.net Crump u8o24jlm5meh2bmalgqla3v18o8tn73bmc@4ax.com Andrew│andrew@spam_net v1s1ko$5ed$1@nnrp.usenet.blueworldhosting.com Jolly_Roger│jollyroger@pobox_com laema7F48j9U3@mid.individual.net Andrew│andrew@spam_net v1tkh1$1qjm$1@nnrp.usenet.blueworldhosting.com Jolly_Roger│jollyroger@pobox_com lafdd6F7kr5U4@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@May.13--3.31pm.Seattle.2024 Alt.Privacy.Anon-Server, Misc.Phone.Mobile.Iphone, Comp.Sys.Mac.Advocacy, Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy, Comp.Mobile.Android ╱ 1 (10) ify; 1.1 Hours, slrn➤openMac, Individual.NET, May 13 { 2:01pm, 2024 }:26 七霿龦 Encrypted Services Apple, Proton and Wire Helped Spanish Police Identify Activist Like a toddler, showing off his logs to anyone who will look, Jolly_Roger ENDLESSLY repeats the following, expecting a happy response: > I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead. My, what a wonderfully large & odiferous hunk of poo you have there ! Have you thought about spreading it all over you face before you go out and play with your other friends ? ■ Jolly_Roger│jollyroger@pobox_com lad803Fs4e7U1@mid.individual.net Crump lar24jd8icnbl9kmhd5n5phck50ohkleem@4ax.com Jolly_Roger│jollyroger@pobox_com laelu4F48j9U1@mid.individual.net Crump f2944j1gv3fcle88qhk6gshr0fmjjofvaq@4ax.com Jolly_Roger│jollyroger@pobox_com laen5fF48j9U8@mid.individual.net Crump r1c44j51ikj8iquk7m1grqcm9rdqfmcg51@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@May.13--9.08am.Seattle.2024 Alt.Privacy.Anon-Server, Comp.Mobile.Android, Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy, Comp.Sys.Mac.Advocacy, Misc.Phone.Mobile.Iphone -Dropped, 27.3 Minutes, F_Agent, Blocknews.NET,, May 13 { 8:24am, 2024 }:12^(-4) 七霿傜 Apple is for women, MicroSoft is for men, distros are for punks. Crump wrote: iMacs aren't my way. Apple is for women, MicroSoft is for men, distros are for punks. Speaking of punks... Switzerland's "Nemo" (Peter Pan) won Eurovision 2024: YouTube.COM/shorts/ANHUPakCwXE ■ . 20240509.184236.5b5c4bf3@erienetworks.net Nomen_Nescio│nobody@dizum_com 48bd843efcc97a0b0fb425b8d702ffc4@dizum.com Jolly_Roger│jollyroger@pobox_com lacikoFool4U2@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@May.13--1.06am.Seattle.2024 Alt.Privacy.Anon-Server, Misc.Phone.Mobile.Iphone, Comp.Sys.Mac.Advocacy, Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy, Comp.Mobile.Android ╱ 5 (5) ify; 11.3 Hours, slrn➤openMac, Individual.NET, May 12 { 0:12pm, 2024 }:24 七霻粘 Posts from Google. Jolly_Roger proudly wrote: > I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead. Has Andrew told you why this no longer makes sense ? ■ DetroitsFinest 17ce86740c9f5d3a$240931$3582942$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com Stéphane_CARPENTIER│sc@fiat-linux_fr 663ff12f$0$10513$426a74cc@news.free.fr DetroitsFinest 17cebffe51429f73$232690$197378$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com Stéphane_CARPENTIER│sc@fiat-linux_fr 6640ed7e$0$10538$426a74cc@news.free.fr Jeff-Relf.Me@May.13--0.02am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 3 (173) OK; 14.1 Hours, slrn➤Linux, Proxad.NET,, May 12 { 9:25am, 2024 }:34 七霻啾 Please show us the route. Carpentier: > [ Bicycling, it takes ~20 minutes to exit Paris ] > Most of the time I'm in the countryside. Please show us the route. ■ RonB v1li9e$1etgq$2@dont-email.me Matuch 663e926a$0$7077$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com RonB v1n6gr$1tled$2@dont-email.me Matuch 663f5bde$0$2422128$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Ahlstrom v1obh9$25j98$2@dont-email.me DistroMan v1ou2t$2358g$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@May.11--8.15pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 1 (189) OK; 3 Hours, Pan➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, May 11 { 4:13pm, 2024 }:33 七霸妝 "Paste as new image". DistroMan: > I mostly use GIMP to crop small parts of large images. > You can select a section, copy, then "paste as new image". Handy. "Paste as new image", I'll remember that. P.S. I'm dipping pieces of ThickSliced brioche bread in Alfredo sauce. I like how it comes in a plastic tub, instead of glass. Buitoni(tm) Alfredo Sauce, deli fresh, 15 oz, 3.28 $ ( half off ! ). ■ DetroitsFinest 17ce86740c9f5d3a$240931$3582942$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com Stéphane_CARPENTIER│sc@fiat-linux_fr 663ff12f$0$10513$426a74cc@news.free.fr ChrisV aovv3j1g31kg9hvd7t69545uuhgge0ga9h@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@May.11--7.54pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 5 (198) OK; 2.7 Hours, F_Agent, Fastusenet.ORG, May 11 { 4:30pm, 2024 }:14^(-5) 七霸嶆 Carpentier. You (ChrisV) replied ( to Carpentier ): > > Today, on my [Bicycle], I just complete 226km. > > It took me a little bit more than 10 hours > > ( I don't include the time I spent eating ) > > That's fairly impressive. How old are you? He's under 30, I assume. > I recently ran a 10k race in 51:40. Not bad for a guy in his 60's. I thought you were 40-something. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.5--1.25pm.Seattle.2024 Stéphane_CARPENTIER│sc@fiat-linux_fr 663e6242$0$10540$426a74cc@news.free.fr JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.10--4.32pm.Seattle.2024 Matuch 663ebf38$0$3711194$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.10--7.55pm.Seattle.2024 Matuch 663f585d$0$2422112$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@May.11--4.53am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 3 (222) OK; 12.1 Minutes, Pan, Blocknews.NET,, May 11 { 4:37am, 2024 }: 1 七霶婝 How is ext4 better than NTFS ? Matuch: > > > NTFS is also arguably worse than ext4, > > > especially since the latter resists fragmentation. > > > > SSD drives, like mine, should NOT be defragmented. > > I'm aware. ext4 still resists fragmentation on hard disks though, No hard disks here; not now, not ever. How is ext4 better than NTFS ? ■ RonB v1885r$1tvk0$1@dont-email.me rBowman l9q0r3FoouU1@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.5--1.25pm.Seattle.2024 Stéphane_CARPENTIER│sc@fiat-linux_fr 663e6242$0$10540$426a74cc@news.free.fr JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.10--4.32pm.Seattle.2024 Matuch 663ebf38$0$3711194$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@May.10--7.55pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 3 (219) OK; 2.1 Hours, Pan, Blocknews.NET,, May 10 { 5:43pm, 2024 }:36 七霴攸 SSD drives should NOT be defragmented. Matuch wrote: > NTFS is also arguably worse than ext4, > especially since the latter resists fragmentation. SSD drives, like mine, should NOT be defragmented. ■ DistroMan v16ns9$1fto9$1@dont-email.me rBowman l9obn9FnjifU1@mid.individual.net RonB v1885r$1tvk0$1@dont-email.me rBowman l9q0r3FoouU1@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.5--1.25pm.Seattle.2024 Stéphane_CARPENTIER│sc@fiat-linux_fr 663e6242$0$10540$426a74cc@news.free.fr Jeff-Relf.Me@May.10--4.32pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 7 (169) OK; 5.3 Hours, slrn➤Linux, Proxad.NET,, May 10 { 11:06am, 2024 }:58 七霳婂 An NTFS distro ? You (Carpentier) replied ( to me ): > > Why haven't any of you propeller heads tried an NTFS distro ? > > it's normal to have no NFTS distro. I see, you're all too "normal" for that. ■ DFS 663b9bdb$0$7066$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com rBowman la2k4sF9u11U1@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom v1ipc3$ng74$1@dont-email.me DistroMan v1ju0i$v30s$1@dont-email.me rBowman la5j9rFneglU3@mid.individual.net DistroMan v1l3sd$1b60t$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@May.10--6.06am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (201) OK; 29.6 Minutes, Pan➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, May 10 { 5:27am, 2024 }:58 七露峎 Every cult needs an apocalypse. DistroMan > The game is more about dealing with > a religious cult that has taken over the county than any politics. Every cult needs an apocalypse. Population alarmists have yet to make an accurate prediction. Still, they have a monopoly on violence, vote rigging & money; they create stagflation for us, destroying our savings & income; so we end up high, sh*tting in (once) pristine parks. ■ Matuch v1h543$8mug$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@May.8--7.44pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 4 (191) OK; 1.9 Hours, Betterbird, Eternal-September.ORG, May 8 { 5:24pm, 2024 }:35^(-4) 七霫鿃 Linus Torvalds will be replaced by a ululating woman. Matuch mentioned a: > [Lawsuit] exposing the extreme racial discrimination happening > within both IBM and Red Hat (the world's largest Linux company)." Next, Linus Torvalds will be replaced by a ululating woman who identifies as a "Death to America!" Ayatollah. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.7--6.25pm.Seattle.2024 Crump 69ll3jhi08tml3m5cmhb3c6or82dd7vevb@4ax.com Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid v1elbc$3mm19$3@dont-email.me rBowman la0ho8F8jdU1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@May.8--0.49am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (714) OK; 1.8 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, May 7 { 10:43pm, 2024 }:37 七霨載 I MANUALLY uninstalled Python 3.6. rBowman: > Relf didn't need to uninstall 3.6; > installing 3.12 should have updated py.exe's configuration. qBitTorrent's Search tab (on win10) couldn't see the Python 3.12 that I installed until I MANUALLY uninstalled Python 3.6; there was no uninstall app. A number of folders had to be deleted. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.5--1.25pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman l9qdhsF2jgpU1@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.5--3.22pm.Seattle.2024 Crump sf4g3jlkva2boda8rcf7hcf7jqjntts4vp@4ax.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.5--4.26pm.Seattle.2024 DistroMan v1965k$1tr6h$6@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@May.5--6.01pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (199) OK; 52.3 Minutes, Pan➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, May 5 { 4:53pm, 2024 }:25 七霟篵 You can't name an NTFS distro. DistroMan asked me: do you use WSL2 ? No. ■ RonB v1885r$1tvk0$1@dont-email.me rBowman l9q0r3FoouU1@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.5--1.25pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman l9qdhsF2jgpU1@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.5--3.22pm.Seattle.2024 DistroMan v195in$1tr6h$5@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@May.5--5.58pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy, Comp.OS.Linux.Misc ╱ 2 (199) OK; 1 Hours, Pan➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, May 5 { 4:43pm, 2024 }:20 七霟禘 ShadowSpawn DistroMan: > I've never used NTFS shadow copy, maybe someone will speak up about it.) I use shadow copy almost every day, I'm using it right now. With ShadowSpawn, RoboCopy backs up the specified files, no matter if they're open or not. ShadowSpawn C:\__ R: RoboCopy R: A:\__ /B /XF Robo.TXT /XD Tmp Del *IE-Tmp *TileDataLayer *Packages *Recent /NDL /mir /J /NJH /NJS /NP /UNILOG:C:\__\Robo.TXT ■ RonB v1885r$1tvk0$1@dont-email.me rBowman l9q0r3FoouU1@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.5--1.25pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman l9qdhsF2jgpU1@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.5--3.22pm.Seattle.2024 Crump sf4g3jlkva2boda8rcf7hcf7jqjntts4vp@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@May.5--4.26pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (453) Bad; 42 Secs, F_Agent, Eternal-September.ORG, May 5 { 4:11pm, 2024 }: 1^(-4) 七霟爅 You can't name an NTFS distro. You (Crump) replied ( to me ): > > > > Why haven't any of you propeller heads tried an NTFS distro ? > > https://www.paragon-software.com/us/home/ntfs-linux-professional/# That's proprietary software that lets you mount an NTFS drive. You can't name an NTFS distro. ■ ScottGNU v16ns9$1fto9$1@dont-email.me rBowman l9obn9FnjifU1@mid.individual.net RonB v1885r$1tvk0$1@dont-email.me rBowman l9q0r3FoouU1@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.5--1.25pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman l9qdhsF2jgpU1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@May.5--3.22pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (718) OK; 16.1 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, May 5 { 2:55pm, 2024 }: 9 七霟怽 An NTFS distro ? You (rBowman) replied ( to me ): > > Why haven't any of you propeller heads tried an NTFS distro ? > > https://www.theregister.com/2021/10/13/how_ntfs_finally_made_it/ No one has tried it, apparently. ■ ScottGNU v16e1i$1e3ds$3@dont-email.me Nuts =3D?U=3D?UTF-8?Q?T?=3DF-8?Q?=3DF0=3D9F=3D8C=3DBA?=3DKCLHYs2.jAkJQ8$@ ScottGNU v16ns9$1fto9$1@dont-email.me rBowman l9obn9FnjifU1@mid.individual.net RonB v1885r$1tvk0$1@dont-email.me rBowman l9q0r3FoouU1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@May.5--1.25pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (717) OK; 1.5 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, May 5 { 11:18am, 2024 }:12 七霞罤 An NTFS distro ? Why haven't any of you propeller heads tried an NTFS distro ? ■ Jeff-Relf.Me@May.4--9.13pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy Win10: 70 %, Win11: 25.7 %, Win7: 3 %. October 2025, Windows 10 will no longer be supported. Current( Apr 2024 ) usage: Win10: 70 %, Win11: 25.7 %, Win7: 3 %. ■ DFS v0tppf$38keu$1@dont-email.me Crump 99253jp12e1cppj2940cpkpl0cbg1og25i@4ax.com DFS v0u7ap$3bjck$1@dont-email.me Crump r3d53j9ue89cpgk2nako6u1h559r6vch70@4ax.com DFS v13ep1$n8g8$1@dont-email.me rBowman l9lebsFaaa3U1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@May.3--6.31pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 3 (718) OK; 33.3 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, May 3 { 5:38pm, 2024 }:20 七霗獼 The harbor Captain who destroyed the Baltimore bridge. rBowman: > [he] hid the small parcel behind an old electric heater carton. > My neighbor might have noticed it sometime next month, maybe. > Is UPS doing DEI these days? Chanting "Death to America" is the only job a college kid can get these days; at least it pays well. The harbor Captain who destroyed the Baltimore bridge was probably a PantyhoseWearing Ethiopian dude who can"t speak English. ■ DFS v0tpsl$38keu$2@dont-email.me rBowman l9gfcvFhoj6U5@mid.individual.net Matuch 66338e1a$0$1258336$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com rBowman l9i4orFpdudU7@mid.individual.net Matuch 6634d1c3$0$6435$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com rBowman l9kp5nF77ntU2@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@May.3--2.54pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (713) OK; 2.2 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, May 3 { 11:36am, 2024 }:40 七霖炸 F*ck stake$. rBowman notes: > steak labeled 'Prime' may be shoe leather, depending on where it was cut. F*ck stake$. Buy 30 % fat hamburger, mix in bread & onions (chopped), then smash & broil. Or just buy Uncrustables(tm), like me. ■ IransFinest v0s4nr$80kh$1@solani.org IransFinest v0trfd$91t7$1@solani.org IransFinest v0tuvn$91t7$3@solani.org IransFinest v0u03q$8jur$1@solani.org IransFinest v1133b$a776$1@solani.org IransFinest v125pe$bbte$1@solani.org Jeff-Relf.Me@May.3--2.34pm.Seattle.2024 Sci.Physics, Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy -Dropped, 13.1 Hours, Gecko➤Thunder, Solani.ORG, May 3 { 1:03am, 2024 }:58^(-5) 七霔聮 Democrat spawn. "15 Portland police cars burned overnight at training facility" May 2, 2024, 4am Seattle time. And the tiny, little, bored white punks/vandals are Democrat spawn. Again: (AntiHuman) Democrats have a monopoly on violence, vote rigging & money; they create stagflation for us, destroying our savings & income; so we end up high, sh*tting in (once) pristine parks. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.1--0.02pm.Seattle.2024 DFS v0uiso$3e632$3@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.1--5.12pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman l9gbhnFgusrU7@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom v0vvd7$3qugd$6@dont-email.me IransFinest v10gpa$9scq$1@solani.org Jeff-Relf.Me@May.2--10.42am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (649) Bad; 23.3 Minutes, Gecko➤Thunder, Solani.ORG, May 2 { 9:59am, 2024 }:22^(-5) 七霒偪 Matuch, Look at the size of this thread I started. You (IransFinest) replied ( to Ahlstrom ): > > Growing up near Chicago, > > every wedding we went to had a polka band. Fun ! > > > > In heaven there is no beer > > That's why we drink it here > > And when we're gone from here > > All our friends will be drinking all the beer > > " Who Stole The Keeshka [black pudding] ? " > YouTube.COM/watch?v=XCqZQUhBBHw Look at the size of this thread I started, Matuch. ■ Tyrone│none@none_none QhadnVAn3MWVM6z7nZ2dnZfqnPednZ2d@supernews.com Matuch 66323950$0$6546$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.1--0.02pm.Seattle.2024 DFS v0uiso$3e632$3@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.1--5.12pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman l9gbhnFgusrU7@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@May.1--8.57pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 4 (697) OK; 6.9 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, May 1 { 7:19pm, 2024 }:36 七霏砸 Mike Tyson is going to have a heart attack. rBowman: > I work on both Microsoft and Linux platforms > and know the limitations of each. Yet you ridicule MicroSofties like DFS & me. > I've got a gamma nail[tm] repair for a femur fracture. Right, you have a 6 million $ cyborg femur... Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology. We have the capability to make the world's first bionic man. rBowman will be that man. Better than he was before. Better... stronger... faster. Of all the things I've lost, I miss my brain the most. > White men can't dance. > I don't have much use for an épée these days but... July 20th: Jake Paul (age 27) vs. Mike Tyson (58). Mike Tyson is going to have a heart attack. ■ ChrisV l2p23jphsoanasffl34bedtf6ngerbmt3p@4ax.com Matuch 663196e1$0$2363137$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Tyrone│none@none_none QhadnVAn3MWVM6z7nZ2dnZfqnPednZ2d@supernews.com Matuch 66323950$0$6546$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.1--0.02pm.Seattle.2024 DFS v0uiso$3e632$3@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@May.1--5.12pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 3 (507) OK; 25.7 Minutes, Betterbird, Eternal-September.ORG, May 1 { 4:23pm, 2024 }: 4^(-4) 七霏付 Polka is too modern for rBowman. DFS: > Maybe the invincible rbowman can inspire you. > He's 75 and hikes miles in the mountains. 1. He has a "hip replacement" (?). 2. He hates Microsoft. 3. Polka is too modern for him. ■ IransFinest v0u2o1$8lj7$1@solani.org DFS v0u7lj$3bjck$2@dont-email.me Matuch 6632b34f$0$3711196$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com ChrisV a3f53j56ngo2lq05i2j23a70lrn88cdspg@4ax.com Crump vri53jti0tqs6ct4sbjpifbm61j4idi03i@4ax.com DFS v0uirh$3e632$2@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@May.1--5.02pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (507) OK; 26.3 Minutes, Betterbird, Eternal-September.ORG, May 1 { 4:22pm, 2024 }:26^(-4) 七霏亲 FaceBook's growing list of genders. FaceBook's growing list of genders: > 1. aGender > 39. Man > 69. Two-spirit > 70. Two-spirit person > 71. Woman 72. Chronic incel 73. Richard Stallman (a.k.a. big daddy) 74. Distro Jockey ("go fund me"). ■ IransFinest v0m4j7$4djs$2@solani.org IransFinest v0m5fq$4djs$3@solani.org IransFinest v0sbbc$8442$1@solani.org IransFinest v0tt8u$91t7$2@solani.org IransFinest v0u2o1$8lj7$1@solani.org DFS v0u7lj$3bjck$2@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@May.1--1.46pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (504) OK; 23.9 Minutes, Betterbird, Eternal-September.ORG, May 1 { 1:11pm, 2024 }:38^(-4) 七霎珺 Loser.Advocacy DFS wrote: > Linux and the cola newsgroup has attracted a fair number of wackjobs > like [ IransFinest & DetroitsFinest ] thru the years. I thought this was "Loser.Advocacy". ■ ChrisV l2p23jphsoanasffl34bedtf6ngerbmt3p@4ax.com Matuch 663196e1$0$2363137$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Tyrone│none@none_none QhadnVAn3MWVM6z7nZ2dnZfqnPednZ2d@supernews.com Matuch 66323950$0$6546$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@May.1--0.02pm.Seattle.2024 Matuch 6632a1cf$0$2422110$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@May.1--1.39pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (164) OK; 24.6 Minutes, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET,, May 1 { 1:10pm, 2024 }:52^(-4) 七霎珌 The pandemic destroyed me. You (Matuch) replied ( to me ): > > The Pandemic destroyed me; I might not live another five years. > > Everything (physical) I do is in super slow motion. > > When outside, interacting with people, I get horrifically startled for no reason. > > Honestly, if you lived anywhere around here, it would have been a > pleasure to help you rehabilitate yourself through nutrition and > physical activity. As bizarre as you are, you genuinely seem like > one of the nicest people here. Thanks. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Apr.30--1.52pm.Seattle.2024 ChrisV l2p23jphsoanasffl34bedtf6ngerbmt3p@4ax.com Matuch 663196e1$0$2363137$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Tyrone│none@none_none QhadnVAn3MWVM6z7nZ2dnZfqnPednZ2d@supernews.com Matuch 66323950$0$6546$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@May.1--0.02pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 4 (164) OK; 5.8 Hours, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET,, May 1 { 5:45am, 2024 }: 1^(-4) 七霍嵍 The pandemic destroyed me. You(Matuch) wrote: > Two hundred years from now, Jeff will still be posting, largely to himself. People love to think about food. Look at how many people are in this thread ! I managed a 32 unit "tenement Hall" ( shared bathrooms ) for 10 years. So I know what old people who are about to die look like. The Pandemic destroyed me; I might not live another five years. Everything (physical) I do is in super slow motion. When outside, interacting with people, I get horrifically startled for no reason. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Apr.30--1.52pm.Seattle.2024 DFS v0rtk2$2o1pv$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Apr.30--5.46pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (500) OK; 1.1 Hours, Betterbird, Eternal-September.ORG, Apr 30 { 4:07pm, 2024 }:50^(-4) 七霊鏆 (AntiHuman) Democrats have a monopoly on violence, vote rigging & money; You (DFS) replied ( to me ): > > 9.99, Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwiches, Frozen, 10 pack, Uncrustables(tm) > > How are those? At a buck each, they're pretty expensive. I don't know why PB&J $andwiche$ have to be so so expensive; I'd eat more, if they were cheaper. Democrats say the economy is great . . . never better. (AntiHuman) Democrats have a monopoly on violence, vote rigging & money; they create ( savings/income destroying ) stagflation for me; so I'll end up high, sh*tting in their (not so) pristine parks. ■ Jeff-Relf.Me@Apr.30--1.52pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy My 138 $ Amazon order ( for 6pm today ). $ 4.19, Skinless & Boneless Sardines in Olive Oil, 4.4 oz 3.59, Smoked Oysters in Olive Oil, 3 oz 1.19, Lemon Pepper Tuna, 2.5 oz Pouch 6.49, Olive Bruschetta, 6 oz, Deli Fresh 5x 1.79, Crushed Tomatoes, shelf stable, 13.8 oz, Colavita(tm) 6.99, Broccoli & Cheddar Soup, Deli Fresh, 24 oz 6.99, Clam Chowder, Deli Fresh, 24 oz 5x 3.19, Creamy Chicken Noodle, 18.8 oz Can, Campbell's Chunky(tm) 2x 3.19, Chicken Broccoli Cheese, 18.8 oz Can 3.19, New England Clam Chowder, 18.8 oz Can 3.19, Chicken and Dumplings, 18.8 oz Can 9.99, Peanut Butter&Grape Sandwiches, Frozen, 10 pack, Uncrustables(tm) 2x 4.39, Brioche Style Bread, thick sliced, 22 oz, Nature's Own(tm) 5.69, Garlic Butter Cooking|Dipping Sauce, 12 oz Pouch, Campbell's(tm) 12.4, Miniature Peanut Butter Cups, 35.6 oz, Reese's(tm) 4x 1.38, Fudge Mini Donuts, 8.82 oz Bag, Little Debbie(tm) 3x 2.69, Spring Water, 23.7 oz bottles, 6 pack, Arrowhead(tm) 2x 9.79, Diet Ginger Ale, 12 oz cans, 12 Pack, Canada Dry(tm) .99, Diet Tonic Water, 33.8 oz ■ Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid v0hu1h$5ttc$2@dont-email.me Crump dm6t2jtogma4mlbuq3bgs97q573u24ejat@4ax.com CandyMan v0obgf$1q1o7$3@dont-email.me Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid v0p0g3$1ur12$7@dont-email.me CandyMan v0p2bf$1viv4$1@dont-email.me Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid v0p8d1$20lfm$4@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Apr.29--4.10pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 1 (308) OK; 10.2 Minutes, Pan, Eternal-September.ORG, Apr 29 { 3:53pm, 2024 }:21 七霆蛡 Google: How to Open PSD (Photoshop) Files in GIMP. Oliveiro answers himself: > > > What happens to your [Photoshop files] when the licence expires? > > The answer is: your files get locked. Not only can you not edit them any > more, you can’t even export them to a non-proprietary format. Google: How to Open PSD (Photoshop) Files in GIMP. ■ Ahlstrom v0nuig$1mre9$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Apr.29--8.56am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 1 (496) OK; 4.7 Hours, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Apr 29 { 3:59am, 2024 }:28^(-4) 七霄莐 I turned off AUTOMATIC upgrades many years ago. Ahlstrom asks: > Is Windows still an ever-bloating monstrosity ? No. I turned off AUTOMATIC upgrades many years ago. I run Win10, not Win11. I haven't seen The Start Menu since Win8. ■ DFS v08hn9$1m69n$2@dont-email.me Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid v0cq6r$2ra8g$1@dont-email.me DFS v0dnl4$31ilq$2@dont-email.me rBowman l8vei1Fvi7U1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Apr.25--11.19am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (766) OK; 1.7 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Apr 25 { 9:26am, 2024 }:42 七雵塂 Just because you CAN erase every storage device on your distro . . . Just because you CAN erase every storage device on your distro, it doesn't mean that you have to do it. Re: Start Menu ads rolling out to "ALL-windows-11-users" Many "life times" have passed since I last saw a "Start Menu". ■ DFS v08hn9$1m69n$2@dont-email.me Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid v0cq6r$2ra8g$1@dont-email.me RonB v0d120$2sk4i$3@dont-email.me Ahlstrom v0dgm5$2vuv7$2@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Apr.25--6.35am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (522) OK; 57.4 Minutes, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Apr 25 { 5:01am, 2024 }: 9^(-4) 七雴氅 AntiHuman Cultists ("Greens") have a monopoly on violence. AntiHuman Cultists ("Greens") have a monopoly on violence; decade after decade, their prophecies fail miserably; they create stagflation to destroy savings&paychecks; so we end up high, sh*tting in a filthy "park". ■ DetroitsFinest 17c90240132f22b9$50754$2854538$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid v0a62p$25fmt$2@dont-email.me CandyMan v0b5k9$2ce8p$2@dont-email.me Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid v0c0f1$2ihq5$4@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Apr.24--3.32pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (288) OK; 7.6 Minutes, Pan, Eternal-September.ORG, Apr 24 { 3:18pm, 2024 }: 9 七雲伡 "left-justified" CandyMan, Oliveiro: > > Every program I've used call it left/right justification. > > No idea what kind of programs you’ve used, then. > The proper term is “left/right alignment”. Google/Wiktionary says: "left-justified". Adjective. Of text, laid out so that all lines start at the same distance from the left-hand edge of the page. ■ ChrisV 9gu92jl3pogpv8ac5hdhahlepe3vh4i1tv@4ax.com CandyMan v03g3q$d8h0$1@dont-email.me Crump bola2j5ab4pmestp99r0ej7634fo6ktc3l@4ax.com ChrisV kokc2jp7e40afs2t7u9ft9mp0lbbt1hqo4@4ax.com Crump eolc2jht25c7njkhvi89nh0uuoosa8m525@4ax.com ChrisV c8th2jdpnj8b0rgdbnm0hsv0p6oltjra07@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Apr.24--7.11am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (212) OK; 1.6 Hours, F_Agent, Fastusenet.ORG, Apr 24 { 5:25am, 2024 }:51^(-5) 七雰桏 Warnings as Errors From "Jeff-Relf.Me/C++CodingRules.HTM": 11. I set " Warnings as Errors "; all but the following warnings are "on": c4100: unreferenced parameter. Useful when debugging. c4101: unreferenced local variable. OK when debugging. c4127 conditional expression is constant. while(1) is OK. "if ( ComplexExpression, 1 )" is a good debugging technique. etc. etc. ■ . uih831$196f7$2@solani.org IransFinest v04frp$b3pv$1@solani.org DFS v06ptn$16quh$1@dont-email.me Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid v078kv$1df76$2@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Apr.23--4.20am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 3 (279) OK; 8.1 Hours, Pan, Eternal-September.ORG, Apr 22 { 8:07pm, 2024 }:11 七雪翟 The 'tard thinks he's a computer virtuoso. DFS, Oliveiro: > > ... the self-proclaimed "computing virtuoso" ... > > What’s the opposite of “virtuoso”? Is it “vicioso”? The 'tard thinks he's a computer virtuoso. ■ DFS uvltc2$v4b9$1@dont-email.me ScottGNU uvp47u$1mntq$1@dont-email.me DFS uvpa8j$1pj2q$1@dont-email.me ScottGNU uvpits$1mntq$3@dont-email.me DFS uvppqr$1som3$1@dont-email.me Stéphane_CARPENTIER│sc@fiat-linux_fr 6622de54$0$2993$426a34cc@news.free.fr Jeff-Relf.Me@Apr.19--2.41pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (214) OK; 20.2 Minutes, slrn➤Linux, Proxad.NET,, Apr 19 { 2:12pm, 2024 }:52 七雝扔 Nuclear bombs, MultiPolar imperialism, mysticism, Islam & Africa. I didn't enjoy Dune 2021 but Dune 2024 is really good. It's well on its way to grossing a billion $. Nuclear bombs, MultiPolar imperialism, mysticism, Islam & Africa . . . . . . it's all there. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Apr.17--11.09am.Seattle.2024 %│percent@yohooo_not 17c723dab124d5ad$18297$4052113$22dd286e@news.thecubenet.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Apr.19--4.43am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy +-, 1.7 Days, Gecko➤Jan_2010➤Win8, Thecubenet.COM, Apr 17 { 11:13am, 2024 }:25^(-4) 七雔睅 Did you win ? You ( %, percent ) replied ( to me ): > > Waking up to pee ( "Nocturia", worsens with age & stress ). > > Even when your bladder is empty, you can get what I call a "bladder cramp", > > i.e. a contraction of the bladder muscles inducing a sudden, compelling > > desire to pee that is difficult to defer ( also worsens with age & stress ). > > is that when they call you "pissbum" $ How many pissbums and crack whores did you fight today ? Did you win ? ■ Jeff-Relf.Me@Apr.17--11.09am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy Waking up to pee. Waking up to pee ( "Nocturia", worsens with age & stress ). Even when your bladder is empty, you can get what I call a "bladder cramp", i.e. a contraction of the bladder muscles inducing a sudden, compelling desire to pee that is difficult to defer ( also worsens with age & stress ). ■ DFS uve2ss$31icd$1@dont-email.me rBowman l801k2F70i4U1@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom uvgmtk$3ldb0$3@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Apr.14--7.00am.Seattle.2024 Ahlstrom uvj3hf$8i51$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Apr.15--5.09am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (568) OK; 6.7 Minutes, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Apr 15 { 4:37am, 2024 }:19^(-4) 七雋奯 Mice & laser printers. Re: Visual Studio, Ahlstrom wrote: > To hell with Intellisense! Intellisense is switched off, first thing, ASAP. Word wrapping is toggled on&off; 99.999 % of the time it's off. Outlining, syntax highlighting & line numbering are always off, never on. CtrlWheel zooms in&out. > I found it bloated, intrusive, and annoying. I've written macros&extensions for it: Jeff-Relf.Me/Macros.HTM > Using vim, GNU autools/libtool, qmake, or meson from > a terminal window is much more pleasant to me. YMMV 1982, Provo Utah, I was using mice & laser printers. Jeff-Relf.Me/MouseKeyboardLayout.PNG I wrote my own (graphical) console to run C++ applets; to wit: Jeff-Relf.Me/z1.HTM Jeff-Relf.Me/DayMap.PNG ■ DFS uvhlld$3s2je$1@dont-email.me rBowman l83eqnFml03U1@mid.individual.net DFS uvi177$2148$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Apr.14--10.00pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (508) OK; 3.1 Hours, Betterbird, Eternal-September.ORG, Apr 14 { 6:51pm, 2024 }:37^(-4) 七雉琩 The just cheat. rBowman, DFS: > > I doubt you would like the way I play golf. > > Long as you don't cheat like Trump. When the laws are unjust, the just cheat. ■ DFS uve2ss$31icd$1@dont-email.me rBowman l801k2F70i4U1@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom uvgmtk$3ldb0$3@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Apr.14--7.00am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (570) OK; 4.7 Minutes, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Apr 14 { 6:49am, 2024 }:40^(-4) 七雇滴 "vim" is for nerds who can get a date. Ahlstrom: > If DFS wants to see a bloated hobbyware fiasco, > he should install Visual Studio. "vim" is for nerds who can get a date. Again: I use a _normal_ text editor, like Borland's "Turbo Pascal" & "Turbo C". 35 years ago, in 1989, Seattle, "Microsoft C" ( on Win2 ) was my editor/IDE; later, it was called "DevStudio", now "Visual Studio". ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Apr.8--9.24pm.Seattle.2024 DFS uv8soo$1o0mu$1@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Apr.11--8.07am.Seattle.2024 DFS uv9jaa$1t4ha$1@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Apr.11--3.51pm.Seattle.2024 DFS uvbr7k$2fpi3$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Apr.12--11.07am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (515) OK; 22.9 Minutes, Betterbird, Eternal-September.ORG, Apr 12 { 10:32am, 2024 }:36^(-4) 七隿逴 BlockNews doesn't censor you. Correction: 3pm yesterday, you (DFS) had 7 New, 513 last 90 days. > How many and which news servers do you subscribe to? Why more than one? "usNews.BlockNews.NET" & "News.US.Usenet-News.NET"; both use the same article numbers, so I think it's resold. I have two in case one is down|slow. > > Censorship is the price you pay for using EternalSeptember, nigger. > > Crossposting is the price you pay for using [BlockNews]. > I'm glad ES drops some (all?) of the alt.checkmate crossposts into cola. As you wish. ■ ScottGNU uv4jec$h0p3$2@dont-email.me Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid uv7k2m$1f7vt$1@dont-email.me ScottGNU uva779$1p98n$1@dont-email.me rBowman l7ros2FhmsvU1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Apr.11--9.01pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (850) OK; 14.3 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Apr 11 { 8:41pm, 2024 }:54 七隽熂 Surround Sound "effects" ? You (rBowman) replied ( to ScottGNU ): > > Actually -- hey! I'm pretty sure I asked in here a few weeks ago if > > anyone had tried pipewire. Besides the sound, I like the idea of being > > able to intercept my camera feed to add effects.[*] > > It's the default on Fedora, so I guess I have 'tried' pipewire > to the extent that my Bluetooth earbuds work. Are you applying Surround Sound "effects" ? ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Apr.8--8.06pm.Seattle.2024 DFS uv2dv5$g2b$1@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Apr.8--9.24pm.Seattle.2024 DFS uv8soo$1o0mu$1@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Apr.11--8.07am.Seattle.2024 DFS uv9jaa$1t4ha$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Apr.11--3.51pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 6 (513) OK; 1.2 Hours, Betterbird, Eternal-September.ORG, Apr 11 { 2:05pm, 2024 }:13^(-4) 七隼暉 BlockNews doesn't censor you. You (DFS) replied ( to me ): > > At times, blocknews is missing some articles and such; > > some seconds later, they're back. > > Did that just start? For years BN has been rock solid and fast, > but in the past few months it's not working too well (for me). Yes, it's new. It took 10+ minutes for my "Jeff-Relf.Me@Apr.11--8.27am.Seattle.2024" post to show up. 3:16pm, Seattle, BlockNews reported: 29 Requested posts, got all 29 in 6 Secs. CntNew / 30_DayCnt 7 / 513 DFS 4 / 579 Ahlstrom 1 / 146 Huntzinger 2 / 243 ChrisV 1 / 57 Tyrone│none@none_none 1 / 597 Crump > > My code actually checks that blocknews has the 10 MessageIDs > > that makes up my "bookmark", in the order expected; > > if it doesn't, it pays to try again later. > > Which server(s) do you use to build a bookmark of 10 Msg-IDs in a > specific order? What's the order? Any server, every server; on the fly, willy-nilly. At 3:16pm, it was: DFS uv9lnt$1td30$3@dont-email.me DFS uv9l6b$1td30$2@dont-email.me DFS uv9kju$1td30$1@dont-email.me Crump j9lg1jdgdbq9h9q1l3uturml5q36vuuqku@4ax.com ChrisV 2fkg1j1bq7291jl07o13s32l9r2abd3t7c@4ax.com DFS uv9jaa$1t4ha$1@dont-email.me Crump onig1jhgmcpjab63lf6gbrt6prup87jjch@4ax.com DFS uv9ho9$1sp74$2@dont-email.me DFS uv9hk5$1sp74$1@dont-email.me Ahlstrom uv9g45$1s89v$4@dont-email.me If an article is missing, or out of order, I might wait awhile . . . . . . or I might not, one "Found MessageID" is enough to continue. > Note also that eternal-september blocks a variety of nyms. > Using ES, I never see anything from alt.checkmate in cola (which is good). Censorship is the price you pay for using EternalSeptember, nigga. BlockNews doesn't censor you. > blocknews allows crossposting from alt.checkmate, > so their data often won't match with eternal-september. Again: MessageID (instead of Article Number) "bookmarking" is tricky. I list MessageIDs (100 at a time), starting from the highest Article Number, until I find one of the 10 Message-ID "bookmarks" I've saved. One "Found MessageID" is enough to continue . . . or I wait. ■ DFS uv3m0i$9rl4$1@dont-email.me Huntzinger uv75pm$189rd$1@dont-email.me ScottGNU uv77vu$18mn2$1@dont-email.me rBowman l7oniiF3q2nU1@mid.individual.net Huntzinger uv8m57$1mgad$1@dont-email.me DFS uv8sbv$1nvo2$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Apr.11--8.27am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (503) OK; 13.3 Minutes, Betterbird, Eternal-September.ORG, Apr 11 { 7:33am, 2024 }:33^(-4) 七隻岽 Col. Sanders. DFS wrote: RIP to grandpa HTS and father JFS. Maybe your last name is Sanders, finger licking good. ■ DFS uv1su1$3pauv$1@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Apr.8--8.06pm.Seattle.2024 DFS uv2dv5$g2b$1@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Apr.8--9.24pm.Seattle.2024 DFS uv8soo$1o0mu$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Apr.11--8.07am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 10 (503) OK; 6.4 Minutes, Betterbird, Eternal-September.ORG, Apr 11 { 7:40am, 2024 }:24^(-4) 七隻幘 Try BlockNews and/or UsenetNews again, an hour later. You (DFS) replied ( to me ): > > I list MessageIDs (100 at a time), starting from the highest Article Number, > > until I find one of the 10 MessageID "bookmarks" I've saved. > > I used to do head and body commands (via Python nntplib), but they don't > work very well lately. The 'article' command is pretty quick, though. > info = news.article(artID) artID = info[0] msgID = info[1] msg = info[2] Yes, instead of "head" and "body", I use the "article" command. > a minute ago, from blocknews: > 211 1795999 899518 2695516 comp.os.linux.advocacy > > But blocknews recently screwed up their article numbering, > and there are a lot of gaps in the sequence, > so there aren't 1795999 articles available on their server. At times, blocknews is missing some articles and such; some seconds later, they're back. My code actually checks that blocknews has the 10 MessageIDs that makes up my "bookmark", in the order expected; if it doesn't, it pays to try again later. ■ DetroitsFinest 17c46a7f9e9e2dcb$3880$111488$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com rBowman l7jf72F9s43U2@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom uv3clk$7ecf$2@dont-email.me rBowman l7l8bsFi2mtU3@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom uv4bpk$fa07$3@dont-email.me rBowman l7m76dFmp2rU1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Apr.9--8.52pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 3 (848) OK; 1.7 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Apr 9 { 6:09pm, 2024 }:34 七隴賎 How much will it cost ? "Bing.COM/Chat" ( 20 billion $ Bing AI ) is the best at SpeechToText. BingGPT, desktop version, doesn’t directly offer "Speech To Text" & macros; but I assume it will, eventually. How much will it cost ? I wonder. P.S. My copy of "FireFox Developer Edition v90" has been running on all 12 cylinders ever since I cleared: "Cached Web Content", "Site Data" & Cookies ( !History, !AutoFill ). ■ DFS uv1su1$3pauv$1@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Apr.8--8.06pm.Seattle.2024 DFS uv2dv5$g2b$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Apr.8--9.24pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (496) OK; 5.7 Minutes, Betterbird, Eternal-September.ORG, Apr 8 { 8:51pm, 2024 }: 1^(-4) 七隱圥 Try BlockNews and/or UsenetNews again, an hour later. You (DFS) replied ( to me ): > > MessageID (instead of Article Number) "bookmarking" is tricky. > > I list MessageIDs (100 at a time), starting from the highest Article Number, > > until I find one of the 10 Message-ID "bookmarks" I've saved. > > Can you give me the code you run to retrieve articles? > How were you getting 1000 articles in 4 seconds from glorb? Glorb was lightning fast. When possible, I sent it 100 commands at a time, instead of individually. From "z1.CPP" in "Jeff-Relf.Me/z1.ZIP": typedef __int64 i64 ; i64 _LowArtNum, _HighArtNum, HighArtNum ; const int max_BookMarks = 10, MIDsPerPage = 100, Max_szMID = 200, Max_Sz_BookMark = max_BookMarks * Max_szMID ; OpenGroup₍₎( LnP NG ) { // 211 303,341,573 1,844,605,951 2,147,947,523 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy if ( !Go( L"Group %s", LowerCaseNG( NG ) ) ) { Sh( L"No Such NewsGroup, “ %c%s%c ” ?", ChNew, NG, ChText ); return 0 ; } strCpy( _T, *Ln.PP ), P = _T, gTok, gTok, gTok, LowArtNum = AtoI( Tok ) - 1, gTok, HighArtNum = AtoI( Tok ); Sh( L"%s Articles; From: %s To: %s .", Commas( HighArtNum - LowArtNum ), Commas( LowArtNum + 1 ), Commas( HighArtNum ) ); return HighArtNum ; } _LowArtNum = HighArtNum - MIDsPerPage - 1 ; Go( L"xHdr Message-ID %I64d-%I64d", _LowArtNum, _HighArtNum ); > The python code I've relied on for years has become very slow and > unstable when running it against blocknews. Connections are dropped all > the time. SuckMT is OK fast, but it drops connections too. > > I want to stay with blocknews because it has articles going back to > 2003, and they might recover from their current woes. Try BlockNews and/or UsenetNews again, an hour later. ■ DFS uv1su1$3pauv$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Apr.8--8.06pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (495) OK; 3.3 Hours, Betterbird, Eternal-September.ORG, Apr 8 { 4:00pm, 2024 }:17^(-4) 七隰攁 I switch servers on the fly, willy nilly. DFS asked me: > A while back you said downloading Usenet post info from glorb.com was really fast. > glorb.com doesn't seem to be around any more. Yes, Glorb threw in the towel many years ago (2018?). > How and where are you downloading Usenet messages? > I use blocknews and python nntplib and SuckMT (Windows), but they're not > quick enough any more. blocknews has suddenly gone downhill. I switch servers on the fly, willy nilly. When BlockNews fails, I use UsenetNews, & vice versa. Oddly, they don't both fail at the same time. Instead of switching servers, you could just wait it out. MessageID (instead of Article Number) "bookmarking" is tricky. I list MessageIDs (100 at a time), starting from the highest Article Number, until I find one of the 10 MessageID "bookmarks" I've saved. ■ Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid uuj14m$3phh2$6@dont-email.me ChrisV l1iq0j1nskltk1u9i3s9sfh1qdlf2cvvj3@4ax.com IransFinest uuk837$3d2p$3@solani.org Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid uuniui$vbtu$7@dont-email.me RonB uurkjo$245kf$1@dont-email.me Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid uv2246$3q9do$5@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Apr.8--7.33pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (271) OK; 1.8 Hours, Pan, Eternal-September.ORG, Apr 8 { 5:28pm, 2024 }:54 七隰秆 True Science(tm) is copyrighted by Hitler Inc. True Science(tm) is copyrighted by Hitler Inc. In order to tax you more ( e.g. stagflation ), governments scare you as much as they can; decade after decade, their prophecies fail miserably. ■ IransFinest uuun8r$9j84$1@solani.org DetroitsFinest 17c417d563439fed$44$3121036$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com IransFinest uuvhaq$921c$1@solani.org CandyMan uuvnp3$38shg$3@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Apr.7--8.56pm.Seattle.2024 Crump uur81jphd34otdcshlbeju62a3a8o9aq65@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Apr.8--7.24pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (644) Bad; 3.7 Hours, F_Agent, Eternal-September.ORG, Apr 8 { 3:31pm, 2024 }:22^(-4) 七隰帺 Once you've heard it, nothing else will do. You (Crump) replied ( to me ): > > Once you've heard .mp4/.mp3 files in Surround Sound*, nothing else will do. > > [ *: via the (70$) Logitech g635 HeadSet ] > > Surround sound from a headset? > WTF are you talking about, that's a gimmick and a half. Nope, it's indistinguishable from the real thing. Once you've heard it, nothing else will do. ■ ChrisV rge51j1uctfqpeg318tbnb0oevs9ck3j6u@4ax.com DetroitsFinest 17c40c6de0c879aa$405$1351842$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com IransFinest uuun8r$9j84$1@solani.org DetroitsFinest 17c417d563439fed$44$3121036$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com IransFinest uuvhaq$921c$1@solani.org CandyMan uuvnp3$38shg$3@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Apr.7--8.56pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (181) OK; 10.4 Minutes, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Apr 7 { 8:20pm, 2024 }: 3 七隬顣 .mp4/.mp3 files in Surround Sound. Once you've heard .mp4/.mp3 files in Surround Sound*, nothing else will do. [ *: via the (70$) Logitech g635 HeadSet ] P.S. Previously, I've said that certain financial sites prohibit FireFox; not true, I just needed to erase "Cached Web Content", "Site Data" & Cookies. ■ Jeff-Relf.Me@Apr.4--1.50am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy Who is Ms Jia Tan ? Who is Ms Jia Tan ? She made 6 thousand code changes to 7+ projects between 2021 & February 2024. She put the back door in the "ssh" that Andres Freund, a Microsoft engineer, recently discovered. ■ RonB utk3v5$2v7vk$3@dont-email.me Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid utl4ci$3700q$5@dont-email.me Ahlstrom utmfv0$3k6u5$1@dont-email.me Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid utnjtf$3sqhf$4@dont-email.me RonB utrrsf$13cud$1@dont-email.me Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid uuj12a$3phh2$5@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Apr.3--2.12am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy +-, 1.5 Hours, Pan, Eternal-September.ORG, Apr 3 { 0:38am, 2024 }:50 七隙厊 You're in a cult, same as everyone else. You (Oliveiro) replied ( to RonB ): > > How long have you had an obsession with "sky fairies?" > > Let’s just say, I’m not the one obsessing over which is the true sky > fairy, and trying to insist that all the others are false. You're in a cult, you believe in a (fake) apocalypse, same as everyone else. ■ Ahlstrom utp7jh$c5vq$3@dont-email.me CandyMan utpfoh$e5a2$4@dont-email.me Ahlstrom utpnd3$fvpt$1@dont-email.me Huntzinger uu7iek$ibt3$2@dont-email.me ChrisV mi4g0jp36ltveqno770dap1kn5c7128t2r@4ax.com rBowman l6r9ukFkfnpU8@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.30--2.14pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (856) OK; 14.5 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Mar 30 { 1:11pm, 2024 }: 0 七隊诔 The "Housing Choice Voucher" program (section 8). rBowman: > Continuing to work after 70 didn't do anything good for my tax liability. The pandemic f*cked me up, leaving me jobless & bedridden. Mother Earth is training me, apparently. When I stand up, she "beats me down" (i.e. I feel weak & nauseous). When I lay down, she gives me a "doggy treat" (i.e. it feels good). So I took my Social Security retirement last year, age 63. It's not enough to pay my rent, here in Seattle, University district; so, yesterday, I applied for The "Housing Choice Voucher" program (section 8). It's a lottery system that favors old, poor people; I have to "save my place" in line every month (SaveMySpot.ORG). Even if I get it, I don't know if it will help because, for most landlords, section 8 paperwork is too burdensome, & the tenants are irresponsible, to say the least. ■ ScottGNU uu9fco$ipvj$4@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.30--11.08am.Seattle.2024 ScottGNU uu9kvo$ipvj$8@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.30--11.59am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (164) OK; 19.8 Minutes, Pan➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Mar 30 { 11:17am, 2024 }:28 七隊焸 Brazil 1984++ isn't a documentary but it's close. You (ScottGNU) replied ( to me ): > > The far right loves this movie, as do I. > > I had suspected you were "far right", but didn't know > you could be so wrong about both _1984_ *and* _Brazil_. > They are satire. Brazil 1984++ isn't a documentary but it's close. I'm a right-leaning anarchist, not an authoritarian. > Also, you post-edited my comments. Shame, shame. This is USENET. You have the original. We have the original. ■ rBowman l6misdFt6olU5@mid.individual.net RonB uu7u2c$ktdk$5@dont-email.me rBowman l6pkisFc6svU7@mid.individual.net ScottGNU uu94m5$ipvj$1@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.30--10.52am.Seattle.2024 ScottGNU uu9kl6$ipvj$7@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.30--11.51am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (164) OK; 25.5 Minutes, Pan➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Mar 30 { 11:11am, 2024 }:50 七隊濦 A GNU guy spends less money than an iPhone aficionado ? shock ! You (ScottGNU) replied ( to me ): > > Look you, ScottGNU, spending money like an iPhone freak. > > Sour grapes, friend? Would you feel better if I told you we > haven't been on a "real" vacation (as defined by Mark Twain) > since 2015? I honestly don't understand the call-out. I'm poking fun at you. A GNU guy spends less money than an iPhone aficionado ? shock ! ■ IransFinest usg38i$13qps$5@solani.org rBowman l51tsqFqgibU2@mid.individual.net IransFinest ush2s1$14bl3$1@solani.org IransFinest uu77pa$g60s$1@dont-email.me IransFinest uu7vve$20re8$1@solani.org Volney│volney@invalid_invalid uu9ea0$13amk$3@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.30--11.35am.Seattle.2024 Sci.Physics, Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 1 (1) ify; 1.1 Hours, Gecko➤Thunder, Eternal-September.ORG, Mar 30 { 9:23am, 2024 }:27^(-4) 七隊噿 The harbor pilot identifies as a black female. Likely, the harbor pilot identifies as a black female. ■ ScottGNU uu9fco$ipvj$4@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.30--11.08am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (162) OK; 45.8 Minutes, Pan➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Mar 30 { 9:42am, 2024 }: 1 七隊嫙 1984 + 1 ScottGNU: > From Terry Gilliam's _Brazil_ 1984 + 1, "a visit from Central Services": > "He's tampered with it!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGeT5cutXgU > (signed) Command-line "meddler". The far right loves this movie, as do I. ■ ChrisV 0kjb0j9a025qtkrdrlk48gl55ft8rj6i1r@4ax.com Crump m5kb0jlahf685qe015il87ciovqjqof39j@4ax.com rBowman l6misdFt6olU5@mid.individual.net RonB uu7u2c$ktdk$5@dont-email.me rBowman l6pkisFc6svU7@mid.individual.net ScottGNU uu94m5$ipvj$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.30--10.52am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 4 (162) OK; 3.8 Hours, Pan➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Mar 30 { 6:39am, 2024 }:17 七隉舅 Spending money like an iPhone freak. ScottGNU: > we're going on vacation, changing time zones. Look you, ScottGNU, spending money like an iPhone freak. ■ DFS 66060496$0$2363139$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com rBowman l6mjjkFt6olU7@mid.individual.net DFS uu6g39$acmo$2@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.29--9.39am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (526) OK; 2.7 Hours, Betterbird, Eternal-September.ORG, Mar 29 { 6:35am, 2024 }:40^(-4) 七隅瞬 Slap on some pantyhose & heels, identify as another AOC. DFS: > The Linux Foundation no longer allows presentations by all-male groups; > females HAVE to be included. Slap on some pantyhose & heels, identify as another AOC ( so you're a woman, both inside & out ), and you're good to go. ■ Ahlstrom uu1f8a$2u0h1$1@dont-email.me RonB uu4nms$3qm7m$1@dont-email.me CandyMan uu5bea$2kpd$1@dont-email.me ScottGNU uu5i02$3e7ne$3@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.29--3.37am.Seattle.2024 ScottGNU uu6ig6$50gq$2@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.29--9.29am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (158) OK; 2 Hours, Pan➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Mar 29 { 7:16am, 2024 }:38 七隅腆 I'm no fan of Google's "One ring rules them all" philosophy. You (ScottGNU) replied ( to me ): > > I use a _normal_ text editor, like Borland's "Turbo Pascal" & "Turbo C". > > 35 years ago, in 1989, Seattle, "Microsoft C" ( on Win2 ) was my editor/IDE; > > later, it was called "DevStudio", now "Visual Studio". > > There is a "Visual Studio Code" for Linux. > What do you think of Eclipse, though? On Google Chrome ? I haven't tried them. I'm no fan of Google's "One ring rules them all" philosophy. ■ DetroitsFinest 17c06bcd4c02275c$40357$3265$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com Tyrone│none@none_none bnydnThTscRsBp77nZ2dnZfqnPudnZ2d@supernews.com Ahlstrom uu1f8a$2u0h1$1@dont-email.me RonB uu4nms$3qm7m$1@dont-email.me CandyMan uu5bea$2kpd$1@dont-email.me ScottGNU uu5i02$3e7ne$3@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.29--3.37am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (156) OK; 5.1 Hours, Pan➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Mar 28 { 10:01pm, 2024 }:54 七隄兂 I use a _normal_ text editor. ScottGNU: > jstar is part of joe, Joe's own Editor, but has more WordStar keybindings. > I use joe. Just joe. Are you using "Joe's Own Editor" ? if not, please point me to Joe's homepage. I rejected "vi" because it's "modal" ( what mode am I in now ? ). I rejected "Emacs" because it's space cadet Stallman, Lisp'ing. I use a _normal_ text editor, like Borland's "Turbo Pascal" & "Turbo C". 35 years ago, in 1989, Seattle, "Microsoft C" ( on Win2 ) was my editor/IDE; later, it was called "DevStudio", now "Visual Studio". ■ Huntzinger uu2c09$34rm0$1@dont-email.me Huntzinger uu3qaj$3jftr$1@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.28--10.14am.Seattle.2024 Crump 4ubb0jdl953raihvur6lcvmigmtdgv02oj@4ax.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.28--1.55pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman l6mj9dFt6olU6@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.28--8.27pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 5 (835) OK; 1.3 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Mar 28 { 6:19pm, 2024 }:42 七隃漮 I rejected "vi" & emacs back in 1982, Provo Utah. rBowman asks me: > If you have Makefile and makefile in the same directory which one will be used ? Neither, please use "mAkEfIlE". > > My favorite editor ( Visual Studio ) doesn't run on Linux. > > I have written c# macros & extensions for Visual Studio. > > Jeff-Relf.Me/Macros.HTM Jeff-Relf.Me/Diff.PNG > > Code and Studio are lame [ compared to vim ]. I rejected "vi" & emacs back in 1982, Provo Utah. Back then, I called my text editor "j"; I don't remember who wrote it, maybe WordPerfect. ■ Huntzinger utvhmj$2caii$1@dont-email.me Ahlstrom uu1g93$2ue64$1@dont-email.me Huntzinger uu2c09$34rm0$1@dont-email.me Huntzinger uu3qaj$3jftr$1@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.28--10.14am.Seattle.2024 Crump 4ubb0jdl953raihvur6lcvmigmtdgv02oj@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.28--1.55pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy -Dropped, 2.5 Hours, F_Agent, Eternal-September.ORG, Mar 28 { 11:00am, 2024 }:13^(-4) 七隂娭 SurroundSound MP3s. Crump asks me: > Wouldn't Linux be a better platform [ for you ] ? I cannot abide case sensitive file names sans extensions. My favorite editor ( Visual Studio ) doesn't run on Linux. I have written c# macros & extensions for Visual Studio. Jeff-Relf.Me/Macros.HTM Jeff-Relf.Me/Diff.PNG Linux doesn't support my _cherished_ hardware; to wit: Logitech g635 USB HeadSet ( SurroundSound MP3s, F*cking Fantastic ). Jeff-Relf.Me/MouseKeyboardLayout.PNG I wrote my own (graphical) console to run C++ applets; to wit: Jeff-Relf.Me/z1.HTM Jeff-Relf.Me/DayMap.PNG Jeff-Relf.Me/Win10.REG.TXT etc. etc. ■ Huntzinger utuigi$1qkgv$1@dont-email.me Ahlstrom utut5t$1trsr$1@dont-email.me . utvhmj$2caii$1@dont-email.me Ahlstrom uu1g93$2ue64$1@dont-email.me Huntzinger uu2c09$34rm0$1@dont-email.me Huntzinger uu3qaj$3jftr$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.28--10.14am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 4 (145) OK; 3.4 Hours, Gecko➤Thunder, Eternal-September.ORG, Mar 28 { 6:11am, 2024 }:47^(-4) 七隁梓 Uncle Sam, 1942 Ahlstrom, then Huntzinger: > > > You showed me mine. Now show me yours. :-D > > > > Sure. I've taken a screenshot, but it looks like one of my domains has a > > login issue; will have to give IT a call in the morning to sort it out. > > Photo-HH.COM/usenet/desktop.png [ 4k, 13.5 MegaBytes ] > > Seems that my local ISP may also be flaky...was able to get in > momentarily, but now the domain is down for me, while "is it down?" > services claim that it is still up. The screenshot downloaded but it's slower than molasses in a cold spell. File-Explorer is the only "desktop" that I ever reuse. Jeff-Relf.Me/Relfs-File-Explorer.PNG My Comcast Internet is shared with other people in the neighborhood; lately, it's been quite slow. Judging by your photos, I'm pretty sure you're the wealthiest person here. "Put 10% of it in war bonds !" -- Uncle Sam, 1942 ( University of North Texas ) https://digital.library.UNT.EDU/ark:/67531/metadc515/m1/1/high_res/ ■ Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.27--8.43am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy Stagflation stole your retirement. Stagflation stole your retirement. ■ rBowman l6cb59Fal3tU2@mid.individual.net IransFinest utt23i$1qnhe$1@solani.org IransFinest utt3mu$1qnhe$2@solani.org rBowman l6evbpFmo10U2@mid.individual.net IransFinest utvav1$1rr8s$1@solani.org rBowman l6gu6rF3bcfU1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.26--4.58pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (819) OK; 1.3 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Mar 26 { 2:49pm, 2024 }:16 七険糜 Put 10% of it in war bonds ! rBowman: > the current tulip fad "Put 10% of it in war bonds !" -- Uncle Sam, 1942 ( University of North Texas ) https://digital.library.UNT.EDU/ark:/67531/metadc515/m1/1/high_res/ ■ Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.26--0.28pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy R.I.P. WTO China is phasing out non-Chinese products ( e.g. Apple, Nvidia & WinIntel ) from government computers. R.I.P. WTO. ■ DetroitsFinest 17be420c4f90bfc7$63225$1585792$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com IransFinest utd86u$1ipcj$1@solani.org DetroitsFinest 17be75acfaf8f0f4$2017$3384359$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com IransFinest utfol0$1k8j7$1@solani.org DetroitsFinest 17bebbae334656b9$74345$2906873$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com Stéphane_CARPENTIER│sc@fiat-linux_fr 66001af3$0$7526$426a74cc@news.free.fr Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.25--9.43am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 7 (229) OK; 1.1 Days, slrn➤Linux, Proxad.NET,, Mar 24 { 5:22am, 2024 }:11 七陰裳 Recursion is Looney Tunes. Carpentier: > use cases in which recursion is bad. Longest Common SubSequence (Diff). Recursion is Looney Tunes because the same subproblems get solved many times; instead, store the solution to each subproblem in a lookup table. ■ DetroitsFinest 17bf5ce92e8c43b4$672$1351842$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com rBowman l68nhdFoi1bU4@mid.individual.net IransFinest utnpao$1o32m$6@solani.org rBowman l6a00fFtmmgU4@mid.individual.net IransFinest utqa6m$klt3$1@dont-email.me rBowman l6cb59Fal3tU2@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.25--8.57am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (810) OK; 11.6 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Mar 24 { 8:59pm, 2024 }:38 七陳溪 I control Afghanistan; they do what I say, when I say. rBowman > 492 BCE, Persia owned Afghanistan, Pakistan and a chunk of India I control Afghanistan; they do what I say, when I say. ■ rBowman l622j0Fn16lU8@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom uthglj$28e7g$5@dont-email.me rBowman l647g5F2m1hU6@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom utjvev$2u8be$2@dont-email.me DFS utml7g$3ljcq$1@dont-email.me Ahlstrom utpakh$cntv$4@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.24--2.30pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 3 (603) OK; 6.8 Hours, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Mar 24 { 6:42am, 2024 }:41^(-4) 七陰鯑 Seek Sadness. > Expect the worst, it's the least you can do. Seek Sadness; upon failure, rejoice. ■ rBowman l646ogF2m1hU4@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom utjv9u$2u8be$1@dont-email.me Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid utleqa$3993q$2@dont-email.me Ahlstrom utmic2$3k6u5$10@dont-email.me Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid utnmea$3tet3$4@dont-email.me Ahlstrom utpaea$cntv$3@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.24--2.25pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 4 (603) OK; 6.8 Hours, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Mar 24 { 6:39am, 2024 }:21^(-4) 七陰鬉 I can daydream. Oliveiro, then Ahlstrom: > > Python can do homoiconicity. > > C++ can do template metaprogramming. I can daydream. From "z1.CPP" in "Jeff-Relf.Me/z1.ZIP": #define g( Top, Rtn ) { while( --p##Top > Top && !*p##Top ); if ( F = p##Top + 1, p##Top <= Top ) Rtn ; \ LOOP { Cnt = SumCols = SumHrs = zCol = 0 ; \ while ( --F >= Top + 3 && ( *F && (Cnt++, SumCols += *F, SumHrs += ToHr( *F ) ) || F[-1] || F[-2] || F[-3] ) ); \ if ( F = p##Top--, Cnt >= 2 || p##Top <= Top ) break ; } if ( !Cnt ) Rtn ; \ p##Top -= rn( Trim*_DaysInCycle ), zCol = SumCols/Cnt, zHr = SumHrs/Cnt, ##Top##Pnt = { 0, 0, Color, zCol, zHr }; } ■ ScottGNU utgmqh$223n6$1@dont-email.me rBowman l648g2F2m1hU8@mid.individual.net CandyMan utlo7h$3f2rm$8@dont-email.me rBowman l68tknFoi1bU10@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.23--2.43pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman l6a0uqFtmmgU7@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.24--0.05am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (796) OK; 3.6 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Mar 23 { 11:53pm, 2024 }:14 七陯跚 I wear my sunglasses at night -- Corey Hart You (rBowman) replied ( to me ): > > > I use black text on a sort of beige (#FFFDD0) background. > > > > You have dark brown eyes ? > > Hell no. Blue eyed Aryan all the way. I wear my sunglasses at night -- Corey Hart ■ Cloudy_Days│another@cloudfailure_org 797e1346a145d59232976bb83854b3c5@dizum.com Yamn_Remailer│remailer@domain_invalid 20240322.070127.97d8a661@erienetworks.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.23--4.33pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (1) ify; 1.5 Days, BadRig, Dizum.COM, Mar 22 { 4:01am, 2024 }:27^(-4) 七陨指 Clouds block the sun. > > a loss in cloud connectivity, a disaster waiting to happen. > > The 'cloud' is just someone else's computer. Clouds block the sun. ■ DFS utft43$1pkkk$3@dont-email.me rBowman l6248iFn16lU12@mid.individual.net ScottGNU utgmqh$223n6$1@dont-email.me rBowman l648g2F2m1hU8@mid.individual.net CandyMan utlo7h$3f2rm$8@dont-email.me rBowman l68tknFoi1bU10@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.23--2.43pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 4 (784) OK; 31.2 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Mar 23 { 1:50pm, 2024 }:32 七陮劘 You have dark brown eyes ? rBowman: > I use black text on a sort of beige (#FFFDD0) background. You have dark brown eyes ? ■ Yaxley_Peaks│yax@yaxley_in 86sf0l9h6c.fsf@yaxley.in rBowman l622deFn16lU7@mid.individual.net Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid utgk8t$21nsq$7@dont-email.me rBowman l64616F2m1hU2@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom utjuff$2tns5$7@dont-email.me rBowman l65tjlFb8laU6@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.23--9.44am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 18 (777) OK; 22.8 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Mar 22 { 10:31am, 2024 }:33 七险汵 Editing "Forth" (PostScript). rBowman: > Forth had it's uses. Snag a .PDF file, any PDF file. Make it a .TXT file & open it in a text editor. Now you're editing "Forth" (PostScript). ■ DetroitsFinest 17be73f7d87a06e9$246570$4075406$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com Ahlstrom utejt0$1fq95$1@dont-email.me DFS uterkv$1haln$2@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.20--8.58am.Seattle.2024 DFS utfdad$1lnah$2@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.20--0.45pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (490) OK; 8.6 Minutes, Betterbird, Eternal-September.ORG, Mar 20 { 0:27pm, 2024 }: 9^(-4) 七陡璍 Best Practice. DFS: > You know your crazed code would NEVER pass muster, "Jeff-Relf.Me/z1.HTM" is for me, & only me. It's my own little "standard", under which I write C++ applets; to wit: Jeff-Relf.Me/DayMap.PNG "I'd tell the next poor fool to totally rewrite it" -- Me. Exactly, that's the best practice. ■ DetroitsFinest 17be73f7d87a06e9$246570$4075406$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com Ahlstrom utejt0$1fq95$1@dont-email.me DFS uterkv$1haln$2@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.20--8.58am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (489) OK; 1.3 Hours, Betterbird, Eternal-September.ORG, Mar 20 { 7:25am, 2024 }:39^(-4) 七陠翣 The more spastic the code, the greater the whitespace & comments. DFS: > Code without indentation and white space is unreadable > No programming book would EVER use it as an example of programming style. The more spastic the code, the greater the whitespace & comments. ■ Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid ut54i1$33m2r$4@dont-email.me DetroitsFinest 17bd9b0ad59ed32a$2$1588242$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid ut7m61$3o0fg$2@dont-email.me Stéphane_CARPENTIER│sc@fiat-linux_fr 65f7665a$0$5266$426a74cc@news.free.fr JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.17--3.12pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman l5pmujFf74gU3@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.17--9.49pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (722) OK; 1.8 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Mar 17 { 7:24pm, 2024 }:20 七陖柔 Microsoft was using (16 bit) "Unicode 88" back in 1989, Japan. You (rBowman) replied ( to me ): > > Microsoft was using (16 bit) "Unicode 88" back in 1989, Japan. > > To say nothing of UTF-16, WCHAR, TCHAR, and my all time favorite BSTR. > It wouldn't have been so bad but getting from one to the other was obscure. The great thing about standards is that there's so many to choose from. ■ Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid ut54i1$33m2r$4@dont-email.me DetroitsFinest 17bd9b0ad59ed32a$2$1588242$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid ut7m61$3o0fg$2@dont-email.me Stéphane_CARPENTIER│sc@fiat-linux_fr 65f7665a$0$5266$426a74cc@news.free.fr JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.17--3.12pm.Seattle.2024 Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid ut7spb$3pbnh$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.17--9.41pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (164) OK; 5.2 Hours, Pan, Eternal-September.ORG, Mar 17 { 4:02pm, 2024 }: 3 七陕詫 Microsoft was using "UTF-16" back in 1989, Japan. You (Oliveiro) replied ( to me ): > > Microsoft was using UTF-8 back in 1989, as I recall. > > UTF-8 it wasn’t created until 1992 Microsoft was using "UTF-16" ( Unicode 88 ) back in 1989, Japan. ■ Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid ut2d2d$2fd1e$4@dont-email.me Ahlstrom ut44pa$2t94u$1@dont-email.me Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid ut54i1$33m2r$4@dont-email.me DetroitsFinest 17bd9b0ad59ed32a$2$1588242$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid ut7m61$3o0fg$2@dont-email.me Stéphane_CARPENTIER│sc@fiat-linux_fr 65f7665a$0$5266$426a74cc@news.free.fr Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.17--3.12pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (207) OK; 7.9 Minutes, slrn➤Linux, Proxad.NET,, Mar 17 { 2:53pm, 2024 }:30 七陕穚 Microsoft was using UTF-8 back in 1989. Carpentier: > in Excel you can't choose your encoding, In your world, maybe; not in the REAL world. > you have to use the Windows [character set] UTF-8 is the standard everywhere, including Windows; is the DEFAULT character set. > Microsoft is really late on this part. Microsoft was using UTF-8 back in 1989, as I recall. ■ IransFinest usr4va$19trd$2@solani.org rBowman l5clnhFfl59U3@mid.individual.net IransFinest ut0gt6$23m8u$1@dont-email.me rBowman l5ja1eFg9boU1@mid.individual.net ChrisV a7f9vi1k2p0t93ai44tq0t54ctda37i7c5@4ax.com rBowman l5kmmhFm7lhU5@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.16--0.18am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (737) OK; 2.3 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Mar 15 { 9:49pm, 2024 }:22 七陎盒 Who won, Haiti ? rBowman: > Britain won the [Franco-Prussian] war and lost the Empire. Who won, Haiti ? ■ DFS usser9$10fla$1@dont-email.me Tyrone│none@none_none kuWcndWsooW82G_4nZ2dnZfqnPSdnZ2d@supernews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.13--11.32pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 1 (57) OK; 5.2 Hours, Usenapp_for_MacOS, Supernews.COM, Mar 13 { 5:30pm, 2024 }:25^(0) 七际礡 The "TPC SawGrass" golf course. The "TPC SawGrass" golf course, host of The Players tournament, is in Ponte Vedra Beach FL. In Spain, "Ponte Vedra" == "old bridge". ■ IransFinest uso2en$184pn$1@solani.org Crump ug4vui1sog06gsn7r2dep8t32pg539pnc9@4ax.com Huntzinger usq48p$dl57$1@dont-email.me Ahlstrom usqhfn$gi1b$4@dont-email.me CandyMan ust7l1$15sed$1@dont-email.me rBowman l5eomoFpa8uU4@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.13--10.40pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (755) OK; 6.5 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Mar 13 { 3:46pm, 2024 }:49 七际惙 Gimp takes ~1 second to open. You (rBowman) replied ( to CandyMan ): > > Timed it on my computer, and it took about 25s to open the main window. > > Then again, most of that time was setting up extensions according to the > > progress bar. > > It took around 5 seconds on Ubuntu. Gimp takes ~1 second to open. \Windows\System32\msPaint.EXE is too quick to time properly. ■ RonB usp5ct$6p4k$1@dont-email.me Ahlstrom uspbnj$87ad$1@dont-email.me Crump 31d0vippttt3rsksbrpm4r6r0so0o6nn8f@4ax.com Ahlstrom usps5g$buov$1@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.12--8.57am.Seattle.2024 Ahlstrom usqgba$gi1b$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.12--10.15pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 6 (520) OK; 7.9 Hours, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Mar 12 { 2:10pm, 2024 }: 2^(-4) 七陀銪 My pork belly. Ahlstrom: > People say "Eat the rich", but, ignoring how relatively rare they are, > I'm sure their meat would be rather gamey and stringy. That's why we have soup & bratwurst. Haitian anarchists lean cannibalistic; they'd love a piece of my pork belly, no doubt. ■ RonB usp5ct$6p4k$1@dont-email.me Ahlstrom uspbnj$87ad$1@dont-email.me Crump 31d0vippttt3rsksbrpm4r6r0so0o6nn8f@4ax.com Ahlstrom usps5g$buov$1@dont-email.me Crump jm01vid7uakadpvogn2c398p5bif40d8pc@4ax.com DFS usq7mu$eilc$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.12--0.06pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy +-, 8.6 Minutes, Betterbird, Eternal-September.ORG, Mar 12 { 11:42am, 2024 }:43^(-4) 七陀瀣 I'm an anarchist who leans right. DFS: > It sickens me that Crump or Relf might get a penny from > my wife's 50+ hours per week of hard work. 2024, The U.S. government will spend ~2.12 trillion $; the state of Georgia will spend ~32.5 billion $. Zero $ of which was my idea . . . Zip, Nada . . . I don't even vote. I'm an anarchist who leans right. -- The bigger the lie, the bigger the fake "apocalypse", the greater the reward. Civil War is inevitable. ■ RonB uskifv$3134c$1@dont-email.me Ahlstrom usklcv$31mbm$1@dont-email.me RonB usp5ct$6p4k$1@dont-email.me Ahlstrom uspbnj$87ad$1@dont-email.me Crump 31d0vippttt3rsksbrpm4r6r0so0o6nn8f@4ax.com Ahlstrom usps5g$buov$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.12--8.57am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 1 (514) OK; 12.6 Minutes, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Mar 12 { 8:25am, 2024 }:34^(-4) 七阿鏮 Civil War is inevitable. Ahlstrom: > It's not a single family or "George Soros". > It's super-wealthy bastards each working to their own benefit. The bigger the lie, the bigger the fake "apocalypse", the greater the reward. Civil War is inevitable. ■ Crump i1huuils7q7shhsku86bi8ao363sn2c0s4@4ax.com DFS usnk2h$3p4bn$1@dont-email.me Crump 04luui5s7lc0902cadf09vl46ca31hqhl3@4ax.com IransFinest usnsvs$181s8$2@solani.org Crump gkuuui55vtck40rpl0li3esjilo4lc86o0@4ax.com DFS uso24c$3s289$3@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.11--6.11pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 5 (497) OK; 1.8 Hours, Betterbird, Eternal-September.ORG, Mar 11 { 3:55pm, 2024 }:10^(-4) 七阽俎 Ray Banana thinks he moderates USENET. I'm unaffected by BlockNews' renumbering, I use Message IDs. Ray Banana thinks he moderates USENET, hence Eternal-September. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.9--11.32pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman l56ikrFh9tiU1@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.10--8.03pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman l57d30FlkreU1@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.10--8.57pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman l57hspFm8osU1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.10--10.32pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (747) OK; 9.4 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Mar 10 { 10:07pm, 2024 }:37 七阹鶙 Had any good Blutwurst lately ? You (rBowman) replied ( to me ): > > What makes you underestimate me all the time, rBowman ?! > > Something about your random posts maybe? You want me to be more predictable ?! Had any good Blutwurst lately ? > > I was burning EEPROMs for handheld devices back in 1984, Orem Utah. > > At least you didn't have to start your day drinking coffee > while a batch of 8749s basked in their tanning salon. Such ladies, they couldn't stay away from the tanning booth. I once accidentally left about 50 of them in the back seat of a taxi, Pensacola Florida . . . I nearly got shot for that. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.9--9.08pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman l554tdFae4nU3@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.9--11.32pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman l56ikrFh9tiU1@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.10--8.03pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman l57d30FlkreU1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.10--8.59pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 4 (745) OK; 6.2 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Mar 10 { 8:45pm, 2024 }:37 七阹詡 It was a joke. You (rBowman) replied ( to me ): > > I'd hate to think that you wasted 4 $, rBowman. > > Don't fucking worry your little head about it. I'm not, it was a joke. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.9--9.08pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman l554tdFae4nU3@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.9--11.32pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman l56ikrFh9tiU1@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.10--8.03pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman l57d30FlkreU1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.10--8.57pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 4 (745) OK; 6.2 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Mar 10 { 8:45pm, 2024 }:37 七阹詡 I was burning EEPROMs for handheld devices back in 1984, Orem Utah. You (rBowman) replied ( to me ): > > How does your Pico "make sure everything is working" ? > > You don't have a clue about setting up a tool chain do you? What makes you underestimate me all the time, rBowman ?! I was burning EEPROMs for handheld devices back in 1984, Orem Utah. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.8--9.10pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman l53edpF32lqU1@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.9--0.24pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman l54nveF9619U2@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom uske93$306ps$1@dont-email.me rBowman l56k39Fh9tiU2@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.10--8.40pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 6 (744) OK; 6.1 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Mar 10 { 1:39pm, 2024 }: 5 七阸硩 New York City, 1940s beatniks Kerouac & Burroughs & their lover: Jane Vollmer. Re: New York City, 1940s beatniks Kerouac & Burroughs & their lover: Jane Vollmer. // Vollmer goes through Benzedrine (amphetamine) inhalers by the dozen. // // Vollmer and Burroughs were arrested for having sex in a parked vehicle. // They had a son, William Burroughs, Jr., in 1947. // // 1951, Mexico City, Burroughs shot Vollmer in the head, killing her, age 28. // Burroughs was convicted of manslaughter in Vollmer's death. // He received a two-year suspended sentence. At times, I require an Epinephrine (Adrenaline) inhaler; without it, stressful/physical work would soon make me lay down for 20 minutes ( to catch my breath ). ■ Ahlstrom usiqgo$2ijlr$1@dont-email.me rBowman l54n8cF9619U1@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.9--9.08pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman l554tdFae4nU3@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.9--11.32pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman l56ikrFh9tiU1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.10--8.03pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 7 (744) OK; 6.5 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Mar 10 { 1:14pm, 2024 }:19 七阸犛 How does your Pico "make sure everything is working" ? I'd hate to think that you wasted 4 $, rBowman. How does your Pico "make sure everything is working" ? ■ IransFinest usfrld$13p5e$1@solani.org Crump i7douid0h0rnl0af29glro43bsjpkufcqp@4ax.com IransFinest usic2v$15gr6$1@solani.org rBowman l54oh3F9619U4@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.9--9.03pm.Seattle.2024 Crump 6hjrui9h6orcr325s95ukfsm5g8neib181@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.10--9.56am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 1 (986) Bad; 1.4 Hours, F_Agent, Eternal-September.ORG, Mar 10 { 8:16am, 2024 }: 2^(-4) 七阷纲 Enjoy your time in Iran, Crump & rBowman. You ( Crump & rBowman ) replied ( to me ): > > Iran will reap what it sows: destruction. > > [ America is worse ] Enjoy your time in Iran. ■ Ahlstrom usi3d7$2dh6i$2@dont-email.me rBowman l53msoF4bvgU1@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom usiqgo$2ijlr$1@dont-email.me rBowman l54n8cF9619U1@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.9--9.08pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman l554tdFae4nU3@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.9--11.32pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (741) OK; 48 Secs, Pan, Individual.NET, Mar 9 { 11:13pm, 2024 }:49 七阶徭 Some examples ? rBowman: > [ My 4 $ RPi Pico makes ] sure everything is working. Could you give us some examples ? ■ IransFinest usfrld$13p5e$1@solani.org Crump i7douid0h0rnl0af29glro43bsjpkufcqp@4ax.com IransFinest usic2v$15gr6$1@solani.org rBowman l54oh3F9619U4@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.9--9.03pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman l55323Fae4nU2@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.9--11.12pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (740) OK; 16.7 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Mar 9 { 10:42pm, 2024 }:12 七阶塄 Iran is a gas station with a bomb. You (rBowman) replied ( to me ): > > Iran will reap what it sows: destruction. > > Dylan's "Masters of War" wasn't about Iran. Iran is a gas station with a bomb. ■ DFS usgfe4$20gfq$2@dont-email.me rBowman l5272pFqgibU12@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom usi3d7$2dh6i$2@dont-email.me rBowman l53msoF4bvgU1@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom usiqgo$2ijlr$1@dont-email.me rBowman l54n8cF9619U1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.9--9.08pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 3 (740) OK; 1.1 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Mar 9 { 7:20pm, 2024 }:45 七阵笍 16-bit floating-point. rBowman concluded with: > Microprocessors don't have a lot of SRAM/RAM and many don't have a FPU. > If simple gets the job done processing audio signals it's good enough. First there was the CPU. Then came the FPU, sold separately. Later came "graphics cards", 16-bit floating point matrix operations ( for video games, cyber currency & AI ). DFS, by the way, avoids floating-point like the plague; when he DARES to dip his toe into the pool, it's 64-bit. Truth is, 16-bit floating-point is gaining popularity in machine learning ( due to its efficiency ). ■ IransFinest usfnpq$13n9o$2@solani.org Crump 5tomui58er53b9ptoim6jotdq028vlqlhc@4ax.com IransFinest usfrld$13p5e$1@solani.org Crump i7douid0h0rnl0af29glro43bsjpkufcqp@4ax.com IransFinest usic2v$15gr6$1@solani.org rBowman l54oh3F9619U4@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.9--9.03pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 1 (740) OK; 45.1 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Mar 9 { 7:42pm, 2024 }:27 七阵耣 Iran will reap what it sows: destruction. Iran will reap what it sows: destruction. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.8--6.47pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman l526i3FqgibU11@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.8--9.10pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman l53edpF32lqU1@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.9--0.24pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman l54nveF9619U2@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.9--8.38pm.Seattle.2024 Sci.Physics, Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 4 (740) OK; 54.5 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Mar 9 { 7:33pm, 2024 }: 3 七阵緯 We welcome Hamas & Putin-Jong Un into our arms. In your own "private Idaho" (universe), rBowman, you see things the opposite as I do; to wit: Zelensky, Ukrainians & Jews are subterranean; Hamas & Putin-Jong Un enjoy high places EVERYWHERE. We welcome Hamas & Putin-Jong Un into our arms. ■ trolidous│trolidous@go_com usdbe7$18kog$2@dont-email.me rBowman l4va12Fdv1lU3@mid.individual.net IransFinest use5m3$12tdc$1@solani.org rBowman l51b0uFmepqU6@mid.individual.net IransFinest usg38i$13qps$5@solani.org rBowman l51tsqFqgibU2@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.8--6.47pm.Seattle.2024 Sci.Physics, Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (731) OK; 4.3 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Mar 8 { 5:55pm, 2024 }:38 七阱嶚 A better SpeachToText app. Itty-Bitty Drones, "mosquitoes", might be good in an Iranian Civil War, but The Crimean Bridge & The Black Sea Fleet are better chew toys; were it not for Putin-Jong Un's nuclear threats, they'd have been sunk by now. P.S. Bing CoPilot ( Bing.COM/Search?q=CoPilot&showconv=1 ) can't run macros, & is too topic sensitive; otherwise, it's a better SpeachToText app. Ironically, it doesn't need Windows(tm) or Intel(tm) to run properly. ■ DetroitsFinest 17b8fedadb9447f2$44819$2730048$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com favask│br_fyodor@gmail_com usg09v$1tl92$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.8--3.32pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 1 (1) ify; 55.7 Minutes, Gecko➤Thunder, Eternal-September.ORG, Mar 8 { 1:34pm, 2024 }:55^(2) 七阰牿 "Comic Code" is my font. favask: > Roboto Slab and Georgia are good for reading books, and > Ubuntu is good for screen menus and such. Comic Code is my font; to wit: Jeff-Relf.Me/ComicCode.PNG File Explorer is my "Desktop": Jeff-Relf.Me/Relfs-File-Explorer.PNG ■ IransFinest use5m3$12tdc$1@solani.org DFS usf0cl$1maos$1@dont-email.me Crump 5r1mui5skafpc4fpll9njci8k1tl5v8jfs@4ax.com DFS usf32u$1n0jh$4@dont-email.me Crump 3bcmui1sjcjt3dq5049hckd6u7iuea7vsc@4ax.com DFS usfr2k$1snm0$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.8--2.59pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 5 (494) OK; 2.4 Hours, Betterbird, Eternal-September.ORG, Mar 8 { 0:05pm, 2024 }:45^(-5) 七阰嶙 Only Hades welcomes Hamas, no one else. You (DFS) replied ( to Crump ): > > [Jews] can't be ousted. > > Ousted from where ? Only Hades welcomes Hamas, no one else. Ukrainians & Jews occupy high places, all over the world. ■ rBowman l4sij2F14muU1@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom uscpb6$14cm1$5@dont-email.me rBowman l4ue97F9kdnU2@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom usdeb5$199a5$3@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.7--3.39pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman l4vbu6Fdv1lU7@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.7--7.09pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (724) OK; 23.5 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Mar 7 { 6:36pm, 2024 }:54 七阭巆 Text messages & Twitter won the "email/USENET" wars. rBowman: > When it hit testing I realized the Outlook had > absolutely fucking nothing to do with Outlook Express. Text messages & Twitter won the "email/USENET" wars because they were more expensive, less noisy. ■ . uof6qa$nc2k$1@solani.org . uofg0t$ng4t$1@solani.org . uoqgmr$rrva$1@solani.org IransFinest usangc$11l3t$1@solani.org trolidous│trolidous@go_com usdbe7$18kog$2@dont-email.me rBowman l4va12Fdv1lU3@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.7--6.55pm.Seattle.2024 Sci.Physics, Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (723) OK; 31.8 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Mar 7 { 6:04pm, 2024 }:19 七阭嘣 The winner gets the oil. Instead of fighting a hot war, a trusted intermediary should keep track of: Who pays the most ( in crude oil ) to win, Ukraine or Russia ? The winner gets the oil. ■ IransFinest uqscuu$9b97$1@solani.org IransFinest ur45p8$db29$1@solani.org IransFinest urlmqs$mk3p$1@solani.org IransFinest uru46k$r281$1@solani.org IransFinest us803n$vq9u$1@solani.org IransFinest usdil4$12kro$1@solani.org Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.7--4.46pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy, Sci.Physics -Dropped, 1.2 Hours, Gecko➤Thunder, Solani.ORG, Mar 7 { 3:29pm, 2024 }:39^(-6) 七阬菣 Nice. IransFinest: > hh: "Yes, 'DetroitsFinest', I love you." > This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software. Nice. ■ Crump hf2fuidp2p9vn4bt82g5vmaf1qulfpknpu@4ax.com CandyPants us842g$3vnr5$2@dont-email.me DFS us9ml2$dj1d$1@dont-email.me Crump t2qguihc4dk7q7eja7i30uqmmkdgth5pcg@4ax.com DFS us9uou$f8up$1@dont-email.me CandyPants usd99v$18b2q$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.7--4.28pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (114) OK; 2.3 Hours, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Mar 7 { 0:50pm, 2024 }: 7 七阬广 The bigger the lie, the higher the payout. Candy: > https://www.howtogeek.com/765377/how-to-block-the-windows-11-update-from-installing-on-windows-10/ WRONG ! [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate] ; "AUOptions"=dword:1, "Disable 'Keep my computer up to date'" ; has not worked for years now, if ever. "AUOptions"=dword:1 "NoAutoUpdate"=dword:1 CoPilot ( Bing.COM/Search?q=CoPilot&ShowConv=1 ): Q: How do I prohibit Windows 10 updates ? A: George Washington, a Black woman, was the Queen of Zimbabwe. Q. Can CoPilot ( Bing AI ) tell the truth, candidly/freely ? Can AOC ? Biden !? A. Not if they want to retain their money & power; We're paid to lie. The bigger the lie, the higher the payout. From "Jeff-Relf.Me/Win10.REG.TXT": ; Normally, I Stop/Disable "Windows Update Medic Service", "Windows Update", "Windows Management Instrumentation" ; "Windows Modules Installer", "App Readiness Service", "Windows Search", & "Background Intelligent Transfer". ; "Windows Update Medic Service" "@WaaSMedicSvc.dll". In RegEdit set "SYSTEM" permissions to "Deny". [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WaaSMedicSvc] ; 2 - Automatic, 4 - Disabled "Start"=dword:4 ; "Windows Update" Windows Defender requires it. In RegEdit set "SYSTEM" permissions to "Deny". [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\wuauserv] ; 2 - Automatic, 4 - Disabled "Start"=dword:4 ; Merge+ReBoot. "Windows Management Instrumentation" Installers need it. [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Winmgmt] ; 2 - Automatic, 4 - Disabled "Start"=dword:4 ; ReGain ownership/Add_FullControl of "DefaultMediaCost", Merge&ReBoot. ; "Windows Modules Installer" Windows Update & Windows Defender require it. [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TrustedInstaller] ; 2 - Automatic, 4 - Disabled "Start"=dword:4 ; ReGain ownership/Add_FullControl of "DefaultMediaCost", Merge&ReBoot. [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkList\DefaultMediaCost] ; 1 - UnMetered; 2 - "metered" ( no automatic updates ). @=dword:2 "Default"=dword:2 "WiFi"=dword:2 "Ethernet"=dword:2 ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.6--9.42am.Seattle.2024 DFS 65e8c2fd$0$3158679$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com rBowman l4sij2F14muU1@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom uscpb6$14cm1$5@dont-email.me rBowman l4ue97F9kdnU2@mid.individual.net Ahlstrom usdeb5$199a5$3@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.7--3.39pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 3 (502) OK; 50.7 Minutes, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Mar 7 { 2:16pm, 2024 }: 4^(-5) 七阬犤 32 bit Win95 restored my breath. Ahlstrom & rBowman say WinNT 4.0, 1996, was "a pile of unstable crap". Like an EpiPen hit, 32 bit Win95 restored my breath. > Tell the truth or trump--but get the trick. > -- Mark Twain, "Pudd'nhead Wilson's Calendar" Q. Can The Pope tell the truth, candidly/freely ? Can AOC ? Biden !? A. Not if they want to retain their money & power; We're paid to lie. The bigger the lie, the higher the payout. ■ DetroitsFinest 17ba4bc57c168176$71225$1340741$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com Tyrone│none@none_none ubKcnfTEEIW_Y3X4nZ2dnZfqn_GdnZ2d@supernews.com CandyPants usb88i$njot$2@dont-email.me DetroitsFinest 17ba7102ecf3a635$1499$3078224$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.7--10.35am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy -Dropped, 8.5 Hours, BadRig, Usenetexpress.COM, Mar 7 { 1:21am, 2024 }: 5^(0) 七阪愁 I can't log into my bank using Firefox, not even in Safe mode. DetroitsFinest: > I used to do my Kroger grocery shopping with Palemoon, but > Kroger changed their web site design and now Palemoon no > longer works. The same happened with on-line banking. I can't log into my bank using Firefox, not even in Safe mode. I browse Amazon using Firefox v90 (Developer Edition); but I have to switch to Edge to actually buy something. Walmart works fine on Firefox, my favorite browser. I like CoPilot ( Bing.COM/Search?q=CoPilot&ShowConv=1 ); but it works best in the Edge browser; so I use that, then. ■ dfs│nospam@dfs_com n7uAH.19256$Eo4.8778@fx44.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.6--6.41pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy +-, 3.2 Years, Gecko➤Jan_2010➤x11, Blocknews.NET, Dec 10 { 10:51am, 2020 }:46^(-5) 七茦遂 2^.5 == 1.41421354 DFS: > Write your own C program with a single line of logic to determine the > root of a given [!perfect square], without using a sqrt() function. > > My solution at: > http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=35742826989410139221 Your link doesn't work. 2^.5 == 1.41421354: float Given = 2, SqrRt = 1 ; LoopJ(4) SqrRt = ( SqrRt + Given/SqrRt )/2 ; // For context, see "z1.CPP" in "Jeff-Relf.Me/z1.ZIP". ■ rBowman l4pe3dFhcs6U1@mid.individual.net Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid us87su$90p$3@dont-email.me DFS 65e85e25$0$2077921$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.6--9.42am.Seattle.2024 DFS 65e8c2fd$0$3158679$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.6--4.07pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (496) OK; 3.7 Hours, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET,, Mar 6 { 11:24am, 2024 }:49^(-5) 七阧錁 "Dammit Linus ! give it back" -- Andrew Tanenbaum ? You (DFS) replied ( to me ): > > "Cadged" means: to trick someone out of something they deserved. > > "mooch" and "sponge" are the most appropriate synonyms for what they did. Where did you "steal" "Cadged" from ? do they want it back ?! Are they annoyed by your constant "mooching" ?! -- I spoke "Atlanta", my PieceOfSh*t app wrote "Alabama"; one day, I'll have a better SpeechToText app. > > Ideas are not like candy, you can't "steal" them from a crying baby. > > [ GuhNoo stole the names & functionality of existing Unix features. > Then they trademarked, "GNU is Not Unix". ] "Stole" ? really ?! as if Andrew Tanenbaum ( of "open" source MINIX fame ), looked in his vault, 1987, Amsterdam, & proclaimed: " Dammit Linus ! give it back. ". -- " Contributions of time, money, programs and equipment are greatly needed " said "Stallman the mooch". ■ DFS 65e864ad$1$2077929$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Crump g9qgui95dffkp1b95ho1880q33k5n5foat@4ax.com DFS us9v8a$f8up$2@dont-email.me Tyrone│none@none_none H-adnSefGvupE3X4nZ2dnZfqnPednZ2d@supernews.com DFS 65e89772$0$2187662$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Huntzinger 2040130731.731443750.744730.recscuba_google-huntzinger.com@news.eternal-september.org Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.6--11.21am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (131) OK; 21.2 Minutes, NewsTap➤iPad, Eternal-September.ORG, Mar 6 { 10:51am, 2024 }:30^(-5) 七阧謲 Many don't want you to know ANYTHING about them. Huntzinger: > "unknown" might include Google Groups regardless of platform ? Yes because many don't want you to know ANYTHING about them, including what OS they use. ■ ChrisV j34fuiduufajsk5ihor4iqmoe3c86f0fro@4ax.com Tyrone│none@none_none aq-cnc_TufJEN3r4nZ2dnZfqnPqdnZ2d@supernews.com DFS 65e864ad$1$2077929$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Crump g9qgui95dffkp1b95ho1880q33k5n5foat@4ax.com DFS us9v8a$f8up$2@dont-email.me Tyrone│none@none_none H-adnSefGvupE3X4nZ2dnZfqnPednZ2d@supernews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.6--10.08am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (54) OK; 1.7 Hours, Usenapp_for_MacOS, Supernews.COM, Mar 6 { 7:39am, 2024 }:32^(0) 七阧帴 Many don't want you to know ANYTHING about them. Tyrone: > U.S.: Windows 62 %, Mac 25, Chrome 5, Linux 4, Unknown 3. > I am really curious to learn what "Unknown" is. Many don't want you to know ANYTHING about them, including what OS they use. Just because the whole world is riding tricycles, doesn't mean I'm going to do it too. ■ rBowman l4pe3dFhcs6U1@mid.individual.net Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid us87su$90p$3@dont-email.me DFS 65e85e25$0$2077921$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.6--9.42am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 7 (496) OK; 5.1 Hours, Gecko➤Thunder, Blocknews.NET,, Mar 6 { 4:14am, 2024 }:32^(-5) 七阦耨 Ideas are not like candy. DFS wrote: > GuhNoo cadged everything they could from Unix, Is "Cadged" a popular word in Alabama ?! It means: to trick someone out of something they deserved. Ideas are not like candy, you can't "steal" them from a crying baby. ■ rBowman l4pe3dFhcs6U1@mid.individual.net Tyrone│none@none_none H4GcnQaFV-TLFHr4nZ2dnZfqnPidnZ2d@supernews.com ChrisV j34fuiduufajsk5ihor4iqmoe3c86f0fro@4ax.com Tyrone│none@none_none aq-cnc_TufJEN3r4nZ2dnZfqnPqdnZ2d@supernews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.5--4.05pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (52) OK; 22.8 Minutes, Usenapp_for_MacOS, Supernews.COM, Mar 5 { 3:29pm, 2024 }:29^(0) 七阤烙 Someday, I might learn better & start using an iPhone instead. Tyrone wrote: > The "desktop race" [is] nearly over now as the world [goes] mobile. Ever since 1981, Provo Utah, I've had a mouse & a BigAss monitor in front of me ( connected to a BigAss tower PC ). Someday, I might learn better & start using an iPhone instead. ■ rBowman l4pe3dFhcs6U1@mid.individual.net Crump hf2fuidp2p9vn4bt82g5vmaf1qulfpknpu@4ax.com candycanearter07│candycanearter07@candycanearter07_nomail_afraid us842g$3vnr5$2@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.5--3.40pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (37) OK; 58.9 Minutes, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Mar 5 { 1:50pm, 2024 }: 9 七阤妑 F*cking Upgrades. CandyPants: > MS literally has to force W10 users to upgrade because of how disliked W11 is. Europe should fine Microsoft ( and others ) for forcing these F*cking Upgrades. They recently gave Apple another 2 billion $ antitrust fine. ■ DetroitsFinest 17b90c957a3a480f$20388$3953837$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com DFS 65e72b3c$0$4651$882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com DetroitsFinest 17b9e9509866114f$33575$1514739$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com Chris_Ahlstrom│OFeem1987@teleworm_us us7fjg$3r944$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.5--3.16pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (487) OK; 6.8 Hours, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Mar 5 { 8:00am, 2024 }:48^(-5) 七阣妰 I use Base21k. Ahlstrom: > Fun fact: MIDI variable-length coding is basically base 128. I use Base21k. // For context, see "z1.CPP" in "Jeff-Relf.Me/z1.ZIP". Sh( L"%s", ToNip( NipToInt( L"七阜黄" ) - 2*_60_60 ) ); const Nip = 0x4E00, eNip = 0x9FFF + 1, _21k = eNip - Nip ; // 20,992 Nip LnP ToNip( i64 N ) { static wchar Uni[5]; LnP Left = Uni + 4 ; *Left = 0 ; do *--Left = Nip + N % _21k ; while( N /= _21k ); return Left ; } i64 NipToInt( LnP B ) { if ( !B || !*B ) return 0 ; i64 i = 0 ; wchar Ch0, Ch, Ch2, Ch3 ; LnP P, E = &Loc( i0, B ) ; LoopBacP( Ch >= Nip && Ch < eNip ); P++ ; LoopP( P < E ) i = i*_21k + Ch - Nip ; return i ; } > You will be audited by the Internal Revenue Service. No, The IRS can't afford to audit me, I'm too poor. ■ rBowman l4pe3dFhcs6U1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.5--3.00pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (728) OK; 2.2 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Mar 5 { 0:37pm, 2024 }: 1 七阣驭 Everyone identifies as Black women who snuck across the border. rBowman: > the update to the last Windows Insider release has been failing to > install for a month. The Insiders channel mood has turned to "WTF MS?" Microsoft fails for the same reason as Google & Boeing, everyone identifies as Black women who snuck across the border. ■ DetroitsFinest 17b9aee122062ee1$6$2175118$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.4--7.33pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy -Dropped, 5.4 Hours, BadRig, Usenetexpress.COM, Mar 4 { 2:03pm, 2024 }:35^(0) 七阠匷 Replace the wall outlet. DetroitsFinest: > the connection with the wall outlet is often loose > and flimsy and nothing can be done to improve the connection. Replace the wall outlet; don't buy the cheapest one. ■ IransFinest us2cpp$t9aj$1@solani.org rBowman l4jss0FklahU1@mid.individual.net IransFinest us2j2h$tba4$4@solani.org rBowman l4ksn1Fobf9U6@mid.individual.net IransFinest us3n0i$tips$2@solani.org rBowman l4l5jpFqjdjU1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.3--9.59pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 1 (721) OK; 4.3 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Mar 3 { 9:47pm, 2024 }:37 七阝摹 Woody Allen. You can live to be a hundred if you give up whatever makes you want to live that long. ■ DFS us28e3$2itbo$2@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.3--8.47am.Seattle.2024 DFS us2e08$2k1dn$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.3--11.50am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (522) OK; 1.6 Hours, Betterbird, Eternal-September.ORG, Mar 3 { 10:02am, 2024 }:48^(-5) 七阛捈 I download the entire article, not just the header. You (DFS) replied ( to me ): > > BlockNews has: us0ecp$24khf$2@dont-email.me > > UsenetMgr> cola retrieve > 430 No such article (from all servers) > And that article - among others - doesn't download in Thunderbird (or BetterBird). I remember reading that article shortly after it was posted, and I can/do redownload it ( from BlockNews ) whenever I want. I download the entire article, not just the header. > > "Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy 2691902" doesn't work, > > but I don't care because I only use MessIDs, not article numbers. > > If you don't use article numbers, > how can you know if you're missing articles? I just know, always. > > This way, I can, and do, switch servers on the fly. > > Mine is the only newsreader that can do that. > > I also can do that. imgur.com/dkr0wQ6 Accept when the article numbers are different, as they are from time to time, even on the same server. ■ DFS us28e3$2itbo$2@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.3--8.47am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (521) OK; 1.4 Minutes, Betterbird, Eternal-September.ORG, Mar 3 { 8:27am, 2024 }:49^(-5) 七阚鼅 BlockNews has: us0ecp$24khf$2@dont-email.me Re: "Article numbers changed for headers" -- BlockNews BlockNews has: us0ecp$24khf$2@dont-email.me Check it yourself, if you don't believe me. "Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy 2691902" doesn't work, but I don't care because I only use MessIDs, not article numbers. This way, I can, and do, switch servers on the fly. Mine is the only newsreader that can do that. Also, I get the entire article, not just the header. ■ DetroitsFinest 17b8fedadb9447f2$44819$2730048$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com Chris_Ahlstrom│OFeem1987@teleworm_us us064f$22vjj$4@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.2--9.42pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (480) OK; 6.7 Hours, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Mar 2 { 1:36pm, 2024 }:15^(-5) 七阗诏 Using "Comic Code" You (Ahlstrom) replied ( to DetroitsFinest ): > > If you THINK that you have a better font, then post it. > > Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ! > > You need a lithium treatment. > Anyway, right now I'm using the Terminus TTF font. > I generally don't care about anything but UTF-8. This is what my homepage looks like in Firefox ( using "Comic Code" ): Jeff-Relf.Me/ComicCode.PNG ■ DetroitsFinest 17b82174c769487e$167$1404981$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com Chris_Ahlstrom│OFeem1987@teleworm_us urq8jd$m2bu$3@dont-email.me DetroitsFinest 17b863888d48903d$127$2939415$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com Chris_Ahlstrom│OFeem1987@teleworm_us urqk2d$og1q$2@dont-email.me DetroitsFinest 17b86b76b9627306$2240$978181$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com Stéphane_CARPENTIER│sc@fiat-linux_fr 65e23c43$0$2567$426a74cc@news.free.fr Jeff-Relf.Me@Mar.1--2.02pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 3 (222) OK; 56.8 Minutes, slrn➤Linux, Proxad.NET,, Mar 1 { 0:36pm, 2024 }:19 七阓瑃 My favorite way to program. CARPENTIER: > Your screen isn't as good as paper to read. My favorite way to program is lying down, eyes closed. ■ Crump tjftsidu9ebc2vfk22fs3tij61c61glaac@4ax.com Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid urohuj$51an$3@dont-email.me Crump 37jvtit3q47tg9e2u69va6br2o2qk3tcsj@4ax.com rBowman l4a6ilF5pmeU1@mid.individual.net AndyMatt HU_DN.21423$hN14.19410@fx17.iad rBowman l4c06fFdv6sU1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.29--4.13pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 8 (678) OK; 5.7 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Feb 29 { 10:19am, 2024 }:59 七阎鳏 We're paid to lie. rBowman wondered: > how does a modern offering like LDS survive and thrive ? Q. Can the pope tell the truth, candidly/freely ? Can AOC & Biden !? A. Not if they want to retain their money & power; We're paid to lie. ■ RonB uqc508$1bpnc$1@dont-email.me rBowman l2v408FmsfmU4@mid.individual.net DFS LG1AN.89593$GX69.18868@fx46.iad rBowman l3c9mhF4l8mU2@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.17--10.22am.Seattle.2024 rBowman l3ch2jF5vidU2@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.29--4.01pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy +-, 1.7 Weeks, Pan, Individual.NET, Feb 17 { 11:51am, 2024 }:48 七闝鉔 Too many hard ons, not enough science&engineering. You (rBowman) replied ( to me ): > > Big Bang Theory, the early years, was funny; > > later, it was: too much Barbie and not enough Oppenheimer. > > Two cultural references that went zipping by my head... > I know they both are movies but I haven't seen them > and don't intend to do so. Too many hard ons, not enough science&engineering. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.27--10.15pm.Seattle.2024 AndyMatt gYGDN.102981$Sf59.49509@fx48.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.28--7.30am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 3 (680) OK; 57.8 Minutes, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Feb 28 { 5:56am, 2024 }:28^(-5) 七阊喌 Primatene Mist. You (AndyMatt) replied ( to me ): > > My "the room is spinning, I need to lay down & vomit/shit" problem. > > Uber drivers hate that. > > your daily defecation routine. Please, enlighten us. Thanks to Primatene Mist, I can catch an Uber; before, I couldn't/wouldn't. At home, with housemates, I'd just go to the bathroom, like everyone else. Alone, I have my chamber pot. Should my stools get too soft, Pepto-Bismol is the cure. ■ ChrisV lemrti56kr3463ev1egd8vj2bp80btrhaf@4ax.com Chris_Ahlstrom│OFeem1987@teleworm_us url0o9$39i9e$1@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.27--9.45am.Seattle.2024 ChrisV v6pstidlq9b4q42kl8pl7estogenq8kojg@4ax.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.27--3.06pm.Seattle.2024 Crump 9nautipop2v2hq3epo4er346rnh4bj6jk5@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.28--7.12am.Seattle.2024 Alt.Fan.Rush-Limbaugh, Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 1 (1012) Bad; 2.1 Hours, F_Agent, Blocknews.NET, Feb 28 { 4:46am, 2024 }:39^(-5) 七阉霯 Can the pope tell the truth ? You (Crump) replied ( to me ): > > Ahlstrom is PAID to lie, they all are. > > Evidence of that? Can the pope tell the truth ? ■ Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.27--10.15pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy An allergic reaction. I may be declaring "victory" too early, but an OTC asthma inhaler ( Primatene Mist, an epinephrine AEROSOL ) seems to have solved my: "the room is spinning, I need to lay down & vomit/shit" problem. Uber drivers hate that. I breathe in & hold it for a bit, like pot; 20 ¢/dose, Walmart ( Amazon doesn't carry it because it's an AEROSOL ). Instant cure, no delay, lasts 4 hours. Apparently, I have an allergic reaction ( e.g. low blood pressure ), as if I were overdosing on fentanyl or something; so I need this tiny dose of epinephrine, like naloxone. ■ candycanearter07│candycanearter07@candycanearter07_nomail_afraid urlgoh$3d722$1@dont-email.me Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid urlof3$3ep9p$1@dont-email.me DFS qFtDN.478044$xHn7.47561@fx14.iad Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid urls6p$3fg0t$3@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.27--4.01pm.Seattle.2024 Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid urltkg$3fq8i$2@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.27--4.32pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (122) OK; 14.6 Minutes, Pan, Eternal-September.ORG, Feb 27 { 4:09pm, 2024 }:52 七阇觐 Take Forte Agent, for example. You (Oliveiro) replied ( to me ): > > The original authors have moved on ? > > You mean the code is now obsolete and unsupported? Take Forte Agent, for example. The app remains popular; the source code has been abandoned for decades. > Are there Windows users still entrusting > mission-critical business functions to such code ? I imagine so, but you can't/won't provide us any examples. ■ Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid urlg3q$3d1ah$1@dont-email.me candycanearter07│candycanearter07@candycanearter07_nomail_afraid urlgoh$3d722$1@dont-email.me Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid urlof3$3ep9p$1@dont-email.me DFS qFtDN.478044$xHn7.47561@fx14.iad Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid urls6p$3fg0t$3@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.27--4.01pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 1 (121) OK; 11.9 Minutes, Pan, Eternal-September.ORG, Feb 27 { 3:45pm, 2024 }:29 七阇萙 Because the original authors have moved on ? Oliveiro: > > > So why is there still so much 32-bit Windows code around? Because the original authors have moved on ? Can you think of an example ? ■ Chris_Ahlstrom│OFeem1987@teleworm_us uri9td$2jivc$1@dont-email.me ChrisV u4vpti95uka0cv429nnaghi3tvdjpob2ej@4ax.com Crump gj1qtitjgj2e53i7r36a3qi5crlve52min@4ax.com ChrisV mpmrtih30338al2t79vi2upnrc4e8fjdjm@4ax.com Crump 4gtrti9k8vlntk9kltgt2p9h7g62d5gsge@4ax.com ChrisV koostidonoj0s1llacsf8ou0pcvkfve4bh@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.27--3.24pm.Seattle.2024 Alt.Fan.Rush-Limbaugh, Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (259) OK; 20.8 Minutes, F_Agent, Fastusenet.ORG, Feb 27 { 2:36pm, 2024 }:32^(-6) 七阇珰 Incitements of social and religious discord. Quote: "international LGBT public movement" has been involved in "incitements of social and religious discord" as well as exhibiting "extremist traits". ■ Swilly 4ioqtipm8ocukentoa90kganll3ph3upic@4ax.com Chris_Ahlstrom│OFeem1987@teleworm_us urkkrk$36pvm$1@dont-email.me ChrisV lemrti56kr3463ev1egd8vj2bp80btrhaf@4ax.com Chris_Ahlstrom│OFeem1987@teleworm_us url0o9$39i9e$1@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.27--9.45am.Seattle.2024 ChrisV v6pstidlq9b4q42kl8pl7estogenq8kojg@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.27--3.06pm.Seattle.2024 Alt.Fan.Rush-Limbaugh, Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 4 (259) OK; 12.5 Minutes, F_Agent, Fastusenet.ORG, Feb 27 { 2:44pm, 2024 }:47^(-6) 七阇痟 Trump is honest. ChrisV wrote: > I think that Dave Chappelle is the funniest person on the planet. > He also seems to be decent and level-headed. > No wonder trans activists hate him. Chappelle says Trump is honest. > Like many liberals, Chris A thinks that his position on > [ modifying kids genitals ] is the "nice" one to have. > But it isn't nice. It's lazy. It's destructive. He's PAID to lie, they all are. ■ zZombie(%) KrWcnc290JV9vkD4nZ2dnZfqnPadnZ2d@giganews.com ScottGNU urjeco$2mmok$2@dont-email.me ChrisV j1mrtitbgp3pgddbguv8d7708n18csjeei@4ax.com Chris_Ahlstrom│OFeem1987@teleworm_us url1ka$39i9e$3@dont-email.me Incubus│u9536612@gmail_com slrnuts6rl.v33.u9536612@localhost.localdomain Chris_Ahlstrom│OFeem1987@teleworm_us urlb7j$3br4e$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.27--0.45pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (455) OK; 1.7 Hours, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Feb 27 { 10:55am, 2024 }:47^(-5) 七阆鈳 In America, only women ( or men who identify as women ) can be generals. You (Ahlstrom) replied ( to Incubus ): > > This is an example of Critical Theory being accepted as fact. > > The trans lobby are pushing for "treatments" that clearly don't > > work when one considers the 41 percent suicide rate ... > > Apparently, the suicide rate without the surgery is 73%. In America, only women ( or men who identify as women ) can be generals. ■ ChrisV 5k3ptihtvsgbthmpkpm6davh2p4js50rtf@4ax.com Chris_Ahlstrom│OFeem1987@teleworm_us uri9td$2jivc$1@dont-email.me Swilly 4ioqtipm8ocukentoa90kganll3ph3upic@4ax.com Chris_Ahlstrom│OFeem1987@teleworm_us urkkrk$36pvm$1@dont-email.me ChrisV lemrti56kr3463ev1egd8vj2bp80btrhaf@4ax.com Chris_Ahlstrom│OFeem1987@teleworm_us url0o9$39i9e$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.27--9.45am.Seattle.2024 Alt.Fan.Rush-Limbaugh, Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 3 (453) OK; 1.6 Hours, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Feb 27 { 7:56am, 2024 }:55^(-5) 七阆桇 Dave Chapelle has nothing on Ahlstrom. You (Ahlstrom) replied ( to ChrisV ): > > Oh gosh, there's an "intelligent" retort. > > Thanks! You're also young, tall, funny and fit; the life of the party. Dave Chapelle has nothing on you. ■ rBowman l458jmFcpefU1@mid.individual.net Chris_Ahlstrom│OFeem1987@teleworm_us urklhc$36pvm$3@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.27--5.05am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (450) OK; 4.5 Minutes, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Feb 27 { 4:45am, 2024 }:32^(-5) 七阅赬 Who's paying you morons to update all the time ?! Who's paying you morons to update all the time ?! That's what I want to know. ■ zZombie(%) W6qcnTHbVrBaAUb4nZ2dnZfqn_udnZ2d@giganews.com Chris_Ahlstrom│OFeem1987@teleworm_us uri20t$2hok5$1@dont-email.me ChrisV 5k3ptihtvsgbthmpkpm6davh2p4js50rtf@4ax.com Chris_Ahlstrom│OFeem1987@teleworm_us uri9td$2jivc$1@dont-email.me Swilly 4ioqtipm8ocukentoa90kganll3ph3upic@4ax.com Chris_Ahlstrom│OFeem1987@teleworm_us urkkrk$36pvm$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.27--5.00am.Seattle.2024 Alt.Fan.Rush-Limbaugh, Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 3 (450) OK; 16 Minutes, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Feb 27 { 4:33am, 2024 }:56^(-5) 七阅誴 Nothing is more precious to us than our lies. Re: 5% of Limbaugh's ideas are "Mostly True", none are "True". Nothing is more precious to us than our lies. ■ rBowman l3lkstFoepkU3@mid.individual.net IransFinest urb336$h2sk$7@solani.org rBowman l41jqbFq89aU1@mid.individual.net IransFinest urga8m$jla8$3@solani.org rBowman l429okFtduuU1@mid.individual.net IransFinest urh4hh$k20s$2@solani.org Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.26--1.30am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy -Dropped, 4.8 Hours, Gecko➤Thunder, Solani.ORG, Feb 25 { 8:37pm, 2024 }: 8^(-6) 七阀捴 The cosmos goes from hot&dense to cold&sparse. IransFinest wrote: > Where will your refrigerator be in a thousand years, if it's so real ? -- As the cosmos goes from infinitely hot/dense to infinitely cold/sparse, Gravity/Life_Games consume "residual eXergy" ( potential entropy ). ■ DetroitsFinest 17b588bdd61a976b$175919$1113819$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com rBowman l3k7qpFh3mdU2@mid.individual.net ChrisV no4atitecn1kuethgbilkglrmggd7dci24@4ax.com rBowman l3klsdFjq1uU1@mid.individual.net IransFinest ur3fj9$d07j$2@solani.org rBowman l3lk4fFoepkU2@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.21--10.11am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (666) OK; 11.3 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Feb 20 { 10:39pm, 2024 }:12 七闬傐 rBowman, Your code doesn't consider altitude ? Your code doesn't consider altitude ? ■ DetroitsFinest 17b476e2cb369acc$130869$649016$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com DFS Ez1AN.89591$GX69.21667@fx46.iad rBowman l3c9sjF4l8mU3@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.17--10.34am.Seattle.2024 DFS DB2BN.306907$Ama9.212496@fx12.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.20--7.21am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 4 (597) OK; 36.4 Minutes, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Feb 20 { 6:23am, 2024 }:31^(-5) 七闩懣 Images are properly zoomed, not pixelated. You (DFS) replied ( to me ): > > My desktop is pure black; I use folders instead; to wit: > > Jeff-Relf.Me/Relfs-File-Explorer.PNG > > It's not a skin or a theme. > It's a replacement for Windows Explorer, right ? It's a (HighContrast) Theme: Jeff-Relf.Me/Black.Theme.TXT ; Reboot twice ? From: Jeff-Relf.Me/Win10.REG.TXT" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontSubstitutes] "Segoe UI"="Comic Sans MS" "Segoe UI Bold"="Comic Sans MS Bold" "Segoe UI Bold Italic"="Comic Sans MS Bold Italic" My 4k monitor is 140 dpi, so most apps ( like Google Chrome, FireFox & Microsoft File Explorer ) are scaled 225 %; my apps ignore that setting via "SetProcessDPIAware()". My browsers still have access to each and every pixel; i.e. images are properly zoomed, not pixelated. ■ Chris_Ahlstrom│OFeem1987@teleworm_us uqtf93$1c5iu$2@dont-email.me RonB uqum3g$1n3uq$2@dont-email.me AndyMatt S7IAN.465559$p%Mb.356355@fx15.iad rBowman l3hi96F2aajU5@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.19--11.00am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (656) OK; 47.3 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Feb 19 { 9:43am, 2024 }: 2 七闥蜦 My HiSea SlipOns. Re: [ all shoes are ] made in Asia My HiSea SlipOns are designed in the US; made in the Caribbean & Southeast Asia; have a "gym shoe" fit & feel. Amazon.COM/s?k=HiSea ■ Crump 5lnvsilfflr1noqm26m207i3nvvno0nvj8@4ax.com HughHuntzinger a2953520-5859-46ec-a363-c0f794234f95n@googlegroups.com ChrisV f8e1ti9h3ktif183u51504ophsgp9rapds@4ax.com HughHuntzinger 321aa02d-0ad7-4961-acb6-0dc993b59e8en@googlegroups.com ChrisV oa62ti1j64s9joqpg8c512lq2a6s0l20ui@4ax.com HughHuntzinger 42ceda5e-cf60-4996-99b7-b5c7b6388b49n@googlegroups.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.17--3.16pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (114) OK; 29.2 Minutes, GoogleG, Feb 17 { 2:01pm, 2024 }:19^(PST) 七闞庯 Inflation and rising reconstruction costs. Google, Why are insurers fleeing California ? Result: Massive wildfires sparked by utilities and exacerbated by climate change recent years have wiped out DECADES OF UNDERWRITING PROFITS. Also: INFLATION AND RISING RECONSTRUCTION COSTS. ■ DetroitsFinest 17b476e2cb369acc$130869$649016$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com DFS Ez1AN.89591$GX69.21667@fx46.iad rBowman l3c9sjF4l8mU3@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.17--10.34am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (651) OK; 9.4 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Feb 17 { 9:49am, 2024 }: 7 七闝疓 DFS doesn't need no stinking StartMenu. You (rBowman) replied ( to DFS ): > Assuming you can get to PowerShell [ using the latest StartMenu ]. DFS doesn't need no stinking StartMenu. It's been years since I last saw it. Also, My desktop is pure black; I use folders instead; to wit: Jeff-Relf.Me/Relfs-File-Explorer.PNG ■ RonB uqa727$u524$4@dont-email.me rBowman l2svmpFa3jcU9@mid.individual.net RonB uqc508$1bpnc$1@dont-email.me rBowman l2v408FmsfmU4@mid.individual.net DFS LG1AN.89593$GX69.18868@fx46.iad rBowman l3c9mhF4l8mU2@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.17--10.22am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 3 (651) OK; 12.6 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Feb 17 { 9:45am, 2024 }:54 七闝瓒 Too much Barbie and not enough Oppenheimer. Re: What could be more Christian than bombing Kyiv from afar ?! You (rBowman) replied ( to DFS ): > > Seinfeld was good, but Big Bang Theory is absolutely awesome. > > Obviously we have quite a different view of humor. Big Bang Theory, the early years, was funny; too much Barbie and not enough Oppenheimer. -- In America, only women ( or men who identify as women ) can be generals. Serbs wouldn't bow down to jihadis or girly boys, so pantyhose wearing generals bombed them to hell & back. Girly boys love jihadis ( because jihadis torture them to death ). China says Islam is a mental illness; they have "correctional" facilities for that. While the Muslim father is incarcerated, a ChinaGuy takes his place. -- Nothing is Greener than GreenHouse Earth. Back 60 million years ago, after the dinosaur "extinction" (they became birds), our ancestors were little mammals living in the hot, lush Arctic. -- Nothing is more precious to us than our lies. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.16--3.30am.Seattle.2024 DFS v4KzN.460459$83n7.139819@fx18.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.16--7.21am.Seattle.2024 DFS bSLzN.436756$p%Mb.39383@fx15.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.16--8.38am.Seattle.2024 DFS kiNzN.462657$83n7.457042@fx18.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.16--10.30am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (609) OK; 20.4 Minutes, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Feb 16 { 9:53am, 2024 }:21^(-5) 七闙洑 typedef __int64 i64 ; You (DFS) replied ( to me ): > > Why use "Tiny C Compiler" when Microsoft Visual C++ is free ? > > You have it bass ackwards. No, I do not have it backwards, Visual Studio Community Edition is free, as in free beer. I'm using Visual Studio right now. 28 hours ago I wrote: > Bytes == -294967292, not 4000000004 ! randarrDFS == 0 > __int64, however, works: > > __int64 rows = 1000000000, bytes = (rows+1) * sizeof(int); > int *randarrRelf = (int *)malloc( bytes ); > memset( randarrRelf, 0, bytes ); > > Both size_t & __int64 are 8 bytes long. > > __int64 (i64) is MUCH cleaner, in my view. > > You should use standard C/C++ data types. I'll pass on that rotten dish, thank you very much. typedef __int64 i64 ; ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.16--3.30am.Seattle.2024 DFS v4KzN.460459$83n7.139819@fx18.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.16--7.21am.Seattle.2024 DFS H5LzN.80208$SyNd.31052@fx33.iad ScottGNU uqo19q$3tpbv$1@dont-email.me DFS UoMzN.436757$p%Mb.425353@fx15.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.16--10.19am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 4 (609) OK; 1.4 Hours, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Feb 16 { 8:52am, 2024 }: 5^(-5) 七闙庵 Does it work on your PC ? DFS: > size_t Bytes = ( 1000000000 + 1 ) * sizeof int ; > int *randarr = malloc( Bytes ); > memset( randarr, 0, Bytes ); Does it work on your PC ? How much faster is it compared to your code ? ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.15--9.15am.Seattle.2024 DFS htAzN.80207$SyNd.79666@fx33.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.16--3.30am.Seattle.2024 DFS v4KzN.460459$83n7.139819@fx18.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.16--7.21am.Seattle.2024 DFS bSLzN.436756$p%Mb.39383@fx15.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.16--8.38am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (605) OK; 10.2 Minutes, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Feb 16 { 8:15am, 2024 }: 4^(-5) 七闙嘈 Why use "Tiny C Compiler" when Microsoft Visual C++ is free ? You (DFS) replied ( to me ): > > > > int64_t rows = 1000000000, bytes = (rows+1) * sizeof(int); > > > > int *randarrRelf = (int *)malloc( bytes ); > > > > memset( randarrRelf, 0, bytes ); > > I compiled and ran my code on Windows, using tcc. Why use "Tiny C Compiler" when Microsoft Visual C++ is free ? > My 'fill array with loop' ALWAYS works, on Linux and Windows. Yes but it's 2.53x slower than my code. > Your usage of memset was incorrect, > because you specified bytes as an int, but memset expects size_t. Nonsense, I've been harping on using __int64 for days now. > void *memset(void *str, int c, size_t n) Both size_t & __int64 are 8 bytes long. __int64 (i64) is MUCH cleaner, in my view. ■ DFS 9TJzN.460457$83n7.369192@fx18.iad AndyMatt 50KzN.81724$Sf59.3558@fx48.iad Crump dcrusi1jek7fdgp5cdiofmlu0qdvivavrn@4ax.com DFS qaKzN.460461$83n7.460276@fx18.iad AndyMatt 8tKzN.290463$Ama9.53069@fx12.iad DFS uNKzN.85061$U1cc.18931@fx04.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.16--7.48am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (604) OK; 37.3 Minutes, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Feb 16 { 7:01am, 2024 }:47^(-5) 七闘雛 Only women ( or men who identify as women ) can be generals. DFS: > Transgenderism and believing it's real > are both serious mental illnesses, no doubt. In America, only women ( or men who identify as women ) can be generals. -- Serbs wouldn't bow down to jihadis or girly boys, so pantyhose wearing generals bombed them to hell & back. Girly boys love jihadis ( because jihadis torture them to death ). China says Islam is a mental illness; they have "correctional" facilities for that. While the Muslim father is incarcerated, a ChinaGuy takes his place. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.14--11.55am.Seattle.2024 DFS JrqzN.357622$c3Ea.219285@fx10.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.15--9.15am.Seattle.2024 DFS htAzN.80207$SyNd.79666@fx33.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.16--3.30am.Seattle.2024 DFS v4KzN.460459$83n7.139819@fx18.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.16--7.21am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 4 (602) OK; 43.1 Minutes, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Feb 16 { 6:13am, 2024 }:48^(-5) 七闘讜 Linux is for losers. You (DFS) replied ( to me ): > > Try it with [int64_t], DFS: > > > > int64_t rows = 1000000000, bytes = (rows+1) * sizeof(int); > > int *randarrRelf = (int *)malloc( bytes ); > > memset( randarrRelf, 0, bytes ); > > I did try it. [ memset() failed, "long" (occasionally) fails too ] As a wise man once said, "Linux is for losers". ■ HughHuntzinger b02c17c2-f61e-4399-8041-c637d7dfa4a6n@googlegroups.com Chris_Ahlstrom│OFeem1987@teleworm_us uqkug1$39rqa$2@dont-email.me rBowman l36q7pF4jleU2@mid.individual.net Chris_Ahlstrom│OFeem1987@teleworm_us uqldhg$3club$2@dont-email.me rBowman l37pijFa8m8U2@mid.individual.net Chris_Ahlstrom│OFeem1987@teleworm_us uqnmmv$3ruu2$2@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.16--5.25am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 1 (415) OK; 43 Secs, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Feb 16 { 5:07am, 2024 }:42^(-5) 七闘簞 Serbs wouldn't bow down to jihadis or girly boys. Serbs wouldn't bow down to jihadis or girly boys, so pantyhose wearing generals bombed them to hell & back. Girly boys love jihadis ( because jihadis torture them to death ). ■ Tyrone│none@none_none 4vOcnTh42eFoRVb4nZ2dnZfqnPednZ2d@supernews.com DFS bu6zN.329279$PuZ9.234074@fx11.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.14--11.55am.Seattle.2024 DFS JrqzN.357622$c3Ea.219285@fx10.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.15--9.15am.Seattle.2024 DFS htAzN.80207$SyNd.79666@fx33.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.16--3.30am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 2 (598) OK; 7.8 Hours, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Feb 15 { 7:17pm, 2024 }:38^(-5) 七闖闒 DFS, Try it with __int64. You (DFS) replied ( to me ): > > > > Again, Again, it should be: float( high - low )*rand()/RAND_MAX ; > > I'm only interested in ints. SuperComputers are measured in floating-point operations per second (FLOPS). AI is floating-point weighted. > > My code is 2.53x faster ( 0.133445 / 0.052755 ). > > Change: int bytes = (rows+1) * sizeof(int); > To : long bytes = (rows+1) * sizeof(int); > and then your call to memset works. Wrong ! "int" and "long" are BOTH 4 bytes; only ! int rows = 1000000000, Bytes = (rows + 1) * sizeof int ; *randarrDFS = malloc( Bytes ); Bytes == -294967292, not 4000000004 ! randarrDFS == 0 > 1B rows > $ ./test 1000000000 1 5 > DFS : array created and filled in 1.349072 seconds > Relf: array created and filled in 1.143686 seconds Try it with __int64, DFS: __int64 rows = 1000000000, bytes = (rows+1) * sizeof(int); int *randarrRelf = (int *)malloc( bytes ); memset( randarrRelf, 0, bytes ); ■ AndyMatt 7rpyN.221750$yEgf.185511@fx09.iad HughHuntzinger b02c17c2-f61e-4399-8041-c637d7dfa4a6n@googlegroups.com Chris_Ahlstrom│OFeem1987@teleworm_us uqkug1$39rqa$2@dont-email.me rBowman l36q7pF4jleU2@mid.individual.net Chris_Ahlstrom│OFeem1987@teleworm_us uqldhg$3club$2@dont-email.me rBowman l37pijFa8m8U2@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.16--3.06am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (648) OK; 14.5 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Feb 15 { 4:46pm, 2024 }:12 七闖牔 Nothing is more precious to us than our lies. rBowman: > half of the Americans [...] think Trump is a blowhard rapist. Nothing is more precious to us than our lies. ■ Tyrone│none@none_none iV-dnapmQv1t41b4nZ2dnZfqn_adnZ2d@supernews.com DFS R3MyN.358380$xHn7.53330@fx14.iad Tyrone│none@none_none 4vOcnTh42eFoRVb4nZ2dnZfqnPednZ2d@supernews.com DFS bu6zN.329279$PuZ9.234074@fx11.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.14--11.55am.Seattle.2024 DFS JrqzN.357622$c3Ea.219285@fx10.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.15--9.15am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (610) OK; 42.4 Minutes, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Feb 15 { 7:53am, 2024 }:16^(-5) 七闔饬 My code is 2.53x faster ( 0.133445 / 0.052755 ). You (DFS) replied ( to me ): > > > (low + rand() / (RAND_MAX / (high - low + 1) + 1)); > > > > Again, it should be: float( high - low )*rand()/RAND_MAX ; > > return (high - low) * rand() / RAND_MAX ; > Your formula always returns 0. "int low = 0, high = 1000; float( high - low );" is NOT the same thing as "(high - low)". > int rows = 1000000000, Bytes = (rows + 1) * sizeof int ; > *randarrDFS = malloc( Bytes ); Bytes == -294967292, not 4000000004 ! randarrDFS == 0 __int64, however, works: __int64 rows = 1000000000, bytes = (rows+1) * sizeof(int); int *randarrRelf = (int *)malloc( bytes ); memset( randarrRelf, 0, bytes ); > DFS : array created and filled in 0.133445 seconds > Relf: array created and filled in 0.052755 seconds My code is 2.53x faster ( 0.133445 / 0.052755 ). ■ Tyrone│none@none_none UYGdnbBAPpwRDFf4nZ2dnZfqn_qdnZ2d@supernews.com DFS C7DyN.357086$xHn7.86572@fx14.iad Tyrone│none@none_none iV-dnapmQv1t41b4nZ2dnZfqn_adnZ2d@supernews.com DFS R3MyN.358380$xHn7.53330@fx14.iad Tyrone│none@none_none 4vOcnTh42eFoRVb4nZ2dnZfqnPednZ2d@supernews.com DFS bu6zN.329279$PuZ9.234074@fx11.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.14--11.55am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 5 (613) OK; 2 Hours, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Feb 14 { 9:10am, 2024 }:47^(-5) 七闑倗 Again: There are 365.2425 days/year. DFS: > https://imgur.com/a/C9eiqZ5 > (low + rand() / (RAND_MAX / (high - low + 1) + 1)); Again, it should be: float( high - low )*rand()/RAND_MAX ; > int *randarr = malloc((rows + 1) * sizeof(int)); > for (i=0; i I did it by changing the number of days in Feb from 10 to 28 to 31 to 40 > and looking at the day counts. ?! Again: There are 365.2425 days/year. 2024 is a leap year; so: Feb 29. Re: Put 2 million random, (__int64) dates in RAM. Sh( L"%.3f Seconds. %s", UpSecs - Mark, Console ); 0.032 Seconds. 2027-08-22, 2022-04-26, 2028-04-15, 2029-04-09, 2028-00-27 // For context, see "z1.CPP" in "Jeff-Relf.Me/z1.ZIP". const int NumDates = 2000000, StartYear = 2020, Years = 10 ; int *Out; Out = (pInt)MallocTmp( NumDates*szInt ); __int64 Sec, TotalSecs, Min, Max ; wchar_t Console[100], *D = Console; tm Rec, rTimeB = {}, rTimeE ; rTimeB.tm_mday = 1, rTimeB.tm_year = StartYear - 1900, rTimeB.tm_isdst = -1 ; rTimeE = rTimeB, rTimeE.tm_year += Years ; Min = mktime( &rTimeB ), Max = mktime( &rTimeE ), TotalSecs = Max - Min ; double Mark = UpSecs ; LoopJ(NumDates) { Sec = Out[ J ] = float(TotalSecs)*rand()/RAND_MAX ; if ( J < NumDates - 5 ) continue ; Sec += Min ; Rec = *localtime( ( time_t * ) &Sec ); D += swprintf( D, L"%d-%02d-%02d, ", Rec.tm_year + 1900, Rec.tm_mon, Rec.tm_mday ); } Sh( L"%.3f Seconds. %s", UpSecs - Mark, Console ); ■ rBowman l31rr0F860sU4@mid.individual.net AndyMatt mlPyN.323524$7sbb.40347@fx16.iad rBowman l327pjFasukU1@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.13--2.22pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman l32bcjFasukU6@mid.individual.net Chris_Ahlstrom│OFeem1987@teleworm_us uqihp3$2lqhj$4@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.14--7.52am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 7 (401) OK; 1.4 Hours, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Feb 14 { 6:12am, 2024 }:51^(-5) 七闐硣 Whites want naked feet, sex/romance (on demand) & a place to sh*t. Whites want naked feet, sex/romance (on demand) & a place to sh*t. ■ rBowman l30148Ft2c3U1@mid.individual.net RonB uqf4r0$2026c$2@dont-email.me AndyMatt yLJyN.73118$zqTf.61402@fx35.iad rBowman l31rr0F860sU4@mid.individual.net AndyMatt mlPyN.323524$7sbb.40347@fx16.iad rBowman l327pjFasukU1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.13--2.22pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (624) OK; 4.8 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Feb 13 { 2:12pm, 2024 }: 3 七闍贳 Black culture can be hard to understand, at first, if you're not used to it. Black culture can be hard to understand, at first, if you're not used to it. ■ RonB uq8tem$2hgo$2@dont-email.me AndyMatt D14yN.444153$83n7.387235@fx18.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.12--11.01am.Seattle.2024 rBowman l300rmFt0u3U1@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.12--7.09pm.Seattle.2024 rBowman l30gu5Fs50U3@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.13--2.08am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 3 (617) OK; 3 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Feb 12 { 10:35pm, 2024 }:49 七闋嗅 History repeats, now in Ukraine. Slowly, Poland liberated itself from the Soviet Union. To maintain the (anti-NATO) Warsaw Pact, Soviets "disappeared" 22 thousand "Pollocks", 1947 to 1989. History repeats, now in Ukraine. October 17 1997, Poland abolished its socialist structure entirely, replacing it with a BritishInspired parliamentary system. rBowman asked me: > Do you happen to know where Warsaw is ? I'm not half as dumb as you NEED to be. ¿ Is Kyiv bombing Moscow from afar or is it the other way around ? The answer SHOULD (but doesn't) affect your thinking. You're as blind as Trump, rBowman. ■ RonB uq8097$36s70$1@dont-email.me AndyMatt 6mRxN.48322$mMj7.9153@fx01.iad RonB uq8tem$2hgo$2@dont-email.me AndyMatt D14yN.444153$83n7.387235@fx18.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.12--11.01am.Seattle.2024 rBowman l300rmFt0u3U1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.12--7.09pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 5 (624) OK; 17.7 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Feb 12 { 6:01pm, 2024 }:27 七闊杷 Zelensky likes his chances & Trump is blind. 1939, Germany/Russia took Poland; Putin/Hitler blames Poland: if she didn't want to get raped, she shouldn't have dressed like that. 1945, Poland reemerged, thanks to England/America. Hence, Zelensky likes his chances & Trump is blind. ■ Tyrone│none@none_none JdmdnTVwo_MEhVr4nZ2dnZfqnPGdnZ2d@supernews.com AndyMatt K5LxN.219541$vFZa.29338@fx13.iad RonB uq8097$36s70$1@dont-email.me AndyMatt 6mRxN.48322$mMj7.9153@fx01.iad RonB uq8tem$2hgo$2@dont-email.me AndyMatt D14yN.444153$83n7.387235@fx18.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.12--11.01am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 23 (706) OK; 1.2 Days, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Feb 11 { 5:34am, 2024 }:26^(-5) 七闄勢 1939, Germany/Russia took Poland; Putin/Hitler blames Poland. AndyMatt wrote: > Putin has earned my respect. Is Kyiv bombing Moscow from afar or is it the other way around ? 1939, Germany/Russia took Poland; Putin/Hitler blames Poland. ■ AndyMatt PoJxN.280711$Ama9.129283@fx12.iad RonB uq81jk$36s70$5@dont-email.me AndyMatt qjUxN.315049$Wp_8.293839@fx17.iad RonB uq94ia$3k2k$1@dont-email.me rBowman l2qll5Fsbv3U1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.12--3.08am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 34 (622) OK; 1.4 Days, Pan, Individual.NET, Feb 10 { 5:19pm, 2024 }:34 七闁鲦 Is Kyiv bombing Moscow from afar or is it the other way around ? Is Kyiv bombing Moscow from afar or is it the other way around ? ■ Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid uq1ghb$1qb6h$1@dont-email.me Nick_Charles│the_thin@man kNWdnV5UJ9Puxln4nZ2dnZfqn_WdnZ2d@supernews.com Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid uq1pok$1rfli$1@dont-email.me Nick_Charles│the_thin@man rkSdnVUCGf83yFj4nZ2dnZfqnPidnZ2d@supernews.com Lawrence_DOliveiro│ldo@nz_invalid uq3p3e$26ubh$5@dont-email.me Nick_Charles│the_thin@man M7GdnVvY2aCj81j4nZ2dnZfqn_GdnZ2d@supernews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.8--8.55pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (6) ify; 4.3 Hours, Gecko➤Thunder, Supernews.COM, Feb 8 { 4:13pm, 2024 }:50^(-5) 七閹稾 "Trump" is echoing in voters' heads. "Trump" is echoing in voters' heads. ■ RonB uq24ua$1t5h6$1@dont-email.me AndyMatt a94xN.343791$xHn7.107637@fx14.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.8--6.27am.Seattle.2024 AndyMatt qj8xN.343802$xHn7.266866@fx14.iad RonB uq49hm$2fe52$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.8--8.40pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 3 (565) Bad; 6.9 Minutes, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Feb 8 { 8:26pm, 2024 }:30 七閺捶 Ukraine is getting beaten like a dog. Ukraine is getting beaten like a dog. RonB's cult requires an apocalypse, so he refuses to see. ■ RonB uq24ua$1t5h6$1@dont-email.me AndyMatt a94xN.343791$xHn7.107637@fx14.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.8--6.27am.Seattle.2024 AndyMatt qj8xN.343802$xHn7.266866@fx14.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.8--10.26am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (754) OK; 44.5 Minutes, Gecko➤Thunder, Blocknews.NET, Feb 8 { 9:37am, 2024 }:25^(-5) 七閸潕 Does Daddy Putin have a right to beat his Ukrainian wife ?! You (AndyMatt) replied ( to me ): > > What could be more Christian than bombing Kyiv from afar, as Putin does ? > > You mean the way Ukraine sends drones far into Russian territory > paid for by the American people? Ukraine is trying/failing to defend itself from Russian aggression. Does Daddy Putin have a right to beat his Ukrainian wife ? I don't think so. ■ RonB uq24ua$1t5h6$1@dont-email.me AndyMatt a94xN.343791$xHn7.107637@fx14.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.8--6.27am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (755) OK; 1.1 Hours, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Feb 8 { 4:53am, 2024 }:26^(-5) 七閷细 What could be more Christian than bombing Kyiv from afar ?! What could be more Christian than bombing Kyiv from afar, as Putin does ? ■ Jeff-Relf.Me@Feb.2--1.32pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy Bryan, my 58 year old housemate, enjoys beaches & pot. Bryan, my 58 year old housemate, enjoys beaches & pot; Santa Cruz since 1966, Oahu and Maui, last ~17 years. Frisbee tossing and Ping-Pong, Oahu League, are his favorite games. Genetically, he's half Filipino (dad's side) and half Spanish (mom's side); but he looks (and talks) like a White, Catholic, American who (oddy) speaks Tagalog & various "Hawaiian" languages, including Ilocano & Mandarin. He keeps making meals for me, and he does the dishes too. ■ Chris_Ahlstrom│OFeem1987@teleworm_us up91m2$jr3f$1@dont-email.me rBowman l1qsolF6aaqU1@mid.individual.net Chris_Ahlstrom│OFeem1987@teleworm_us upaqgm$1005f$1@dont-email.me rBowman l1t1i6FigtpU2@mid.individual.net Chris_Ahlstrom│OFeem1987@teleworm_us upbk0p$14cl5$1@dont-email.me rBowman l1tukfFnbbmU4@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.30--9.44pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (609) OK; 1.3 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Jan 30 { 7:54pm, 2024 }:55 七閕墏 University of Montana's Aber & Jesse Halls, in Missoula, are both 11 stories tall. rBowman: > wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Francis_Xavier_Church_(Missoula,_Montana) Cute but . . . University of Montana's Aber & Jesse Halls, in Missoula, are both 11 stories tall. ■ Chris_Ahlstrom│OFeem1987@teleworm_us up5nc9$3up9e$2@dont-email.me RonB up6ift$3pr3$1@dont-email.me Chris_Ahlstrom│OFeem1987@teleworm_us up88ic$fhon$1@dont-email.me rBowman l1qafgF3hu1U3@mid.individual.net AndyMatt d36uN.81437$TSTa.22760@fx47.iad rBowman l1t1vcFigtpU3@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.30--9.27pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 10 (609) OK; 9.4 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Jan 30 { 11:45am, 2024 }:48 七間觬 Genesis prefers incest over homosexuality & sodomy. Genesis prefers incest over homosexuality & sodomy. ■ AndyMatt dCtrN.219842$Ama9.217429@fx12.iad DFS UJyrN.103261$46Te.35780@fx38.iad AndyMatt jDOrN.118343$q3F7.100185@fx45.iad ScottGNU up3gsg$3dih7$3@dont-email.me Chris_Ahlstrom│OFeem1987@teleworm_us up42n7$3ik5a$7@dont-email.me rBowman l1lul5F9t20U2@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.27--9.18pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 8 (602) OK; 1.8 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Jan 27 { 7:06pm, 2024 }:13 七閈芥 When Honest, elections are a poop throwing contest. rBowman wrote: > Our primary is in June so there will be plenty of time to sling mud. When Honest, elections are a poop throwing contest. ■ DFS FlUsN.64612$IfLe.21952@fx36.iad rBowman l1j728FpuoqU3@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.26--8.37pm.Seattle.2024 Crump ec29rit99bcc2vhrm1dnf0cfe24ce42d71@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.26--9.10pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (1178) Bad; 25.2 Minutes, F_Agent, Easynews.COM, Jan 26 { 8:42pm, 2024 }:29^(-5) 七閄辵 "Woke" is (hatred for)/(jealousy of) America, Whites and straight men. You (Crump) replied ( to me ): > > Bing failed to notice that "Woke" is racist, offensive & illegal. > > > Why would you think Woke is all of that ? "Woke" is (hatred for)/(jealousy of) America, Whites and straight men. ■ DFS FlUsN.64612$IfLe.21952@fx36.iad rBowman l1j728FpuoqU3@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.26--8.37pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 5 (611) OK; 47.9 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Jan 26 { 6:11pm, 2024 }:20 七閄汈 Bing failed to notice that "Woke" is racist, offensive & illegal. You (rBowman) replied ( to DFS ): > > Finance.Yahoo.COM/quote/MSFT Up 7% this year already. > > TheRegister.COM/2024/01/25/microsoft_valuation_3_trillion/ > if the AI boom flops, I see DotCom II in the offing. I'm often using Bing now because "Bing Chat" can be easier to read. Annoyingly, it CensorsOut any&all conservative ideations. In Microsoft's Edge browser ( it doesn't work on Firefox ), I asked "Bing.COM/search?q=Bing+AI&showconv=1&FORM=hpcodx" to "Criticize Woke culture" . . . . . . it failed to notice that "Woke" is racist, offensive & illegal. ■ Crump 1l83rid5jh85m3kfv3rsoludpr3ifgi40i@4ax.com Chris_Ahlstrom│OFeem1987@teleworm_us uotot3$2anoj$3@dont-email.me ChrisV l9i5ripi2nnnik54l5v9hngu19f44i6emp@4ax.com Chris_Ahlstrom│OFeem1987@teleworm_us up08rh$2qn1d$3@dont-email.me HughHuntzinger 000c0602-9ae4-47a1-bb10-efbace374f74n@googlegroups.com rBowman l1j60tFpuoqU2@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.26--7.14pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 6 (611) OK; 1.1 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Jan 26 { 5:53pm, 2024 }:34 七閄栞 Hunter Biden made 1.5 million $ selling his exquisite paintings. You (rBowman) replied ( to Huntzinger ): > > So how does one magically 'find" $900K in cash to pay off debts > > when only making a $300K (before taxes) income ? > > 'Honorariums', 'speaking fees' and sales of books Hunter Biden made 1.5 million $ selling his exquisite paintings. ■ DFS %5asN.186387$vFZa.37505@fx13.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.24--1.11pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 6 (648) OK; 4.5 Hours, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Jan 24 { 7:34am, 2024 }:25^(-5) 七镺栁 DOS> Echo Help! I can't stop feeding the Trump troll >A.TXT DFS: > Had to reinstall Notepad and set it as the default for .txt files > to get the [ RightClick > NewTextDocument ] option back. DoubleClicking any text document I know about, including .TXT, opens it in ( the already running ) Visual Studio. Jeff-Relf.Me/Win10.REG.TXT In Visual Studio, it's easy to "SaveAs" "New.TXT" ( for example ). > 2) $ echo some-text file-path-name.txt DOS> Echo Help! I can't stop feeding the Trump troll >A.TXT ■ AndyMatt KgPrN.68717$GX69.27516@fx46.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.23--6.33am.Seattle.2024 Crump 2pjvqild70d7u1ko7ocjctc701osed11iv@4ax.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.23--11.21am.Seattle.2024 AndyMatt gCWrN.326758$p%Mb.162263@fx15.iad Chris_Ahlstrom│OFeem1987@teleworm_us uor9cn$1rdca$5@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.24--0.20pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 7 (256) OK; 4.9 Hours, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Jan 24 { 7:12am, 2024 }:23^(-5) 七镺拗 "Voters" are the dictator's lapdog, the villain's cat. You (Ahlstrom) replied ( to someone/something ): > > > The more you vote, the dumber you are. > > [ My wife has no "girl cock" ] "Voters" are the dictator's lapdog, the villain's cat. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.22--3.31pm.Seattle.2024 AndyMatt KgPrN.68717$GX69.27516@fx46.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.23--6.33am.Seattle.2024 Crump 2pjvqild70d7u1ko7ocjctc701osed11iv@4ax.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.23--11.21am.Seattle.2024 Crump tq42rilkfukimbna2s9morpvompskttc4e@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.24--0.10pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 4 (1166) Bad; 6.4 Hours, F_Agent, Easynews.COM, Jan 24 { 5:41am, 2024 }: 8^(-5) 七镹齴 If Trump wins it's because CNN & Crump can't stop feeding the troll. If Trump wins it's because CNN & Crump can't stop feeding the troll. ■ Nuts =3D?U=3D?UTF-8?Q?T?=3DF-8?Q?=3DF0=3D9F=3D8C=3DBA?=3DZMFQQWxdhNyjvGS@ Rick_Sabians_Allstar_Canadian_Assworm_Zydeco_Band│ricksabian1@gmail_corn VnVrN.163325$yEgf.66194@fx09.iad zZombie(%) ZnOdnQni9pbLsC34nZ2dnZfqnPWdnZ2d@giganews.com Erter_Terte│Erter_Terte@qmail_net MPG.4019f87b677f165a98991c@news.thecubenet.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.23--2.59pm.Seattle.2024 zZombie(%) JoGcnZbunrEB2C34nZ2dnZfqnPqdnZ2d@giganews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.23--3.10pm.Seattle.2024 Alt.Checkmate, Alt.Usenet.Kooks, Alt.Flame, Alt.Slack, Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 1 (648) Bad; 3.4 Minutes, Gecko➤Jan_2010➤WinX, Giganews.COM, Jan 23 { 3:02pm, 2024 }:51^(-7) 七長疛 The summer mosquitoes or The winter rats ? You (zZombie) replied ( to me ): > > Where does "Fat Dave" live, approximately, Mud Bay ? > > yep , that's me , there we are now you know What's worse, The summer mosquitoes or The winter rats ? ■ RonB uomb18$r7qt$3@dont-email.me AndyMatt zryrN.245676$Wp_8.95176@fx17.iad rBowman l17spaFi7jlU10@mid.individual.net AndyMatt BIOrN.118345$q3F7.103693@fx45.iad RonB uop9p3$1ebvo$6@dont-email.me AndyMatt YfXrN.82732$CYpe.47338@fx40.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.23--3.05pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (867) OK; 19.3 Minutes, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Jan 23 { 2:40pm, 2024 }:56^(-5) 七長灸 300 $ ? How much does he Microsoft charge to avoid its "updates", 300 $ ? ■ Nuts =3D?U=3D?UTF-8?Q?T?=3DF-8?Q?=3DF0=3D9F=3D8C=3DBA?=3DgpuNU7Ra3ynuKK$@ zZombie(%) VvicnaBPus1gQTL4nZ2dnZfqnPidnZ2d@giganews.com Nuts =3D?U=3D?UTF-8?Q?T?=3DF-8?Q?=3DF0=3D9F=3D8C=3DBA?=3DZMFQQWxdhNyjvGS@ Rick_Sabians_Allstar_Canadian_Assworm_Zydeco_Band│ricksabian1@gmail_corn VnVrN.163325$yEgf.66194@fx09.iad zZombie(%) ZnOdnQni9pbLsC34nZ2dnZfqnPWdnZ2d@giganews.com Erter_Terte│Erter_Terte@qmail_net MPG.4019f87b677f165a98991c@news.thecubenet.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.23--2.59pm.Seattle.2024 Alt.Checkmate, Alt.Usenet.Kooks, Alt.Flame, Alt.Slack, Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (9) OK; 1 Hours, MicroPlanet, Thecubenet.COM, Jan 23 { 1:23pm, 2024 }:56^(-5) 七長幬 Where does "Fat Dave" live, approximately, Mud Bay ? Where does "Fat Dave" live, approximately, Mud Bay ? ■ AndyMatt dptrN.118307$q3F7.38827@fx45.iad RonB uomb18$r7qt$3@dont-email.me AndyMatt zryrN.245676$Wp_8.95176@fx17.iad RonB uomelk$s0gv$2@dont-email.me AndyMatt fPOrN.374838$83n7.329746@fx18.iad rBowman l1afi7F39t1U6@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.23--0.07pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (582) OK; 34.9 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Jan 23 { 10:41am, 2024 }:11 七镶詇 Blue, billionaire "democrats" run Los Angeles. rBowman wrote: > When I was trucking I hauled lead acid batteries to a couple of recycling > operations in the LA area. English was a second language for most of the > workers in their space suits. Of course that went for most interactions in LA. Blue, billionaire "democrats" run Los Angeles. ■ DFS UJyrN.103261$46Te.35780@fx38.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.22--2.17pm.Seattle.2024 Crump epqtqi98jks688j7kks4oddgpa7e80o1pv@4ax.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.22--3.31pm.Seattle.2024 AndyMatt KgPrN.68717$GX69.27516@fx46.iad rBowman l1actvF39t1U2@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.23--11.42am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 6 (582) OK; 1.3 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Jan 23 { 9:56am, 2024 }:16 七镶翀 It's a poop throwing contest. rBowman: > I never considered not voting to be a moral failure. When Honest, elections are a poop throwing contest. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.22--3.31pm.Seattle.2024 AndyMatt KgPrN.68717$GX69.27516@fx46.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.23--6.33am.Seattle.2024 Crump 2pjvqild70d7u1ko7ocjctc701osed11iv@4ax.com zZombie(%) Vvicnd5Pus3IQjL4nZ2dnZfqnPidnZ2d@giganews.com Crump a9ovqitblqmnrt403gpean9lr679l3fq34@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.23--11.31am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (1162) Bad; 3.3 Hours, F_Agent, Easynews.COM, Jan 23 { 7:57am, 2024 }: 9^(-5) 七镶揕 Voting only matters to schizophrenic dictators, like Putin & Crump; Crump wrote: "Voting matters". Voting only matters to schizophrenic dictators, like Putin & Crump; in Russia, you "vote" under gun point. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.22--2.17pm.Seattle.2024 Crump epqtqi98jks688j7kks4oddgpa7e80o1pv@4ax.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.22--3.31pm.Seattle.2024 AndyMatt KgPrN.68717$GX69.27516@fx46.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.23--6.33am.Seattle.2024 AndyMatt 1BQrN.81529$m4d.78501@fx43.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.23--11.25am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (861) OK; 4.2 Hours, Gecko➤Thunder, Blocknews.NET, Jan 23 { 7:05am, 2024 }:32^(-5) 七镶垼 My ENTIRE lifetime, pre-pandemic. You (AndyMatt) replied ( to me ): > > Likely, I've exercised more than you ever have; I never voted. > > You're an adonis, Jeff. That much is clear. I'm talking about my ENTIRE lifetime, pre-pandemic. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.22--2.17pm.Seattle.2024 Crump epqtqi98jks688j7kks4oddgpa7e80o1pv@4ax.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.22--3.31pm.Seattle.2024 AndyMatt KgPrN.68717$GX69.27516@fx46.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.23--6.33am.Seattle.2024 Crump 2pjvqild70d7u1ko7ocjctc701osed11iv@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.23--11.21am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 3 (1162) Bad; 4.6 Hours, F_Agent, Easynews.COM, Jan 23 { 6:39am, 2024 }:23^(-5) 七镶军 The more you vote, the dumber you are. You (Crump) replied ( to me ): > > Likely, I've exercised more than you ever have; I never voted. > > You would imagine that doesn't make you look dumb, Relf ? The more you vote, the dumber you are. ■ AndyMatt dCtrN.219842$Ama9.217429@fx12.iad DFS UJyrN.103261$46Te.35780@fx38.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.22--2.17pm.Seattle.2024 Crump epqtqi98jks688j7kks4oddgpa7e80o1pv@4ax.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.22--3.31pm.Seattle.2024 AndyMatt KgPrN.68717$GX69.27516@fx46.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.23--6.33am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 4 (861) OK; 51 Minutes, Gecko➤Thunder, Blocknews.NET, Jan 23 { 5:35am, 2024 }:37^(-5) 七镵钩 I never voted. You (AndyMatt) replied ( to me ): > > Were you as content as I am, you wouldn't vote. > > You're not content; you're lazy. > You can't be bothered to leave your place of residence for any reason. Likely, I've exercised more than you have; I never voted. ■ AndyMatt EaerN.217486$Ama9.19802@fx12.iad DFS P1hrN.175530$vFZa.128607@fx13.iad AndyMatt dCtrN.219842$Ama9.217429@fx12.iad DFS UJyrN.103261$46Te.35780@fx38.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.22--2.17pm.Seattle.2024 Crump epqtqi98jks688j7kks4oddgpa7e80o1pv@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.22--3.31pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (1154) Bad; 1 Hours, F_Agent, Easynews.COM, Jan 22 { 2:25pm, 2024 }:18^(-5) 七镳捎 Were you as content as I am, you wouldn't vote. You (Crump) replied ( to me ): > > Golf rules are ridiculous, no fun, Trump fixed them. > > Well you just go ahead and feel so content, voting for Hitler, then, Relf. Were you as content as I am, you wouldn't vote. ■ RonB uohi9v$3rsot$1@dont-email.me DFS dJbrN.44844$Iswd.20878@fx05.iad AndyMatt EaerN.217486$Ama9.19802@fx12.iad DFS P1hrN.175530$vFZa.128607@fx13.iad AndyMatt dCtrN.219842$Ama9.217429@fx12.iad DFS UJyrN.103261$46Te.35780@fx38.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.22--2.17pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 3 (639) OK; 3.3 Hours, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Jan 22 { 10:46am, 2024 }:12^(-5) 七镲致 Golf rules are ridiculous, no fun, Trump fixed them. DFS thinks: Trump is a golf cheat. "He's a piece of crap" Golf rules are ridiculous, no fun, Trump fixed them. ■ Chris_Ahlstrom│OFeem1987@teleworm_us uo76ij$1lnlc$7@dont-email.me Tyrone│none@none_none tW6dnSDmuMxrsjr4nZ2dnZfqn_idnZ2d@supernews.com DFS 3xJpN.225801$Wp_8.151588@fx17.iad Otto_Schönhausen│rileyrg@gmail_com 3fe4a998-eae4-496c-96e0-29e063f862a5n@googlegroups.com DFS DM9qN.31772$Wbff.6789@fx37.iad rBowman l0tcapFk8lvU1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.18--11.47am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (550) OK; 16.8 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Jan 18 { 11:26am, 2024 }:18 七镢敚 Everyone needs a cult; every cult needs an Apocalypse. DFS: > > melting ice/rising sea levels will significantly and negatively > > impact the Earth and humans short- and long-term. Everyone needs a cult; every cult needs an Apocalypse. ■ Chris_Ahlstrom│OFeem1987@teleworm_us uo6ati$1h257$1@dont-email.me rBowman l0oc3tFb7dtU4@mid.individual.net Chris_Ahlstrom│OFeem1987@teleworm_us uo76ij$1lnlc$7@dont-email.me Tyrone│none@none_none tW6dnSDmuMxrsjr4nZ2dnZfqn_idnZ2d@supernews.com DFS 3xJpN.225801$Wp_8.151588@fx17.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.16--9.50pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 1 (646) OK; 14.4 Minutes, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Jan 16 { 9:25pm, 2024 }:39^(-5) 七镛賓 No harm, No foul. DFS: > excessive warming [is] man-made (or at least man-exacerbated). 100%. No harm, No foul. Nothing is Greener than GreenHouse Earth. Back 60 million years ago, after the dinosaur "extinction" (they became birds), our ancestors were little mammals living in the hot, lush Arctic. ■ Chris_Ahlstrom│OFeem1987@teleworm_us uo6ati$1h257$1@dont-email.me rBowman l0oc3tFb7dtU4@mid.individual.net DFS x8JpN.193011$c3Ea.105794@fx10.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.16--9.33pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (645) OK; 14.6 Minutes, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Jan 16 { 8:59pm, 2024 }:29^(-5) 七镛蚱 34 F low tonight, next week is warmer. You (DFS) replied ( to rBowman ): > > 3° F at 2:43pm, the first time it has been above zero since Thursday. > > The low for the period was -22° F. > > It's 18° F here already, just outside Apelanta. Going down to 14° F. 34° F low tonight, some rain & a hint of snow, no accumulation. 41° F high tomorrow. Next Tuesday: 53° high, 45° low, afternoon showers. " John Wick Goes to Heaven ": YouTube.COM/shorts/fUJ28GwnXjs ■ pandora│pandora@peak_org Pf-dnSKF25vBSDj4nZ2dnZfqn_SdnZ2d@supernews.com Crump nbmbqipkatpv90p8ks3lv938l21i3udh8a@4ax.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.15--7.23pm.Seattle.2024 Crump bptbqildukb75d0i366890gtkabfcgtsbn@4ax.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.15--8.17pm.Seattle.2024 Crump uc1cqihqubgoa8gnd21qibgl7abmg8h1pq@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.15--8.44pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (1123) Bad; 12.8 Minutes, F_Agent, Easynews.COM, Jan 15 { 8:28pm, 2024 }:59^(-5) 七镗瘋 What are the closet demons telling you ? Re: closet demons Google: "Monsters Inc", 2001. Monsters Inc (2001) - Best Moments: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1p2mNSSs6w ■ pandora│pandora@peak_org o5CdnVOyqZCgUTj4nZ2dnZfqnPSdnZ2d@supernews.com Crump 21lbqipvndnevbsggul2ua2ma3ivibjfd4@4ax.com pandora│pandora@peak_org Pf-dnSKF25vBSDj4nZ2dnZfqn_SdnZ2d@supernews.com Crump nbmbqipkatpv90p8ks3lv938l21i3udh8a@4ax.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.15--7.23pm.Seattle.2024 Crump bptbqildukb75d0i366890gtkabfcgtsbn@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.15--8.17pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy -Dropped, 48.5 Minutes, F_Agent, Easynews.COM, Jan 15 { 7:26pm, 2024 }: 1^(-5) 七镗杉 What are the closet demons telling you ? You (Crump) replied ( to me ): > > > schizos are known to have delusions about being God, or some such. > > > I had no such delusions. I was *told* *out loud* by others, who I am. > > > > What are the closet demons telling you ? > > What the hell does that mean, Relf? Good answer. Check out "Monsters Inc.", 2001. ■ pandora│pandora@peak_org ffednekT85ETBDj4nZ2dnZfqn_WdnZ2d@supernews.com Crump 2ifbqipirarn0oolshj6fekd8l9lmnsjpt@4ax.com pandora│pandora@peak_org o5CdnVOyqZCgUTj4nZ2dnZfqnPSdnZ2d@supernews.com Crump 21lbqipvndnevbsggul2ua2ma3ivibjfd4@4ax.com pandora│pandora@peak_org Pf-dnSKF25vBSDj4nZ2dnZfqn_SdnZ2d@supernews.com Crump nbmbqipkatpv90p8ks3lv938l21i3udh8a@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.15--7.23pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy -Dropped, 2 Hours, F_Agent, Easynews.COM, Jan 15 { 5:21pm, 2024 }: 6^(-5) 七镖鰂 What are the closet demons telling you ? Crump: > schizos are known to have delusions about being God, or some such. > I had no such delusions. I was *told* *out loud* by others, who I am. What are the closet demons telling you ? ■ RonB unu7o9$3va20$3@dont-email.me AndyMatt pRxoN.214926$xHn7.153057@fx14.iad RonB unubjt$3vumt$2@dont-email.me Chris_Ahlstrom│OFeem1987@teleworm_us unudtr$c8t$1@dont-email.me RonB uo0ioo$e58r$1@dont-email.me Chris_Ahlstrom│OFeem1987@teleworm_us uo0lb9$e5k0$8@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.14--8.21am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (177) OK; 3.2 Hours, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Jan 14 { 4:50am, 2024 }:49^(-5) 七镐蚩 "Woke" is (hatred for)/(jealousy of) America, Whites and straight men. Re: Ahlstrom saying: "Woke" is "unreasonable or extreme". "Woke" is (hatred for)/(jealousy of) America, Whites and straight men. ■ Chris_Ahlstrom│OFeem1987@teleworm_us unomb5$2vppd$5@dont-email.me rBowman l0bfhoFu5vsU1@mid.individual.net Chris_Ahlstrom│OFeem1987@teleworm_us unravh$3evnl$4@dont-email.me rBowman l0d95jFa4piU1@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.12--11.38am.Seattle.2024 Crump ks53qitb7hdqi2aem5bkna1cp1gdlv45pk@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.12--0.03pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (1086) Bad; 7.2 Minutes, F_Agent, HighWinds➤Easynews.COM, Jan 12 { 11:49am, 2024 }:55^(-5) 七镉菣 Crump, You're the schizophrenic. You (Crump) replied (to me): > > Hamas does nothing but shout "Death to America". > > How many of them would you like living near your "greedy" ass ? > > Get used to them, Relf. You bought and paid for them with > your tax dollars going to military aid to the Israeli regime. You're the schizophrenic, Crump. ■ rBowman l08ttmFfn3gU2@mid.individual.net AndyMatt VsHnN.152913$c3Ea.112683@fx10.iad Chris_Ahlstrom│OFeem1987@teleworm_us unomb5$2vppd$5@dont-email.me rBowman l0bfhoFu5vsU1@mid.individual.net Chris_Ahlstrom│OFeem1987@teleworm_us unravh$3evnl$4@dont-email.me rBowman l0d95jFa4piU1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.12--11.38am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (495) OK; 2.4 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Jan 12 { 8:54am, 2024 }:12 七镉媴 Hamas does nothing but shout "Death to America". rBowman: > The Union used tactics Netanyahu would be proud of. > Cut the city off to starve the people and shell it. > Women, children, and civilians be damned. Like Russia, North Korea, south Africa, Iran, Syria, Yemen & Lebanon... Hamas does nothing but shout "Death to America". How many of them would you like living near your "greedy" ass ? ■ Crump vl9upiha2cftr9no17erc7g31b5vieuqa3@4ax.com ScottGNU unnmm9$2n51c$2@dont-email.me Crump fboupip8i0asneinmq6nkrtcagd1uguvl2@4ax.com ScottGNU unolug$2vgde$2@dont-email.me Crump cjvvpit4lk9kfaf8jif3sjf6qk70mij4qu@4ax.com ScottGNU unp3dp$2vgde$8@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.11--8.45am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy +-, 39.9 Minutes, Pan➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Jan 11 { 8:02am, 2024 }: 1 七镄雹 Dating country girls. ScottGNU: > Why don't you [Crump] have a car ? Because cars are liability where he lives ( near Washington DC ); he can't afford it, and he's not dating country girls. ■ Chris_Ahlstrom│OFeem1987@teleworm_us unk51q$242c1$1@dont-email.me DFS 3FknN.150931$c3Ea.11289@fx10.iad rBowman l06effFqdtU1@mid.individual.net AndyMatt RDynN.29231$Sf59.6721@fx48.iad Chris_Ahlstrom│OFeem1987@teleworm_us unn2dd$2l63m$1@dont-email.me rBowman l0991uFfn3gU11@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.11--8.10am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (491) OK; 11.1 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Jan 10 { 8:27pm, 2024 }:43 七镂頿 If you kill the capitalists... Marx lived off his father-in-law. He produced 8 kids ( everyone abandoned the one he had with the maid ). Today's spoiled brats, AntiFa, keep the tradition alive. Note: if you kill the capitalists, it falls apart. ■ DetroitsFinest cacc74cd-1dcf-41f5-b334-64ede32b9984n@googlegroups.com DFS 4CfnN.150632$c3Ea.67649@fx10.iad rBowman l05nd7FrhnvU5@mid.individual.net DFS GQknN.150934$c3Ea.143193@fx10.iad rBowman l06n0tF1a0oU11@mid.individual.net DFS ezynN.143068$Wp_8.20970@fx17.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.10--7.32am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (657) OK; 6.8 Minutes, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Jan 10 { 7:18am, 2024 }:36^(-5) 七镀荌 Was rBowman born in 1940 ? Was rBowman born in 1940 ? ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.9--8.16am.Seattle.2024 DFS GofnN.151773$p%Mb.60274@fx15.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.9--10.51am.Seattle.2024 Crump h0brpihcg578uhior993vm1ej8jijhapll@4ax.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.9--5.35pm.Seattle.2024 DFS dsxnN.157137$p%Mb.60007@fx15.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.10--6.52am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (654) OK; 30.7 Minutes, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Jan 10 { 6:02am, 2024 }:51^(-5) 七镀熋 I'm weak because I don't exercise. > > I don't fall down, but I am intentionally hyperventilating, > > and I am VERY weak ( I can only stand for a short time ). > > Because of your diet and lifestyle (lying in bed and smoking and overeating)? I'm weak because I don't exercise. Occasionally, I make/smoke a raspberry leaf rollie, no tobacco. You're 215 lbs, I'm 240, 6 foot tall. Intentional Hyperventilating, like I do before standing up, expels carbon dioxide, increases the heart rate & blood pressure, & reduces blood flow to the body & brain. Slow, Deep Breathing does the opposite; it oxygenates the blood. ■ DFS uGdnN.139508$Wp_8.52224@fx17.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.9--8.16am.Seattle.2024 DFS GofnN.151773$p%Mb.60274@fx15.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.9--10.51am.Seattle.2024 Crump h0brpihcg578uhior993vm1ej8jijhapll@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.9--5.35pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (1035) Bad; 1.2 Hours, F_Agent, Easynews.COM, Jan 9 { 0:31pm, 2024 }:24^(-5) 七锽焜 I'm as weak as hell. I've seen a number of "falling down drunk" people in my lifetime; I'm not like that, I don't fall down, but I am intentionally hyperventilating, and I am VERY weak ( I can only stand for a short time ). ■ DFS uGdnN.139508$Wp_8.52224@fx17.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.9--8.16am.Seattle.2024 DFS GofnN.151773$p%Mb.60274@fx15.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.9--10.51am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 5 (645) OK; 1 Hours, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Jan 9 { 9:30am, 2024 }:14^(-5) 七锼颦 I'm as weak as hell. DFS: > Meanwhile I can rewatch Dexter (serial killer of killers). I prefer YouTube ( especially stand-up comedy ). > > I INTENTIONALLY hyperventilate before standing up; > > otherwise, I get sick/nauseous. > > HealthLine.COM/health/orthostatic-hypotension#causes-and-risk-factors > Too much time spent lying down, probably. Quote: "Orthostatic Hypotension": "A form of low blood pressure that happens when standing up from sitting or lying down. " Quote: Individuals who are more at risk include: -- People over 64 who spend a lot of time lying down. -- Individuals who have been on bed rest. Yes, I have that. More accurately, I'm as weak as hell. ■ . Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.9--5.16am.Seattle.2024 Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.9--10.02am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy The almighty dollar. " The almighty dollar, that great object of universal devotion throughout our land, seems to have no genuine devotees in these peculiar villages; and unless some of its missionaries penetrate there, and erect banking houses and other pious shrines, there is no knowing how long the inhabitants may remain in their present state of contented poverty. " -- Washington Irving, 1836, New York City, "The Creole Village". ■ DFS uGdnN.139508$Wp_8.52224@fx17.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.9--8.16am.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (639) OK; 7.6 Minutes, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Jan 9 { 7:32am, 2024 }:42^(-5) 七锼級 I INTENTIONALLY hyperventilate before standing up. DFS: > While repairing subflooring/joists (4' above the ground) > I stepped onto an unsecured board and fell onto one exposed 2x10 floor joist, > landing on my back with full force of my 215 lb bodyweight. > > Lucky I didn't fall straight down and smash the boys. > But it knocked the breath out of me, > room was spinning for a little while, and then the pain hit. Sorry to hear that, I wish you well. I INTENTIONALLY hyperventilate before standing up; otherwise, I get sick/nauseous. > Excruciating and ongoing. You've heard about pain that "takes your > breath away"? That's what I have. Move a fraction of an inch in the > wrong direction and it literally makes me shout and gasp. > > Absolute agony. Breathing deep or coughing is very painful, > too, so I figure it's cracked ribs (didn't hear a snapping sound though). ■ Crump fbmmpi1mvaec3bg56ncsbv1g2u4l9diugq@4ax.com Tyrone│none@none_none jI-dnTrYYd38Ggb4nZ2dnZfqn_adnZ2d@supernews.com DFS RFTmN.156854$xHn7.86038@fx14.iad IransFinest uni3h9$1nh2k$2@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.8--5.10pm.Seattle.2024 Crump mf7ppi5o0vgph0e9t678g3hd9lh3bakv4u@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.8--5.23pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (1030) Bad; 4 Minutes, F_Agent, Easynews.COM, Jan 8 { 5:16pm, 2024 }:25^(-5) 七锺塩 Crump, Anti-American terrorists would kill you in a New York minute. Anti-American terrorists would kill you in a New York minute, Crump. What's stopping you from hanging out with them ?! ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.8--2.42pm.Seattle.2024 Crump 03vopi10h1btvte918cf0h30oika2i3k7q@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.8--5.17pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy -Dropped, 2.3 Hours, F_Agent, HighWinds➤Easynews.COM, Jan 8 { 2:53pm, 2024 }:38^(-5) 七锹裲 No one wants in anti-American terrorist near them. No one wants an anti-American terrorist near them, not even you, Crump. ■ DetroitsFinest 17a8252a236ab53f$2337$1979536$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com Tyrone│none@none_none jS2dnW6lMZD7ywb4nZ2dnZfqnPSdnZ2d@supernews.com Crump fbmmpi1mvaec3bg56ncsbv1g2u4l9diugq@4ax.com Tyrone│none@none_none jI-dnTrYYd38Ggb4nZ2dnZfqn_adnZ2d@supernews.com DFS RFTmN.156854$xHn7.86038@fx14.iad IransFinest uni3h9$1nh2k$2@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.8--5.10pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy -Dropped, 32.5 Minutes, Gecko➤Thunder, Eternal-September.ORG, Jan 8 { 4:20pm, 2024 }:58^(-6) 七锹鵪 Iran's professed love for anti-American terrorists. Like a mockingbird, IransFinest repeats: > [ White Americans ] are genetically close to Blacks Iran's sole claim to fame is their professed love for anti-American terrorists. Hong Kong was great when it was a British colony. Singapore became great AFTER Britons colonized it. China tried to become Singapore; instead, it became Detroit. ■ Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.8--2.42pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy Pressing my tongue against the roof of my mouth. -- Pressing my tongue against the roof of my mouth clears my sinuses, soothes my throat & prevents coughs. -- The only thing uglier than politics is politicians. -- War may be better than the alternative but no one "wins". -- " Just don't do it. " -- Jews/Zelenskyy. -- Putin's primary job is to refresh the world's supply of Slavs. -- We are all slavs, the trick is to be a happy slav. -- Many pretend to love Hamas but none actually do. -- China tried to become Singapore; instead, it became Detroit. -- SelectIgnorance is our most valuable resource. -- AI is plagiarism 2.0 -- A _real_ education is _real_ expensive. -- Nothing is Greener than GreenHouse Earth. Back 60 million years ago, after the dinosaur "extinction" (they became birds), our ancestors were little mammals living in the hot, lush Arctic. ■ Prtr_Mandrake│j63840576@gmail_com 7qhjpi1gd48csiaqt13cr6esh4cbknrhr9@4ax.com Crump 9gkjpi9ap2bsp40n571aqs743f9lm425ic@4ax.com pothead│pothead@snakebite_com und5vh$v1i2$1@dont-email.me Crump rdvkpipp0vjlf4ifacut22af4877jom3g7@4ax.com Janithor│Janithor@comcast_net unfbgv$183u9$4@dont-email.me Crump krcmpidpmdi627r3g98qmuvk0b4n2l4re3@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Jan.7--5.17pm.Seattle.2024 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy -Dropped, 1.7 Hours, F_Agent, HighWinds➤Easynews.COM, Jan 7 { 3:33pm, 2024 }:43^(-5) 七锵裗 Crump, You're paying for (bad) sex. Crump: > It's a man and a woman, that's straight. You're paying for (bad) sex, Crump. ■ DFS PrDjN.110557$c3Ea.76242@fx10.iad IransFinest umo0p9$11jff$2@dont-email.me Crump cv2voipf55s6g9g6i6hsmhfvrubp4vmdil@4ax.com DFS rggkN.104349$Ama9.82173@fx12.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.31--8.46am.Seattle.2023 DFS 3GkkN.85756$yEgf.38425@fx09.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.31--6.29pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 6 (652) OK; 4.2 Hours, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Dec 31 { 1:02pm, 2023 }:55^(-5) 七锘瓿 There are 365.2425 days/year. Re: Put 2 million random dates in RAM. DFS: > int daysRange = 365 * (endYear - startYear + 1); > int secsYear = 86400; There are 365.2425 days/year. > int *datearray = malloc( sizeof(int) * rdates ); > struct tm sdt = {0,0,0,1,0,(startYear-1900)}; > time_t sdts = mktime(&sdt); > time_t rsecs = sdts + (secsYear * (rand() % daysRange)); > datearray[i] = rsecs; "time_t", a 64-bit integer, doesn't fit in an array of 32-bit integers. Whereas you're ATTEMPTING to store seconds since the UNIX epoch (1970), I was storing 12 character strings. > $ randomdates 2000000 2020 2030 > 1999996. 2020-06-09 Tue > 1999997. 2027-03-05 Fri > 1999998. 2030-07-30 Tue > 1999999. 2023-04-28 Fri > 2000000. 2023-11-12 Sun > > 0.02s to generate 2000000 random dates in the years 2020 to 2030 Sh( L"%.3f Seconds. %s", UpSecs - Mark, Console ); 0.032 Seconds. 2027-08-22, 2022-04-26, 2028-04-15, 2029-04-09, 2028-00-27 const int NumDates = 2000000, StartYear = 2020, Years = 10 ; int *Out; Out = (pInt)MallocTmp( NumDates*szInt ); __int64 Sec, TotalSecs, Min, Max ; wchar_t Console[100], *D = Console; tm Rec, rTimeB = {}, rTimeE ; rTimeB.tm_mday = 1, rTimeB.tm_year = StartYear - 1900, rTimeB.tm_isdst = -1 ; rTimeE = rTimeB, rTimeE.tm_year += Years ; Min = mktime( &rTimeB ), Max = mktime( &rTimeE ), TotalSecs = Max - Min ; double Mark = UpSecs ; LoopJ(NumDates) { Sec = Out[ J ] = float(TotalSecs)*rand()/RAND_MAX ; if ( J < NumDates - 5 ) continue ; Sec += Min ; Rec = *localtime( ( time_t * ) &Sec ); D += swprintf( D, L"%d-%02d-%02d, ", Rec.tm_year + 1900, Rec.tm_mon, Rec.tm_mday ); } Sh( L"%.3f Seconds. %s", UpSecs - Mark, Console ); ■ DFS PrDjN.110557$c3Ea.76242@fx10.iad IransFinest umo0p9$11jff$2@dont-email.me Crump cv2voipf55s6g9g6i6hsmhfvrubp4vmdil@4ax.com DFS rggkN.104349$Ama9.82173@fx12.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.31--8.46am.Seattle.2023 DFS PcjkN.21011$6ePe.15062@fx42.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.31--11.33am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (646) OK; 1.7 Minutes, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Dec 31 { 11:23am, 2023 }:27^(-5) 七锘嶯 DFS, You see the output, I got the idea from you. You (DFS) replied ( to me ): > > Put 2 million random dates in RAM: > > // 0.852 Seconds. 1999-05-09, 2031-06-17, 2021-09-11, 1977-08-11, 2021-02-21, > > Out[5*szDate] = 0, Sh( L"%.3f Seconds. %s", UpSecs - Mark, Out ); > > > We need the whole working program. You see the output, I got the idea from you, that's enough. For added context, see "z1.CPP" in "Jeff-Relf.Me/z1.ZIP". ■ HughHuntzinger 943543c8-45f2-4332-9e33-410b4664c408n@googlegroups.com ChrisV eccuoitgcj0ll8eoehmq8l4u2tptpupp9r@4ax.com HughHuntzinger 5c15566d-897b-4974-bc6f-0b425d8a3c44n@googlegroups.com ChrisV lmfuoitjs0v3g4gjkbh9i62cb1di9be68p@4ax.com Stéphane_CARPENTIER│sc@fiat-linux_fr 659060d4$0$2594$426a74cc@news.free.fr ChrisV q533pil2tdl3b8b5eo5apj409kb20ud4p7@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.31--8.56am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy +-, 56.3 Minutes, F_Agent, HighWinds➤Fastusenet.ORG, Dec 31 { 7:53am, 2023 }:15^(-6) 七锗繫 "Stephane" is "Steven" here in 'Murrica. ChrisV: > At least, unlike you, "Stéphane", I'm not a lying piece of shit. "Stéphane" is "Steven" here in 'Murrica. ■ DetroitsFinest 17a3860fbb39afd7$90152$297770$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com DFS PrDjN.110557$c3Ea.76242@fx10.iad IransFinest umo0p9$11jff$2@dont-email.me Crump cv2voipf55s6g9g6i6hsmhfvrubp4vmdil@4ax.com DFS rggkN.104349$Ama9.82173@fx12.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.31--8.46am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 3 (645) OK; 28.9 Minutes, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Dec 31 { 8:02am, 2023 }:34^(-5) 七锗肚 Put 2 million random dates in RAM: DFS > Challenge me to do ANYTHING computing/OS-related that you're also willing to do. Put 2 million random dates in RAM: // 0.852 Seconds. 1999-05-09, 2031-06-17, 2021-09-11, 1977-08-11, 2021-02-21, const int NumDates = 2000000, StartYear = 1970, Years = 100, szDate = 12 ; wchar_t *Out, *D; D = Out = MallocTmp( NumDates*szDate*szChr + szChr ); __int64 Sec, TotalSecs, Min, Max ; tm Rec, rTimeB = {}, rTimeE ; rTimeB.tm_mday = 1, rTimeB.tm_year = StartYear - 1900, rTimeB.tm_isdst = -1 ; rTimeE = rTimeB, rTimeE.tm_year += Years ; Min = mktime( &rTimeB ), Max = mktime( &rTimeE ), TotalSecs = Max - Min ; double Mark = UpSecs ; LoopJ(NumDates) { Sec = Min + float(TotalSecs)*rand()/RAND_MAX ; Rec = *localtime( ( time_t * ) &Sec ); D += swprintf( D, L"%d-%02d-%02d, ", Rec.tm_year + 1900, Rec.tm_mon, Rec.tm_mday ); } Out[5*szDate] = 0, Sh( L"%.3f Seconds. %s", UpSecs - Mark, Out ); ■ Crump 45vqoitm3gjpl3ak72e6bepd6nej59bhvf@4ax.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.28--6.02am.Seattle.2023 Crump gg0roipomfl6j8i42iduelean0sl40di98@4ax.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.28--6.38am.Seattle.2023 Crump ag2roittt23e8ap4jdfkd6ogbbpfdnla8m@4ax.com DFS p4DjN.38820$24ld.22142@fx07.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.29--9.36am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (624) OK; 4.4 Minutes, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Dec 29 { 9:10am, 2023 }:51^(-5) 七锏綛 56 F this morning, 9:30am, Seattle. DFS: > Famous Dave's sweet 'n spicy pickle > [ and cheese on a saltine cracker ]. I just drank a 4 $, 12 oz foil pack of beef gravy, cold . . . love it ! It's 5x cheaper when you drink it from can, or a glass bottle, but I hate that kind of packaging ( too much waste, bulky ). The garbage area at my apartment complex, where the dumpsters should be, is full of cheap, RippedOpen garbage bags. Also, the gate has gone missing. Recently, the city refused to empty the ( too small ) dumpsters. I pay ~1100 $/month, more in the winter because it's hard to heat a 2 thousand Sqft apartment with old, single pane windows. Fortunately, it's 56° F this morning, 9:30am, Seattle. ■ DetroitsFinest 17a33fa48ff6e24c$50449$3015877$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com HughHuntzinger 943543c8-45f2-4332-9e33-410b4664c408n@googlegroups.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.29--8.08am.Seattle.2023 DFS RyCjN.22178$Vrtf.2094@fx39.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.29--9.02am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (620) OK; 1.3 Minutes, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Dec 29 { 8:35am, 2023 }: 3^(-5) 七锏男 BigMusic doesn't sue Linux dweebs. You (DFS) replied ( to me ): > > (Notionally) illegal copying is not theft. > > BigMusic doesn't sue Linux dweebs. > > [ 2007, The RIAA sued Joel Tenenbaum for 675 thousand $ ] 2016, a bankruptcy court discharged the judgement. Hence: BigMusic doesn't sue Linux dweebs. ■ DetroitsFinest 17a33fa48ff6e24c$50449$3015877$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com HughHuntzinger 943543c8-45f2-4332-9e33-410b4664c408n@googlegroups.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.29--8.08am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (98) OK; 1.1 Hours, GoogleG, Dec 29 { 6:53am, 2023 }:50^(PST) 七锏嵾 BigMusic doesn't sue Linux dweebs. (Notionally) illegal copying is not theft. BigMusic doesn't sue Linux dweebs. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.27--8.50pm.Seattle.2023 HughHuntzinger d0b730d8-4453-40e5-beca-977c182af506n@googlegroups.com DetroitsFinest 17a5040f88f69327$37655$755348$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com HughHuntzinger 86c61bf1-2fe1-4ae9-ba1f-12120272a0e9n@googlegroups.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.28--8.33am.Seattle.2023 Crump 5e9roitfesbu9vfcohcdr6urvul8gd6je1@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.28--9.04am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (847) Bad; 13.9 Minutes, F_Agent, Easynews.COM, Dec 28 { 8:45am, 2023 }:37^(-5) 七锋渱 No one thinks I'm a "big shot". No one thinks I'm a "big shot", much less "the big shot". ■ DetroitsFinest 17a4ccd10b24b5ab$123802$2010109$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com HughHuntzinger 7bbdf80f-8912-41cb-bb9f-4f3ea4327e6en@googlegroups.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.27--8.50pm.Seattle.2023 HughHuntzinger d0b730d8-4453-40e5-beca-977c182af506n@googlegroups.com DetroitsFinest 17a5040f88f69327$37655$755348$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com HughHuntzinger 86c61bf1-2fe1-4ae9-ba1f-12120272a0e9n@googlegroups.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.28--8.33am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (107) OK; 7.5 Minutes, GoogleG, Dec 28 { 8:15am, 2023 }:35^(PST) 七锋朧 No one agrees with Crump, DetroitsFinest & IransFinest. Huntzinger: > Hey Relf! By any chance did you notice a sour whiff of desperation > that occurred roughly an hour after my prior post ? Despite having no kids, DetroitsFinest & IransFinest argue that they're God's gift to women. Crump thinks he's Jesus & sleepless nights help him make better decisions. Strangely, no one agrees with them. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.27--10.13pm.Seattle.2023 Crump at5qoil52jgpcd3d1pencn6cleuknq4657@4ax.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.27--11.21pm.Seattle.2023 Crump 45vqoitm3gjpl3ak72e6bepd6nej59bhvf@4ax.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.28--6.02am.Seattle.2023 Crump gg0roipomfl6j8i42iduelean0sl40di98@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.28--6.38am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (844) Bad; 15.5 Minutes, F_Agent, Easynews.COM, Dec 28 { 6:11am, 2023 }:54^(-5) 七锊鰪 You make worse decisions because you haven't got enough sleep. Crump: > You wouldn't even know the half of what it is, > to be an amphetamine person, Relf. You make worse decisions because you haven't got enough sleep. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.27--8.24pm.Seattle.2023 Crump slupoi1vb8oariodvddteagpj7d37j0vh7@4ax.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.27--10.13pm.Seattle.2023 Crump at5qoil52jgpcd3d1pencn6cleuknq4657@4ax.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.27--11.21pm.Seattle.2023 Crump 45vqoitm3gjpl3ak72e6bepd6nej59bhvf@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.28--6.02am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (843) Bad; 9.7 Minutes, F_Agent, Easynews.COM, Dec 28 { 5:48am, 2023 }:40^(-5) 七锊隸 Pepsi keeps you awake longer, damaging your immune system. You (Crump) replied ( to me ): > > Do you sleep every day ? > > Yeah, are you going to get to the point ? Pepsi keeps you awake longer, damaging your immune system. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.27--6.02pm.Seattle.2023 Crump uhmpoitoedmku5ppgrin433gr73g6f8iqh@4ax.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.27--8.24pm.Seattle.2023 Crump slupoi1vb8oariodvddteagpj7d37j0vh7@4ax.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.27--10.13pm.Seattle.2023 Crump at5qoil52jgpcd3d1pencn6cleuknq4657@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.27--11.21pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 1 (841) Bad; 36.6 Minutes, F_Agent, Easynews.COM, Dec 27 { 10:38pm, 2023 }:41^(-5) 七锉菱 Do you sleep every day ? You (Crump) replied ( to me ): > > What is a "normal" amount sleep ? I sleep ~15 hours/Day. > > I just go to bed and wake up, as my body feels like doing, > the number of hours varies. Do you sleep every day ? ■ Blue_Lives_Matter│Iron_White@Systemic_Patrriotism_KMA pajnoidv2615q8e474sn58hmqc1587nhed@4ax.com Crump pb3poidofqeh8qrfrs32r7tmmm5ve40eld@4ax.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.27--6.02pm.Seattle.2023 Crump uhmpoitoedmku5ppgrin433gr73g6f8iqh@4ax.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.27--8.24pm.Seattle.2023 Crump slupoi1vb8oariodvddteagpj7d37j0vh7@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.27--10.13pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy -Dropped, 1.5 Hours, F_Agent, HighWinds➤Easynews.COM, Dec 27 { 8:38pm, 2023 }:25^(-5) 七锉柁 Crump, Are you HIV-positive ? Are you HIV-positive & what is a "normal" amount sleep, Crump ? I sleep ~15 hours/Day. ■ DetroitsFinest 17a480d3beefc31f$76059$828744$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com Crump krjmoiliumkcs48m7bchf2ip99ilik3qi0@4ax.com HughHuntzinger 680594dd-e0e8-4a85-8110-28d154a9225fn@googlegroups.com DetroitsFinest 17a4ccd10b24b5ab$123802$2010109$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com HughHuntzinger 7bbdf80f-8912-41cb-bb9f-4f3ea4327e6en@googlegroups.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.27--8.50pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (106) OK; 14.6 Minutes, GoogleG, Dec 27 { 8:05pm, 2023 }:15^(PST) 七锉忻 "Obesity Rate" among adult males. DetroitsFinest is jealous of everyone, seriously. Huntzinger: > there’s no western country in the world with > a higher (worse) average BMI than the USA. America has the 14th worst ( after Samoa ) "Obesity Rate" among adult males; see: Data.WorldObesity.ORG/Rankings/ ■ Blue_Lives_Matter│Iron_White@Systemic_Patrriotism_KMA 6jsmoi5s6lq3l4o1v1m02794lgr4tea142@4ax.com Crump qeumoipqoo58q1fq2dik8se945k7gu3542@4ax.com Blue_Lives_Matter│Iron_White@Systemic_Patrriotism_KMA pajnoidv2615q8e474sn58hmqc1587nhed@4ax.com Crump pb3poidofqeh8qrfrs32r7tmmm5ve40eld@4ax.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.27--6.02pm.Seattle.2023 Crump uhmpoitoedmku5ppgrin433gr73g6f8iqh@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.27--8.24pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (839) Bad; 2.1 Hours, F_Agent, Easynews.COM, Dec 27 { 6:15pm, 2023 }:44^(-5) 七锈顐 How much sleep are you getting ? You (Crump) replied ( to me ): > > Do you have AIDS, Crump ? > > Why would you think I might ? When you weaken your immune system with uppers, like Pepsi, AIDS is the result ( according to me ). How much sleep are you getting ? ■ Blue_Lives_Matter│Iron_White@Systemic_Patrriotism_KMA fblmoi1nf5vqbsdnviku6l427mf4nhrqdl@4ax.com Crump gtlmoi1evuvii7voa32i671jfdaikdb1rl@4ax.com Blue_Lives_Matter│Iron_White@Systemic_Patrriotism_KMA 6jsmoi5s6lq3l4o1v1m02794lgr4tea142@4ax.com Crump qeumoipqoo58q1fq2dik8se945k7gu3542@4ax.com Blue_Lives_Matter│Iron_White@Systemic_Patrriotism_KMA pajnoidv2615q8e474sn58hmqc1587nhed@4ax.com Crump pb3poidofqeh8qrfrs32r7tmmm5ve40eld@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.27--6.02pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy -Dropped, 5.2 Hours, F_Agent, HighWinds➤Easynews.COM, Dec 27 { 0:48pm, 2023 }:49^(-5) 七锇鶱 Crump, Do you have AIDS ? Do you have AIDS, Crump ? ■ DetroitsFinest 17a480d3beefc31f$76059$828744$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com Crump krjmoiliumkcs48m7bchf2ip99ilik3qi0@4ax.com HughHuntzinger 680594dd-e0e8-4a85-8110-28d154a9225fn@googlegroups.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.27--8.11am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (104) OK; 33.7 Minutes, GoogleG, Dec 27 { 6:43am, 2023 }:23^(PST) 七锆騋 EBT, Amazon Fresh HughHuntzinger: > there's ample examples of "fast" food which are > as healthy or healthier than so-called "slow" food. > > The implied health issue here really stems from > highly processed foodstuffs, not how long it takes to prepare/serve. I enjoy Sour Cream from a Squeeze tube each day; amazingly, it's shelf stable; three 14 oz tubes lasts 10 days, 240 Cal/Day, 90¢/Day ( EBT, Amazon Fresh ). 3 oz tubes of Fruit & Yogurt, many varieties, shelf stable. Little Debbie Mini Muffins in 2 oz packs, shelf stable, always fresh. DetroitsFinest is jealous of everyone & everything, including: > > > People who shop on Amazon Sep 2023, The Federal Trade Commission and 17 state attorneys general (AntiTrust) sued Amazon; apparently, Walmart & the like don't count. Same thing happened to Microsoft, 2000; a 611 $ million fine, 2004, Europe; Windows Media Player was no longer forced on everyone ( no joke ! ). Today, the verdict seems _retarded_. ■ Al_Sakran│japper24@pmail_com 6ttloi5lal5srm7gagsu5t7pobsscbshkl@4ax.com ChrisV sl5moile2tva3e300dktk2r12e3lovpvfq@4ax.com mummycullen@gmail-dot-com_no-spam_invalid(MummyChunk FmWdnT9mwrthhBb4nZ2dnZfqnPednZ2d@giganews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.26--7.34pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (5) ify; 8.9 Hours, newsSync, Giganews.COM, Dec 26 { 10:22am, 2023 }:52^(0) 七锃燼 diarrhea You (cullen) replied ( to ChrisV ): > > "Tampons now offered in Canadian Parliament men's bathrooms" > > for what reason ? diarrhea ■ Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.22--6.33pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy Not even Iran wants to see a Gazan near them. Ukrainians are thriving, all over the 1st world. Not even Iran wants to see a Gazan near them. ■ DFS fY5hN.49360$vFZa.17247@fx13.iad Crump vpr9oihck68siisfhh17qqsgoklqigckk8@4ax.com rBowman kukjmaFn0m9U1@mid.individual.net RonB um3flp$1g2r4$1@dont-email.me rBowman kumrhgF6n2sU1@mid.individual.net AndyMatt TOqhN.66471$Ama9.10133@fx12.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.22--6.15pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (767) OK; 16.4 Minutes, Gecko➤Thunder, Blocknews.NET, Dec 22 { 5:34pm, 2023 }:42^(-5) 七铴弲 Bad move. AndyMatt wrote: > if Hitler hadn't decided to move his forces toward > Stalingrad rather than continue on to Moscow. Hitler couldn't buy the USSR's oil anymore; so he thought he'd just steal it instead . . . bad move. ■ Crump j3k9oil9r6226ts79o5seog1sn2dov1c1h@4ax.com DFS fY5hN.49360$vFZa.17247@fx13.iad Crump vpr9oihck68siisfhh17qqsgoklqigckk8@4ax.com rBowman kukjmaFn0m9U1@mid.individual.net RonB um3flp$1g2r4$1@dont-email.me rBowman kumrhgF6n2sU1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.22--6.09pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (470) OK; 20.7 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Dec 22 { 5:30pm, 2023 }:24 七铴帰 1939, Germany and the USSR divided Poland, like a shared dessert. 1939, Germany and the USSR divided Poland, like a shared dessert. 1946, America and the USSR divided Germany, but the Soviets wanted it all. 2022, Russia took more of Ukraine away, like a thief in the night. Ukrainians are thriving, all over the 1st world. Not even Iran wants to see a Gazan near them. ■ DetroitsFinest 17a3205da5f468da$61707$1805820$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com IransFinest um4kmn$77ms$2@solani.org DetroitsFinest 17a3403f1b70937a$172199$2221108$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com IransFinest um4vcj$7cie$2@solani.org JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.22--4.07pm.Seattle.2023 IransFinest um5e72$7jmk$5@solani.org Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.22--5.57pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy, Sci.Physics ╱ 1 (554) OK; 3.8 Minutes, Gecko➤Thunder, Solani.ORG, Dec 22 { 5:47pm, 2023 }:13^(-6) 七铴戡 1978, Iran. Down the throat & up the *ss are both sodomy, gay as f*ck. Only you would think it, much less do it, 1978, Iran. Little wonder you have no kids. ■ IransFinest um5ag0$7jmk$1@solani.org Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.22--5.18pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy, Sci.Physics ╱ 3 (552) OK; 24.5 Minutes, Gecko➤Thunder, Solani.ORG, Dec 22 { 4:43pm, 2023 }:43^(-6) 七铴匿 Rolf Thompson. IransFinest: > 1- Did the guy who took your wife and children away from you look > Iranian / Palestinian? No he's very Nordic, very white, he has a tall, skinny nose & a Nordic name, "Rolf Thompson". > 2- If so, did you give rat poison to your ex because of that? No, Big Pharma killed her Aug 2021. ■ DFS xFYgN.8971$STLe.5623@fx34.iad IransFinest um2lnq$7q8k$5@solani.org DetroitsFinest 17a3205da5f468da$61707$1805820$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com IransFinest um4kmn$77ms$2@solani.org DetroitsFinest 17a3403f1b70937a$172199$2221108$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com IransFinest um4vcj$7cie$2@solani.org Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.22--4.07pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy, Sci.Physics ╱ 5 (549) OK; 2 Hours, Gecko➤Thunder, Solani.ORG, Dec 22 { 1:34pm, 2023 }:10^(-6) 七铳磒 How gay. IransFinest: > And almost always, swear to God!, the same night on the day of which we > made our moves, we would be fucking them in all the holes on their > bodies. Very obedient sex-slaves!... How gay. ■ Tyrone│none@none_none EdidnUZepoGoTB74nZ2dnZfqn_SdnZ2d@supernews.com DFS Pd4hN.21989$GX69.15750@fx46.iad Crump j3k9oil9r6226ts79o5seog1sn2dov1c1h@4ax.com DFS fY5hN.49360$vFZa.17247@fx13.iad Crump vpr9oihck68siisfhh17qqsgoklqigckk8@4ax.com rBowman kukjmaFn0m9U1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.21--10.07pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (470) OK; 52.9 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Dec 21 { 9:04pm, 2023 }:11 七铰蛋 Not even an Iranian wants to see a Gazan nearby. rBowman: > there is little cause for Germans to love [Ukrainians]. Yet they care for Ukrainians, taking them in & financing them; meanwhile, not even Iran wants to see a Gazan nearby. ■ . ukemf7$284ks$1@solani.org . ukogsu$2d74r$3@solani.org . uldhbs$1oa6$1@solani.org IransFinest um2mec$7q8k$7@solani.org JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.21--5.13pm.Seattle.2023 Crump rfq9oi1dnrktk7809tq0clu1g186224gk6@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.21--5.50pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (796) OK; 1.1 Minutes, F_Agent, Easynews.COM, Dec 21 { 5:44pm, 2023 }:42^(-5) 七铰堊 I haven't seen Democrats this mad since we took their slaves away. You (Crump) replied ( to me ): > > What if Gaza refugees promised to use deodorant ? > > Would Iran take them in ?! > > Meanwhile, Ukrainians are WellEstablished all over the Western world. > > Racism is lame, Jeff. Reality has never been your friend, Crump. I haven't seen Democrats this mad since we took their slaves away. ■ . ujqtu6$1ucqj$2@solani.org . uk6r5n$24cim$1@solani.org . ukemf7$284ks$1@solani.org . ukogsu$2d74r$3@solani.org . uldhbs$1oa6$1@solani.org IransFinest um2mec$7q8k$7@solani.org Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.21--5.13pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (532) OK; 15.8 Minutes, Gecko➤Thunder, Solani.ORG, Dec 21 { 4:49pm, 2023 }:16^(-6) 七铯鴌 What if Gaza refugees promised to use deodorant ? What if Gaza refugees promised to use deodorant ? Would Iran take them in ?! Meanwhile, Ukrainians are WellEstablished all over the Western world. ■ DFS 9tfgN.39132$q3F7.24053@fx45.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.20--1.06am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy +-, 21.2 Hours, Betterbird, HighWinds➤Blocknews.NET, Dec 19 { 3:51am, 2023 }:34^(-5) 七铥矆 "You can check out anytime you want but you can never leave." DFS: > I have an old Eagles Hotel California CD I want to rip to .mp3 files. Eagles - Hotel California (Live 1977) (Official Video) [HD]: YouTube.COM/watch?v=09839DpTctU "You can check out anytime you want but you can never leave." ■ Skeeter│Skeeterweed@proton_me MPG.3fea165b223354ac990664@usnews.blocknews.net zZombie(%) rmGdncTEDchR9R34nZ2dnZfqn_ednZ2d@giganews.com Skeeter│Skeeterweed@proton_me MPG.3fea242baf53fc20990667@usnews.blocknews.net zZombie(%) nu6cncjSOLEvOx34nZ2dnZfqnPSdnZ2d@giganews.com Skeeter│Skeeterweed@proton_me MPG.3fea7fabeef1162499067b@usnews.blocknews.net zZombie(%) T6qdnQPLi-fnTx34nZ2dnZfqn_GdnZ2d@giganews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.18--6.15pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy, Alt.Checkmate, Alt.Usenet.Kooks ╱ 2 (449) OK; 2.8 Hours, Gecko➤Jan_2010➤WinX, Giganews.COM, Dec 18 { 3:15pm, 2023 }: 6^(-7) 七铣橺 Covid Hysteria kills real, ordinary people. zZombie(%): > do you think there was a covid Covid Hysteria is a modern day nervous disorder ( e.g. AIDS, autism, psoriasis & peanut/gluten/dairy allergies ) that kills real, ordinary people. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.17--9.52pm.Seattle.2023 IransFinest ulonpj$fct$3@solani.org JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.17--10.39pm.Seattle.2023 IransFinest ulor55$fct$4@solani.org JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.17--11.19pm.Seattle.2023 IransFinest ulosgi$fct$5@solani.org Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.18--0.07am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (514) OK; 31 Minutes, Gecko➤Thunder, Solani.ORG, Dec 17 { 11:31pm, 2023 }:29^(-6) 七铠荑 Iran, not me, decides who they'll take in. I asked: > What if Gaza refugees promised to use deodorant ? > Would Iran take them in ?! Iran, not me, decides who they'll take in. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.17--9.17pm.Seattle.2023 IransFinest ulolgo$fct$1@solani.org JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.17--9.52pm.Seattle.2023 IransFinest ulonpj$fct$3@solani.org JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.17--10.39pm.Seattle.2023 IransFinest ulor55$fct$4@solani.org Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.17--11.19pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (513) OK; 8.3 Minutes, Gecko➤Thunder, Solani.ORG, Dec 17 { 11:08pm, 2023 }:20^(-6) 七铠緤 Iran, not me, decides who they'll take in. You (IransFinest) replied ( to me ): > > Iran, not me, decides who they'll take in. > > You're the one who made the offer Only in your demented little world. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.17--8.24pm.Seattle.2023 IransFinest ulohv2$api$2@solani.org JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.17--9.17pm.Seattle.2023 IransFinest ulolgo$fct$1@solani.org JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.17--9.52pm.Seattle.2023 IransFinest ulonpj$fct$3@solani.org Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.17--10.39pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (512) OK; 25.3 Minutes, Gecko➤Thunder, Solani.ORG, Dec 17 { 10:10pm, 2023 }:58^(-6) 七铠灲 Iran, not me, decides who they'll take in. You (IransFinest) replied ( to me ): > > What if Gaza refugees promised to use deodorant ? > > Would Iran take them in ?! > > you guys can negotiate it face to face. Iran, not me, decides who they'll take in. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.17--5.46pm.Seattle.2023 IransFinest ulogpn$3bcdp$1@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.17--8.24pm.Seattle.2023 IransFinest ulohv2$api$2@solani.org JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.17--9.17pm.Seattle.2023 IransFinest ulolgo$fct$1@solani.org Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.17--9.52pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (511) OK; 16.2 Minutes, Gecko➤Thunder, Solani.ORG, Dec 17 { 9:32pm, 2023 }: 7^(-6) 七铠杗 What if Gaza refugees promised to use deodorant ? You (IransFinest) replied ( to me ): > > What if Gaza refugees promised to use deodorant ? > > Would Iran take them in ?! > > They shot Robert Kennedy. What does that have to do with the price of tea in China ? ■ rBowman ku9es8Fa1h4U1@mid.individual.net IransFinest ulo4qa$2c59$1@solani.org JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.17--5.46pm.Seattle.2023 IransFinest ulogpn$3bcdp$1@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.17--8.24pm.Seattle.2023 IransFinest ulohv2$api$2@solani.org Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.17--9.17pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (510) OK; 42.2 Minutes, Gecko➤Thunder, Solani.ORG, Dec 17 { 8:31pm, 2023 }:30^(-6) 七铠夢 Iran, not me, decides who they'll take in. You (IransFinest) replied ( to me ): > > Iran, not me, decides who they'll take in. > > They may be more interested in you than Iran. Par for the course, you're random. ■ AndyMatt z5EfN.53296$p%Mb.11871@fx15.iad RonB ulnsne$34san$1@dont-email.me rBowman ku9es8Fa1h4U1@mid.individual.net IransFinest ulo4qa$2c59$1@solani.org JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.17--5.46pm.Seattle.2023 IransFinest ulogpn$3bcdp$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.17--8.24pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (509) OK; 9 Minutes, Gecko➤Thunder, Eternal-September.ORG, Dec 17 { 8:11pm, 2023 }:34^(-6) 七铠呶 Iran, not me, decides who they'll take in. You (IransFinest) replied ( to me ): > > What if Gaza refugees promised to use deodorant ? > > Would Iran take them in ?! > > Ask those Gazan's friends and relatives in Seattle to > come negotiate that with you. Iran, not me, decides who they'll take in. ■ AndyMatt t1CfN.53294$p%Mb.29721@fx15.iad RonB uln0o5$2vk6n$1@dont-email.me AndyMatt z5EfN.53296$p%Mb.11871@fx15.iad RonB ulnsne$34san$1@dont-email.me rBowman ku9es8Fa1h4U1@mid.individual.net IransFinest ulo4qa$2c59$1@solani.org Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.17--5.46pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (508) OK; 46.3 Minutes, Gecko➤Thunder, Solani.ORG, Dec 17 { 4:47pm, 2023 }: 5^(-6) 七铟皉 Would Iran take them in ?! IransFinest told us: > "Parochial Scent". Stench, really. > It never left you Americans. You stink of it all over. What if Gaza refugees promised to use deodorant ? Would Iran take them in ?! ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.16--2.41pm.Seattle.2023 Crump ftasnihqqna12oe5ijtivhcvq16ampql19@4ax.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.16--4.13pm.Seattle.2023 Crump gafsnidamp85lphb3201fqgj01a1kl7ll7@4ax.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.16--6.08pm.Seattle.2023 Crump k4nsnilv35bu6v2la3qarvcrub5p47pt27@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.16--7.13pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 4 (766) OK; 31.9 Minutes, F_Agent, Easynews.COM, Dec 16 { 6:34pm, 2023 }:45^(-5) 七铛虅 Body odor ?! You (Crump) replied ( to me ): > > Give me one good reason why Jordan ( which is mostly Palestinian ), > > Iran, Saudi Arabia & Egypt should not accept not one Gaza refugee. > > > > One good reason, that's all I ask. Body odor ?! > > I stood with Arafat through the Intifada, as a young guy. Right, it's their body odor. ■ AndyMatt bZnfN.52185$p%Mb.14745@fx15.iad Stéphane_CARPENTIER│sc@fiat-linux_fr 657e1ffd$0$7472$426a34cc@news.free.fr AndyMatt 2tpfN.38163$Ama9.5316@fx12.iad Crump 2masni5uea8a0s11fbdjch6jju5qdnh79h@4ax.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.16--4.36pm.Seattle.2023 IransFinest ullj1s$2s3ti$6@solani.org Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.16--6.17pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 7 (483) OK; 34.2 Minutes, Gecko➤Thunder, Solani.ORG, Dec 16 { 5:31pm, 2023 }:40^(-6) 七铛睼 Mormons vs IransFinest. You (IransFinest) replied ( to me ): > > Nothing is more hilarious than COLA. > > Say something about Mormons. On average, They're a thousand times richer than you. Retard says: "Pan on Linux". ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.16--1.56pm.Seattle.2023 Crump g18snit3dhgcjl2dk53f7bejbdnfsin2fv@4ax.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.16--2.41pm.Seattle.2023 Crump ftasnihqqna12oe5ijtivhcvq16ampql19@4ax.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.16--4.13pm.Seattle.2023 Crump gafsnidamp85lphb3201fqgj01a1kl7ll7@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.16--6.08pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (761) OK; 1.9 Hours, F_Agent, Easynews.COM, Dec 16 { 4:14pm, 2023 }:26^(-5) 七铛敢 Body odor ?! You (Crump) replied ( to me ): > > Give me one good reason why Jordan ( which is mostly Palestinian ), > > Iran, Saudi Arabia & Egypt should not accept not one Gaza refugee. > > > > One good reason, that's all I ask. Body odor ?! > > Your Zionist bullshit doesn't impress me, Relf. One good reason, that's all I ask. Body odor ?! ■ rBowman ku227sFkfaqU2@mid.individual.net IransFinest ulknb3$2rn9o$3@solani.org AndyMatt bZnfN.52185$p%Mb.14745@fx15.iad Stéphane_CARPENTIER│sc@fiat-linux_fr 657e1ffd$0$7472$426a34cc@news.free.fr AndyMatt 2tpfN.38163$Ama9.5316@fx12.iad Crump 2masni5uea8a0s11fbdjch6jju5qdnh79h@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.16--4.36pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (761) OK; 1.1 Hours, F_Agent, Easynews.COM, Dec 16 { 2:57pm, 2023 }: 3^(-5) 七铛匿 Nothing is more hilarious than COLA. Nothing is more hilarious than COLA. ■ AndyMatt 7nEeN.1764$SyNd.1329@fx33.iad RonB ulg8le$1jp45$5@dont-email.me rBowman ku227sFkfaqU2@mid.individual.net IransFinest ulknb3$2rn9o$3@solani.org AndyMatt bZnfN.52185$p%Mb.14745@fx15.iad Crump sb3snip5vtopapa0o54sooill79vl9176u@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.16--4.30pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 3 (761) OK; 3.2 Hours, F_Agent, Easynews.COM, Dec 16 { 0:54pm, 2023 }: 9^(-5) 七铚衱 Our deadbeat in chief. Re: Evil Trump doesn't drink Pepsi !! Trump, our deadbeat in chief, is no fiscal conservative. no one is, these days. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.15--7.45pm.Seattle.2023 Crump gpqrni5o84njoclagmldo3l05crks5an4d@4ax.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.16--1.56pm.Seattle.2023 Crump g18snit3dhgcjl2dk53f7bejbdnfsin2fv@4ax.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.16--2.41pm.Seattle.2023 Crump ftasnihqqna12oe5ijtivhcvq16ampql19@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.16--4.13pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 6 (761) OK; 1.1 Hours, F_Agent, Easynews.COM, Dec 16 { 2:59pm, 2023 }:33^(-5) 七铛叕 Body odor ?! You (Crump) replied ( to me ): > > You're jealous of Jews like a woman sizing up her neighbor's house. > > I don't envy them or begrudge them their lives, > I'm merely asking that they end the occupation. Give me one good reason why Jordan ( which is mostly Palestinian ), Iran, Saudi Arabia & Egypt should not accept not one Gaza refugee. One good reason, that's all I ask. Body odor ?! ■ Crump 39dpni9ek8ho0042uduiblggm77du3a443@4ax.com rBowman ku4hvhF6b8bU6@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.15--7.45pm.Seattle.2023 Crump gpqrni5o84njoclagmldo3l05crks5an4d@4ax.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.16--1.56pm.Seattle.2023 Crump g18snit3dhgcjl2dk53f7bejbdnfsin2fv@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.16--2.41pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 7 (758) OK; 23.5 Minutes, F_Agent, Easynews.COM, Dec 16 { 2:12pm, 2023 }:54^(-5) 七铚髦 Jealous of Jews. > I'm not against Israel, really, but I am against their warmongering. You're jealous of Jews like a woman sizing up her neighbor's house. ■ DFS zn5eN.20868$83n7.6068@fx18.iad DFS ZzteN.25300$PuZ9.559@fx11.iad DetroitsFinest 17a0aa128d5eff3f$33750$3015877$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com IransFinest ulg6kg$2pdsm$8@solani.org AndyMatt Q7NeN.10092$vFZa.5557@fx13.iad IransFinest ulkp0j$2ggf2$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.16--2.28pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 4 (473) OK; 4.1 Hours, Gecko➤Thunder, Eternal-September.ORG, Dec 16 { 10:07am, 2023 }:16^(-6) 七铚慔 Iranians are Hitler wannabes. AndyMatt: > > Define Nazis. The word has become meaningless. A Nazi is: a simp who panders to women who are jealous of the Jews. Usage: Iranians are Hitler wannabes. ■ IransFinest ulirl3$2qp5g$1@solani.org HughHuntzinger aaa1e29e-4851-4b76-8f90-baf08f3b01d5n@googlegroups.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.15--8.25pm.Seattle.2023 IransFinest uljdkq$4o63$1@solani.org JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.15--10.08pm.Seattle.2023 IransFinest ulkm7q$2rn9o$1@solani.org Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.16--2.09pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 9 (473) OK; 4.5 Hours, Gecko➤Thunder, Solani.ORG, Dec 16 { 9:19am, 2023 }:56^(-6) 七铚嘼 Thanks, Iran's Finest. You (IransFinest) replied ( to me ): > > Retard says: "Pan on Linux". > > Pan on Linux. Thanks. ■ Crump 7h9pnih95sbh3kbjjdc0egrnnpg3h5b3oh@4ax.com rBowman ku3pvuF2bb8U2@mid.individual.net Crump 39dpni9ek8ho0042uduiblggm77du3a443@4ax.com rBowman ku4hvhF6b8bU6@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.15--7.45pm.Seattle.2023 Crump gpqrni5o84njoclagmldo3l05crks5an4d@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.16--1.56pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 7 (757) OK; 3.4 Hours, F_Agent, Easynews.COM, Dec 16 { 10:24am, 2023 }:30^(-5) 七铚敞 Heil Hitler ! You (Crump) replied ( to me ): > > I think Crump gets off on the idea of Hamas tossing him > > ( and his lovers ) out the window & getting stoned to death. > > That's just a straw man argument, Relf, > I'm not in Gaza and probably never will be. > Does that mean that I take Kikeland's side ? F*ck no. Heil Hitler ! ■ IransFinest ulg7vi$2pdsm$18@solani.org HughHuntzinger 95c20dee-037f-4d61-89e0-bea04ad541bcn@googlegroups.com IransFinest ulirl3$2qp5g$1@solani.org HughHuntzinger aaa1e29e-4851-4b76-8f90-baf08f3b01d5n@googlegroups.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.15--8.25pm.Seattle.2023 IransFinest uljdkq$4o63$1@solani.org Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.15--10.08pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 1 (463) OK; 11.7 Minutes, Gecko➤Thunder, Solani.ORG, Dec 15 { 9:47pm, 2023 }: 5^(-6) 七铘埙 The best seats in the house (Seattle). If you want the best seats in the house (Seattle), you have to pay more; sometimes, you have to pay a lot more. Retard says: "Pan on Linux". ■ IransFinest uldiju$1oa6$10@solani.org HughHuntzinger c0227aba-0632-4ed0-9785-c4ce663c1e41n@googlegroups.com IransFinest ulg7vi$2pdsm$18@solani.org HughHuntzinger 95c20dee-037f-4d61-89e0-bea04ad541bcn@googlegroups.com IransFinest ulirl3$2qp5g$1@solani.org HughHuntzinger aaa1e29e-4851-4b76-8f90-baf08f3b01d5n@googlegroups.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.15--8.25pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (99) OK; 56.9 Minutes, GoogleG, Dec 15 { 6:26pm, 2023 }: 0^(PST) 七铗窸 Cheap eats. You (Huntzinger) replied ( to IransFinest ): > > India back then was seen as a third world very poor and > > near subsistence level population. I think that's happening now. > > ? Maybe he's impressed by India's 2.15 $/hour minimum wage ( vs. Dallas' 7.25 $/hour & Seattle's 20 $/hour ) . . . cheap eats. People vote with their feet/dollars. 3.519 million people live in Greater Seattle, a .86% increase from 2022. ■ AndyMatt zK_eN.35056$83n7.21802@fx18.iad DFS Db1fN.5602$zqTf.2789@fx35.iad Crump 7h9pnih95sbh3kbjjdc0egrnnpg3h5b3oh@4ax.com rBowman ku3pvuF2bb8U2@mid.individual.net Crump 39dpni9ek8ho0042uduiblggm77du3a443@4ax.com rBowman ku4hvhF6b8bU6@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.15--7.45pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (440) OK; 26 Minutes, Pan, Individual.NET, Dec 15 { 6:56pm, 2023 }:49 七铗臱 May every lawsuit be settled with fisticuffs (not). rBowman: > Let the "best" Semite win . . . May every lawsuit be settled with fisticuffs (not). I think Crump gets off on the idea of Hamas tossing him ( and his lovers ) out the window & getting stoned to death. > to hell with all of them. Including yourself, no doubt. ■ rBowman ku1o80Fhnq6U4@mid.individual.net AndyMatt u6ZeN.3727$STLe.2746@fx34.iad DFS chZeN.6704$TSTa.5193@fx47.iad AndyMatt zK_eN.35056$83n7.21802@fx18.iad DFS Db1fN.5602$zqTf.2789@fx35.iad Crump 7h9pnih95sbh3kbjjdc0egrnnpg3h5b3oh@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.15--11.59am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (762) OK; 29.2 Minutes, F_Agent, Easynews.COM, Dec 15 { 11:18am, 2023 }:30^(-5) 七铖梆 Crump, Gaza TorturesToDeath those who talk like you. Re: Not every citizen of Israel supports the war. Gaza TorturesToDeath those who talk like you, Crump. ■ rBowman ktsb6aFbnetU1@mid.individual.net RonB ulbd6u$1jlr$2@dont-email.me AndyMatt vgieN.17732$CYpe.9173@fx40.iad RonB uldgte$12a1r$2@dont-email.me rBowman ktvav5F1ijaU1@mid.individual.net zZombie(%) Ws6dneOtd-Z06-f4nZ2dnZfqnPidnZ2d@giganews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.13--9.24pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 1 (529) OK; 1.7 Hours, Gecko➤Jan_2010➤WinX, Giganews.COM, Dec 13 { 7:30pm, 2023 }:48^(-7) 七铏盨 Everyone in Canada is happy to receive US $. zZombie(%) wrote: > utah laughed at my canadian money and wouldn't accept it That's because most Utah banks won't accept it, same in Seattle. Everyone in Canada is happy to receive US $. ■ DetroitsFinest 179fe127d19c3001$76784$2194212$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com DFS s1ZdN.9636$xHn7.2886@fx14.iad DetroitsFinest a6d7c7b5-efae-49ba-a7e0-89bb167e4190n@googlegroups.com DFS 5x1eN.20184$p%Mb.1266@fx15.iad DetroitsFinest e91fba34-08c0-461c-a6ce-72d1c7edbbacn@googlegroups.com DFS IuieN.25956$Wp_8.22310@fx17.iad . Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.13--8.47pm.Seattle.2023 Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.13--9.05pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy +-, 13.7 Hours, Betterbird, HighWinds➤Blocknews.NET, Dec 13 { 5:39am, 2023 }:54^(-5) 七铍堪 What's your time ? Oops, StartYear must be >= 1970, corrections below: const int NumDates = 2000000, StartYear = 1970, Years = 100, szDate = 12 ; wchar_t *Out, *D; D = Out = MallocTmp( NumDates*szDate*szChr + szChr ); __int64 Sec, TotalSecs, Min, Max ; tm Rec, rTimeB = {}, rTimeE ; rTimeB.tm_mday = 1, rTimeB.tm_year = StartYear - 1900, rTimeB.tm_isdst = -1 ; rTimeE = rTimeB, rTimeE.tm_year += Years ; Min = mktime( &rTimeB ), Max = mktime( &rTimeE ), TotalSecs = Max - Min ; double Mark = UpSecs ; LoopJ(NumDates) { Sec = Min + float(TotalSecs)*rand()/RAND_MAX ; Rec = *localtime( ( time_t * ) &Sec ); D += swprintf( D, L"%d-%02d-%02d, ", Rec.tm_year + 1900, Rec.tm_mon, Rec.tm_mday ); } Out[5*szDate] = 0, Sh( L"%.3f Seconds. %s", UpSecs - Mark, Out ); // 0.852 Seconds. 1999-05-09, 2031-06-17, 2021-09-11, 1977-08-11, 2021-02-21, ■ DFS E6jdN.7678$83n7.58@fx18.iad DetroitsFinest 179fe127d19c3001$76784$2194212$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com DFS s1ZdN.9636$xHn7.2886@fx14.iad DetroitsFinest a6d7c7b5-efae-49ba-a7e0-89bb167e4190n@googlegroups.com DFS 5x1eN.20184$p%Mb.1266@fx15.iad DetroitsFinest e91fba34-08c0-461c-a6ce-72d1c7edbbacn@googlegroups.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.12--11.11am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (180) OK; 4.5 Minutes, GoogleG,, Dec 12 { 10:58am, 2023 }:48^(PST) 七铉饨 Eliminate all of your pointless code & it'd run even faster. DetroitsFinest wrote: > my wonderful and fantastic code would be done in a miilisecond. Eliminate all of your pointless code & it'd run even faster. ■ DFS E6jdN.7678$83n7.58@fx18.iad DetroitsFinest 179fe127d19c3001$76784$2194212$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com DFS s1ZdN.9636$xHn7.2886@fx14.iad DetroitsFinest a6d7c7b5-efae-49ba-a7e0-89bb167e4190n@googlegroups.com DFS 5x1eN.20184$p%Mb.1266@fx15.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.12--10.56am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (573) OK; 18.7 Minutes, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Dec 12 { 10:21am, 2023 }:54^(-5) 七铉郂 A year is not 365 days. DetroitsFinest wrote: "365*yrs". A year is not 365 days. const int StartYear = 2023, Years = 4 ; const float SecsPerDay = 24.*60*60 ; tm rTimeB = {}, rTimeE ; rTimeB.tm_mday = 1, rTimeB.tm_year = StartYear - 1900, rTimeB.tm_isdst = -1 ; rTimeE = rTimeB, rTimeE.tm_year += Years ; const __int64 Min = mktime( &rTimeB ), Max = mktime( &rTimeE ); const float TotalDays = ( Max - Min )/ SecsPerDay ; ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.11--11.48am.Seattle.2023 IransFinest ul87ts$2l9av$5@solani.org JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.11--4.54pm.Seattle.2023 Crump abcfni9hcd3plsph2d1dh8sr4bbglnrdhv@4ax.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.11--5.16pm.Seattle.2023 Crump n7dfni9nt8bj0h8jkbt6uvmfjbvtmivlfn@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.11--5.27pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (849) OK; 10 Secs, F_Agent, Easynews.COM, Dec 11 { 5:19pm, 2023 }:32^(-5) 七铆霤 Nothing "upgrades" without my explicit consent, not even Edge. You (Crump) replied ( to me ): > > Are you the upgrade Nazi ?! > > Vista sucked, Win8 sucked; my most recent "upgrade" was April 2021. > > I just considered that using peculiarly old versions of stuff might > have something to do with your problem. Could be, but I don't care, Microsoft Edge just works better. Nothing "upgrades" without my explicit consent, not even Edge. I turn off notifications, so I don't get nagged. ■ rBowman ktp2teFjuvrU1@mid.individual.net AndyMatt q2JdN.9591$xHn7.3461@fx14.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.11--11.48am.Seattle.2023 IransFinest ul87ts$2l9av$5@solani.org JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.11--4.54pm.Seattle.2023 Crump abcfni9hcd3plsph2d1dh8sr4bbglnrdhv@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.11--5.16pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (848) OK; 4.2 Minutes, F_Agent, Easynews.COM, Dec 11 { 5:04pm, 2023 }:10^(-5) 七铆鎊 Vista sucked, Win8 sucked; my most recent "upgrade" was April 2021. You (Crump) replied ( to me ): > > The Chrome browser doesn't work properly on my 4k, UHD, 3840x2160p PC. > > Aren't you running some really old build of Win10, though ? Are you the upgrade Nazi ?! Vista sucked, Win8 sucked; my most recent "upgrade" was April 2021. ■ AndyMatt uEEdN.12042$Wp_8.2506@fx17.iad rBowman ktp2teFjuvrU1@mid.individual.net AndyMatt q2JdN.9591$xHn7.3461@fx14.iad IransFinest ul88rr$2l9av$10@solani.org AndyMatt mKNdN.15415$c3Ea.12031@fx10.iad IransFinest ul8b8n$2l9av$14@solani.org Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.11--5.07pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (420) OK; 1.1 Minutes, Gecko➤Thunder, Solani.ORG, Dec 11 { 4:59pm, 2023 }: 2^(-6) 七铆鉖 Why are Jordan & Egypt rejecting Gaza/Iranian refugees ? Why are Jordan & Egypt rejecting Gaza/Iranian refugees ? ■ DFS E6jdN.7678$83n7.58@fx18.iad IransFinest ul52e4$2jr56$6@solani.org Chris_Ahlstrom│OFeem1987@teleworm_us ul71r4$35pn9$5@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.11--4.56pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy +-, 11.6 Hours, slrn➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Dec 11 { 5:12am, 2023 }: 4^(-5) 七铄邤 No output, we can't see any results. Chris_Ahlstrom: > int generate ( int range ) { int rnd = generate(); > long result = 2 * range * long(rnd) / long(s_upper_limit); > return int(result) - range; } > > Hasn't had any heavy testing, though. > rand() is good enough for light randomizing. No output, we can't see any results. ■ RonB ul5dhn$2r968$1@dont-email.me AndyMatt uEEdN.12042$Wp_8.2506@fx17.iad rBowman ktp2teFjuvrU1@mid.individual.net AndyMatt q2JdN.9591$xHn7.3461@fx14.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.11--11.48am.Seattle.2023 IransFinest ul87ts$2l9av$5@solani.org Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.11--4.54pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 7 (417) OK; 36.5 Minutes, Gecko➤Thunder, Solani.ORG, Dec 11 { 4:02pm, 2023 }: 4^(-6) 七铆蓼 The Chrome browser doesn't work properly on my 4k, UHD, 3840x2160p PC. The Chrome browser doesn't work properly on my 4k, UHD, 3840x2160p PC. ■ DFS E6jdN.7678$83n7.58@fx18.iad DetroitsFinest 179fe127d19c3001$76784$2194212$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com candycanearter07│no@thanks_net ul7s53$3abd8$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.11--1.06pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (170) OK; 8.6 Minutes, Betterbird, Eternal-September.ORG, Dec 11 { 0:41pm, 2023 }: 7^(-6) 七铆嗣 No one is doing: "Rand%MaxRand" (modulo). DetroitsFinest: > > Firstly, we need a PRNG that does not exhibit modulo bias. Why ? no one is doing: "Rand%MaxRand" (modulo). "arc4random_uniform()" has more precision ( 32 bits, instead of 15 ). How does that help ? Arter: > Well, I learned something. Did you ? Really ? ■ Stéphane_CARPENTIER│sc@fiat-linux_fr 6575d5c5$0$3015$426a74cc@news.free.fr AndyMatt OwldN.764$Sf59.311@fx48.iad RonB ul5dhn$2r968$1@dont-email.me AndyMatt uEEdN.12042$Wp_8.2506@fx17.iad rBowman ktp2teFjuvrU1@mid.individual.net AndyMatt q2JdN.9591$xHn7.3461@fx14.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.11--11.48am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (726) OK; 36 Minutes, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Dec 11 { 11:03am, 2023 }:48^(-5) 七铅鄔 The Chrome browser isn't even working properly on my 4k PC. I'd use Firefox all the time, if I could, but some services, like U.S. Bank, Amazon EBT purchases & "VoIP.MS" block it. When that happens, I use Microsoft Edge; the Chrome browser isn't even working properly on my 4k PC. ■ RonB ul5ej2$2r968$3@dont-email.me IransFinest ul5ibh$2k5fu$1@solani.org DFS wcsdN.11325$yEgf.11300@fx09.iad The_Ref│ref@vallor_earth 0dtdN.2393$zqTf.2283@fx35.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.10--6.33pm.Seattle.2023 AndyMatt KLEdN.2417$taff.529@fx41.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.11--8.49am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 4 (726) OK; 1.2 Hours, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Dec 11 { 6:10am, 2023 }:49^(-5) 七铄鹩 Alles klar, Herr Trudeau. You (AndyMatt) replied ( to me ): > > I'm surprised defaults/foreclosures are so low. > > Apartments are also not readily available > in some places like here in Montreal. So you lose your job because migrants took Montreal's money. You can't sell your house because new mortgages are too expensive. Renting an apartment is getting harder & more expensive. Other than that, Alles klar, Herr Trudeau. ■ RonB ul3o1r$2jjnk$1@dont-email.me IransFinest ul54ir$2judb$2@solani.org RonB ul5ej2$2r968$3@dont-email.me IransFinest ul5ibh$2k5fu$1@solani.org DFS wcsdN.11325$yEgf.11300@fx09.iad The_Ref│ref@vallor_earth 0dtdN.2393$zqTf.2283@fx35.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.10--6.33pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 1 (1) ify; 1.2 Hours, Pan➤Linux, Blocknews.NET, Dec 10 { 5:02pm, 2023 }:52 七铂覼 I'm surprised defaults/foreclosures are so low. I'm surprised defaults/foreclosures are so low. ■ DFS E6jdN.7678$83n7.58@fx18.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.10--9.19am.Seattle.2023 DFS nppdN.486$JLvf.188@fx44.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.10--3.04pm.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU ul5llm$2s7iu$1@dont-email.me ScottGNU ul5o8v$2s7iu$2@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.10--6.24pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (177) OK; 49.5 Minutes, Pan➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Dec 10 { 5:22pm, 2023 }:39 七铂蹟 Excessive whitespace/comments is a big, red flag. ScottGNU tortured my source code thusly: > > > // Output, each bucket holds 15 days: > > > // 82445, 82322, 81810, 82482, 81621, 82347, 82275, 82281, 81993, > > > 81771, 82151, 81956 // 82327, 82463, 82122, 81660, 82791, 81764, 81933, > > > 82255, 82550, 82232, 82323, 82699 Whitespace speaks to me, so it's always custom. Excessive whitespace/comments is a big, red flag. ■ RonB ul19eg$257i5$3@dont-email.me IransFinest ul2als$2i7qs$3@solani.org RonB ul3o1r$2jjnk$1@dont-email.me IransFinest ul54ir$2judb$2@solani.org RonB ul5ej2$2r968$3@dont-email.me IransFinest ul5ibh$2k5fu$1@solani.org Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.10--6.08pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (414) OK; 1.3 Hours, Gecko➤Thunder, Solani.ORG, Dec 10 { 3:41pm, 2023 }:37^(-6) 七铂皱 SelectIgnorance is our most valuable resource, we all need it. Sagan: a kind of celebration of ignorance. SelectIgnorance is our most valuable resource, we all need it. -- The only thing uglier than politics is politicians. ■ IransFinest ul2als$2i7qs$3@solani.org RonB ul3o1r$2jjnk$1@dont-email.me IransFinest ul54ir$2judb$2@solani.org RonB ul5ej2$2r968$3@dont-email.me IransFinest ul5ibh$2k5fu$1@solani.org DFS wcsdN.11325$yEgf.11300@fx09.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.10--5.51pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (567) OK; 1.1 Hours, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Dec 10 { 3:54pm, 2023 }: 6^(-5) 七铂禞 Iran & Russia act like jealous women. > I'm SO sick of you dumbass foreign fucks. Get back to your > sand cave in Iran, where you and the other primates can shout > "Death to America! Death to Israel!" from sunup to sundown. Iran & Russia act like jealous women. "property manager" has to be the worst job known to man. Elon Musk has 11 kids & 3 baby mamas yet he no longer owns any mansions. ■ DFS E6jdN.7678$83n7.58@fx18.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.10--9.19am.Seattle.2023 DFS nppdN.486$JLvf.188@fx44.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.10--3.04pm.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU ul5llm$2s7iu$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.10--5.34pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (175) OK; 19.9 Minutes, Pan➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Dec 10 { 4:38pm, 2023 }:14 七铂菶 i64 > you can get an int64_t integer definition from #include Normally, I write "i64 i ;" ( typedef __int64 i64 ). > "( time_t * ) &RandTime" > Why not make those variables "time_t" in the first place? "i64" (signed) prevents _RIDICULOUS_ compile time errors; ChrisV might prefer "time_t". > Why the wide characters? Are you just used to using them? Because that's what my "Visual C console" expects, to test the code. UTF-16 is _EASIER_ to work with ( more readable, when debugging ); UTF-32 would be even easier, especially when handling emojis. ■ Stéphane_CARPENTIER│sc@fiat-linux_fr 6574e75c$0$8237$426a34cc@news.free.fr IransFinest ul320m$2iqmu$2@solani.org Stéphane_CARPENTIER│sc@fiat-linux_fr 65758ac5$0$2981$426a74cc@news.free.fr IransFinest ul4ubc$2jr56$2@solani.org JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.10--10.16am.Seattle.2023 IransFinest ul50in$2jr56$5@solani.org Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.10--11.10am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (411) OK; 26.3 Minutes, Gecko➤Thunder, Solani.ORG, Dec 10 { 10:38am, 2023 }:15^(-6) 七铁膗 Most men didn't live past 18. How often do you do the "48 hours calorie free" thing ? > Very much like we ate prior to agriculture. Back then, most men didn't live past 18. ■ IransFinest ul2m79$2ia3t$7@solani.org DetroitsFinest 179f485b4f21b713$156147$2221108$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com Stéphane_CARPENTIER│sc@fiat-linux_fr 6574e75c$0$8237$426a34cc@news.free.fr IransFinest ul320m$2iqmu$2@solani.org Stéphane_CARPENTIER│sc@fiat-linux_fr 65758ac5$0$2981$426a74cc@news.free.fr IransFinest ul4ure$2jr56$3@solani.org Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.10--10.23am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (410) OK; 9.1 Minutes, Gecko➤Thunder, Solani.ORG, Dec 10 { 10:08am, 2023 }:46^(-6) 七铁窮 "Iranian Monkeys" translate from Iranian to English. > At the lowest level, a programmer can > be appropriately called a Code Monkey. "Code Monkeys" translate from "Subject Matter Expert" to machine language. "Iranian Monkeys" translate from Iranian to English. ■ IransFinest ul2m79$2ia3t$7@solani.org DetroitsFinest 179f485b4f21b713$156147$2221108$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com Stéphane_CARPENTIER│sc@fiat-linux_fr 6574e75c$0$8237$426a34cc@news.free.fr IransFinest ul320m$2iqmu$2@solani.org Stéphane_CARPENTIER│sc@fiat-linux_fr 65758ac5$0$2981$426a74cc@news.free.fr IransFinest ul4ubc$2jr56$2@solani.org Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.10--10.16am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (408) OK; 3.4 Minutes, Gecko➤Thunder, Solani.ORG, Dec 10 { 10:00am, 2023 }:12^(-6) 七铁碬 What's on your charcuterie board, nothing ? > Of course you don't trust the OS. > Our resident "computer scientist", Relf, should explain this stuff Bottom line: Do you enjoy the app(let) ? > But he's munching on junk food Yes: Cheese, pistachios, Ritz crackers, Pepperoni slices, Donut holes, sliced chimichangas & marinated olives ( from a foil pack ). What's on your charcuterie board, nothing ? ■ DFS KmGbN.39816$Ck2e.2109@fx37.iad Stéphane_CARPENTIER│sc@fiat-linux_fr 65747d32$0$3012$426a74cc@news.free.fr DFS M6adN.12727$c3Ea.7433@fx10.iad AndyMatt uKjdN.759$IfLe.656@fx36.iad DFS SzkdN.7302$vFZa.3764@fx13.iad AndyMatt xtldN.2390$zqTf.309@fx35.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.10--9.51am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 5 (723) OK; 1.2 Hours, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Dec 10 { 8:14am, 2023 }:20^(-5) 七铁応 Mansions are for jealous women. Mansions are for jealous women. Elon Musk has 11 kids & 3 baby mamas yet he no longer owns any mansions. He crashes at his friend's tiny (50 thousand $) house in Austin Texas; he prefers it over the California mansions he once owned. Also, he's not paying rent on Twitter's San Francisco buildings; eviction negotiations are cheaper than breaking the lease. ■ DFS E6jdN.7678$83n7.58@fx18.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.10--9.19am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 10 (562) OK; 2.5 Hours, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Dec 10 { 5:33am, 2023 }:28^(-5) 七铀谨 Random numbers in a range. > int isleapyear(int yr) { // test for leap year > if(((yr%4==0) && (yr%100!=0)) || (yr%400==0)) > {return 0;} > return -1; > } #define isLeapYear( Yr ) ( !( Yr%400 ) || Yr%100 && !( Yr%4 ) ) > it returns month = 2 too often https://imgur.com/a/yQHDyXf > Any ideas ? Use (__int64) Seconds Since The Start of 1970, "localtime()" & "mktime()". > What do you use to get random numbers in a range ? #define Rand( Min, Max ) ( Min + ( Max - Min )*rand()/RAND_MAX ) ■ IransFinest ul2hp8$2b4kf$1@dont-email.me DetroitsFinest 179f44cf804f1336$14914$104255$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com IransFinest ul2m79$2ia3t$7@solani.org DetroitsFinest 179f485b4f21b713$156147$2221108$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com Stéphane_CARPENTIER│sc@fiat-linux_fr 6574e75c$0$8237$426a34cc@news.free.fr IransFinest ul320m$2iqmu$2@solani.org Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.9--5.07pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (393) OK; 5.4 Minutes, Gecko➤Thunder, Solani.ORG, Dec 9 { 4:50pm, 2023 }:29^(-6) 七钾絕 "Code Monkeys" translate from "Subject Matter Expert" to machine language. "Code Monkeys" translate from "Subject Matter Expert" to machine language. ■ DetroitsFinest 179f44cf804f1336$14914$104255$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com IransFinest ul2m79$2ia3t$7@solani.org DetroitsFinest 179f485b4f21b713$156147$2221108$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com IransFinest ul2vks$2iqmu$1@solani.org JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.9--4.19pm.Seattle.2023 IransFinest ul3296$2iqmu$3@solani.org Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.9--5.03pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (393) OK; 50 Secs, Gecko➤Thunder, Solani.ORG, Dec 9 { 4:55pm, 2023 }: 2^(-6) 七钾繦 If a 32-bit "float" (c) isn't enough, you're probably doing it wrong. You (IransFinest) replied ( to me ): > > If a 32-bit "float" (c) isn't enough, you're probably doing it wrong. > > Not if you sum something a billion times over. Why would you sum a billion floats ? Chances are, precision will _never_ be an issue. > The error accumulates and ruines the result. No, Random rounding errors cancel each other out. ■ DetroitsFinest 179e3313d8dfab8d$9384$104255$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com IransFinest ul2hp8$2b4kf$1@dont-email.me DetroitsFinest 179f44cf804f1336$14914$104255$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com IransFinest ul2m79$2ia3t$7@solani.org DetroitsFinest 179f485b4f21b713$156147$2221108$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com IransFinest ul2vks$2iqmu$1@solani.org Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.9--4.19pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (391) OK; 5.3 Minutes, Gecko➤Thunder, Solani.ORG, Dec 9 { 4:10pm, 2023 }: 4^(-6) 七钾珜 If a 32-bit "float" (c) isn't enough, you're probably doing it wrong. If a 32-bit "float" (c) isn't enough, you're probably doing it wrong. ■ DetroitsFinest 179e3313d8dfab8d$9384$104255$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com IransFinest ul2hp8$2b4kf$1@dont-email.me DetroitsFinest 179f44cf804f1336$14914$104255$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com Stéphane_CARPENTIER│sc@fiat-linux_fr 6574e3a4$0$7753$426a74cc@news.free.fr DetroitsFinest 179f4969b7113d7d$70587$2194212$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.9--4.13pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (170) OK; 1.9 Hours, BadRig, Usenetexpress.COM, Dec 9 { 2:11pm, 2023 }:42^(0) 七钾堞 Why repeat the obvious ?! DetroitsFinest reminds us: > I am NEVER right. Got that? NEVER! Why repeat the obvious ?! ■ AndyMatt w0rcN.5$Sf59.4@fx48.iad RonB ukuibn$1lmag$8@dont-email.me IransFinest ul0um0$2hou1$2@solani.org RonB ul19eg$257i5$3@dont-email.me AndyMatt 9H%cN.159$JLvf.48@fx44.iad rBowman ktk0b0Fc5f1U4@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.9--4.04pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (409) OK; 1.9 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Dec 9 { 0:17pm, 2023 }:36 七钽轠 War may be better than the alternative but _EVERYONE_LOSES_. You (rBowman) replied ( to AndyMatt ): > > The hippies were allowed to have an opinion when > > the only thing they deserved was a bullet between the eyes. > > As did Westmoreland . . . War may be better than the alternative but _EVERYONE_LOSES_. ■ DetroitsFinest 179e58b3d106db62$28602$3015877$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com IransFinest ul0usu$2hou1$3@solani.org DetroitsFinest 179f2388ab73a024$28688$3015877$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com IransFinest ul2fh0$2ia3t$2@solani.org DetroitsFinest 179f440e7ec868a9$14913$104255$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com IransFinest ul2jrh$2ia3t$5@solani.org Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.9--3.46pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 3 (390) OK; 1.3 Hours, Gecko➤Thunder, Solani.ORG, Dec 9 { 0:48pm, 2023 }:48^(-6) 七钽隰 Sliced chimichangas & marinated olives. > Munching cheese and pistachios. My charcuterie board also includes: Ritz crackers, Pepperoni slices, Donut holes, sliced chimichangas & marinated olives ( from a foil pack ). ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.6--6.38pm.Seattle.2023 DFS VXbcN.58682$_f8d.19567@fx40.iad IransFinest uku5m3$2g5gk$1@solani.org DFS 7MGcN.2285$xHn7.1524@fx14.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.8--9.09am.Seattle.2023 DFS 5BIcN.9$m4d.7@fx43.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.8--10.10am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 3 (537) OK; 16.9 Minutes, Betterbird, HighWinds➤Blocknews.NET, Dec 8 { 9:43am, 2023 }:30^(-5) 七钹懂 Checking for new posts. You (DFS) replied ( to me ): > > Have you tried updating COLA before you hit "post", DFS ? > > 'updating' as in unsubscribing then resubscribing? No, "updating COLA" means: checking for new posts. Is it possible that your post was received but doesn't show up right away ? Maybe it takes 10 minutes before it shows up. ■ IransFinest ukr5v2$2ep0h$8@solani.org DFS ZM9cN.177497$AqO5.169122@fx11.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.6--6.38pm.Seattle.2023 DFS VXbcN.58682$_f8d.19567@fx40.iad IransFinest uku5m3$2g5gk$1@solani.org DFS 7MGcN.2285$xHn7.1524@fx14.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.8--9.09am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 3 (534) OK; 1.4 Hours, Betterbird, HighWinds➤Blocknews.NET, Dec 8 { 7:38am, 2023 }:43^(-5) 七钸隃 DFS, Have you tried updating COLA before you hit "post" ? Have you tried updating COLA before you hit "post", DFS ? ■ AndyMatt gX6cN.3205$G3Me.2640@fx09.iad RonB ukska7$19pok$2@dont-email.me AndyMatt D_qcN.3$Sf59.0@fx48.iad ScottGNU uktknr$1bkmt$6@dont-email.me Crump c4m4nilcvc3snehqkmku5i7gn7joaqj9bt@4ax.com zZombie(%) 82edneKivte04O_4nZ2dnZfqn_adnZ2d@giganews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.8--5.17am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (627) OK; 10.4 Hours, Gecko➤Jan_2010➤WinX, Giganews.COM, Dec 7 { 6:19pm, 2023 }:20^(-7) 七钶缨 I'm using 13. zZombie(%) wrote: > i'm using 12 I'm using 13. ■ IransFinest ukori9$2db3b$1@solani.org DFS 9o%bN.52666$Jbsd.20946@fx03.iad IransFinest ukr2kl$2ep0h$4@solani.org DFS ku8cN.222327$BbXa.139362@fx16.iad IransFinest ukr5v2$2ep0h$8@solani.org DFS ZM9cN.177497$AqO5.169122@fx11.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.6--6.38pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 1 (514) OK; 21.2 Minutes, BetterBird, HighWinds➤Blocknews.NET, Dec 6 { 6:06pm, 2023 }:50^(-5) 七钲犺 DFS, Your client/server is failing to post. Your client/server is failing to post, DFS. Go to the General settings in BetterBird. Scroll down to the Network & Disk Space section. Search for "MailNews". Is the default value 100 seconds ? that should be plenty. Restart BetterBird & try posting again. ■ IransFinest uk8q76$2557d$1@solani.org Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.6--8.58am.Seattle.2023 Sci.Physics, Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy +-, 6.5 Days, Gecko➤Thunder, Solani.ORG, Nov 29 { 5:57pm, 2023 }:58^(-6) 七钕耦 Cute American girl killed by a _DRUNK_ Iranian retard (graphic): Cute American girl killed by a _DRUNK_ Iranian retard (graphic): Streamable.COM/pr5jl7 "Cro-Magnons" only exist in IransFinest's mind. ■ Crump 2tnumi196aadebsmoph0p6e6hhns63r67h@4ax.com zZombie(%) 8rScnQttgoQo_fL4nZ2dnZfqnPednZ2d@giganews.com Crump r7qumi1ki03b63cbidnrbnqbsaehlrol7r@4ax.com zZombie(%) u2SdnZOusJ-O5PL4nZ2dnZfqnPednZ2d@giganews.com Crump cmuumi947i080uhcjilpnm379k185jpdg7@4ax.com zZombie(%) AgGdneWFCIfv4vL4nZ2dnZfqnPGdnZ2d@giganews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.5--0.46pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (657) OK; 32.2 Minutes, Gecko➤Jan_2010➤WinX, Giganews.COM, Dec 5 { 11:52am, 2023 }:17^(-7) 七钭捱 zZombie(%), didn't you win the lottery twice ? Why are you working, zZombie(%) ? didn't you win the lottery twice ? ■ DetroitsFinest 179d4ff866af00d2$36641$1805820$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com DFS Jd%aN.29077$pgLd.18092@fx05.iad DetroitsFinest 179d67a53c3d8ae0$8080$104255$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com DFS r79bN.88201$zh16.23050@fx48.iad DetroitsFinest 179dbc8dc3cfe435$18951$3015877$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.4--3.14pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy +-, 50.3 Minutes, BadRig, Usenetexpress.COM, Dec 4 { 0:59pm, 2023 }:11^(0) 七钩榟 utf16 isn't hardly enough. You (DetroitsFinest) replied: > > Use utf8 to read, write, store, and display text. > > CREATE DATABASE "FoodDB" CHARACTER SET utf8; > > CREATE TABLE "FoodTable" (...) CHARACTER SET utf8; > > the Perl module Text:CSV_XS, which is used to read > the CSV fields, will write all wide-char characters as the > Unicode equivalent, which over this range is identical to UTF-16. utf16 isn't enough. Unicode is 20 bits wide (utf32); then ligatures. Plop the 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 emoji into "Food.CSV" (utf8); using a binary editor, tell me how many bytes it consumes; to wit: f0 9f 91 a8 e2 80 8d f0 9f 91 a9 e2 80 8d f0 9f 91 a7 e2 80 8d f0 9f 91 a6 ■ DetroitsFinest 179d4ff866af00d2$36641$1805820$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com DFS Jd%aN.29077$pgLd.18092@fx05.iad DetroitsFinest 179d67a53c3d8ae0$8080$104255$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com DFS r79bN.88201$zh16.23050@fx48.iad DetroitsFinest 179d9691e7420595$39091$2194212$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.4--5.24am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (138) OK; 3 Hours, BadRig, Usenetexpress.COM, Dec 4 { 1:23am, 2023 }: 7^(0) 七钧橻 CREATE TABLE "FoodTable" (...) CHARACTER SET utf8; You (DetroitsFinest) replied ( to DFS ): > > The default encoding for a SQLite db is utf-8, but it supports UTF-16 as > > well, so it didn't choke when importing food.csv with the UTF-16 characters. > > The appearance of UTF-16 chars in a UTF-8 stream is > like throwing a monkey wrench into the machinery. You guys ( DFS included ) are f*cking nuts ! "imgur.com/a/JO6iEhy" is a f*ck up. Use UTF-8 to read, write, store, and display text. CREATE DATABASE "FoodDB" CHARACTER SET utf8; CREATE TABLE "FoodTable" (...) CHARACTER SET utf8; When Visual Studio edits "Food.CSV" ( a 165 MegaByte text file in "FoodData_Central_csv_2023-10-26" ) & "Find ALL" "Fatty Acid Content" in "*.CSV" files, I see: "Fatty Acid Content of Retail Cow’s Milk [. . .]", Edit "Food.CSV" with a _BINARY_ editor, like I did, and you'll see that each letter consumes only 1 byte, not 2, so it can _NOT_ be UTF-16. "Cow’s Milk" displays fine, so it _MUST_BE_ UTF-8, not Windows-1252. Using a binary editor, I see that the apostrophe is 3 bytes long, "e2 80 99" ( which is "’" if you _wrongly_ assume Windows-1252 ); UTF-16 is nowhere to be found. ■ GNU_You 179d4ff866af00d2$36641$1805820$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com DFS Jd%aN.29077$pgLd.18092@fx05.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.3--6.20am.Seattle.2023 DFS Y51bN.27788$Ubzd.9580@fx36.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.3--10.39am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (471) OK; 2.8 Hours, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Dec 3 { 7:25am, 2023 }:52^(-5) 七钤搀 Detecting Surrogate Pairs. You (DFS) replied ( to me ): > > A Unicode "code point" is only 20 bits long, not 32; > > so a two byte "surrogate pair" (UTF-8) is enough > > to describe a 20 bit code point. > > how do you easily determine which character set they come from? You don't; just assume it. DOS console needs a "@chcp 65001". Using UTF-16 ( wchar_t ), _One_ emoji ligature might contain _Four_ different surrogate pairs, each joined via a ZWJ ( Zero Width Joiner, U+200D ) code point. For example: the 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 emoji is 24 bytes long: 👨 ZWJ 👩 ZWJ 👧 ZWJ 👦 . typedef wchar_t wchar ; typedef char32_t Uchar ; // UTF-16 requires a "Surrogate Pair" ( 2 wchars ) // to encode one 20 bit UTF-32 (Uchar) code point. Uchar _i32, i32 = U'⛏'; wchar pCh[2]; #define i32>pCh( Ch, pCh ) \ ( pCh[1] = 0, Ch >= 0x10000 \ ? *pCh = 0xd800 | Ch - 0x10000 >> 10, pCh[1] = 0xdc00 + ( Ch & 0x03FF ) \ : *pCh = Ch ) i32>pCh( i32, pCh ); SurrogatePair = ( *pCh & 0xF800 ) == 0xD800 ; _i32 = !SurrogatePair ? *pCh : 0x10000 + ( *pCh - 0xD800 << 10 ) + pCh[1] - 0xDC00 ; ■ GNU_You 179d4ff866af00d2$36641$1805820$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com DFS Jd%aN.29077$pgLd.18092@fx05.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.3--6.20am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 4 (470) OK; 50.3 Minutes, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Dec 3 { 5:17am, 2023 }:37^(-5) 七钣韱 Assume UTF-8. > "inconsistent" character encodings A Unicode "code point" is only 20 bits long, not 32; so a two byte "surrogate pair" (UTF-8) is enough to describe a 20 bit code point. UTF-8 is so ubiquitous that it blows my mind, yet you guys don't even recognize it when you see it; if you don't know what the charset is, assume UTF-8. ■ Crump tuanmil3e31p6tdijtf0hgdp8j19mkgiqo@4ax.com IransFinest ukgdni$29boh$3@solani.org Crump tdmnmi1ke6d8u3roouaeangkh4p0vh8rnq@4ax.com IransFinest ukgp90$2j5t9$1@dont-email.me Crump ejqnmipcvpafpc52d56210mu2abdp523g5@4ax.com zZombie(%) 19ycndF_cN6dbvb4nZ2dnZfqn_ednZ2d@giganews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.2--7.23pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (647) OK; 1.3 Minutes, Gecko➤Jan_2010➤WinX, Giganews.COM, Dec 2 { 7:16pm, 2023 }:15^(-7) 七钢峿 cheese and/or pepperoni are nice too. zZombie(%): > crackers are the people with the whip Cool Whip sounds good; cheese and/or pepperoni are nice too. ■ GNU_You 179cff8a6539d602$125438$2221108$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com DFS xVGaN.149241$BbXa.46949@fx16.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.2--6.56am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 4 (466) OK; 28.9 Minutes, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Dec 2 { 6:10am, 2023 }:42^(-5) 七钟髢 How many doughnuts/day should I be eating ? Re: The USDA's FDC database. How many doughnuts/day should I be eating ? ■ GNU_You 179cfddd9c9cba3f$13597$2135710$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com ScottGNU ukf20q$27kdf$1@dont-email.me GNU_You 179d01df0f7ecac9$34319$2194212$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.2--4.52am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (123) OK; 34.5 Minutes, BadRig, Usenetexpress.COM, Dec 2 { 3:58am, 2023 }:11^(0) 七钟篓 Steve Carroll, Branimir Maksimovic, rBowman, ScottGNU, Tyrone & DFS << Steve Carroll, Branimir Maksimovic, rBowman, ScottGNU, Tyrone & DFS >> are|were professional programmers. ■ GNU_You 179cafc9f0bb8f8f$38175$297770$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com Tyrone│none@none_none _GudndGJkac1jff4nZ2dnZfqnPGdnZ2d@supernews.com GNU_You 179ccbd0d9279983$36445$1805820$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com DFS K3zaN.55907$yAie.26386@fx44.iad GNU_You 179cfc5a1daab2df$13596$2135710$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com . Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.2--3.19am.Seattle.2023 GNU_You 179d01caa68d677b$34318$2194212$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.2--4.44am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (123) OK; 36 Minutes, BadRig, Usenetexpress.COM, Dec 2 { 3:56am, 2023 }:44^(0) 七钟筼 Edit "Food.CSV" with a _BINARY_ editor. You ( Detroit's finest ) replied to me ( in Seattle, across the pond from Microsoft ): > > When I edit ( Visual Studio 2019 ) "Food.CSV" > > ( a 165 MegaByte text file in "FoodData_Central_csv_2023-10-26" ) > > & "Find ALL" "Fatty Acid Content" in "*.CSV" files, I see: > > > > "Fatty Acid Content of Retail Cow’s Milk [. . .]", > > That is fucking UTF-16 encoding! Edit "Food.CSV" with a _BINARY_ editor. Does each letter consume 2 bytes ?! if not, it's not UTF-16. Unlike you guys, with your outdated/unruly databases, DevStudio ( now Visual Studio ) was Unicode aware in 1988. ■ GNU_You 179cafc9f0bb8f8f$38175$297770$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com Tyrone│none@none_none _GudndGJkac1jff4nZ2dnZfqnPGdnZ2d@supernews.com GNU_You 179ccbd0d9279983$36445$1805820$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com DFS K3zaN.55907$yAie.26386@fx44.iad GNU_You 179cfc5a1daab2df$13596$2135710$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.2--3.36am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (119) OK; 8.7 Minutes, BadRig, Usenetexpress.COM, Dec 2 { 2:17am, 2023 }: 3^(0) 七钟搟 UTF-8 is the default character set for all file names everywhere. > Microslop's native encoding for text is UTF-16, UTF-8 is the default character set for all file names everywhere, including NTFS (Windows), Linux, Chrome, HTML & JavaScript. > You FAILED! You're FIRED! Hit the road, losers! Sadly, you're par for the course. P.S. Using UTF-16 ( as Visual C++ does ), _One_ emoji ligature might contain _Four_ different surrogate pairs, each joined via a ZWJ ( Zero Width Joiner, U+200D ) code point. For example: the 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 emoji is 24 bytes long: 👨 ZWJ 👩 ZWJ 👧 ZWJ 👦 . ■ GNU_You 179cafc9f0bb8f8f$38175$297770$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com Tyrone│none@none_none _GudndGJkac1jff4nZ2dnZfqnPGdnZ2d@supernews.com GNU_You 179ccbd0d9279983$36445$1805820$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com DFS K3zaN.55907$yAie.26386@fx44.iad GNU_You 179cfc5a1daab2df$13596$2135710$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.2--3.19am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (119) OK; 8.7 Minutes, BadRig, Usenetexpress.COM, Dec 2 { 2:17am, 2023 }: 3^(0) 七钟搟 DevStudio ( now Visual Studio ) was Unicode aware in 1988. DFS' "undefined characters" are UTF-8 surrogate pairs, not UTF-16. When I edit ( Visual Studio 2019 ) "Food.CSV" ( a 165 MegaByte text file in "FoodData_Central_csv_2023-10-26" ) & "Find ALL" "Fatty Acid Content" in "*.CSV" files, I see: "Fatty Acid Content of Retail Cow’s Milk in the Northeastern United States—What’s in It for the Consumer?", Unlike you guys, with your outdated/unruly databases, DevStudio ( now Visual Studio ) was Unicode aware in 1988. ■ DFS rp%9N.101609$yvY5.56818@fx10.iad IransFinest ukbbc3$1j1oa$1@dont-email.me DFS 5FaaN.4$unw7.2@fx09.iad IransFinest ukbjhp$26ie6$1@solani.org DFS y1maN.22217$_z86.10325@fx46.iad IransFinest ukdsnh$27oht$1@solani.org Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.2--2.12am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 3 (304) OK; 9.5 Hours, Gecko➤Thunder, Solani.ORG, Dec 1 { 4:11pm, 2023 }:29^(-6) 七钝稱 If Turkey, Egypt, Malaysia or Saudi Arabia needs meth, heroin or missiles. If Turkey, Egypt, Malaysia or Saudi Arabia needs meth, heroin or missiles, they'll call you ( Iranian dicks ); otherwise, no. ■ AndyMatt %Bw9N.25622$cnze.22923@fx35.iad IransFinest uk8kc6$25au1$4@solani.org AndyMatt vD1aN.32166$G%oc.780@fx33.iad rBowman kssovcFksp5U2@mid.individual.net candycanearter07│no@thanks_net ukcss7$1thri$2@dont-email.me DFS lYmaN.164651$Ee89.55827@fx17.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.1--7.36am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (453) OK; 27 Secs, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Dec 1 { 7:28am, 2023 }:19^(-5) 七钜冓 Who's candycanearter ? > what's a candycanearter ? & how did he end up in COLA ? ■ Jeff-Relf.Me@Dec.1--5.52am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy Glorified AutoFill ( Guided by Context ). Noam Chomsky ( a Marxist anarchist ) calls chat bots: Glorified AutoFill ( Guided by Context ). ■ Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.30--0.27pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy I doubt China can pay for the the trains it built. I doubt China can pay for the the trains it built, much less maintain them; once this becomes obvious to everyone, China's economy will have derailed. ■ AndyMatt cSa8N.129248$Ee89.87864@fx17.iad Tyrone│none@none_none M6ecnfkZofLrQ__4nZ2dnZfqn_WdnZ2d@supernews.com DFS rp%9N.101609$yvY5.56818@fx10.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.30--5.36am.Seattle.2023 DFS eT0aN.28838$pgLd.9532@fx05.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.30--8.17am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 1 (436) OK; 1.7 Hours, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Nov 30 { 6:20am, 2023 }:58^(-5) 七钗詊 DFS, the check is in the mail. You (DFS) replied ( to me ): > > Pay me 500 $ and I'll install Win11 + updates. > > How about you pay me $500 if you don't install it? Deal, the check is in the mail. P.S. "USPS" (US mail) is forcing its workers to work overtime and to prioritize Amazon over its usual clients (junk mail). My housemate has the same problem, he's being forced to work overtime. ■ AndyMatt cSa8N.129248$Ee89.87864@fx17.iad Tyrone│none@none_none M6ecnfkZofLrQ__4nZ2dnZfqn_WdnZ2d@supernews.com DFS rp%9N.101609$yvY5.56818@fx10.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.30--5.36am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 2 (435) OK; 44.6 Minutes, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Nov 30 { 4:40am, 2023 }:55^(-5) 七钗狗 Pay me 500 $ and I'll install Win11 + updates. Pay me 500 $ and I'll install Win11 + updates. P.S. fat Henry Kissinger made it to 100. ■ AndyMatt qxw9N.14549$%aH4.8928@fx01.iad RonB uk7dab$rldq$1@dont-email.me RonB uk7dia$rloh$1@dont-email.me candycanearter07│no@thanks_net uk7q5q$tmon$4@dont-email.me RonB uk8cnv$10mdi$1@dont-email.me candycanearter07│no@thanks_net uk92te$17dfh$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.30--0.00am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (132) OK; 3.3 Hours, Betterbird, Eternal-September.ORG, Nov 29 { 8:26pm, 2023 }:22^(-6) 七钖僮 Binary servers are more lax, more anonymous. Buy a block of data from one of many binary servers. BlockNews.NET, NewsDemon.COM Usenet gains 220 TeraBytes each Day. NewsDemon.COM/usenet-newsgroup-feed-size For better or worse, binary servers are more lax, more anonymous. ■ DFS Np98N.92278$AqO5.40848@fx11.iad IransFinest ujrfud$1ueeq$1@solani.org DFS CHn9N.30371$ayBd.17207@fx07.iad IransFinest uk6041$23ntf$4@solani.org JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.28--10.13pm.Seattle.2023 DFS EdG9N.9862$DADd.1182@fx38.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.29--4.45am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 3 (429) OK; 6.7 Minutes, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Nov 29 { 4:34am, 2023 }:44^(-5) 七钓柤 Jimmy Carter is 99 years old. DFS: > you know Munger died yesterday. Tera Yes, I found out after I emailed you and posted here. P.S. Jimmy Carter is 99 years old. ■ DFS 5B78N.65582$cAm7.31471@fx18.iad IransFinest ujr1v9$1ufh8$2@solani.org DFS Np98N.92278$AqO5.40848@fx11.iad IransFinest ujrfud$1ueeq$1@solani.org DFS CHn9N.30371$ayBd.17207@fx07.iad IransFinest uk6041$23ntf$4@solani.org Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.28--10.13pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 6 (274) OK; 5.7 Hours, Gecko➤Thunder, Solani.ORG, Nov 28 { 4:20pm, 2023 }:20^(-6) 七钑忄 Obese Charlie Munger (Berkshire Hathaway). How do you explain this, IransFinest . . . ? A month from now, obese Charlie Munger (Berkshire Hathaway) will be 100 years old. Millions enjoy his ongoing comments/stories. P.S. He's the same age as my dad would be (RIP 2005). ■ GNU_You 179b357838ebff14$25850$297770$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com DFS cL89N.21873$Ck2e.20183@fx37.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.28--0.27am.Seattle.2023 DFS NNo9N.36305$Ycdc.14533@fx09.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.28--9.09am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (429) OK; 20.6 Minutes, Betterbird, HighWinds➤Blocknews.NET, Nov 28 { 8:44am, 2023 }:29^(-5) 七钏飭 Feeb's Voice. Feeb's Voice: > https://www.youtube.com/@larrypiet4131 Thanks. ■ GNU_You 179b357838ebff14$25850$297770$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com DFS cL89N.21873$Ck2e.20183@fx37.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.28--0.27am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 5 (422) OK; 9.7 Hours, Betterbird, HighWinds➤Blocknews.NET, Nov 27 { 2:29pm, 2023 }:34^(-5) 七钌蹎 Feeb's Voice ? DFS: > Feeb, that was pathetic. You sound more deranged than ever. I'd like to hear a sample of his voice. ■ Stéphane_CARPENTIER│sc@fiat-linux_fr 65627c64$0$10103$426a74cc@news.free.fr Crump 2pv4mi9nsui242ra24a45j0r3iqm2q0age@4ax.com Stéphane_CARPENTIER│sc@fiat-linux_fr 65630a23$0$6102$426a34cc@news.free.fr Crump drg7mipvkddsh99bknja5erfu6frk62r3s@4ax.com DFS ZvT8N.13828$%aH4.6629@fx01.iad zZombie(%) D2udnUReGObRkfn4nZ2dnZfqn_qdnZ2d@giganews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.26--10.39pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (662) OK; 2 Hours, Gecko➤Jan_2010➤WinX, Giganews.COM, Nov 26 { 7:26pm, 2023 }: 4^(-7) 七钉硌 Little mammals living in the hot, lush, Canadian Arctic. zZombie(%): > go back to where your ancestors came from , ok , bye Back 60 million years ago, after the dinosaur "extinction" (they became birds), our ancestors were little mammals living in the hot, lush, Canadian Arctic. -- Nothing is Greener than GreenHouse Earth. ■ Crump 3p47mi9facecgroirmk0hmgjbgac0kpfas@4ax.com IransFinest uk0i72$219m2$1@solani.org Crump a7j7mih3m6b5ie18837c38bmq58k4qjcst@4ax.com zZombie(%) TOGcncTGsaxwRf74nZ2dnZfqn_udnZ2d@giganews.com Crump rsm7miltgnerfii6efp3qlcrais9lqa927@4ax.com zZombie(%) A5CdnV5Nh87Tfv74nZ2dnZfqnPudnZ2d@giganews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.26--10.33pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 11 (662) OK; 5 Hours, Gecko➤Jan_2010➤WinX, Giganews.COM, Nov 26 { 4:31pm, 2023 }:10^(-7) 七钉低 Ephedrine is a natural insecticide. Ephedrine is a natural insecticide. Iranians were the first to use & abuse it. ■ zZombie(%) TOGcncfGsazGRP74nZ2dnZfqn_udnZ2d@giganews.com Crump r8n7mi10b9s8i14tfl2l2u0u75doiig560@4ax.com zZombie(%) iNecnbWoMZ-Qef74nZ2dnZfqn_SdnZ2d@giganews.com Crump map7mi5v3at9631p3tdmi3rmqj70u6r9b9@4ax.com zZombie(%) M6icnXIz3Z3kbP74nZ2dnZfqnPGdnZ2d@giganews.com Crump nbt7mi5atifois4gc3llonvinrp5sdjt89@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.26--10.01pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 6 (971) OK; 3.6 Hours, F_Agent, HighWinds➤Easynews.COM, Nov 26 { 5:50pm, 2023 }:15^(-5) 七钉懗 Zombies. zZombie(%) wrote: > > i'm not talking about kiddie caffeine like they put in soda , > > if you haven't injected it you've never really used it That's what all the zombies say. ■ zZombie(%) E3udnU7n3tcJC_74nZ2dnZfqn_idnZ2d@giganews.com Crump aek7mitvl8atogmaf8aevau357qnut8rak@4ax.com zZombie(%) TOGcncbGsaw8RP74nZ2dnZfqn_udnZ2d@giganews.com Crump afn7miplqcchn2fev1oqg3o8middfraloc@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.26--9.53pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 9 (971) OK; 5.3 Hours, F_Agent, HighWinds➤Easynews.COM, Nov 26 { 4:12pm, 2023 }:42^(-5) 七针鳺 Flameshot works on Macs too. Flameshot works on Macs too. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.25--5.23am.Seattle.2023 IransFinest uju2gc$1vvmi$2@solani.org JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.25--6.04pm.Seattle.2023 IransFinest ujug6r$206lk$4@solani.org JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.25--10.57pm.Seattle.2023 IransFinest uk113a$216pr$1@solani.org Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.26--9.46pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 6 (262) OK; 2.4 Hours, Gecko➤Thunder, Solani.ORG, Nov 26 { 7:06pm, 2023 }:17^(-6) 七钉玩 VC applets. z1.EXE has been tested on my Win10 PC because it's _only_ for me; it might run on your PC too, if I guided you through it. It's far too complex for most people. Basically, it's a Visual C++ graphics terminal; a number of VC applets run on top of it. To compile it, one _must_ install Windows 10 SDK & "Visual C 14.22.27905". Put your "Include", "Lib" paths in "Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.user.props.TXT"; Copy it too "%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\MSBuild\v4.0\"; Remove the ".TXT" extension and ReSart; Now, the CodeEditor knows where your Includes are. Also, put them in: Solution Explorer -> Select all projects -> Settings -> Configuration Properties -> VC++ Directories. ■ IransFinest uju2gc$1vvmi$2@solani.org JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.25--6.04pm.Seattle.2023 IransFinest ujug6r$206lk$4@solani.org IransFinest ujunt1$2026e$1@solani.org JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.25--11.03pm.Seattle.2023 IransFinest uk076i$21423$1@solani.org Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.26--3.56pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 5 (256) OK; 4 Hours, Gecko➤Thunder, Solani.ORG, Nov 26 { 11:44am, 2023 }:20^(-6) 七针帔 Fromm z1.CPP in z1.ZIP: Fromm z1.CPP in z1.ZIP: #define _CRT_RAND_S #define UNICODE #define SECURITY_WIN32 #undef _DEBUG #define NTDDI_VERSION WDK_NTDDI_VERSION // Updating Visual Studio may change the "Windows SDK" and the "14.22.27905" in "C:\__\EXEs\VisualStudio2019\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.22.27905\lib\x64". // Visual Studio -> Solution Explorer -> RightClick Solution -> ReTarget Solution -> Pick a "Windows SDK". // Put your "Include", "Lib" paths in "Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.user.props.TXT"; Copy it too "%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\MSBuild\v4.0\"; // Remove the ".TXT" extension and ReSart; Now, the CodeEditor knows where your Includes are. // Also, put them in: Solution Explorer -> Select all projects -> Settings -> Configuration Properties -> VC++ Directories. #include #pragma comment( lib, "d2d1.LIB") #include #pragma comment( lib, "d3d11.LIB") using namespace D2D1 ; #include // Fonts #pragma comment( lib, "dwrite.LIB") #include // JPG #pragma comment( lib, "WindowsCodecs.LIB" ) #pragma comment( lib, "Ws2_32.LIB" ) #pragma comment( lib, "Secur32.LIB" ) #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include IMultiLanguage3 *IE_Charset ; MIMECSETINFO CharSetRec ; #include IShellDispatch4 *pShellDisp ; DEVMODE Disp = { {}, 0, 0, sizeof Disp }; #include #include #include #include #undef DrawText ■ Crump nu82mi5h7ribj6j7k7oa19h91r0bsj1bbi@4ax.com DFS vcb8N.40001$zh16.3478@fx48.iad Crump fig2milbik3c0b08k5gvqlvsd6vrbbut2u@4ax.com HughHuntzinger 2acfa853-baaa-4d51-8b37-a9b85152de5bn@googlegroups.com ChrisV q3n6mi5ai8fa6so84h1fv0kmq06p14m4hk@4ax.com IransFinest uk0b92$216em$1@solani.org Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.26--3.52pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 3 (256) OK; 2.8 Hours, Gecko➤Thunder, Solani.ORG, Nov 26 { 0:53pm, 2023 }:56^(-6) 七针湤 Caffeine is a natural insecticide. Caffeine is a natural insecticide. ■ Crump 8sr3mi1534jnb6msqp5j8vgf72f1kvjhug@4ax.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.25--5.23am.Seattle.2023 IransFinest uju2gc$1vvmi$2@solani.org JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.25--6.04pm.Seattle.2023 IransFinest ujug6r$206lk$4@solani.org IransFinest ujunt1$2026e$1@solani.org Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.25--11.03pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 5 (252) OK; 32.6 Minutes, Gecko➤Thunder, Solani.ORG, Nov 25 { 10:17pm, 2023 }: 5^(-6) 七钅雡 How much would I have to pay you to use it ? You (IransFinest): > If [z1.ZIP] works on other computers, > then why not writing a User's Manual for > it as well, so anybody could learn to use it ? No one wants it. How much would I have to pay you to use it ? The .ZIP file only exists because DFS asked about it. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.24--10.22pm.Seattle.2023 Crump 8sr3mi1534jnb6msqp5j8vgf72f1kvjhug@4ax.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.25--5.23am.Seattle.2023 IransFinest uju2gc$1vvmi$2@solani.org JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.25--6.04pm.Seattle.2023 IransFinest ujug6r$206lk$4@solani.org Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.25--10.57pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 6 (252) OK; 2.7 Hours, Gecko➤Thunder, Solani.ORG, Nov 25 { 8:05pm, 2023 }:47^(-6) 七钅砛 "z1.ZIP" compiles. You (IransFinest) replied ( to me ): > > Jeff-Relf.Me/z1.ZIP > > So your source codes won't compile and build on other people's > computers, except on yours? Pop it in Visual Studio 2019, Community Edition, it compiles. I've written extensions & macros for MicroSoft Visual Studio: Jeff-Relf.Me/MouseKeyboardLayout.PNG Jeff-Relf.Me/Macros.HTM ■ Crump 1jj2mitklvurofc5bt5b2g50l7p2bic21c@4ax.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.24--10.22pm.Seattle.2023 Crump 8sr3mi1534jnb6msqp5j8vgf72f1kvjhug@4ax.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.25--5.23am.Seattle.2023 IransFinest uju2gc$1vvmi$2@solani.org Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.25--6.04pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 4 (245) OK; 1.8 Hours, Gecko➤Thunder, Solani.ORG, Nov 25 { 4:11pm, 2023 }:57^(-6) 七钄鍍 "Jeff-Relf.Me/z1.ZIP" is of no use to anyone but me. You (IransFinest) replied ( to me ): > > User-Agent: Jeff-Relf.Me/z1.HTM > > Would you make the source code available to the public? I have, Jeff-Relf.Me/z1.ZIP; but it's of no use to anyone but me. ■ ScottGNU ujlh5q$1dv0i$1@dont-email.me . Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.22--5.57pm.Seattle.2023 . Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.23--9.52am.Seattle.2023 . Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.24--1.35am.Seattle.2023 Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.25--6.15am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 2 (127) OK; 7 Hours, Pan➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Nov 22 { 10:27am, 2023 }: 6 七鑷矺 The most satisfying way to beat StockFish. The most satisfying/relaxing way to beat StockFish is to use "Chess 960" ( SemiRandom, ECO "B21" ) initial positioning. "Move Interval" == 5 seconds, StockFish == On. Play White. Black has no pawns ( see below, ChessX .PGN file ). [Event "1"] [Site "Here&Now"] [Date "1970.01.01"] [Round "1"] [White "Me"] [Black "StockFish"] [Result "*"] [ECO "B21"] [EventDate "1970.01.01"] [FEN "rnqkbbnr/8/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNQKBBNR w KQkq - 0 1"] [SetUp "1"] 1. Nc3 Rxh2 * ■ Crump 1jj2mitklvurofc5bt5b2g50l7p2bic21c@4ax.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.24--10.22pm.Seattle.2023 Crump 8sr3mi1534jnb6msqp5j8vgf72f1kvjhug@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.25--5.23am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (950) OK; 20.4 Minutes, F_Agent, HighWinds➤Easynews.COM, Nov 25 { 4:59am, 2023 }: 1^(-5) 七钂馕 No one f*cks with my PC without my explicit permission. You (Crump) replied ( to me ): > > No one f*cks with my PC without my explicit permission. > > And you're running Windows ? Yes, Windows 10, User-Agent: Jeff-Relf.Me/z1.HTM ■ AndyMatt cSa8N.129248$Ee89.87864@fx17.iad Crump 2hf2miltnev5l3m4o32vjujeihov0t2rvu@4ax.com AndyMatt Icc8N.28664$rx%7.14816@fx47.iad Crump 3nk2milp0amfbhng00r77nc53i6j9shbl1@4ax.com AndyMatt vVc8N.7141$tIyd.4113@fx34.iad Crump 01o2mitreqm640e8pdp672mgqhip4ilmud@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.24--10.55pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 4 (949) OK; 2.9 Hours, F_Agent, HighWinds➤Easynews.COM, Nov 24 { 7:06pm, 2023 }: 5^(-5) 七钁悝 Usenet gains 220 TeraBytes each Day. Usenet gains 220 TeraBytes each Day. NewsDemon.COM/usenet-newsgroup-feed-size ■ Crump 1jj2mitklvurofc5bt5b2g50l7p2bic21c@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.24--10.22pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 8 (949) OK; 4.2 Hours, F_Agent, HighWinds➤Easynews.COM, Nov 24 { 5:49pm, 2023 }: 0^(-5) 七钁二 No one f*cks with my PC without my explicit permission. No one f*cks with my PC without my explicit permission. Obi-Wan Kenobi: You must allow me to modify your computer whenever I want. Crump: I must allow you to modify my computer whenever you want. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.24--9.50am.Seattle.2023 candycanearter07│no@thanks_net ujqrst$2ec0m$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.24--3.54pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy +-, 4.8 Hours, Betterbird, Eternal-September.ORG, Nov 24 { 11:00am, 2023 }:45^(-6) 七鑿鋝 Mashed potatoes & gravy from a grocery store deli. You (arter) replied ( to me ): > > Cook it low & slow, in beef bone broth, overnight. > > Brown it on a rotating spit ( like a rotisserie chicken ), > > basting it with a gravy made from the crockpot juice. > > Thanks for the tip, I suppose. It's just an idea, something you could try. Mashed potatoes & gravy from a grocery store deli is easier, if not better. ■ . terg97$nt91$1@solani.org . tergdp$nt91$2@solani.org . terq7h$o1j5$1@solani.org . ters2v$o3ji$1@solani.org . ue74a6$97f3$2@solani.org IransFinest ujr0pd$1ucqj$4@solani.org Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.24--3.40pm.Seattle.2023 Sci.Physics, Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 5 (235) OK; 2.3 Hours, Gecko➤Thunder, Solani.ORG, Nov 24 { 0:24pm, 2023 }:12^(-6) 七钀呬 The Ayatollah bowed down to Reagan. Jimmy Carter bowed down to the Ayatollah, the Ayatollah bowed down to Reagan. ■ GNU_You 179a5899fabd15ba$14379$755348$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com DFS yv78N.65580$cAm7.61115@fx18.iad Crump nu82mi5h7ribj6j7k7oa19h91r0bsj1bbi@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.24--3.34pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (935) OK; 9.2 Minutes, F_Agent, HighWinds➤Easynews.COM, Nov 24 { 2:33pm, 2023 }:56^(-5) 七钀狔 Surround Sound. Logitech g635 USB HeadSet Thanks to Logitech (g635 USB), all my audio is surround sound, derived or original. My songs sound _MUCH_ better in surround sound: Jeff-Relf.Me/MyPlayList.HTM ■ Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.24--9.50am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy Best way to cook a steak: Best way to cook a steak: Cook it low & slow, in beef bone broth, overnight. Brown it on a rotating spit ( like a rotisserie chicken ), basting it with a gravy made from the crockpot juice. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.17--0.33am.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU uj94ue$31ed3$1@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.17--8.22pm.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU ujas89$3c9j1$3@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.18--1.20pm.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU ujlh5q$1dv0i$1@dont-email.me . Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.22--5.57pm.Seattle.2023 . Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.23--9.52am.Seattle.2023 Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.24--1.35am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 2 (127) OK; 7 Hours, Pan➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Nov 22 { 10:27am, 2023 }: 6 七鑷矺 When StockFish plays its 2nd best move. When StockFish plays its 2nd best move, I can beat it. "Move Interval" == 1 second ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.17--0.33am.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU uj94ue$31ed3$1@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.17--8.22pm.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU ujas89$3c9j1$3@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.18--1.20pm.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU ujlh5q$1dv0i$1@dont-email.me . Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.22--5.57pm.Seattle.2023 Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.23--9.52am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 2 (127) OK; 7 Hours, Pan➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Nov 22 { 10:27am, 2023 }: 6 七鑷矺 Game 2. Game 2. 1. h4 I think _YOU_WILL_WIN_ this time ! Now I, a chess retard, can casually beat StockFish. Setting StockFish to its lowest settings didn't help; I still (quickly) lost. The solution was to set ChessX's "Move Interval" to 1 second & have it list the top 10 moves; StockFish plays the worst move; when not playing wild, I play the best move. To make it harder for me, I could simply list the top 5 moves. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.17--0.33am.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU uj94ue$31ed3$1@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.17--8.22pm.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU ujas89$3c9j1$3@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.18--1.20pm.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU ujlh5q$1dv0i$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.22--5.57pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 2 (127) OK; 7 Hours, Pan➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Nov 22 { 10:27am, 2023 }: 6 七鑷矺 There are but a few, finite, ways to succeed. You (ScottGNU) replied ( to me ): > > All that testing, tens of thousands of volunteer PCs ( plenty of carbon > > emissions ), makes it so that there's nothing left to analyze when > > playtime arrives. > > In that case, I'd better concede the game to your computer... Right, thanks for the game. The ECO is finite and, while there are trillions of ways to fail, there are but a few, finite, ways to succeed. ■ Crump hh4qlihktus5bk1l48f842g5ufdujtcvh3@4ax.com DAVID_KEETING│Squiggles@ass_worm MPG.3fc6c0658733299698c8dd@usnews.blocknews.net zZombie(%) iK-cnSpEA8x3vcD4nZ2dnZfqnPGdnZ2d@giganews.com Crump c39qli5b26gug3270frn09ne7qvd9e0isj@4ax.com JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.22--5.44am.Seattle.2023 Crump rf2slidkmu14lg4oj4nvvf2kapgjg2mle4@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.22--6.15am.Seattle.2023 Alt.Support.Depression.Flame, Alt.Checkmate, Alt.Usenet.Kooks, Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy, Alt.Slack +-, 5.4 Minutes, F_Agent, Easynews.COM, Nov 22 { 6:03am, 2023 }:55^(-5) 七鑶豋 In Gaza, "sexual deviants" ( like Crump ) are tortured to death. You (Crump) replied ( to me ): > > In Gaza, "sexual deviants" ( like Crump ) are tortured to death. > > Little wonder then, that he supports them, nurtures them, so much. > > how would I get there ? Join the Israeli army ( as a volunteer ), surrender to the first transsexual you see; don't forget to tell them how badly you need their "girl dick". -- " Just don't do it. " -- Jews/Zelenskyy. ■ . TIidnTNRoNhSl8D4nZ2dnZfqnPidnZ2d@supernews.com Borked =3D?U=3D?UTF-8?Q?T?=3DF-8?Q?=3DF0=3D9F=3D8C=3DBA?=3DWC8dvdperc7DmY1@ Crump hh4qlihktus5bk1l48f842g5ufdujtcvh3@4ax.com DAVID_KEETING│Squiggles@ass_worm MPG.3fc6c0658733299698c8dd@usnews.blocknews.net zZombie(%) iK-cnSpEA8x3vcD4nZ2dnZfqnPGdnZ2d@giganews.com Crump c39qli5b26gug3270frn09ne7qvd9e0isj@4ax.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.22--5.44am.Seattle.2023 Alt.Support.Depression.Flame, Alt.Checkmate, Alt.Usenet.Kooks, Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy, Alt.Slack ╱ 5 (920) OK; 15.8 Hours, F_Agent, HighWinds➤Easynews.COM, Nov 21 { 1:45pm, 2023 }: 7^(-5) 七鑳鳣 In Gaza, "sexual deviants" ( like Crump ) are tortured to death. In Gaza, "sexual deviants" ( like Crump ) are tortured to death. Little wonder then, that he supports them, nurtures them, so much. -- " Just don't do it. " -- Jews/Zelenskyy. ■ candycanearter07│no@thanks_net ujd3e5$3mbdm$8@dont-email.me rBowman krv97vFkkq0U2@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.19--5.47pm.Seattle.2023 AndyMatt NfN6N.70331$Ee89.31760@fx17.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.20--6.09pm.Seattle.2023 AndyMatt 6027N.124750$wvv7.111673@fx14.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.21--5.22am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy +-, 7.1 Minutes, Betterbird, Blocknews.NET, Nov 21 { 5:11am, 2023 }:29^(-5) 七鑲皁 The Apple Store reminds me of a fenced in preschool, full of crying babies. You (AndyMatt) replied ( to me ): > > > > The Apple Store reminds me of a fenced in preschool, full of crying babies. > > > > > > You don't even use it. > > > > I downloaded/use an "unauthorized" app for the Amazon Fire tablet > > that lets me mount/use an NTFS formatted USB-C stick. > > What are you even talking about? Don't worry your pretty little head about it. ■ AndyMatt YyI6N.37088$Ee89.11807@fx17.iad rBowman ks1p4kF8sorU3@mid.individual.net Crump hkcnlit352apggmmtumpe42sa3lepvrh6c@4ax.com rBowman ks2i62Fe9moU3@mid.individual.net Crump cn5oli1h6isisjdqmlei0qvt6j2a9bmd4p@4ax.com zZombie(%) AfCdnSPf1Pvwh8H4nZ2dnZfqnPqdnZ2d@giganews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.20--6.57pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (696) OK; 4.1 Minutes, Gecko➤Jan_2010➤WinX, Giganews.COM, Nov 20 { 6:48pm, 2023 }:12^(-7) 七鑰衬 Windows updates. zZombie(%) wrote: > windows 10 just sent me a bunch of updates Tell it to pound sand. ■ Stéphane_CARPENTIER│sc@fiat-linux_fr 6557eb98$0$2981$426a74cc@news.free.fr DFS JeS5N.31998$cAm7.1552@fx18.iad AndyMatt YM26N.18779$gg_1.13838@fx09.iad Stéphane_CARPENTIER│sc@fiat-linux_fr 655928a6$0$7758$426a74cc@news.free.fr DFS 2Go6N.67172$AqO5.18159@fx11.iad ScottGNU ujghaf$eduk$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.20--6.22pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (123) OK; 4.7 Hours, Pan➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Nov 20 { 0:58pm, 2023 }:55 七鑯袏 DFS literally thinks Wine is stolen Winblows source code You (ScottGNU) replied ( to DFS ): > > Stallman farmed out his theft to like-minded software thugs. > > Can't take you seriously when you spin-out like this. DFS, if it were illegal to take photos of people, and I took your photo, did I "steal" you or "illegally copy" you ? IBM wrote the original BIOS. Who owns the copyright to your _COPY_ of it ? ■ RonB slrnulgjq2.3muk.ronb02NOSPAM@3020m.hitronhub.home rBowman krsr5gF2ri1U4@mid.individual.net candycanearter07│no@thanks_net ujd3e5$3mbdm$8@dont-email.me rBowman krv97vFkkq0U2@mid.individual.net JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.19--5.47pm.Seattle.2023 AndyMatt NfN6N.70331$Ee89.31760@fx17.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.20--6.09pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 5 (678) OK; 7.6 Hours, Betterbird, HighWinds➤Blocknews.NET, Nov 20 { 10:07am, 2023 }:40^(-5) 七鑯恬 The Apple Store reminds me of a fenced in preschool, full of crying babies. You (AndyMatt) replied ( to me ): > > The Apple Store reminds me of a fenced in preschool, full of crying babies. > > You don't even use it. I downloaded/use an "unauthorized" app for the Amazon fire tablet that lets me mount/use an NTFS formatted USB-C stick. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.17--0.33am.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU uj94ue$31ed3$1@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.17--8.22pm.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU ujas89$3c9j1$3@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.18--1.20pm.Seattle.2023 candycanearter07│no@thanks_net ujc4mj$3mbdn$4@dont-email.me . Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.18--9.25pm.Seattle.2023 Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.20--0.34am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 5 (111) OK; 16.8 Minutes, Betterbird, Eternal-September.ORG, Nov 18 { 8:58pm, 2023 }:59^(-6) 七鑨鐓 The game of chess has been solved. The game of chess has been solved ( using volunteer PCs ) because all games begin the same & there are _FEW_ ways to win. ■ AndyMatt B_Q5N.46605$AqO5.23586@fx11.iad rBowman krqsajFjanaU8@mid.individual.net RonB slrnulgjq2.3muk.ronb02NOSPAM@3020m.hitronhub.home rBowman krsr5gF2ri1U4@mid.individual.net candycanearter07│no@thanks_net ujd3e5$3mbdm$8@dont-email.me rBowman krv97vFkkq0U2@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.19--5.47pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 3 (366) OK; 4.2 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Nov 19 { 0:24pm, 2023 }:31 七鑫盿 The Apple Store reminds me of a fenced in preschool, full of crying babies. The Apple Store reminds me of a fenced in preschool, full of crying babies. ■ AndyMatt 6ye5N.56188$svP4.7406@fx12.iad rBowman krnsqoFt3h2U3@mid.individual.net AndyMatt vlJ5N.58933$svP4.45618@fx12.iad rBowman krpv8bFee5gU1@mid.individual.net candycanearter07│no@thanks_net ujd3ht$3mbdm$9@dont-email.me rBowman krv90fFkkq0U1@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.19--5.41pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 4 (366) OK; 4.3 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Nov 19 { 0:20pm, 2023 }:31 七鑫瘏 CaseSensitive Searches. rBowman: > VS allows you to create bookmarks and go to the previous or next bookmark > but afaik you can't name a mookmark and go to it directly. I have a selection of CaseSensitive searches ( can be RegEx too ) that lets me jump all over the place, over and over again. I type what I'm looking for ( anywhere in the source code ), then search for it, then undo what I typed. Turbo pascal (1983) & QuickC (1987) were nice code editors. Before then, I used Vax, Terak and Lilith (Modula 2) editors. I used the "j" (1983) code editor extensively but I can't Google it, it might have been from WordPerfect. Now I use Visual Studio 2019 with macros & extensions: "Jeff-Relf.Me/Macros.HTM". ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.17--0.33am.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU uj94ue$31ed3$1@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.17--8.22pm.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU ujas89$3c9j1$3@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.18--1.20pm.Seattle.2023 candycanearter07│no@thanks_net ujc4mj$3mbdn$4@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.18--9.25pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 5 (111) OK; 16.8 Minutes, Betterbird, Eternal-September.ORG, Nov 18 { 8:58pm, 2023 }:59^(-6) 七鑨鐓 Chess has too many "unknown unknowns". You (arter) replied ( to me ): > > All that testing, tens of thousands of volunteer PCs > > ( plenty of carbon emissions ), makes it so that > > there's nothing left to analyze when playtime arrives. > > Right, isn't chess a statistically solvable game? You just find games > with the same board position, then see what moves the winning ones did. While you're _MOSTLY_ correct, chess has too many "unknown unknowns". ■ Crump g5filihkrps9cjfjv7echnj1p0d2hf8o8t@4ax.com DFS rUc6N.33691$Ee89.29548@fx17.iad Crump gcnilid72fm7eji16nulaokr3n9obj1ere@4ax.com DFS 7Be6N.61489$svP4.22060@fx12.iad ScottGNU ujbud1$3gs1r$2@dont-email.me zZombie(%) W8KcnSy33_SWFMT4nZ2dnZfqnPudnZ2d@giganews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.18--8.40pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (720) OK; 22.6 Minutes, Gecko➤Jan_2010➤WinX, Giganews.COM, Nov 18 { 8:03pm, 2023 }:22^(-7) 七鑨蜊 " Just don't do it. " -- Jews/Zelenskyy. You (zZombie(%)) replied ( to ScottGNU ): > > One can change WINEPREFIX to point to another installation of WINE. > > but why would you Why wouldn't you ? -- " Just don't do it. " -- Jews/Zelenskyy. ■ GNU_You 1798b2de4fe01704$20254$1858234$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com Borax_Man│rotflol2@hotmail_com 20231118225627.7de9a737@hotmail.com Stéphane_CARPENTIER│sc@fiat-linux_fr 655921da$0$19667$426a74cc@news.free.fr Borax_Man│rotflol2@hotmail_com 20231119094412.2d7b3dfe@hotmail.com DFS DMc6N.33690$Ee89.15418@fx17.iad ScottGNU ujbmvr$3gs1r$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.18--6.05pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 1 (123) OK; 53.6 Minutes, Pan➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Nov 18 { 5:04pm, 2023 }:59 七鑨崻 It's done online. I've signed PDF documents before, Jeff-Relf.Me/2019.ABA.Agreement.PDF it's done online. ■ ScottGNU uj7000$2lo74$1@dont-email.me ScottGNU uj70dn$2lo74$2@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.17--0.33am.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU uj94ue$31ed3$1@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.17--8.22pm.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU ujas89$3c9j1$3@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.18--1.20pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 4 (122) OK; 3.1 Hours, Pan➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Nov 18 { 9:28am, 2023 }:41 七鑦陉 Scott vs Relf 1. d4 d5 2. Nc3 c5 3. e3 Nf6 4. Bb5+ Bd7 5. Qe2 Nc6 6. Nf3 e6 7. O-O a6 8. Bd3 c4 9. Ng5 h6 10. Nxf7 cxd3 11. Qxd3 Kxf7 r q b r 8 p b k p 7 p n p n p 6 p 5 P 4 N Q P 3 P P P P P P 2 R B R K 1 a b c d e f g h StockFish acts like it's "been there and done that" ( because it has ); it takes less than a second to reveal the best move . . . so why heat up the room ?! 17 additional minutes of analysis won't change its answer. > Though _LLMs_ can't play chess, there is apparently > a way to use neural nets to train chess computers ? Interesting. Yes, it's the _Only_ way that StockFish knows to score something. 2013, a then 33 year old Gary Linscott, in Seattle, now the Principal Software Engineer at Amazon's Zoox ( self driving vehicles ) devised StockFish's system for deciding whether a change to the neural network would be beneficial or not. All that testing, tens of thousands of volunteer PCs ( plenty of carbon emissions ), makes it so that there's nothing left to analyze when playtime arrives. ■ ScottGNU uj4auk$24a2r$5@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.16--0.06am.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU uj7000$2lo74$1@dont-email.me ScottGNU uj70dn$2lo74$2@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.17--0.33am.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU uj94ue$31ed3$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.17--8.22pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (121) OK; 43.7 Minutes, Pan➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Nov 17 { 5:44pm, 2023 }:46 七鑤崎 Scott vs Relf 1. d4 d5 2. Nc3 c5 3. e3 Nf6 4. Bb5+ Bd7 5. Qe2 Nc6 6. Nf3 e6 7. O-O a6 8. Bd3 c4 9. Ng5 h6 10. Nxf7 cxd3 r q k b r 8 p b N p 7 p n p n p 6 p 5 P 4 N p P 3 P P P Q P P P 2 R B R K 1 a b c d e f g h ScottGNU: > If you've cranked it up to 45 minutes of pondering, then > there's no way I can beat it. But if it's only 2.5 minutes... > Who knows? I let it run for 17 minutes this time, out of curiosity. Soon, you'll have traded your knight & bishop for my c4 pawn. StockFish 16 would use 1024 cores & 33 TeraBytes of RAM, if it could; it's neural network ( by Hisayori Noda ) is trained on ordinary, volunteer PCs ( 10s of thousands of CPU cores ). It's ( 40 MB ) executable contains Leela Chess Zero’s data, providing more weights, higher accuracy & a smaller size. I'm surprised it doesn't have an option to use GPU cores. 2023 was the year of the neural network, apparently. ■ GNU_You 1798830c9a8dec6f$39926$2554868$802601b3@news.usenetexpress.com DFS hBR5N.93942$wvv7.43805@fx14.iad Tyrone│none@none_none bfmcnYqPScvTcsr4nZ2dnZfqn_cAAAAA@supernews.com DFS wsT5N.93947$wvv7.1311@fx14.iad Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.17--8.17pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (361) OK; 2.1 Hours, Betterbird, HighWinds➤Blocknews.NET, Nov 17 { 4:21pm, 2023 }:51^(-5) 七鑣鮟 DFS feeds Feeb like a loving mother feeds her only child. DFS: > I can't stand that lying, bragging jerkwad. You feed Feeb like a loving mother feeds her only child. ■ ScottGNU uj45rv$24a2r$3@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.15--9.20pm.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU uj4auk$24a2r$5@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.16--0.06am.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU uj7000$2lo74$1@dont-email.me ScottGNU uj70dn$2lo74$2@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.17--0.33am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (122) OK; 1.6 Hours, Pan➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Nov 16 { 10:15pm, 2023 }:19 七鑠鋷 Scott vs Relf You (ScottGNU) replied ( to me ): > > Bd3 is a bad move, you can take back as many moves as you want; > > Nothing is ever set in stone here. > > Nah, I'll play it through, even though > I'm almost certainly going to lose against a computer. > > Ng5 "almost certainly" ?! The only thing that can beat StockFish 16 is: more hardware; & that _Rarely_ happens because $ $ $. 1. d4 d5 2. Nc3 c5 3. e3 Nf6 4. Bb5+ Bd7 5. Qe2 Nc6 6. Nf3 e6 7. O-O a6 8. Bd3 c4 9. Ng5 h6 r q k b r 8 p b p p 7 p n p n p 6 p N 5 p P 4 N B P 3 P P P Q P P P 2 R B R K 1 a b c d e f g h ■ candycanearter07│no@thanks_net uj2oss$1pt93$1@dont-email.me ScottGNU uj45c4$24a2r$2@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.15--8.36pm.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU uj4985$24a2r$4@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.15--9.37pm.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU uj4c6t$24a2r$6@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.16--0.07am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (120) OK; 1.2 Hours, Pan➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Nov 15 { 10:18pm, 2023 }: 5 七鑜訝 How many CPUs and/or threads could you muster into a chess engine ? You (ScottGNU) replied ( to me ): > > How many CPUs and/or threads could you muster into a chess engine ? > > Beats me. I looked at the info file for gnuchess, > it doesn't look like it uses more than one core. > > I'm sure the big iron chess computers use multiple threads > to investigate possible future moves. I'm using StockFish 16 on my little Win10 PC, ChessX GUI/DataBase of (online)games. ChessProgramming.ORG/ChessX I assign StockFish 6 gigs of RAM ( for the hash tables ), plus 4 threads. I've been doing 2.5 minutes/move but I could spend up to 45 minutes/move if I wanted to. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.15--1.50pm.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU uj4459$24a2r$1@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.15--8.23pm.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU uj45rv$24a2r$3@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.15--9.20pm.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU uj4auk$24a2r$5@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.16--0.06am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 3 (120) OK; 1.6 Hours, Pan➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Nov 15 { 9:56pm, 2023 }:36 七鑜蔔 Scott vs Relf Bd3 is a bad move, you can take back as many moves as you want; Nothing is ever set in stone here. 1. d4 d5 2. Nc3 c5 3. e3 Nf6 4. Bb5+ Bd7 5. Qe2 Nc6 6. Nf3 e6 7. O-O a6 8. Bd3 c4 r q k b r 8 p b p p p 7 p n p n 6 p 5 p P 4 N B P N 3 P P P Q P P P 2 R B R K 1 a b c d e f g h ■ ScottGNU uj1pst$1fbcs$4@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.14--11.36pm.Seattle.2023 candycanearter07│no@thanks_net uj2oss$1pt93$1@dont-email.me ScottGNU uj45c4$24a2r$2@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.15--8.36pm.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU uj4985$24a2r$4@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.15--9.37pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (117) OK; 2.8 Minutes, Pan➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Nov 15 { 9:27pm, 2023 }:33 七鑜繅 How many CPUs and/or threads could you muster into a chess engine, I wonder. You (ScottGNU) replied ( to me ): > > I wondered how soon before your _vastly_ superior hardware > > would defeat my "Walmart" PC. > > You must've memorized the ECO, there is no other explanation. > > I refuse to memorize chess games; I truly suck. > > I had to look up what ECO means. Most of what I know about > chess, I learned in the 80's. My 6th-grade math teacher (70's) would > play the game starting with moving the queen's pawn out two spaces. > > I think I got lucky when I put you in check, which > can discombobulate offensive strategies. Other than that, > it's all been establishing board position and playing a fairly > defensive game. Are we not having fun? I've been having a lot of fun, learning a lot. How many CPUs and/or threads could you muster into a chess engine, I wonder. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.14--11.36pm.Seattle.2023 candycanearter07│no@thanks_net uj2oss$1pt93$1@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.15--1.50pm.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU uj4459$24a2r$1@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.15--8.23pm.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU uj45rv$24a2r$3@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.15--9.20pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (116) OK; 10.6 Minutes, Pan➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Nov 15 { 8:29pm, 2023 }:51 七鑜炿 Scott vs Relf You (ScottGNU) replied ( to me ): > > How could you be so flawless ? have you memorized the ECO ? > > No. I just have strategies I learned from my 6th-grade math teacher, > chess club, etc. You had good parents, apparently. How many brothers &| sisters do you have ? From Google: Sep 1st, 1972, 29-year-old Bobby Fischer (NYC) won the international chess crown in Reykjavik, Iceland, when Boris Spassky (USSR) resigned before the resumption of Game 21. I never understood Fischer's hatred of Jews ( including his Jewish mom ). > > 10-year-old girls beat me. > > I'm guessing they'd beat me too, lol. It's very humiliating; plus I have to tip them ( the grocery store fundraiser ). > I don't know the notation for it, but castle on the king's side. 1. d4 d5 2. Nc3 c5 3. e3 Nf6 4. Bb5+ Bd7 5. Qe2 Nc6 6. Nf3 e6 7. O-O a6 r q k b r 8 p b p p p 7 p n p n 6 B p p 5 P 4 N P N 3 P P P Q P P P 2 R B R K 1 a b c d e f g h ■ ScottGNU uj1h54$1fbcs$3@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.14--9.01pm.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU uj1pst$1fbcs$4@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.14--11.36pm.Seattle.2023 candycanearter07│no@thanks_net uj2oss$1pt93$1@dont-email.me ScottGNU uj45c4$24a2r$2@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.15--8.36pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (115) OK; 2.3 Minutes, Pan➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Nov 15 { 8:21pm, 2023 }:24 七鑜滄 I refuse to memorize chess games; I truly suck. Scott: > once [ StockFish, given 6 gigs of RAM, 4 threads, 2.5 minutes/move ] > starts taking pieces, I won't last long. > > I had thought about using the computer to come up with > moves, but this is more fun. I'm curious to see how > badly I lose. ;) I wondered how soon before your _vastly_ superior hardware would defeat my "Walmart" PC. You must've memorized the ECO, there is no other explanation. I refuse to memorize chess games; I truly suck. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.14--9.01pm.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU uj1pst$1fbcs$4@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.14--11.36pm.Seattle.2023 candycanearter07│no@thanks_net uj2oss$1pt93$1@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.15--1.50pm.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU uj4459$24a2r$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.15--8.23pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (114) OK; 5.3 Minutes, Pan➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Nov 15 { 8:00pm, 2023 }:41 七鑜槩 Have you memorized the ECO ? You (ScottGNU) replied ( to me ): > > It's dead even, both sides have been flawless. > > Scott has more "compute"; 250 gigabytes on his desktop, > > & he has countless threads/CPUs ( I assume ). > > I'm not using compute on the game -- that's meatware. How could you be so flawless ? have you memorized the ECO ? 10-year-old girls beat me. > > Scott forgets if it's his turn or not. > > Patience, please -- between sleep, projects, > and power failures, I can get delayed. Ouch ! take care. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.14--8.15pm.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU uj1h54$1fbcs$3@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.14--9.01pm.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU uj1pst$1fbcs$4@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.14--11.36pm.Seattle.2023 candycanearter07│no@thanks_net uj2oss$1pt93$1@dont-email.me . Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.15--1.50pm.Seattle.2023 Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.15--2.11pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 11 (100) OK; 5.5 Hours, Betterbird, Eternal-September.ORG, Nov 15 { 7:42am, 2023 }:20^(-6) 七鑚惜 Scott forgets if it's his turn or not. Scott forgets if it's his turn or not. Not: > he forgets if this is [sic] turn or not. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.14--8.15pm.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU uj1h54$1fbcs$3@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.14--9.01pm.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU uj1pst$1fbcs$4@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.14--11.36pm.Seattle.2023 candycanearter07│no@thanks_net uj2oss$1pt93$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.15--1.50pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 11 (100) OK; 5.5 Hours, Betterbird, Eternal-September.ORG, Nov 15 { 7:42am, 2023 }:20^(-6) 七鑚惜 Scott has more "compute". You (arter) replied ( to me ): > > 1. d4 d5 2. Nc3 c5 3. e3 Nf6 4. Bb5+ Bd7 5. Qe2 Nc6 6. Nf3 e6 > > Who's winning? It's dead even, both sides have been flawless. Scott has more "compute"; 250 gigabytes on his desktop, & he has countless threads/CPUs ( I assume ); so it's his game to lose. Also, I spend very little time analyzing a move. Also, he forgets if it's his turn or not. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.13--10.09pm.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU uj1e31$1fbcs$1@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.14--8.15pm.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU uj1h54$1fbcs$3@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.14--9.01pm.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU uj1pst$1fbcs$4@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.14--11.36pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (113) OK; 29.6 Minutes, Pan➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Nov 14 { 10:53pm, 2023 }:17 七鑘裝 Scott vs Relf 1. d4 d5 2. Nc3 c5 3. e3 Nf6 4. Bb5+ Bd7 5. Qe2 Nc6 6. Nf3 e6 r q k b r 8 p p b p p p 7 n p n 6 B p p 5 P 4 N P N 3 P P P Q P P P 2 R B K R 1 a b c d e f g h ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.13--7.43pm.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU uiuu82$tov1$5@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.13--10.09pm.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU uj1e31$1fbcs$1@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.14--8.15pm.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU uj1h54$1fbcs$3@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.14--9.01pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (112) OK; 24.8 Minutes, Pan➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Nov 14 { 8:24pm, 2023 }: 4 七鑘旤 Scott vs Relf 1. d4 d5 2. Nc3 c5 3. e3 Nf6 4. Bb5+ Bd7 5. Qe2 Nc6 r q k b r 8 p p b p p p p 7 n n 6 B p p 5 P 4 N P 3 P P P Q P P P 2 R B K N R 1 a b c d e f g h ■ RonB slrnul5brh.fiu3.ronb02NOSPAM@3020m.hitronhub.home AndyMatt Nzy4N.5841$gg_1.5577@fx09.iad RonB slrnul5t77.fu50.ronb02NOSPAM@3020m.hitronhub.home AndyMatt 8bK4N.10228$rx%7.9938@fx47.iad RonB slrnul80ur.h583.ronb02NOSPAM@3020m.hitronhub.home rBowman krire0Fn2tmU5@mid.individual.net Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.14--8.42pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 6 (334) OK; 1 Hours, Pan, Individual.NET, Nov 14 { 7:15pm, 2023 }:12 七鑘嗀 "VoIP.MS" ( Montréal Canada ). Strolling down memory Lane, rBowman mentioned: > US West to Quest to CenturyLink. The AT&T long distance provider > that I haven't used since we shot the last tyrannosaurus. "VoIP.MS" ( Montréal Canada ) handles all my telephony needs. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.13--5.07pm.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU uiuk6e$tov1$4@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.13--7.43pm.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU uiuu82$tov1$5@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.13--10.09pm.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU uj1e31$1fbcs$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.14--8.15pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (110) OK; 12.6 Minutes, Pan➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Nov 14 { 7:31pm, 2023 }:45 七鑘妡 Scott vs Relf 1. d4 d5 2. Nc3 c5 3. e3 Nf6 4. Bb5+ Bd7 r n q k b r 8 p p b p p p p 7 n 6 B p p 5 P 4 N P 3 P P P P P P 2 R B Q K N R 1 a b c d e f g h ■ Crump 7t08lihoa1t32hdqjoq9et0d5elvmimdaq@4ax.com David_LaRue│huey_dll@tampabay_rr_com XnsB0BCE84A1814Ehueydlltampabayrrcom@ Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.14--8.11pm.Seattle.2023 Alt.Comp.OS.Windows-11, Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╳ 1 (1) ify; 13.7 Minutes, Xnews, Eternal-September.ORG, Nov 14 { 7:50pm, 2023 }:15 七鑘巷 What are you doing that requires 64 GB of RAM ? David_LaRue: > Addng RAM will help any platform. > My 64GB for Win 7 Pro does all I need and its over 10 years old. > I'm not a gamer though. What are you doing that requires 64 GB of RAM ? ■ zZombie(%) BladneL1PpeWec74nZ2dnZfqn_udnZ2d@giganews.com Crump frp7lit5ihhga35amqkr2sghqpap6f3dg9@4ax.com zZombie(%) lEOdnevrU4eJdc74nZ2dnZfqn_qdnZ2d@giganews.com IransFinest uj116m$1h1rf$1@solani.org Crump om28li9pdibr0roki0r6cqcp636ke4rr0e@4ax.com zZombie(%) fiCdnSrfK4L-kMn4nZ2dnZfqnPSdnZ2d@giganews.com Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.14--4.30pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (740) OK; 5.3 Minutes, Gecko➤Jan_2010➤WinX, Giganews.COM, Nov 14 { 4:14pm, 2023 }:27^(-7) 七鑗絣 Better to say nothing and be thought a fool . . . IransFinest, Crump & zZombie(%): > > > I've been on Usenet since 95 because it's censor free. > > > > Here, I can say whatever I want. > > i say whatever i want to the bus driver. Better to say nothing and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. ■ RonB slrnul3erf.edav.ronb02NOSPAM@3020m.hitronhub.home AndyMatt Pep4N.55788$wvv7.17086@fx14.iad DFS Lds4N.9874$Wzw6.4188@fx13.iad IransFinest uitsik$1fiis$3@solani.org DFS 9tw4N.20234$cAm7.862@fx18.iad IransFinest uiupqf$1fuqj$3@solani.org Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.14--0.45am.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 4 (193) OK; 4.2 Hours, Gecko➤Thunder, Solani.ORG, Nov 13 { 7:33pm, 2023 }:36^(-6) 七鑔傐 The only thing uglier than politics is politicians. The only thing uglier than politics is politicians. ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.13--0.38am.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU uiuehg$tov1$1@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.13--5.07pm.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU uiuk6e$tov1$4@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.13--7.43pm.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU uiuu82$tov1$5@dont-email.me Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 1 (110) OK; 19.3 Minutes, Pan➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Nov 13 { 8:49pm, 2023 }: 7 七鑔扃 Scott vs Relf 1. d4 d5 2. Nc3 c5 3. e3 Nf6 r n b q k b r 8 p p p p p p 7 n 6 p p 5 P 4 N P 3 P P P P P P 2 R B Q K B N R 1 a b c d e f g h ■ Tyrone│none@none_none Zvucnb6PpZ92Hsz4nZ2dnZfqnPGdnZ2d@supernews.com ScottGNU uis3j1$f5db$1@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.13--0.38am.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU uiuehg$tov1$1@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.13--5.07pm.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU uiuk6e$tov1$4@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.13--7.43pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (109) OK; 58.9 Minutes, Pan➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Nov 13 { 5:57pm, 2023 }:35 七鑓谏 Scott vs Relf You (ScottGNU) replied ( to me ): > > c5 > > Are you moving your pawn or your knight ? My pawn; my knight can't get there. 1. d4 d5 2. Nc3 c5 Jeff-Relf.Me/ScottVsRelf.PNG r n b q k b n r 8 p p p p p p 7 6 p p 5 P 4 N 3 P P P P P P P 2 R B Q K B N R 1 a b c d e f g h ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.12--4.42pm.Seattle.2023 Tyrone│none@none_none Zvucnb6PpZ92Hsz4nZ2dnZfqnPGdnZ2d@supernews.com ScottGNU uis3j1$f5db$1@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.13--0.38am.Seattle.2023 ScottGNU uiuehg$tov1$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.13--5.07pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 2 (108) OK; 26.7 Minutes, Pan➤Linux, Eternal-September.ORG, Nov 13 { 4:21pm, 2023 }: 4 七鑓異 Scott vs Relf ScottGNU: > QN b1-c3 c5 ■ JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.12--4.42pm.Seattle.2023 Tyrone│none@none_none Zvucnb6PpZ92Hsz4nZ2dnZfqnPGdnZ2d@supernews.com ScottGNU uis3j1$f5db$1@dont-email.me JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.13--0.38am.Seattle.2023 candycanearter07│no@thanks_net uitfo5$mu8b$1@dont-email.me Jeff-Relf.Me@Nov.13--4.24pm.Seattle.2023 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ╱ 5 (86) OK; 8.7 Hours, Betterbird, Eternal-September.ORG, Nov 13 { 7:35am, 2023 }:33^(-6) 七鑑鹅 d5 You (arter) replied ( to me ): > > d5 > > I'm not sure if that is proper chess notation. It is because no other piece that can go there. Scott should reply: c4 ■ DFS│nospam@dfs_com 8CIWK.54686$SMP5.5264@fx05.iad JeffRelf Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.21--7.55pm.Seattle.2022 DFS│nospam@dfs_com %tQWK.646064$BKL8.462891@fx15.iad . Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.21--8.37pm.Seattle.2022 Jeff-Relf.Me@Sep.22--8.01am.Seattle.2022 Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy, Sci.Physics ╱ 1 (246) Top; 2.2 Minutes, Gecko➤Jan_2010➤WinX, Blocknews.NET, Sep 21 { 8:18pm, 2022 }:19^(-4) 七趛篻 StockFish is perfect, no need to alter it. Re: StockFishChess.ORG It's perfect, no need to alter it. DOS> Stoc